Thursday, November 21, 2013

Latin American Christian Leaders Establish Regional Evangelical Alliance - Christian Post

Latin American Christian Leaders Establish Regional Evangelical Alliance

Christian Post

Earlier this month, evangelical leaders from Latin America, Brazil and Spain gathered in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, to institutionalize La Alianza Evangelica Latina, a conglomerate initiative aimed to benefit the nations involved by addressing issues of ...

via Latin america - Google News

Telefonica Braces for Further Currency Swings in Latin America - Bloomberg

Telefonica Braces for Further Currency Swings in Latin America


Telefonica SA (TEF), Europe's biggest investor in Latin American telecommunications, forecasts currency swings will further weigh on earnings from the region and has boosted capital spending in Venezuela to forestall a possible depreciation. “We expect ...

Telefonica open to M&A, network-sharing deals in Mexico

via Latin america - Google News

Honduras Update: The 2013 Election - AS/COA Online

AS/COA Online

Honduras Update: The 2013 Election

AS/COA Online

While several countries (including Colombia, Panama, Peru, and the United States) recognized Lobo's victory and administration, others (such as Brazil and Venezuela) would not. ... He wants to boost foreign investment, tourism, and infrastructure.

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Removal Of Visa Barriers Would Allow Russia And EU To Develop Humanitarian ... - Eurasia Review

Removal Of Visa Barriers Would Allow Russia And EU To Develop Humanitarian ...

Eurasia Review

It is expected that the changes will take effect from next year and will help to increase the flow of tourists, further strengthen business ties and deepen the two countries' cooperation in various fields. Meanwhile, Russian citizens can already ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Quote of the Day

As each day brings sadder news about the exchanges, we are reminded that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for politicians to properly implement complex economic policies. – David Dranove and Craig Garthwaite at The Health Care Blog.

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Colombia Santos seeks vice-president

Colombia's President, Juan Manuel Santos, announces a re-election bid but his vice-president says he will not stand for the 2014 poll.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

La vuelta de Monty Python (+ Fotos)

Los cinco miembros supervivientes del grupo Monty Python, pioneros de un humor del absurdo e irreverente que ha marcado a una generación, volverán a reunirse por primera vez en tres décadas en un show del West End londinense sobre el que desvelaron lo mínimo para mantener las expectativas. “¿Por qué ahora? Si esperáramos mucho más sería demasiado tarde”, han reconocido sus miembros.

via Cubadebate

“Todos somos pecadores”, dice el papa Francisco

El papa Francisco ha declarado que él se confiesa cada 15 días porque -dice- "es un pecador" como todos los demás. "Los sacerdotes deben confesarse, incluso los obispos. Todos somos pecadores. Incluso el papa se confiesa cada dos semanas, porque el papa es también un pecador", dijo Francisco durante una audiencia general. El sumo pontífice explicó que cada 15 días se sienta frente a su confesor.

via Cubadebate

Consideran probado que Berlusconi tuvo sexo con menor de edad

El Tribunal de Milán ha considerado probado que Silvio Berlusconi mantuvo relaciones sexuales con la joven marroquí Karima el Mahroug, más conocida comoRuby Rompecorazones, a cambio de "ingentes cantidades de dinero", según ha informado la prensa italiana. En su argumentación, el Tribunal de Milán explica que las pruebas confirman la participación de Ruby, cuando todavía era menor de edad, en el "sistema de prostitución" de la residencia de Berlusconi en Arcore.

via Cubadebate

Fact Checking the Commonwealth Study

The Commonwealth Fund put out yet another report designed to bash the U.S. health care system. One of the claims is that Americans are forced to spend too much out-of-pocket. Yet, this claim isn’t supported by the data. According to the OECD, the average OOP spending as a percent of all health care spending is [...]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Raul Castro Visits National Defense Council Entities - Radio Cadena Agramonet

Raul Castro Visits National Defense Council Entities

Radio Cadena Agramonet

Army General Raul Castro Ruz, president of the National Defense Council, visited the military command for Cuba''s internal security forces, after Tuesday''s launch of the strategic exercises known as "Bastion 2013." According to an official note ...

