Sunday, March 30, 2014

Brazil police push into slums in Rio - Watertown Public Opinion

Irish Independent

Brazil police push into slums in Rio

Watertown Public Opinion

All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Discuss; Font Size: - +; Print. Posted in Latin-america, World on Sunday, March 30, 2014 3:56 am. Updated: 6:08 am. /news/associated_press/national/latin ...

Brazilian police backed by troops occupy slum by Rio airport

Brazil forces occupy favela ahead of World Cup

Rio police storm favela in dawn operation

via Latin america - Google News

Remembering Brazil's decades of military repression

Remembering Brazil's decades of military repression

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

German stocks - Factors to watch on March 31 - Reuters

German stocks - Factors to watch on March 31


LUFTHANSA. Venezuela's government will allow foreign airlines such as Lufthansa to repatriate $3.8 billion in ticket sales revenues that had been stuck inside the country due to currency controls, Venezuela's airline industry association said on Friday ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Cuba and Vietnam Expand Relations - Havana Times

Cuba and Vietnam Expand Relations

Havana Times

A special emphasis is to be made in areas such as trade, agriculture, telecommunications, energy , public health , biotechnology , pharmacology, manufacturing, defense , tourism, education and training. The leaders stressed the importance of the ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Cuban parliament approves new foreign investment law - Cuba

Cuban parliament approves new foreign investment law


CUBA STANDARD — Hoping to boost lagging GDP growth after three years of economic reform, on March 29 the National Assembly approved a new foreign investment law that promises less government control, more flexibility — including 100-percent ownership ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Aprueban normas para la remuneración de atletas y especialistas del Deporte en Cuba

En vigor normas jurídicas sobre los ingresos de atletas, entrenadores y especialistas del deporte. Surtirán efecto a partir de enero de 2014; aunque, en el caso de los peloteros, será desde el inicio de la 53 SNB, en noviembre de 2013. Incluye un reglamento cuyo objetivo es establecer las categorías deportivas de los atletas de alto rendimiento que sean miembros de las preselecciones nacionales, la Serie Nacional de Béisbol (SNB) y sus reservas, las cuales están en correspondencia con los resultados de los deportistas y determinarán el ingreso básico que este luego debe percibir.

via Cubadebate

Discurso de Rodrigo Malmierca sobre la nueva Ley de Inversión Extranjera en Cuba

Presentación del proyecto de ley de inversión extranjera a la sesión extraordinaria de la asamblea nacional del poder popular por el diputado Rodrigo Malmierca Díaz, Ministro de Comercio Exterior y la Inversión Extranjera, el 29 de marzo de 2014.

via Cubadebate

Proceso de perfeccionamiento institucional y otros temas: Llama Raúl a no dar bandazos

En reunión del Consejo de Ministros presidida por el General de Ejército Raúl Castro Ruz, Marino Murillo Jorge, jefe de la Comisión Permanente para la Implementación y Desarrollo, informó a los miembros del Consejo de Ministros sobre el proceso de creación de condiciones para la unificación monetaria y cambiaria el cual calificó como extremadamente complejo. También se abordaron asuntos como las relaciones institucionales del Estado cubano, la Política para la Ley de funciones y servicios policiales, las cuentas por cobrar y pagar en el país, la inscripción de inmuebles estatales, entre otros.

via Cubadebate

Preocupa desabastecimiento de condones en Santiago de Cuba

El periódico Trabajadores refiere hoy que el desabastecimiento de condones que sufre la provincia de Santiago de Cuba es motivo de preocupación en esa provincia, "por la notable incidencia que tienen en el territorio las infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS), y el VIH/sida en particular, una epidemia que afecta a más de mil santiagueros, y cada año muestra tendencia al incremento".

via Cubadebate

Strike 3: Un campeón al borde de la muerte (+ Fotos)

No hace falta ser un especialista beisbolero ni pasarse las 24 horas del día recibiendo información para saber hacia dónde se inclina esta semifinal de la Serie Nacional. No hace falta ser un genio de las probabilidades para vaticinar que Matanzas va a ganarle la pulseada a Villa Clara. La discusión va 3x0, y no pocos presagian que el play off se queda en el Sandino, sin necesidad de alargar su existencia en el Victoria de Girón.

