Friday, August 23, 2013

UN experts expect to travel to Havana to clarify North Korean ship issue -

UN experts expect to travel to Havana to clarify North Korean ship issue

... who inspected the North Korean boat that was detained by Panamanian authorities for carrying undeclared Cuban weapons submitted a preliminary confidential report to the Security Council Friday and are awaiting an invitation from Cuba to visit the ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

Cholera Outbreak in Cuba Prompts U.S. Travel Warning - Hispanically Speaking News

Cholera Outbreak in Cuba Prompts U.S. Travel Warning

Hispanically Speaking News

The State Department through the U.S. Interest Section in Havana has issued a travel advisory warning of a cholera outbreak in Cuba. The travel alert urges U.S. citizens living in Cuba and visitors to avoid standing pools of water, untreated water ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

The Failed Grand Strategy in the Middle East - Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

The Failed Grand Strategy in the Middle East

Wall Street Journal

First, by aligning itself with these parties, the Obama administration would narrow the gap between the 'moderate middle' of the Muslim world and the U.S. Second, by showing Muslims that peaceful, moderate parties could achieve beneficial results, it ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Friday Talking Points -- The Dog That Didn't Bark, and Herding Stupid Insane Cats - Huffington Post

Friday Talking Points -- The Dog That Didn't Bark, and Herding Stupid Insane Cats

Huffington Post

Sorry for the extended intro, but it's all necessary to understand why the following quote is so important. Because, while Republicans now claim that this is some sort of sneaky Obama trick or something, Chuck Grassley himself (the guy who wrote the ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Editorial: Make good on promise to close Guant?namo prison - Newsday


Editorial: Make good on promise to close Guant?namo prison


23, 2013. President Barack Obama will try again to make good on a moldy promise to close the prison at Guantánamo Bay in Cuba as soon as he figures out what to do with the 46 detainees considered too dangerous to release, but impossible to put on trial.

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Cruz's Supporters Don't Question Eligibility - Texas Tribune

Cruz's Supporters Don't Question Eligibility

Texas Tribune

KINGWOOD, Texas — When Democrat Barack Obama was running for president in 2008, Republican voter Christina Katok of Walden said she believed he was ineligible for the job. She reasoned that he was born in Kenya and therefore wasn't a “natural ... in ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Mexico's consul general targets financial literacy, health care - Fresno Bee

Fresno Bee

Mexico's consul general targets financial literacy, health care

Fresno Bee

Meanwhile, tourism from the U.S. to Mexico also increased by 8% this month, and 17% of all America's international tourists go to Mexico, Sada said. At the Fresno consulate, Mexicans can obtain services such as health care and legal advice on ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Iran Sending Latin American Students to Indoctrination Camps as Part of ... - The Tower

The Tower

Iran Sending Latin American Students to Indoctrination Camps as Part of ...

The Tower

It has exploited Latin America's large Lebanese Shiite diaspora, using it as a cover to plant Hezbollah operatives across the region who among other things have become major players in the drug trade in the virtually lawless “Triple Frontier” area ...

via Latin america - Google News

Colombia's Santos calls negotiators home from peace talks in Cuba - Reuters


Colombia's Santos calls negotiators home from peace talks in Cuba


BOGOTA (Reuters) - Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos said on Friday he was calling home his team of negotiators from peace talks in Cuba with the Marxist FARC rebels, after the guerrilla group said earlier it was suspending its participation in ...

Colombia FARC rebels pause peace talks in Cuba; dispute over proposed ...

Colombia's FARC rebels halt peace talks in Cuba; dispute over proposed ...

via cuba - Google News

Cuban baseball player may have defected in Prince George -

Cuban baseball player may have defected in Prince George

Border officials and RCMP are searching for a Cuban baseball player who disappeared just before the final gold medal game at an international tournament in Prince George, B.C.. Officials fear the player may have defected, while the team was ...

via cuba - Google News

PhuketWATCH Visa Scam Arrest on Phuket; More Rohingya Flee; World Sport ... - Phuketwan

PhuketWATCH Visa Scam Arrest on Phuket; More Rohingya Flee; World Sport ...

Phuketwan The good news for medical and health tourists to Thailand is the establishment of an official medical mediator; but the bad news is that it looks increasingly likely that all tourists will have to have travel insurance. ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Brazil hires 4000 Cuban doctors to work in urban slums and rural areas; first ... - Minneapolis Star Tribune

Brazil hires 4000 Cuban doctors to work in urban slums and rural areas; first ...