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

Advisers Take Long-Term View on Latin America - Wall Street Journal

Advisers Take Long-Term View on Latin America

Wall Street Journal

But instead of investing once again in Brazil--the 800-pound gorilla in the group--contrarian portfolio managers are finding smaller markets in Mexico and Chile as better bets to tap into Latin America's long-term growth. Enlarge Image. cat. Getty Images.

via Latin america - Google News

The Median Voter, the Marginal Patient, and ObamaCare: Why No Politician Competes for the Votes of Patients with Bladder Cancer

On October 30, President Obama gave a now infamous speech celebrating the going out of business of so-called “bad apple” insurers. According to the President, “before the Affordable Care Act, these bad apple insurers had free rein every single year to limit the care that you received or used minor pre-existing conditions to jack up [...]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Colombia: Gran repercusión por anuncio de Santos a reelección

Una amplia difusión en los medios colombianos generó la esperada noticia del presidente Juan Manuel Santos de aspirar a un segundo mandato presidencial para las elecciones de 2014. Los principales medios televisivos, radiales y escritos dedican espacios y análisis a lo que han sido los más de mil 200 días del Gobierno Santos, sus altas y bajas desde que asumió las riendas de Colombia el 7 de agosto de 2010 en sucesión de Álvaro Uribe.

via Cubadebate

Obama a la defensiva por fallas en reforma de salud

enfrenta un jaque político que podría descarrilar sus últimos tres años en la Casa Blanca, y no por una gran maniobra de sus opositores, sino por un autogol ante la desastrosa implementación de la reforma de salud, pieza central de su presidencia. Cuando se estrenó el sitio de Internet federal para implementar la reforma de salud, el primero de octubre, y no funcionó, el resultado fue un regalo para los ...

via Cubadebate

Reino Unido: Rescatan a tres mujeres que permanecieron esclavas 30 años

Tres mujeres fueron rescatadas de una vivienda en el sur de Londres tras supuestamente haber permanecido retenidas en situación de esclavitud doméstica durante 30 años, informó hoy la Policía Metropolitana (Met) en un comunicado. Como parte de esta investigación, dos personas -un hombre y una mujer, ambos de 67 años- fueron detenidas hoy en un domicilio del sur de Londres, según esa fuente.

via Cubadebate

Gala de ballet por centenario de Esther Borja

El Ballet Nacional de Cuba ofrecerá el próximo 5 de diciembre, en el Teatro Mella, una Gala en homenaje a la cantante Esther Borja, eminente personalidad de la cultura cubana, con motivo de su centenario. Esther Borja (La Habana, 1913) es una de las intérpretes más queridas del pueblo cubano. la rica textura de su voz y su amplia tesitura, la hicieron una de las intérpretes principales de la música de Gonzalo Roig, Rodrigo Prats, y especialmente Erenso Lecuona.

via Cubadebate

El discurso de Kerry es más de lo mismo, afirma Granma

A propósito del discurso ante la OEA del Secretario de Estado de los EEUU, John Kerry, el diario Granma reconoce hoy que "más de cuatro años después, América Latina es otra, pero la actitud de Estados Unidos se mantiene inamovible". Cita declaraciones de Jorge Hernández Martínez, director del Centro de Estudios Hemisféricos y sobre Estados Unidos (Cehseu) de la Universidad de La Habana, quien asegura que el discurso de Kerry "es más de lo mismo".

via Cubadebate

The Atlantic: Ningún funcionario cubano estuvo involucrado en el magnicidio de Kennedy

