Thursday, April 17, 2014

Smuggler threats follow Dodgers star Puig from Cuba: affidavit - CTV News

Smuggler threats follow Dodgers star Puig from Cuba: affidavit

CTV News

Puig returned to the starting lineup in right field for Thursday's series finale against the Giants amid reports that smugglers who helped him defect from Cuba had threatened his life. "I'm only concentrating on the season and being the best teammate ...

via cuba - Google News

Why Won't Medicare Pay For Medical Tourism? – OpEd - Eurasia Review

Why Won't Medicare Pay For Medical Tourism? – OpEd

Eurasia Review

In a working paper published by the Mercatus Institute at George Mason University, Marc D. Joffe notes that Aetna, Blue Shield, and HealthNet offer health insurance in California that gives beneficiaries access to Mexican providers. The U.S. insurers ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Londres: el sol de justicia

Se anunciaba una semana nublada y lluviosa, pero no cayó una sola gota y el sol se asomó a las tardes de Londres el 7 y el 8 de marzo cual si saludase la reunión de la Comisión Internacional para investigar el caso de los Cinco cubanos encarcelados en Estados Unidos por luchar contra el terrorismo. La naturaleza parecía sumarse a la necesidad de hacer luz sobre un proceso que ha sufrido la desinformación y el ocultamiento por más de quince años.

via Cubadebate

Cuba amará siempre a García Márquez: Miguel Barnet

El presidente de la Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba (UNEAC), Miguel Barnet, afirmó hoy que Cuba “amará siempre” al escritor colombiano Gabriel García Márquez, cuya pérdida calificó de “grande e “irremplazable”. “Los escritores cubanos sufren esa pérdida grande e irremplazable. Gabo amó a Cuba y Cuba lo amará siempre”, declaró Barnet a EFE, tras conocer el fallecimiento de García Márquez hoy en Ciudad de México, donde residía.

via Cubadebate

Sonia Silvestre muy grave después de sufrir accidente cerebral

La situación de la cantante Sonia Silvestre es delicada, informó este jueves en la noche el esposo de la artista, José Betancourt. La intérprete es mantenida en Cuidados Intensivos en la Plaza de la Salud, de la capital dominicana, donde permanecen familiares y amigos. Betancourt dijo que la familia de la artista está rezando para que Sonia Silvestre recobre su salud, y reconoció que su estado es muy delicado.

via Cubadebate

Ecuador: A country of orchids - Winston-Salem Journal

Ecuador: A country of orchids

Winston-Salem Journal

Both Colombia and Venezuela have Cattleyas as their national flower. ... In the capital, the Botanic Garden of Quito is building another orchid conservatory and extensive boat rides through the jungles are being designed to thrill orchid-minded tourists.

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Letter: Rebound is encouraging in aftermath of Gulf of Mexico oil spill - The Advocate

BBC News

Letter: Rebound is encouraging in aftermath of Gulf of Mexico oil spill

The Advocate

Consider the tourism industry. Four years ago, a national newspaper reported that Gulf Coast tourism could suffer “up to $23 billion of losses” and take years to recover. Instead, data from 2011-2013 show that many areas — including Florida, the ...

These are the Hidden Costs of Oil Spills

BP points to 'significant progress' since the oil spill

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Trouble in paradise for Chile's Easter Island

Easter Island struggles to cope with tourist influx

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Consternación mundial por la muerte del Nobel colombiano

Minutos después de confirmarse la triste noticia del fallecimiento del escritor colombiano Gabriel García Márquez, en el mundo de las letras y la política de América Latina hubo un solo sentimiento, consternación. Estas son algunas reacciones de presidentes y escritores. Dilma Rousseff, Rafael Correa, Barack Obama, Mario Vargas Llosa y decenas de personalidades manifestaron consternación por la muerte del Nobel. #GraciasGabo se convirtió en tendencia mundial en Twitter.

via Cubadebate

Mundo asombroso: Diez fenómenos que los científicos no pueden explicar

Nuestro mundo es asombroso y a veces inexplicable. Existen varios fenómenos en el universo que, por el momento, no tienen una interpretación confirmada por parte de la comunidad científica. Por ejemplo, las enigmáticas bolas de fuego aparecen de las profundidades el río Mekong, en Tailandia, cada mes de octubre…

via Cubadebate

Red en Defensa de la Humanidad: Gabo será eterno

Gabriel García Márquez marca un hito en la historia de la cultura latinoamericana y caribeña. Pero no solo para nuestra región su partida significa un gran vacío; el mundo entero ha perdido a uno de sus más lúcidos y genuinos intelectuales.

