Wednesday, April 16, 2014

10 Latin American Women to Watch in 2014 - World Policy Institute (blog)

World Policy Institute (blog)

10 Latin American Women to Watch in 2014

World Policy Institute (blog)

There are more women in political office in Latin America than on any other continent. Yet the continent's traditional patriarchal structure limits possibilities for further advances. Despite this, strides are being made as certain women are ...

via Latin america - Google News

Pinar del Río vence 9-6 a Matanzas y se lleva la corona del béisbol cubano

En emotivo juego, Pinar del Río vino de abajo y derrotó a Matanzas 9 carreras por 6, en el sexto juego de la Gran Final, para llevarse el cetro de la 53 Serie Nacional de Béisbol.Yosvani Torres ganó su juego 18 de la temporada, Vladimir Gutiérrez realizó un gran relevo y Vladimir Baños cerró con salvamento de altura.

via Cubadebate

Abel Prieto: Las guerras imperiales empiezan por la satanización de las víctimas

“Las guerras imperiales de saqueo han ido siempre acompañadas por la satanización de las víctimas, de los otros, de los descalificados como bárbaros, y la cultura del colonizador trata de imponer en el pueblo dominado un sentimiento de inferioridad”, dijo en Brasil el escritor cubano Abel Prieto, asesor del Presidente Raúl Castro. Invitado por la Secretaría de Cultura del Distrito Federal, Abel Prieto ofreció una conferencia con el título La cultura de la resistencia: la experiencia cubana este martes 15 de abril en la Sala “Nelson Rodrigues” de la Bienal del Libro y la Lectura de Brasilia.

via Cubadebate

Venezuela reels under protests

Violent anti-government protests continue in Venezuela, more than two months after the unrest began.

via - Latin America

Conga ban lifted at Cuban baseball games

Cubans cheer on their favorite baseball teams with ear splitting conga drums. CNN's Patrick Oppmann reports.

via - Latin America

Inmates escape after Chile earthquake

CNN's Rafael Romo reports on the aftermath of an 8.2-magnitude earthquake that struck off the coast of northern Chile.

via - Latin America

Pinar del Rio is the NEW champion of Cuban Baseball

via Cuba Journal

Cuba Formalizes Tax Holiday For Foreign Investment In Mixed-Ownership ... - Fox News Latino

Cuba Formalizes Tax Holiday For Foreign Investment In Mixed-Ownership ...

Fox News Latino

HAVANA – Cuba's government on Wednesday published the text of a new law that seeks to make it more attractive for foreign investors to bring badly needed capital to the island. It will take effect in late June. The law was approved by parliament and ...

via cuba - Google News

Colombia reaching out for business travelers - eTurboNews


Colombia reaching out for business travelers


Luis German Restrepo, executive director USA for Proexport Colombia (the government agency in charge of promoting trade, tourism and investment in the country) and Camilo Duque, the leisure tourism director, explained why Colombia is growing for a ...

Colombia's Numbers on the Rise

Colombia Steps Up Outreach for Business Travel

via tourism in mexico - Google News

VIDEO: Helmet cam captures Chile blaze

New footage captured on firefighter helmet cameras has emerged showing the full extent of the deadly fires that swept through a town in western Chile.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Argentina girl kept years in garage

Police in Argentina say they have rescued a teenage girl who had been starved, beaten and kept in a garage for nine years by her foster parents.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Bale un potosí

A veces uno se conforma con el hastío: el Real Madrid como circunstancia totalizadora, como represalia al desarrollo del resto, como imperialismo; el Barcelona como realidad atormentada, como lucidez endógena de lo autóctono. Gareth Bale agarra un balón por la izquierda y corre, como mismo lo hacía cuando pequeño y el entrenador le prohibía tocar la pelota con su pierna más hábil.

via Cubadebate

Descubren método para recuperar el oro de los móviles

Los celulares contienen metales preciosos, pero extraerlos de los dispositivos viejos es un proceso muy costoso, poco eficaz porque requiere productos químicos tóxicos y apenas permite recuperar un 20 por ciento de los metales. Eso, hasta que investigadores del Centro de Investigación Técnica VTT de Finlandia han encontrado otra manera más eficiente y más respetuosa con el medio ambiente.

via Cubadebate

Asaltan base militar en Ucrania (+ Video)

Una persona ha muerto y otras 12 han resultado heridas en el asalto de una base militar en la ciudad ucraniana de Mariupol, en el sureste del país, por parte de las fuerzas de autodefensa.

via Cubadebate

Game 6 Recap

via Cuba Journal

Chobani moving into Asia, Latin America - Rochester Democrat and Chronicle


Chobani moving into Asia, Latin America

Rochester Democrat and Chronicle

“Asia and Latin America have untold possibility for Chobani and our expansion in these regions furthers our business opportunities and builds on our founding mission to provide better food for more people,” said David Denholm, President and COO Chobani ...