Cubadebate reproduce artículo publicado por Jeffrey Goldberg en el diario The Atlantic, que incluye declaraciones que el Comandante en Jefe diera al periodista en una visita que este realizara en el 2010 a La Habana. Además del testimonio del líder de la Revolución cubana quien considera que el asesinato del Presidente Kennedy no fue obra de un tirador solitario, Goldberg consultó a expertos de su país sobre este tema que aseguran que no hay evidencia alguna de que Cuba estuviera involucrada en la conspiración de magnicidio.

via Cubadebate

East coast ports eye privatisation - The Australian

East coast ports eye privatisation

The Australian

It also estimated maritime piracy as costing the global economy $US18bn a year in extra trade costs, as well as hitting tourism and fishing yields in affected areas. NEW Zealand's Maritime School is bullish about its graduates' job ... the heavy crude ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Colombian president seeks second term

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos officially announced he will seek re-election, a decision that could affect the ongoing peace talks between the government and the FARC.

via - Latin America

100 Million Cancellations Coming?

A new and independent analysis of ObamaCare warns of a ticking time bomb, predicting a second wave of 50 million to 100 million insurance policy cancellations next fall — right before the mid-term elections. The next round of cancellations and premium hikes is expected to hit employees, particularly of small businesses. While the administration has [...]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Mexico’s president: The year of leading from behind

WHEN Enrique Peña Nieto spoke at an Economist conference this month, he was reminded that this newspaper had cautiously endorsed him for president last year as the “least bad” of the candidates. The audience laughed nervously; easy-going in person, the president is rarely exposed to such public leg-pulling. But though his first year in office has had downs, it has had more ups. If he can bring home the raft of reforms that he has launched, he could transform Mexico.That is a big if. The theme that has infused this year’s changes is competition. Mexico, ruled once again by the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) which led it for 71 years until 2000, remains in the grip of monopolistic businesses and unions. With the formal backing of the two main opposition parties in the “Pact for Mexico”, Mr Peña has set out to rewrite parts of the constitution to weaken those entrenched interests. The aim, he says, is to boost Mexico’s lacklustre economic growth and productivity and reduce the poverty which still afflicts about half the population. The legislative agenda is not yet complete, though Congress expects to wrap up the main reforms by...

via The Economist: The Americas|ame

Chile’s election: Presidency postponed

Schools out for Bachelet

“WE THOUGHT this would be an eight-month pregnancy but in the end it’s going to the full term,” joked Michelle Bachelet, a paediatrician, on November 17th as she celebrated a bittersweet triumph that took her centre-left New Majority coalition tantalisingly close to the presidency. Having won 47% of the vote, nearly twice as much as her closest rival, Evelyn Matthei of the ruling centre-right Alliance (25%), she now faces a run-off on December 15th.Ms Matthei will struggle to win the support of the 28% of voters who backed the losing candidates, a clutch of populists and leftists. In the first presidential election in which voting was voluntary, only 49% bothered. So Ms Matthei has decided to try and rouse non-voters with “a message of moderation”.That plays on fears in some quarters that Ms Bachelet, Chile’s president in 2006-10, has swung further left, endorsing the demands of a student movement which wants education to be free to users, and promising tax increases and a new constitution. The New Majority, which unlike the previous centre-left Concertación coalition includes the Communist Party, won a...

via The Economist: The Americas|ame

The Caribbean: Passports to ignominy

DINO BOUTERSE, son of Suriname’s president, Desi Bouterse, will be offered Thanksgiving turkey in a New York jail. Arrested in Panama in August on suspicion of cocaine smuggling and handed over to the United States, he now faces an indictment featuring allegations of passport fraud and aiding terrorists. It would be embarrassing for President Bouterse—if he were embarrassable.Court documents allege that Dino Bouterse linked up in February with two men posing as Mexican drug dealers; they were in fact working for America’s Drug Enforcement Administration. He later gave them Surinamese passports, and showed them a kilo of coke and a rocket launcher he happened to have in his office. He agreed to send 20 kilos a week to Florida.The president’s son was then gulled into going to Greece to meet a purported Hezbollah leader and agreed to help establish a training base in Suriname for up to 60 Hezbollah terrorists, according to the indictment. After being promised $2m, he allegedly agreed to supply heavy weapons, but said he needed two months to check on availability. He gave one of the undercover sources a passport with a false identity and exit stamp, so it would appear that the holder had previously left Suriname with it. He said he had faked the signature himself. He indicated that he would organise bank statements and other documents to support applications for American visas...