via Cubadebate

El pueblo pinareño recibió eufórico a los Campeones

Miles de pinareños de todos los sectores sociales, se reunieron hoy en la Plaza de la Revolución (provisional) de esta ciudad, para recibir al equipo Campeón de la Serie Nacional de Béisbol 53 y compartir el júbilo por la victoria. Las autoridades de la provincia, extendieron las celebraciones hasta el domingo 20 de abril.

via Cubadebate

Presentarán “Homenaje a Alfredo Guevara”, un libro necesario

El próximo 21 abril se presentará el libro “Homenaje a Alfredo Guevara”, que recopila las intervenciones del Panel-Homenaje realizado el 11 de diciembre de 2013, durante el 35 Festival de Cine de La Habana. La publicación será presentada por Raúl Roa Kourí, e incluye opiniones y vivencias asociadas a Alfredo Guevara, compartidas en aquella ocasión por personalidades del cine, la cultura y la política.

via Cubadebate

Peru evacuates Ubinas volcano area

The authorities in Peru say they are evacuating 4,000 people living near the Ubinas volcano, in the south of the country, because of increased activity.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Group says jailed Cuban journalist should be freed -

Group says jailed Cuban journalist should be freed

Cuban authorities should immediately free a journalist jailed for reporting on a case of alleged police abuse involving a man bitten by a police dog, the Paris-based Reporters Without Frontiers (RWF) said Thursday. Juliet Michelena Díaz, 32, was ...

Reporters Without Borders urges Cuba to free jailed journalist

Cuba - Journalist held for past ten days, charged with "terrorism"

via cuba - Google News

Nativist Group Urges Republican Party to Further Alienate the Immigrant Community

Anti-immigrant groups periodically use a common tactic of circulating reports warning lawmakers and the general public about immigrants’ supposedly threatening character. These reports often consist of portraying immigrants as an economic and fiscal burden, a threat to societal integration, or a political menace to an idealized status quo. Following the latter idea, the Center for [...]

via Immigration Impact

Parle Agro targets Rs 1000 cr sales from Cafe Cuba - Economic Times

Economic Times

Parle Agro targets Rs 1000 cr sales from Cafe Cuba

Economic Times

NEW DELHI: FMCG firm Parle Agro is all set for a full fledged re-entry into the carbonated soft drinks market in India with its latest brand, Cafe Cuba from which it expects Rs 1,000 crore sales in the next 12-14 months. After test marketing the brand ...

via cuba - Google News

Jacobs looks to make impact on nation tourism board - Business First of Buffalo

Jacobs looks to make impact on nation tourism board

Business First of Buffalo

Travel and tourism is big business in the U.S., with 69.8 million international visitors coming to the country last year and those tourists spending more than $180.7 billion. Canada led the way with 23.39 million visitors coming to the U.S. followed by ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

BP points to 'significant progress' since the oil spill - WNEM Saginaw

KPRC Houston

BP points to 'significant progress' since the oil spill

WNEM Saginaw

BP says the Gulf of Mexico is undergoing a "robust recovery"in the four years since the oil spill. The company released a report this week outlining the progress that's been made since the Deepwater Horizon accident in 2010. That report looks at ...

These are the Hidden Costs of Oil Spills

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Baja appoints medical tourism director - IMTJ

Baja appoints medical tourism director


Dr. Alberto Aceves, a leading bariatric surgeon in Mexico, is optimistic, "We are hoping for government health agencies to regulate and provide proper validation and certification for every service related to medical tourism, so creating a trustworthy ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

To Be Governed

A long list of services do qualify as preventive care under the Affordable Care Act, including vaccinations and screenings for diabetes, depression, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and several cancers. Most insurers will cover one such preventive visit per year with no charge to the patient. But care related to existing health problems, or new […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Latin America Has World's Highest Murder Rate: UN -

Latin America Has World's Highest Murder Rate: UN

Journalists protest the murder of their colleague Gregorio Jimenez on Feb. 23, 2014. He is the 12th journalist slain or gone missing since 2010 in Veracruz, Mexico. An April 2014 U.N. report found almost one in three of the world's murders took place ...