Chobani Announces Plans To Distribute To Asia And Latin America

UPDATE: Chobani hits Latin America, eyes Caribbean

Chobani generates explosive growth in Australia, unveils aggressive expansion ...

via Latin america - Google News

Darby Private Equity Nears Final Closing for Brazilian Infra Vehicle

(Alt Assets) Emerging markets-focused Darby Private Equity is nearing a final close for a Brazilian-focused…

via Latin American Private Equity and Venture Capital Association » Latest Industry News

Brazil’s BTG Eyes US$1.5b Fundraise

(Alt Assets) Brazilian investment bank BTG Pactual is seeking US$1.5b for a new private equity…

via Latin American Private Equity and Venture Capital Association » Latest Industry News

Employers Switch from Commercial Insurance to Self-Insured Plans

According to Citibank’s top ranked analyst Carl McDonald: By our analysis, since 2002, risk enrollment at the publicly traded plans has fallen by over 14 million lives…The emergence of private exchanges that rely on a risk model (like the exchange product offered by Aon Hewitt) could help slow the loss of risk enrollment but the […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

The Sixth Extinction: A Conversation With Elizabeth Kolbert

via Cuba Journal

Is The Health Care Spending Slowdown Over?

Americans used more medical care in 2013 as the economy recovered, new reports show. Federal data suggests that health care spending is now growing just as quickly as it was prior to the recession. “We’re at the highest level of growth since the slowdown began,” Paul Hughes-Cromwick, a senior health economist at the Altarum Institute, […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Are Latinos abandoning Obama? Results of a recent poll.

via Cuba Journal

Acuerdos importantes en diálogo del Gobierno con la oposición en Venezuela

En el encuentro de más de tres horas y media, en el cual se acordó realizar un tercer diálogo la semana próxima, se logró aunar posiciones en torno a la economía, la seguridad, la Comisión de la Verdad y la elección de los poderes públicos.

via Cubadebate

Diplomáticos intentarán desactivar crisis del Este de Ucrania

Este jueves en Ginebra se reunirán los jefes de la diplomacia de Estados Unidos, la Unión Europea, Ucrania y Rusia, en lo que oficia como una nueva oportunidad para desactivar la crisis internacional del Este de Ucrania. No obstante, si el encuentro no suscita ningún acuerdo, todo hace pensar que no habrá una nueva oleada de sanciones económicas contra Rusia.

via Cubadebate

Así exprimen los bancos de EEUU a los pobres

En medio de la inestabilidad financiera, los bancos siguen sacando provecho de clientes de ingresos medios y bajos. Así lo ha destacado un sitio web de información y análisis de finanzas, que publicó cinco de las maneras en las que grandes empresas financieras siguen ganando dinero a costa de la población más desfavorecida.

via Cubadebate

Publica la Gaceta Oficial Ley de la Inversión Extranjera

La Ley respalda la decisión de concebir la inversión extranjera como una fuente de desarrollo, en aquellas actividades que sean de interés para Cuba, y en determinados sectores y actividades económicas se considera elemento activo y fundamental, en correspondencia con las proyecciones de desarrollo económico y social.

via Cubadebate

El buque Sewol se hunde frente a la costa de Corea del Sur

Tres muertos y más de 290 desaparecidos en el naufragio de un ferry en Corea del Sur, que navegaba con 477 personas a bordo, desde Incheon a la Isla de Jeju, y podría haber colisionado con un arrecife marino que rompió el casco.

via Cubadebate

The Bad Seed

via Cuba Journal

Odds and ends

via The Cuban Triangle

Did You Fill Out Your Tax Return Correctly?