via The Economist: The Americas|ame

Political corruption in Brazil: Jailed at last

AS CHIEF of staff to President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in 2003-05, José Dirceu was the second most powerful man in Brazil. Then claims surfaced that he and other leaders of the ruling Workers’ Party (PT) were orchestrating a scheme to bribe allies in return for congressional support. Few Brazilians believed that Mr Dirceu, who resigned, would be charged, let alone convicted or jailed in a country where impunity for politicians has long been the norm. But on November 15th the supreme-court president, Joaquim Barbosa, issued warrants for the arrest of Mr Dirceu and 11 others among the 25 found guilty last year of, variously, bribery, money-laundering, misuse of public funds and conspiracy, in a case known to Brazilians as the mensalão (big monthly stipend).Sharing Mr Dirceu’s Brasília prison cell are José Genoino and Delúbio Soares, formerly the PT’s president and treasurer respectively. Henrique Pizzolato, a former director of the state-controlled Banco do Brasil, guilty of laundering some of the money, quietly fled to Italy, where he also has citizenship, some weeks ago. Authorities there have hinted that his extradition would be more likely if Brazil rethought its 2010 decision to shelter Cesare Battisti, an Italian bomber facing a life sentence.In Brazil lawmakers can be tried only by the supreme court. But the legal system is loophole-ridden,...

via The Economist: The Americas|ame

Argentina’s government: No lame penguin

Not what little girls are made of

HAVING rested for six weeks after cranial surgery, Cristina Fernández marked her return to presidential duties this week with soft toys and hard men. She released a video made by her daughter in which she thanked well-wishers for their presents, including a cloth penguin, the emblem of her home province in Patagonia, and a (real) fluffy puppy named Simón (after Bolívar, Venezuela’s independence hero) sent by the brother of the late Hugo Chávez.Of more import were sweeping cabinet changes, following defeat in a mid-term election while she was convalescing. Out went the economy minister and the governor of the Central Bank. So did Guillermo Moreno, who as secretary for internal commerce was infamous for bullying private business. He was the architect of Argentina’s exchange controls and the fiddling of inflation statistics. The new economy minister is Axel Kicillof, a young official who is a former Marxist but now claims to be a disciple of Keynes. He executed last year’s expropriation of Repsol’s controlling stake in YPF, the national oil company.That will disappoint those who hoped Ms Fernández would...

via The Economist: The Americas|ame

Daily Headlines: November 21, 2013

via The Latin Americanist

World Chess Championship 2013 Anand vs Carlsen Game 8

via Cuba Journal

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

A dog named Baxter gets an ObamaCare account; his owner can’t. ObamaCare forces mom into Medicaid. Lanny Davis: ObamaCare isn’t working. Dentists accused of breaking the law for offering half-price teeth cleanings.

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

World Toilet Day 2013: In Latin America, 120 Million People Do Not Have ... - International Business Times

International Business Times

World Toilet Day 2013: In Latin America, 120 Million People Do Not Have ...

International Business Times

In Latin America, 120 million people lack access to a toilet and the infrastructure to keep waste from seeping into their drinking water. The problem is even more noticeable outside of cities. One-third of Latin Americans who live in rural areas ...

via Latin america - Google News

SABMiller Earnings Growth Tops Estimates on Emerging Markets - Bloomberg

SABMiller Earnings Growth Tops Estimates on Emerging Markets


SABMiller Plc, (SAB) the world's second-biggest brewer, reported first-half earnings that exceeded estimates on gains in Latin America and Africa, and said developing markets will continue to drive growth. So-called organic earnings before interest ...