Latin America crime

via Latin america - Google News

Latin America projected to invest US$40bn in metro systems by 2025 - Business News Americas

Latin America projected to invest US$40bn in metro systems by 2025

Business News Americas

... countries are expected to invest some US$40bn in metro projects by 2025, according to a report from the IDB. "In total, they will build or expand more than US$40bn in 20 projects," stated the report entitled Latin America and the Caribbean in 2025 ...

via Latin america - Google News

Salsa legend Cheo Feliciano dies in car wreck

Jose Luis "Cheo" Feliciano, a giant of salsa music and Puerto Rican legend, died in a car crash early Thursday morning in San Juan, police said. He was 78.

via - Latin America

Marcelo Di Lorenzo and Rodrigo Galvão Form Atlântico Sul Capital Partners

(Press Release) We are very pleased to announce the formation of Atlântico Sul Capital Partners,…

via Latin American Private Equity and Venture Capital Association » Latest Industry News

Refuta Putin recortes sociales tras unificación de Crimea

El presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin, descartó que la unificación de Crimea y Sebastopol como nuevos sujetos territoriales modifique los compromisos del Estado con el financiamiento de los programas sociales. Aseguró que el Gobierno no tiene necesidad de reducir ninguno de los programas sociales proyectados ni las garantías de ayuda a los sectores en desventaja económica.

via Cubadebate

Agradece Sudáfrica activismo antiapartheid del actor Danny Glover

El Canciller de las Órdenes Nacionales, Cassius Lubisi, confirmó que Sudáfrica honrará al actor afronorteamericano Danny Glover por su excelente contribución al movimiento antiapartheid en Estados Unidos. La Presidencia de Sudáfrica le otorgará el 27 de abril la Orden de Plata de los Compañeros de Oliver Tambo.

via Cubadebate

The Modern History of Venezuela and the Need for a Post-Oil Economy ... - The Real News Network

The Modern History of Venezuela and the Need for a Post-Oil Economy ...

The Real News Network

On Reality Asserts Itself, Mr. Lander says to strengthen democracy, develop food sovereignty and help save the planet, Venezuela must develop a plan to transition away from an extractive economy - 1 hour ago .... What type of tourism is possible? What ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

THEMUSEUM lands major touring exhibition from Egypt - Exchange Morning Post (press release)

THEMUSEUM lands major touring exhibition from Egypt

Exchange Morning Post (press release)

Kitchener - In partnership with the Egyptian Ministries of Antiquities and Tourism, the Grand Egyptian Museum set to open in 2015, THEMUSEUM announce Unwrapping Egypt on display May 15th, 2014 to January 4th, 2015. Unwrapping Egypt reveals the secrets ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

USPS to issue new international global stamp in 2014

via Cuba Journal

BNDES Looks to PE Funds, Direct Investment Amid Growth-Company Rush

(LatinFinance) Brazil’s development bank will invest in up to 12 private equity companies and support…

via Latin American Private Equity and Venture Capital Association » Latest Industry News

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

When America’s joint surgeons were challenged to come up with a list of unnecessary procedures in their field, their selections shared one thing: none significantly impacted their incomes. Kathleen Sebelius for U.S. Senate? Income Inequality Institute creates more inequality by paying Paul Krugman $25,000 a month — no teaching required.

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Salsa legend Cheo Feliciano dies

Puerto Rican salsa singer and composer Cheo Feliciano dies in a car crash in his native island aged 78.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Reminiscing about the 23 y 12 movie house

via Cuba Journal

Pension Funds Seek to Expand Share in Private Equity (em português)

(Valor Economico) Pension funds see private equity as an alternative investment to diversify their portfolios…

via Latin American Private Equity and Venture Capital Association » Latest Industry News

Ideiasnet Announces the Sale of iMusica to Claro

(Press Release) Ideiasnet announced the sale of its stake in iMusica, a Brazil-based digital content…

via Latin American Private Equity and Venture Capital Association » Latest Industry News

President Obama, Put the Arctic Off-Limits to Big Oil - Huffington Post

President Obama, Put the Arctic Off-Limits to Big Oil

Huffington Post

Over the next 87 days, 210 million gallons of oil gushed into the Gulf of Mexico. It fouled fishing grounds, ravaged the coastline, and shut down tourism. The world got an ugly look at some of the terrible hidden costs of fossil fuels. Spill-related ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Daily Headlines: April 17, 2014

via The Latin Americanist

Murió Cheo Feliciano

El salsero José Luis “Cheo” Feliciano Vega murió esta madrugada al impactar su auto contra un poste de tendido eléctrico en Cupey, en San Juan Puerto Rico. De acuerdo a la Policía, el trágico accidente ocurrió a las 4:13 de la madrugada en la PR-176 cerca de la Universidad Metropolitana. Feliciano Vega viajaba solo. “El impacto fue fuerte ante el objeto fijo. Lamentablemente, Feliciano no tenía el cinturón de seguridad”, dijo el inspector Hernández Peña a El Nuevo Día.

via Cubadebate

What Are We Getting for the $30 Billion We Are Spending On Electronic Health Records?