Minneapolis Star Tribune

Some 30,000 Cuban health care professionals are believed to be in Venezuela alone, which provides the island with about 92,000 barrels of oil a day worth an estimated $3.2 billion a year. Analysts say the ... By contrast, tourism, the official No. 1 ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

A propósito de las olas y tsunamis de la emancipación en América Latina

En el momento de cumplirse 500 años del inicio de una aventura que dio como resultado la constitución del primer sistema-mundo de dimensión planetaria; a 500 años del inicio del mayor genocidio conocido en la historia de la humanidad, la calma provocada por el vaciamiento de sentidos que llegó con el neoliberalismo y el llamado fin de la historia empezó a verse perturbada por rebeliones pequeñitas, variadas, humildes y silenciosas pero imperturbables.

via Cubadebate

Latinoamericanos en Estados Unidos, una actualización (I)

Recientemente el Buró del Censo de Estados Unidos dio a conocer nuevos datos del último censo nacional, realizado en 2010, sobre la población latinoamericana y sus descendientes que viven en Estados Unidos. La encuesta del 2010 estima que viven 40 millones de inmigrantes en Estados Unidos y de éstos el 47% se consideran hispanos. De estos 40 millones, 11 millones son estimados ser indocumentados.

via Cubadebate

Premisas indispensables

Qué le pasa a nuestro deporte? ¿Estamos en un franco retroceso? ¿Por qué? ¿Es reversible? ¿Habrá caducado nuestro sistema de desarrollo en esta esfera social?. En síntesis las respuestas: Estamos por debajo de las expectativas que le hemos creado al pueblo; sí, hemos retrocedido; por alejarnos de los principios en los que sustentamos nuestro modelo de desarrollo deportivo; es reversible y no ha caducado el modelo, solo se trata de recuperarlo, adecuándolo a las nuevas exigencias.

via Cubadebate

Noticias móviles en Cuba

La presentación por parte del equipo editorial Cubadebate, la empresa Desoft y los Servicios Móviles de ETECSA, del nuevo servicio de titulares de uno de los sitios más visitados en nuestro país, muestra el empeño de estas instituciones por ampliar la oferta a los casi 2 millones de líneas celulares que hoy existen en Cuba. La noticia de Cubadebate ganó adeptos y detractores, pues mientras varios internautas elogiaron el servicio, para otros el precio resulta excesivo.

via Cubadebate

Colombia's Santos calls negotiators home from peace talks in Cuba - Reuters UK


Colombia's Santos calls negotiators home from peace talks in Cuba

Reuters UK

BOGOTA (Reuters) - Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos said on Friday he was calling home his team of negotiators from peace talks in Cuba with the Marxist FARC rebels, after the guerrilla group said earlier it was suspending its participation in ...

Colombia FARC rebels pause peace talks in Cuba; dispute over proposed ...

Colombia's FARC rebels halt peace talks in Cuba; dispute over proposed ...

via cuba - Google News

Pentagon tech troubles could stall 9/11 hearings -

Pentagon tech troubles could stall 9/11 hearings

GUANTANAMO BAY NAVY BASE, Cuba -- The judge in the Sept. 11 case on Friday wound up a week of pretrial arguments on overarching legal challenges to the war court with a warning to ... During this phase, the two sides are tackling overarching issues of ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Missing Mexico youths identified

Mexican officials say they have identified five of 13 bodies found on Thursday as those of youths abducted after visiting a bar in May.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

UN climate change body partners with Latin American bank to boost clean ... - UN News Centre

UN News Centre

UN climate change body partners with Latin American bank to boost clean ...

UN News Centre

“The RCC in Bogotá will help tap the potential for CDM projects in Latin America and serve as a working example of the kind of inter-agency cooperation necessary to tackle climate change,” she added. The CDM RCCs are part of an effort to bring the ...

via Latin america - Google News

Egypt's Foreign Relations On Tightrope -

Egypt's Foreign Relations On Tightrope

An indicator is the warnings against travel to Egypt from east and west, which are exacerbating the rapidly shrinking tourism industry. Stopping production in Egypt by industrial giants like General Motors, Toyota Motor .... While Syria is feeling ...