SABMiller held back by falling beer sales in Europe and America

UPDATE: SABMiller Reports A Now Familiar Tale

12:55 CET SABMiller says emerging market beer drinkers driving growth

via Latin america - Google News

Two-Tiered Medical Care?

The result [of ObamaCare], some argue, is a two-tiered system of health care: Many of the people who buy health plans on the exchanges have fewer hospitals and doctors to choose from than those with coverage through their employers. A number of the nation’s top hospitals — including the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, Cedars-Sinai in [...]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Carlsen volvió a ganar… y será campeón (+ Partida)

Es cuestión de tiempo. Para que Magnus Carlsen sea campeón del mundo de ajedrez tal vez solo haya que esperar hasta mañana, cuando le bastará un empate para asegurarse la victoria en el duelo que sostiene contra Vishy Anand en Chennai, India. Y es que el noruego acaba de vencer con piezas negras en la novena partida (tras disputarse 28 movimientos de una Defensa Nimzo-India), lo cual le concede tres puntos de ventaja a falta de esa misma cantidad de rondas por jugar.

via Cubadebate

Pese a obstáculos, Cuba es potencia deportiva mundial, afirman directivos del INDER

El deporte de alto rendimiento cubano exhibe resultados que lo sitúan a la altura de los países del primer mundo, manifestó hoy el vicepresidente del Instituto Nacional de Deportes, Educación Física y Recreación (Inder) Antonio López.Al intervenir en el programa radio-televisado Mesa Redonda, López citó como ejemplo la ubicación en el décimosexto lugar, entre 207 naciones participantes, que alcanzó la delegación cubana en los Juegos Olímpicos de Londres 2012.

via Cubadebate

Unas 90 compañías son las culpables del cambio climático

La crisis climática del siglo XXI se debe a solo 90 compañías que generan entre ellas dos tercios de las emisiones de los gases del efecto invernadero, calcula el Instituto de Responsabilidad Climática, del Estado de Colorado de EE. UU. Según la cifra del líder del estudio, Richard Heede, las emisiones industriales desde el año 1751 han sido 1.450 gigatoneladas globalmente. La mitad de estas emisiones se produjeron en los últimos 25 años.

via Cubadebate

En fotos, los grandes ausentes de Brasil 2014

Siempre ocurre, y esta vez no será excepción. Varios de los mejores jugadores del planeta se perderán el Mundial de Fútbol debido a que sus selecciones nacionales no consiguieron clasificarse para la cita que se efectuará en Brasil el año venidero. Es lamentable, pero no puede haber espacio para todos en la máxima cita del balón. Vea quiénes serán los principales ausentes en esta ocasión.

via Cubadebate

Elogia Ramonet actitud de Maduro frente a intento golpista

El periodista español Ignacio Ramonet se sumó a la tesis de que en Venezuela se preparaba un golpe de Estado con la llamada guerra económica, denunciada por el Gobierno nacional. En entrevista para VTV elogió la reacción del presidente Nicolás Maduro ante la misma, pues consideró que hizo una “buena lectura” de la situación. Con respecto a la situación económica, la comparó con el ambiente vivido en Chile previo al golpe contra Salvador Allende.

via Cubadebate

Serie Nacional de Béisbol: La cima huele a tabaco

Pinar del Río venció este miércoles 4-2 a Ciego de Ávila e igualó con Industriales en el primer lugar del 53 Campeonato Cubano de béisbol, el cual arriba hoy al primer tercio de la primera fase. Los vegueros pinareños lograron derrotar al derecho Yander Guevara, integrante del equipo Cuba al III Clásico Mundial, y de paso se instalaron en la cúspide del torneo con balance de nueve triunfos y cinco reveses.