In 2009, the federal government budgeted $30 billion to incentivize doctors and hospitals to install electronic health records and use them “meaningfully”. Here are the results from Boston’s Brigham & Women’s Hospital — one of the leading academic medical centers in the country: Of 858 physicians, 540 (63%) were “meaningful users”. Meaningful use was associated […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Coverage by the news media of the Pativerdes historical win

via Cuba Journal

Cuba en números: Lo que el Censo nos dejó

Los datos más relevantes del Censo Nacional de Población y Viviendas realizado en el 2012 fueron analizados ayer en la Mesa Redonda de la TV y radio cubanas. Cubadebate les ofrece un amplio resumen de los temas abordados en ese programa y los invita a dejar aquí su comentario para participar del Foro Debate de esta mañana con los organizadores del Censo.

via Cubadebate

Record number of Mexican students welcomed to Bournemouth for festival - Bournemouth Echo

Bournemouth Echo

Record number of Mexican students welcomed to Bournemouth for festival

Bournemouth Echo

A cultural tourism exhibition on April 19 and dancing contest on April 20, at the BIC, will be open to the general public. Steve said: “The same event in 2013 was attended by hundreds of local people and holidaymakers who were massively impressed with ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Avenida Revolución's renaissance - San Diego CityBEAT

San Diego CityBEAT

Avenida Revolución's renaissance

San Diego CityBEAT

Plenty of the older touristy businesses remain, but, as the well-known story goes, the drug war in Mexico has seriously damaged Tijuana's reputation. While tourism in Mexico is making a comeback, according to reports by World Travel & Tourism Council ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Man 'earns living' from tattoo ads

Brazilian man sells tattoo advertising space on his forehead

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

NYS-made yogurt headed to Latin America - Albany Times Union

NYS-made yogurt headed to Latin America

Albany Times Union

Columbus. Chobani's yogurt plant in Chenango County will supply part of the new exports of its flagship Greek-style yogurt to Latin America and the Caribbean, the company said Wednesday while remaining mum on whether more workers will be hired.

Chobani begins exporting to Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean

via Latin america - Google News

Cuba publishes full text of law that aims to attract badly needed foreign ... - The Globe and Mail

Cuba publishes full text of law that aims to attract badly needed foreign ...

The Globe and Mail

Cuba on Wednesday published the full language of a new law that seeks to make it more attractive for foreign investors to bring badly needed capital to the island, but provides less advantage for projects that are 100 per cent foreign-financed. The law ...

via cuba - Google News

Ucrania: debacle de la operación “antiterrorista”

A la lúcida y realista dirección de Rusia no le interesa invadir ni anexar Ucrania pero tampoco va a permitir su ingreso a la OTAN ni que no se tomen en cuenta en el nuevo ordenamiento constitucional las opiniones y los derechos de la población de origen ruso. Armonizar estas demandas y las de la población proocidental del oeste de Ucrania exigirá talento y espíritu constructivo, que no sobran en Washington ni en Bruselas.

via Cubadebate

Strike 3: Fumarse el cielo (+ Fotos)

La pelota pinareña conquistó su décimo campeonato nacional al disponer este miércoles de Matanzas nueve carreras contra seis, en el sexto partido de un dual meet que se peleó con mucho arresto y hambre de victoria. Justo como le corresponde a estas instancias. Por tercera ocasión, Alfonso Urquiola gana el campeonato cubano de pelota. Su equipo es el merecido titular, y el país huele a vega de tabaco.

via Cubadebate

French foreign minister meets Raul Castro on historic visit to Cuba - APA

Havana Times

French foreign minister meets Raul Castro on historic visit to Cuba


Baku-APA. France's foreign minister met with Cuban President Raul Castro on Saturday during the first visit to the island by such a high-ranking French official in 31 years and a sign of the quickening pace of improving ties between the European Union ...

Good Friday Now An Official Holiday In Cuba

Cuba Publishes Text of Foreign Investment Law

Cuba publishes foreign investment law

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News