via Cubadebate

Israel construye muro virtual en frontera de Arizona

Elbit Systems, la empresa que construyó el muro que separa Palestina e Israel en Cisjordania-Jerusalén, ha recibido un contrato de 145 millones dólares del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS, por sus siglas en inglés) para construir una cerca ‘virtual’ a lo largo de la frontera de Arizona con México. El sistema, conocido como el Proyecto Torre Fija Integrada (IFT, por sus siglas en inglés), formará parte de una serie de puntos de vigilancia de seguridad equipado con cámaras de alta sensibilidad y radares a lo largo de la frontera EEUU-México.

via Cubadebate

Eglin on patrol as beachgoers weigh in on territory dispute - The Northwest Florida Daily News

Eglin on patrol as beachgoers weigh in on territory dispute

The Northwest Florida Daily News

The area has become a point of contention between a helicopter tourism company, the county and Eglin Air Force Base. The color of the water can vary drastically depending on if storms have recently churned up the water. Special to ... Sitting on the ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

5 Stats That Explained the World This Week - POLITICO Magazine


5 Stats That Explained the World This Week


In 2013, more than 25 million Americans earned less than Obama's proposed minimum wage of $10.10 an hour—almost eight times the number working at or below today's $7.25 minimum wage. This much larger ... Why Cuba wants a Venezuelan status quo.

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Mary Jean Lastimosa is new Ms. Universe Philippines -


Mary Jean Lastimosa is new Ms. Universe Philippines

An emotional Lastimosa, who also won the Best in Swimsuit award, received her crown from reigning Miss Universe Gabriela Isler of Venezuela. Bagging the Bb. Pilipinas International title was Mary Anne Bianca Guidotti from Taguig. The statuesque beauty ...

Mary Jean Lastimosa crowned Miss Universe Philippines 2014

Dubai girl Parul back on Binibining Pilipinas

Binibining Pilipinas 2014 Grand Coronation Live Coverage, Bb Pilipinas Final ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Family businesses an outstanding value - Saudi Gazette

Family businesses an outstanding value

Saudi Gazette

Later on, companies developed gradually, activities grew, domains broadened and the aspirations to enter into new industries, such as automotives, banking sector, construction, real estate development, and tourism increased. Some family businesses ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Obama may expand covert aid to Syria's rebels - The Daily Star

Wall Street Journal

Obama may expand covert aid to Syria's rebels

The Daily Star

The Obama administration, stung by reversals in Ukraine and Syria, appears to have decided to expand its covert program of training and assistance for the Syrian opposition, deepening U.S. involvement in Syria's brutal and stalemated civil war. The ...

David Ignatius: US may expand Syrian assistance

Mitchell: Obama's Saudi Visit Won't Repair All Wounds

Obama appears ready to expand covert assistance to Syrian opposition

via Cuba Obama - Google News

FINAL: Cocodrilos defeat Oranges 5-4

via Cuba Journal

Cuba approves key law to attract foreign investment - Shanghai Daily (subscription)

Cuba approves key law to attract foreign investment

Shanghai Daily (subscription)

The new law is to replace the current law that came into force since September 1995, when the then government headed by Fidel Castro allowed foreign investment in some sectors, such as tourism, in a bid to address the crisis created after the downfall ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Esclarecen crimen ocurrido en La Habana Vieja

Como se informó en la tarde de ayer a través de la emisora Radio Reloj, a las 7 pm del viernes 28 de marzo fueron hallados los cuerpos sin vida de los ciudadanos cubanos Francisco José García Peña, de 49 años de edad, Florencia María Machado Fernández, de 64, y del niño Víctor Manuel García Acosta, de 10, los cuales fueron ultimados con un objeto contundente mientras dormían en su vivienda

via Cubadebate

Lavrov y Kerry se reunirán mañana en París para una salida a la crisis ucraniana

El secretario de Estado norteamericano, John Kerry, y el ministro ruso de Relaciones Exteriores, Serguei Lavrov, se reúnen el domingo en París para tratar de poner a la crisis después de la incorporación de Crimea a Rusia. Este encuentro fue organizado en apenas unas horas tras una llamada telefónica el viernes por la noche entre el presidente estadounidense, Barack Obama, y el ruso, Vladimir Putin, el primer contacto entre ambos jefes de Estado desde el anuncio de Washington de sanciones económicas contra el círculo cercano del presidente ruso.