via Cubadebate

Preside Putin primera reunión del Consejo Económico ruso

El presidente Vladimir Putin encabeza hoy en el Kremlin la primera reunión del Consejo Económico, creado en julio de 2012 con la misión de coordinar un programa para asegurar el desarrollo socioeconómico sustentable de Rusia. Integrado por 33 expertos y adscrito directamente al mandatario, este órgano analiza en su primera sesión las prioridades de la economía nacional en el período 2014-2015, confirmó el servicio de prensa de la casa presidencial.

via Cubadebate

North Korea drags US tourist off flight - The Australian

North Korea drags US tourist off flight

The Australian

According to US reports, Mr Newman lives in a retirement village in Palo Alto, California, with his wife, but is a frequent traveller who has visited Cuba. The New York Times reported he was travelling with another resident of the retirement village ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Why Would Anyone Pay a Million Dollars for This Bathing Suit? - Yahoo News Canada (blog)

Yahoo News Canada (blog)

Why Would Anyone Pay a Million Dollars for This Bathing Suit?

Yahoo News Canada (blog)

Modeled by famous Down Under catwalk regular Samantha Harris, the white-knotted string swimsuit is scheduled to be the centerpiece for the Australian Tourism's upcoming Gold Coast Swim Fashion Festival, an event to promote the Australian fashion ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News Led By Doctor Jose A. Castaneda New Campaign to ... - PR Web (press release) Led By Doctor Jose A. Castaneda New Campaign to ...

PR Web (press release)

Some US companies look to medical tourism in Mexico to cut costs, giving employees all-expenses paid trips for outsourced surgeries such as gastric bypass, gastric banding or duodenal switch in Mexico. The trend that started many years ago is ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

EEUU también espía a ciudadanos británicos

El diario The Guardian reveló un memorándum filtrado por Edward Snowden según el cual la Agencia de Seguridad Nacional (NSA) firmó un acuerdo secreto en 2007 con oficiales de inteligencia del gobierno británico que permitía a esta organización analizar y retener cualquier teléfono móvil, números de fax y direcciones IP de ciudadanos británicos. “En el año 2007 se cambiaron las reglas”, refiere el británico The Guardian.

via Cubadebate

Recorrió Raúl órganos de trabajo del Consejo de Defensa Nacional

El General de Ejército Raúl Castro Ruz, Presidente del Consejo de Defensa Nacional, al concluir la alocución y ordenar el inicio del Ejercicio Estratégico Bastión 2013 el pasado martes, visitó el Puesto de Dirección del Órgano de la Seguridad y el Orden Interior. Allí, el coronel Emir Mesa Corona, segundo jefe de Dirección del Ministerio del Interior, le informó acerca del cumplimiento de las actividades planificadas para asegurar la realización de la primera etapa del Ejercicio en las unidades e instituciones del citado órgano.

via Cubadebate

Recibe Juan Formell premio Grammy a la Excelencia Musical

El popular músico cubano Juan Formell, director de la mítica orquesta los Van Van, recibió el Premio Grammy Latino a la Excelencia Musical 2013, en ceremonia efectuada en Las Vegas, Estados Unidos. Al recibir el reconocimiento Formell lo dedicó al pueblo de Cuba y a los Van Van, orquesta que fundó y dirige hace 44 años. Este premio, dijo, es para los fundadores, los músicos actuales y los que están por venir, pero sobre todo para Cuba.

via Cubadebate

Publicarán reflexiones íntimas del novelista cubano Alejo Carpentier en Venezuela

Las reflexiones íntimas del novelista y narrador cubano Alejo Carpentier, un escritor poco dado a las confesiones y que influyó notablemente en la literatura latinoamericana durante su período de auge, saldrán a la luz con la publicación en Cuba de un diario que el novelista escribió durante seis años en Venezuela. La directora de la fundación que lleva el nombre del novelista Alejo Carpentier, Graziella Pogolotti, informó que el libro pudiera estar listo para el mes de diciembre.

via Cubadebate