Egypt's Foreign Relations On Tightrope - OpEd

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Rinden homenaje a Emilio Roig de Leuchsenring.

Esta tarde, en el patio del Palacio de los Capitanes Generales, el Dr. Eusebio Leal rindió un homenaje solemne al Dr. Emilio Roig de Leuchsenring, en su natalicio 124. Roig de Leuchsenring fue un revolucionario que no militó en partido alguno, pero se mantuvo a la vanguardia de la sociedad que le toco vivir. Se identificó con Carlos Baliño y estrechó relaciones con Rubén Martínez Villenas y Juan Marínelo junto a Alejo Carpentier. El historiador reconoció en Roig a un adelantado de su época y evocó sus momentos junto al maestro durante su juventud.

via Cubadebate

En Cuba Tamara Rojo, joya mundial de la danza

La afamada Tamara Rojo baila hoy en Cuba y muchos amantes locales del ballet pensarán: ojalá sea en los teatros. Esta gloria española ensaya por estos días en la sede del Ballet Nacional de Cuba algunos fragmentos de su próximo estreno, El Corsario, en versión de la coreógrafa estadounidense Anne-Marie Holmes. Hace apenas un año y en la plenitud artística, Rojo aceptó el reto de dirigir la segunda compañía de mayor relevancia en Gran Bretaña, el English National Ballet (ENB) y a los múltiples roles de su repertorio incorporó el de directora.

via Cubadebate

Veteranos de Industriales juegan hoy su primer partido en La Florida

El equipo capitalino de Industriales jugará este viernes a las 7:00 pm su primer partido en la Florida, mientras, el segundo se realizará el sábado a las 4:00 pm en el terreno del Alonso High School, en Tampa. Otro encuentro entre los industrialistas residentes en la Isla y Estados Unidos se celebrará el 31 de agosto en el estadio de Fort Lauderdale. Los organizadores del encuentro pasaron la semana pasada en conversaciones con la ciudad de Homestead para utilizar el complejo deportivo de esa zona, pero un litigio con sus actuales arrendatarios impidió el desarrollo del evento.

via Cubadebate

Controlan derrame de crudo en refinería cubana

El derrame de 15 mil litros de petróleo ocurrido la pasada semana, en la Refinería Sergio Soto, debido a una negligencia laboral, está controlado aseguraron hoy directivos de esta entidad. Léster Alemán, director general de la planta, ubicada en el municipio de Cabaiguan, dijo al periódico provincial Escambray que de ese volumen se recuperaron 14 mil litros, los restantes los arrastró la crecida de un desagüe de albañales producto de una fuerte lluvia. Puntualizó Alemán que el derrame fue producto de una negligencia del operador de turno.

via Cubadebate

Get Rid of the Third Parties in Health Care, and I Guarantee You It'll Be ... - (subscription)

Get Rid of the Third Parties in Health Care, and I Guarantee You It'll Be ... (subscription)

Obama went out there all of those times literally lying to you and me about if you like your doctor, you get to keep it, if you like your plan, you get to keep it. You aren't going to be able to .... Best health care system in the world, Cuba? They all ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Pearls of Wisdom - (subscription)

Pearls of Wisdom (subscription)

There is a petition presented to the White House by the American people demanding that Obama denounce the selection of Ben Affleck." "I want Obama to have to weigh in on ... Best health care system in the world, Cuba? They all do it." "I think it is ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News

AFPTV-Advisory 2100GMT - GlobalPost

AFPTV-Advisory 2100GMT


BINGHAMTON, NEW YORK: President Obama continues his two-day bus tour in northeastern Pennsylvania discussing college education. Monitoring. RAW. TBA. Filed over past 12 hours: FORT IRWIN: A US army sergeant who ... HAVANA: Colombia's FARC guerrilla ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Cholera Outbreak in Cuba Prompts U.S. Travel Warning - Hispanically Speaking News

Cholera Outbreak in Cuba Prompts U.S. Travel Warning

Hispanically Speaking News

The State Department through the U.S. Interest Section in Havana has issued a travel advisory warning of a cholera outbreak in Cuba. The travel alert urges U.S. citizens living in Cuba and visitors to avoid standing pools of water, untreated water ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

US issues 'security message' for travellers to Cuba after 5 foreigners ... - The Province

The Province

US issues 'security message' for travellers to Cuba after 5 foreigners ...