via Cubadebate

Develan condiciones del Campo X-Ray, lo peor de la Base de EEUU en Guantánamo

Trescientas jaulas, que no celdas, cubiertas de yerbas altas, polvo y algún rastro animal forman parte hoy del recuerdo del que fuera el primer escenario de la prisión de Guantánamo, el Campo X-Ray, un lugar aún siniestro que no puede sacudirse la palabra "tortura". Desde enero de 2002 hasta abril de ese mismo año, 311 presuntos terroristas vinculados a los atentados o a la red de Al Qaeda permanecieron allí, al sol. Bajo la uralita. En jaulas de apenas 6 metros cuadrados que compartían verja entre sí.

via Cubadebate

Cuba opens door to foreign cash - New Zealand Herald

Cuba opens door to foreign cash

New Zealand Herald

"Cuba needs from US$2 billion to US$2.5 billion a year in direct foreign investment to advance its socialist socioeconomic model, prosperous and sustainable," said Marino Murillo, a vice-president and the czar of President Raul Castro's economic reforms.

via cuba - Google News

Afternoon Report

via Cuba Journal

Mérida welcomes travel agents from the US - The Yucatan Times

The Yucatan Times

Mérida welcomes travel agents from the US

The Yucatan Times

As the governor of Yucatan and the secretary of tourism welcomed delegates from The American Society of Travel Agents, nearly 400 participants, including travel professionals, supplier representatives and tourism executives, immersed themselves in the ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

The Weekender – Cesar Chavez and the Farmworkers’ Struggle

via The Latin Americanist

Cuba opens door for more foreign investment - CBS News

Cuba opens door for more foreign investment

CBS News

Cuban TV broadcast fragments of the morning discussion in which Council of Ministers Vice President Marino Murrillo justifies the provisions of the new law as necessary adjustments in tune with the changing domestic and international economic situations.

via cuba - Google News

Cuba approves foreign investment law - BBC News

BBC News

Cuba approves foreign investment law

BBC News

Cuba's National Assembly has unanimously approved a bill aimed at making the Communist-run island more attractive to foreign investors. The law slashes taxes on profits from 30% to 15% and gives new investors eight years of exemption from paying taxes.

via cuba - Google News

The week ahead March 31 – April 6 - (registration) (blog)

The week ahead March 31 – April 6 (registration) (blog)

*Malaysian money supply. *South Africa trade balance. * Chile copper production, industrial production, retail sales, unemployment. *Venezuela retail sales. *South Korea HSBC manufacturing PMI, trade balance. *China manufacturing PMI, HSBC PMI. Tuesday ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Mary Jean Lastimosa crowned Miss Universe Philippines 2014 - Philippine Star


Mary Jean Lastimosa crowned Miss Universe Philippines 2014

Philippine Star

In 2013, Ariella Arida was named third runner-up in the Miss Universe pageant, with Venezuela's Gabriela Isler taking the crown. Meanwhile, Mary Anne Guidotti was named Bb. Pilipinas-International, Parul Shah was named Bb. Pilipias-Tourism, and Yvethe ...

Dubai girl Parul back on Binibining Pilipinas

Binibining Pilipinas 2014 Grand Coronation Live Coverage, Bb Pilipinas Final ...

Gabriela Isler's advice for aspiring queens: Be 'confident' and 'real'

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Implantan por primera vez un cráneo plástico elaborado con impresora 3D (+ Fotos)

Una mujer holandesa de 22 años se ha convertido en el primer paciente en el mundo al que se le ha implantado la totalidad del cráneo, de plástico, elaborado con una impresora 3D. Gracias a esa tecnología y la pericia de los cirujanos, que estuvieron con ella en el quirófano 23 horas, ha pasado de estar en peligro de muerte a recuperar su vida cotidiana sin ningún tipo de dolencias.

via Cubadebate

Rechaza gobierno venezolano manipulación editorial de la BBC

El Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Comunicación y la Información (Minci) rechazó la noticia publicada en la página web de la BBC en español, BBC Mundo, titulada "¿Hay un 'golpe suave' hoy en Venezuela?" y redactada por el corresponsal Carlos Chirinos, por considerarla sesgada y malintencionada respecto a la violencia promovida por sectores de la ultraderecha en el país desde mediados de febrero.

via Cubadebate

¡Buena bola! A llorarle a Papa Montero

Cubadebate sigue su peña !Buena Bola! animada por la colega Paquita de Armas, a la que hemos convocado a incorporarse a otros periodistas no deportivos, escritores, artistas y otras personalidades, para que nos den su visión de “aficionados” o “fanáticos” sobre lo que está ocurriendo en la final beisbolera cubana. Hoy la acompaña en el debate el trovador, periodista y director de El Caimán Barbudo, Fidel Díaz Castro. Los criterios especializados nuestros lectores lo tendrán en Strike 3 con Michel Contreras y Rafael Arzuaga.