The results for the EITC are not pretty. The Internal Revenue Services estimates that 21 to 25 percent of EITC payments were issued incorrectly during the fiscal year 2012, totaling from $11.6 to $13.6 billion in too much money being paid out to taxpayers. As a result, the Office of Management and Budget has labeled […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog


via The Cuban Triangle

Clarification: Bello

Our Bello column on Chile (April 5th 2014) said that the country’s proposed tax reforms would mean shareholders would be taxed on corporate profits they did not receive as dividends. Although firms would be required to pay personal income tax on behalf of shareholders on undistributed profits, shareholders will not need to stump up their own cash.

via The Economist: The Americas

Bello: Will the real Mr Santos please speak up

Cartoon of headless man holding megaphone containing head

UNTIL a few weeks ago, nobody seriously thought that Juan Manuel Santos would fail to win a second term in an election on May 25th. By any reasonable standard, his has been a good government. Colombia’s economy is in decent shape, and unemployment and poverty have fallen steadily. Yet suddenly the polls suggest that Mr Santos is vulnerable. They give him 25%-35% of the vote, with the rest split among four rivals. So a run-off election (on June 15th) is likely: if his opponent is Enrique Peñalosa of the soft-left Green Alliance, Mr Santos would lose narrowly, according to one poll.That would have huge implications for Colombia. For the election comes as the government and the FARC guerrillas are locked in peace talks which offer the country its best-ever chance of ending an armed conflict that has dogged it since the 1960s. Peace would not only improve Colombians’ lives but add a point or more to economic growth, Mr Santos told Bello in an interview in his modest office in the Nariño Palace in Bogotá. Lose the election, and that chance might be gone for years. Yet paradoxically, this momentous election...

via The Economist: The Americas

Brazil’s economy: The 50-year snooze

PECKISH revellers at Lollapalooza, a big music festival in São Paulo earlier this month, were in for a treat. In contrast to past years’ menus of reheated hamburgers, they could plump for pulled pork, barbecue ribs or corn on the cob, courtesy of BOS BBQ, a Texan eatery in the city. More surprising than the fare, however, was the pace at which BOS’s two tents dished it out. Over the course of two days the booths, each manned by six people, served 12,000 portions, or more than one every 15 seconds, boasts Blake Watkins, who runs the restaurant. Such efficiency is as welcome as it is uncommon. Neighbouring stands needed two to three minutes to serve each customer, leading to lengthy lines and rumbling stomachs.“The moment you land in Brazil you start wasting time,” laments Mr Watkins, who moved to the country three years ago after selling a fast-food business in New York. To be sure of having at least ten temporary workers at Lollapalooza, he hired 20 (sure enough, only half of them turned up). Lu Bonometti, who opened a cookie shop 18 months ago in a posh neighbourhood of São Paulo, has commissioned four different firms to fix her shop sign. None has come. Few...

via The Economist: The Americas

Business in Costa Rica: Intel outside

KARLA BLANCO started working for Intel in 1997, when the microchip giant opened its factory in the Costa Rican rainforest. She was hired as a customs and trade expert and quickly climbed the professional ladder. After 17 years with the company, Ms Blanco is one of thousands of Costa Ricans whose lives have been changed by the microchip industry. She now speaks fluent English and Portuguese, holds a master’s degree in international business and serves as Intel’s corporate affairs director for Central America and the Caribbean.The future looked bright, both for Ms Blanco and for Costa Rica. But on April 8th Intel announced plans to close its Costa Rican factory and move its operations to Malaysia, Vietnam and China. By the end of the year 1,500 jobs will have been lost. Ms Blanco has been dealing with a torrent of bewildered workers and media inquiries. “It’s been really painful,” she says.The pain will be felt across the economy. Intel’s operations in Costa Rica are worth around $2 billion a year, making up about 20% of the country’s exports. The firm accounted for 11% of net foreign direct investment in 2000-12. Intel says it will hire another 200 staff to work in its engineering and global-services units in the country, which currently employ around 1,200 people. Nonetheless Henry Mora, a congressman and economic adviser to the incoming government, estimates that the...

via The Economist: The Americas

Canada’s war on doorknobs: Knobless oblige

IT IS rare for changes to a municipal building code to become headline news. But Vancouver’s ban on doorknobs in all new buildings, which went into effect last month, is an exception. It has provoked a strong reaction from the door-opening public and set off a chain reaction across the country as other jurisdictions ponder whether to follow Vancouver’s lead. The country is on tenterhooks.The war on doorknobs is part of a broader campaign to make buildings more accessible to the elderly and disabled, many of whom find levered doorhandles easier to operate than fiddly knobs. Vancouver’s code adds private homes to rules already in place in most of Canada for large buildings, stipulating wider entry doors, lower thresholds and lever-operated taps in bathrooms and kitchens.The rules have provoked grumbling about the nanny state, much of it from doorknob manufacturers. The Canadian Home Builders’ Association (CHBA) complains that Vancouver, the only city in Canada with the power to determine its own building code (elsewhere it falls to provincial governments), changed the rules on its own, instead of asking for a revision of the national regulations, which would...

via The Economist: The Americas

Daily Headlines: April 16, 2014

via The Latin Americanist

Why Are The Poor, Poor?