The Province

According to the Pan American Health Organization there have been five confirmed cholera cases "associated with a history of travel to Cuba" in July and August: an Italian, two Venezuelans and two Chileans. At least three of them visited Havana ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

US issues 'security message' for travellers to Cuba after 5 foreigners ... - The Province

The Province

US issues 'security message' for travellers to Cuba after 5 foreigners ...

The Province

The 51-year-old embargo against Cuba bars most American tourism to the island, but hundreds of thousands of Cuban-Americans make legal family visits each year and increasing numbers of U.S. citizens are visiting through licensed cultural exchanges.

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Police: At least 15 die in Bolivia prison melee -

Police: At least 15 die in Bolivia prison melee

LA PAZ, Bolivia (AP) — At least 15 people were killed, many burned to death, in a battle among inmates for control of part of an overcrowded maximum-security prison in Bolivia's eastern lowlands on Friday, the national police chief said. Chief Alberto ...

Bolivia prison riot leaves at least 15 dead

via Latin america - Google News

Mixed Martial Arts, Growingly Popular, Expands Into Latin America - Fox News Latino

Mixed Martial Arts, Growingly Popular, Expands Into Latin America

Fox News Latino

Fighter manager and marketing executive Hector Castro knew that people were beginning to take Mixed Martial Arts seriously in South America, but until he recently traveled to Colombia he had no idea where they stood. “It was unexpected and surprised ...

via Latin america - Google News

Egypt's foreign relations on tightrope -

Egypt's foreign relations on tightrope

An indicator is the warnings against travel to Egypt from east and west, which are exacerbating the rapidly shrinking tourism industry. Stopping production in Egypt by industrial giants like General Motors, Toyota Motor .... While Syria is feeling ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Venezuela, a Paradise in Search of Tourists - Jakarta Globe

Business Recorder

Venezuela, a Paradise in Search of Tourists

Jakarta Globe

After neglecting the tourism sector for years, in favor of the lucrative oil industry — Venezuela has the world's largest proven reserves — the government in Caracas is now working hard to attract visitors. However, the country suffers from outdated ...

Posted by Parvez Jabri

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Pinochet poseía armas químicas durante la dictadura

La revelación sobre la posesión por parte de la dictadura pinochetista (1973-1990) de un arsenal de armas químicas en cantidades suficientes como para asesinar a miles de personas conmocionó este viernes a Chile, en especial a los ex presidentes Michelle Bachelet y Eduardo Frei Ruíz, quienes exigieron al Ejército que provea la información necesaria para que pueda ser evaluada por la Justicia, según reseñó Télam.

via Cubadebate

Se podrá crear “esperma femenino” y “óvulos masculinos”

Una investigación desarrollda en Japón sugiere que los científicos podrían crear células reproductivas masculinas y femeninas del género opuesto, es decir, "esperma femenino" y "óvulos masculinos". El científico Katsuhiko Hayashi, de la Universidad de Kioto, en Japón, ha publicado una investigación con los resultados de la utilización de células de la piel de ratones para crear células germinales primordiales (PGC). Estas células constituyen el precursor común de las células sexuales masculinas y femeninas.

via Cubadebate

Interesantes fotos del mundo animal

Los premios "Veolia Environnement Wildlife Photographer of the Year", auspiciados por el Museo de Historia Natural del Reino Unido y la revista BBC Wildlife Magazine, premian las mejores fotografías de naturaleza en distintas categorías, desde imágenes de especies amenazadas hasta el mundo submarino, pasando por paisajes, comportamiento animal o fauna urbana.

via Cubadebate

VIDEO: Milk and fire in Colombia protests

Farmers and truck workers in Colombia have clashed with police over the government's agricultural and economic policies.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Bradley Manning didn't deserve 35-year sentence - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Bradley Manning didn't deserve 35-year sentence

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

When Obama ran for president in 2008, he promised transparency and openness, and he was harshly critical of President George W. Bush's administration, calling it "one of the most secretive administrations in our nation's history." Obama vowed to ...

Op-ed: No Justice for Chelsea Manning

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Mass grave uncovered in Mexico - KSDK


Mass grave uncovered in Mexico


The disappearance of the group shocked Mexico City, taking place just off the famous avenue in an area known as a finance and tourism district. Video footage released shortly after revealed a gang leading a number of the missing people away in cars.