via Cubadebate

Obama Must Show He'll Use Military Means to Deter Russia in Ukraine - Daily Beast

Obama Must Show He'll Use Military Means to Deter Russia in Ukraine

Daily Beast

Even potent economic sanctions over decades have not brought Cuba, Iran, and North Korea to their knees. Russia will be even more difficult to ..... She told the Ministry of Tourism she had wandered off route while taking photographs. Over the years, a ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Pirates of the Caribbean: Paranoia in Tortuguero - Tico Times

Pirates of the Caribbean: Paranoia in Tortuguero

Tico Times

Zach is a journalist who frequently writes about crime for The Tico Times, and he related what he'd heard: Because there is no road to Tortuguero, departing tourists must ride riverboats through the canals until they reach a parking lot. From there, a ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Loreto: Quiet gem on Mexico's Baja Peninsula - Chicago Daily Herald

Loreto: Quiet gem on Mexico's Baja Peninsula

Chicago Daily Herald

In a renewed effort two years ago, Mexico's tourism agency gave Loreto its "Magic Town" moniker, a label to promote places notable for natural beauty, cultural riches or historical relevance. Still, the international airport here welcomed only about 40 ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Obama Must Show He'll Use Military Means to Deter Russia in Ukraine - Daily Beast

Voice of America

Obama Must Show He'll Use Military Means to Deter Russia in Ukraine

Daily Beast

It is that Obama's idea of combating aggression essentially by means of economic sanctions and “diplomacy” is not nearly enough, that the costs of aggression have to be raised, and that there has to be a stronger and more credible military dimension to ...

A Flurry of Travel, Across the World and Beyond

Obama Envisions Russia Sanctions Limiting Global Impact

Obama Hails IMF Loan to Ukraine, Unity on Russia

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Latin America needs to bolster finances to face tapering-IADB - Reuters

Latin America needs to bolster finances to face tapering-IADB


Still, the regional bank says Latin America is for the most part able to withstand capital fluctuations resulting from the draw back of asset purchases by the U.S. Federal Reserve and slowdown of the Chinese economy. During the 2008 financial meltdown ...

Financial inclusion to the Max: efforts wins royal approval

via Latin america - Google News

A Few More Thoughts On Sexism In Latin America - NPR (blog)

NPR (blog)

A Few More Thoughts On Sexism In Latin America

NPR (blog)

Editor's Note: NPR's Lourdes Garcia-Navarro, who has worked extensively in the Latin America and the Middle East, recently compared the sexism she found in both places. You can read her original essay here. It sparked a strong response from readers ...

LATIN AMERICA: Filling the infrastructure financing gap

via Latin america - Google News

Good governance paves way for economic growth - Global Times

Global Times

Good governance paves way for economic growth

Global Times

If that compromise holds, stability will take hold, markets will function, Tunisia will attract investment and tourism will thrive again. At the heart of ... This is true even in cases like Venezuela, where large oil revenues masked the underlying ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

New flight Monterrey – Merida – Monterrey inaugurated yesterday - The Yucatan Times

The Yucatan Times

New flight Monterrey – Merida – Monterrey inaugurated yesterday

The Yucatan Times

The First Volaris flight Monterrey – Merida – Monterrey arrived yesterday at the Merida International Airport with 103 passengers, this new route will directly link the capital cities of the Mexican States of Nuevo Leon and Yucatan. ... The regional ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Cuba acts to draw more foreign investors

Few would say Cuba is an easy place to do business, but a new law aimed at bringing pep to an anemic economy may lure more foreign investors.

via - Latin America

Rethinking Caribbean tourism again - Jamaica Observer

Rethinking Caribbean tourism again

Jamaica Observer

In the Caribbean, tourism is increasing to two destinations -- Cuba and the Dominican Republic. Such growth, as the English-speaking Caribbean countries have witnessed, has been marginal and not sufficient to create the number of jobs or earn the ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Nicaragua needs new friends | Nicaragua Dispatch - Nicaragua Dispatch

Nicaragua needs new friends | Nicaragua Dispatch

Nicaragua Dispatch

... territorial integrity. The other NO votes were cast by Armenia, Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, North Korea, Russia, Sudan, Syria, Venezuela and Zimbabwe ... It's growing slowly but surely into a maturing destination for tourism and foreign investment. The ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News