Have you ever wondered why poor people are poor? It’s not as though there aren’t plenty of role models around. Millions of people live highly successful, productive lives in this country. So why don’t people at the bottom of the income ladder copy the behavior of those several rungs above them and better their lot […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Cooking the ObamaCare Stats?

Out of the blue, the Census Bureau has changed how it counts health insurance — at the precise moment when ObamaCare is roiling the insurance markets. Since 1987, the Current Population Survey, or CPS, has collected information on the health-insurance coverage status of Americans. The annual reports are widely cited because their large sample sizes […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Mexico 'cartel city' mayor arrested

The mayor of a city known as a stronghold of Mexico's Knights Templar drug cartel is arrested on suspicion of extorting money on the cartel's behalf.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

​Cuba's economic reforms: Socialism with neoliberal characteristics? - RT (blog)

RT (blog)

Cuba's economic reforms: Socialism with neoliberal characteristics?

RT (blog)

Cuban authorities have acknowledged the difficulties posed by maintaining massive subsidies across various sectors, and plan to transfer up to 40 percent of the workforce into the private sector by 2015, where workers will be expected to pay taxes on ...

Cuba's bold new moves...

via cuba - Google News

Game on: Caribbean casinos are hot - USA TODAY

Game on: Caribbean casinos are hot


Gaming isn't new to the islands: it was the big draw at the Tropicana night club in pre-Castro Cuba. It was the inspiration for the .... It's reportedly the largest tourism development project in the Western Hemisphere underway at this time. Even the ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez's health 'very fragile'

The health of literary giant Gabriel Garcia Marquez is stable but "very fragile," his family said in a statement this week.

via - Latin America

Venezuela rejects protest amnesty

The Venezuelan government says it will not grant jailed opposition leaders an amnesty at talks aimed at ending anti-government protests.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

The trees are alive … - Suffolk News-Herald

Suffolk News-Herald

The trees are alive …

Suffolk News-Herald

They breed in the United States and Canada during our summer, before wintering in Mexico, Central America, South America and the Caribbean. “The first big waves of them were noticeable early last week,” Freeman said. “They are tiny birds; they will be ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Solar power surging in Latin America with World Cup fever - Chinadaily USA

Chinadaily USA

Solar power surging in Latin America with World Cup fever

Chinadaily USA

As Chinese investment in the Latin American region grows, the energy sector is emerging as a field that Chinese investors - solar companies in particular - can tap into and produce win-win results. Yingli's partnership formed last year with Renova ...

via Latin america - Google News

Trading Places: Latin America Model for Asia? - Wall Street Journal (blog)

Wall Street Journal (blog)

Trading Places: Latin America Model for Asia?

Wall Street Journal (blog)

For years, the fast-growing Asian tigers have been held out as the model for economic development. Now, as inequality becomes a greater focus for policy makers, Asian countries facing a widening wealth gap are being urged to look at Latin America ...

Syngenta First quarter 2014: sales $4.7 billion

via Latin america - Google News

Eusebio Leal: No se presenta la Revolución ante la posteridad con las manos vacías

El país tiene que producir para que se levante y viva; porque tan importante como pensar, es el pan. Hay que tener un pan para pensar. Hay que meditar si se tiene primero un pan o se hace filosofía… Los cubanos no podemos vivir dependientes permanentemente de lo que otros nos dieron o de lo que en momentos determinados obtuvimos. Los cubanos tenemos que salir hacia delante unidos por nuestro propio esfuerzo, con nuestra propia fuerza. (Intervención del Historiador de La Habana, Eusebio Leal, en el VIII Congreso de la Unión Nacional de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba)

via Cubadebate

Boston nuevamente en zozobra por dos mochilas abandonadas

Un hombre fue detenido hoy cerca de la línea de meta del maratón de Boston después de que abandonara allí dos mochilas, lo que obligó a evacuar la zona y movilizar a artificieros un año después de un atentado que traumatizó a la ciudad.

via Cubadebate