Mexico City bodies may be missing youths

Corpses found in Mexico City mass grave may be of missing youths

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Many dead in Bolivia prison riot

A riot at a prison in eastern Bolivia has left at least 15 people dead and more than 50 injured, officials say.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Farc calls 'pause' in Colombia talks

Colombia's Farc rebels announce a "pause" in peace talks with the government, to study a proposal that any peace deal must be put to a referendum.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Posted by Parvez Jabri - Business Recorder

Posted by Parvez Jabri

Business Recorder

After neglecting the tourism sector for years, in favor of the lucrative oil industry -- Venezuela has the world's largest proven reserves -- the government in Caracas is now working hard to attract visitors. However, the country suffers from outdated ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Víctor Mesa sigue al frente Matanzas en próxima Serie Nacional de Béisbol

Dirigidos por Víctor Mesa, unos 48 atletas conforman la preselección que entrena en el parque Victoria de Girón y de la cual saldrá el equipo Matanzas para la próxima Serie Nacional de Béisbol. Figuras conocidas de la afición, como Lázaro Herrera, Ariel Sánchez, José Miguel Fernández, Guillermo Heredia, Yurisbel Gracial y Joel Suárez integran el grupo, donde también se preparan atletas jóvenes, quienes aspiran vestir el uniforme de los llamados “cocodrilos”.

via Cubadebate

Celebrará Santiago de Cuba acto nacional por aniversario de la FMC

Santiago de Cuba protagonizará este viernes el acto nacional por el aniversario 53 de la Federación de Mujeres Cubanas (FMC), en Carretera del Morro y Gasómetro, cerca de donde Vilma Espín (1930-2007) habló a las santiagueras hace 30 años. Presidenta de la organización femenina desde que fue fundada, el 23 de agosto de 1960, hasta su fallecimiento, la heroína ratificó en ese sitio, en febrero de 1983, que “desde esta tierra heroica las mujeres estaremos firmes en cualquier frente que la Revolución nos asigne”.

via Cubadebate

FARC pausa diálogos de paz para analizar propuesta de referendo

Las FARC anunciaron hoy su decisión de hacer "una pausa" en los diálogos de paz con el Gobierno de Colombia para analizar los alcances de la propuesta de referendo sobre un eventual acuerdo de paz hecha por el presidente colombiano, Juan Manuel Santos. En una declaración leída hoy ante la prensa en La Habana por el guerrillero "Pablo Catatumbo", alias de Jorge Torres Victoria, las FARC anunciaron la suspensión de las conversaciones y reiteraron su propuesta de convocar una asamblea nacional constituyente.

via Cubadebate

Doble atentado deja 29 muertos y 500 heridos en el norte de Líbano

Un saldo de 29 personas muertas y más de 500 han resultado heridas por los atentados perpetrados este viernes en Trípoli, según confirmó el secretario general Cruz Roja en Líbano, Georges Kettané. "Los heridos están siendo transportados a los hospitales de Trípoli", declaró Kettané a la agencia nacional de noticias de Líbano, la NNA.

via Cubadebate

Estadounidenses están frustrados por la crisis, según congresistas demócrata

Los ciudadanos de Estados Unidos están frustrados por la falta de avances en determinados temas en el Congreso, como la creación de empleos, los servicios de salud y la crisis fiscal, dijo hoy el congresista demócrata Steve Israel. Según el legislador, quien preside el Comité de Campaña de su partido en el Capitolio, los electores consideran que ese estancamiento se debe a la obstrucción de los republicanos en la Cámara de Representantes, quienes amenazan con cerrar oficinas gubernamentales por falta de fondos.

via Cubadebate

Berlusconi pone en aprietos a Letta

Silvio Berlusconi puso hoy en aprietos al gobierno de Enrico Letta, exigiéndole que intervenga activamente a su favor tras la sentencia emitida días atrás contra él por la Corte de Casación. En una larga entrevista, y sin esconder su amargura frente a "una sentencia no fundamentada, injusta e increíble", el "Cavaliere" confirmó que tiene intención de defenderse a capa y espada contra el fallo del Tribunal Supremo que lo condenó a la cárcel por un caso de fraude fiscal cometido años atrás por su grupo Mediaset.

via Cubadebate