Monday, September 30, 2013

Press digest - Times of Malta

Press digest

Times of Malta

El Universal quotes President Nicolas Maduro sayng he had evidence that the three took part in a power-grid sabotage last month and had bribed Venezuelan companies to cut down production. The United States and Venezuela have been without ambassadors in ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Cuba faces challenges in push to end dual currency - Lake Wylie Pilot

Cuba faces challenges in push to end dual currency

Lake Wylie Pilot

Cuba is the only country in the world that mints two national currencies, a bizarre system that even President Raul Castro acknowledges is hamstringing the island's socialist economy and must be scrapped. Exactly how to do that is the problem. Months ...

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

Cuba Faces Challenges in Push to End Dual Currency - ABC News

Cuba Faces Challenges in Push to End Dual Currency

ABC News

Cuba is the only country in the world that mints two national currencies, a bizarre system that even President Raul Castro acknowledges is hamstringing the island's socialist economy and must be scrapped. Exactly how to do that is the problem. Months ...

via cuba - Google News

Cuba faces challenges in push to end dual currency - York Daily Record

Cuba faces challenges in push to end dual currency

York Daily Record

In this Aug. 30, 2013 photo, a food vendor spreads out convertible pesos, known as CUCs, the two bills on the right, and regular Cuban pesos at her stand in a vegetable market in Havana, Cuba. Cuba is the only country in the world that mints two ...

via cuba - Google News

Vasser leaving Atlantic City Convention and Visitors Authority - Press of Atlantic City

Vasser leaving Atlantic City Convention and Visitors Authority

Press of Atlantic City

A 1978 graduate of Atlantic City High School, Vasser has overseen approximately 60 employees and the daily operation of the authority's convention sales, marketing, media relations and tourism division. Gov. Chris Christie initially talked of ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Haiti introduces special police force for tourists -

Haiti introduces special police force for tourists

The two-year-old government of President Michel Martelly has sought to make tourism a priority. His government has doubled its tourism budget and is hoping that $27 million from Venezuela will help revive the once-thriving industry. © Copyright (c).

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

El Gabo vuelve (+ Video)

García Márquez ya tiene 86 años y sus admiradores esperan lo peor. Pero el hombre que dio vida y locura a los Buendía está vivo, cuerdo y sigue andado por ahí, aunque ya no al ritmo frenético de sus años mozos. Se paseó en la mañana del lunes 30 de septiembre por un centro comercial de Ciudad México, aparentemente, para comprarse unos anteojos.

via Cubadebate

FMI y Banco Mundial: llegó la hora del balance

En 2014, el Banco Mundial y el FMI cumplirán 70 años. En octubre de 2013, mantendrán, como habitualmente, su reunión anual en Washington. Numerosas organizaciones, entre las que se encuentra el CADTM, hacen una convocatoria conjunta para una semana de acción contra la deuda ilegítima y las instituciones financieras internacionales que se desarrollará a escala internacional del 8 al 15 de octubre. |1| Este artículo vuelve a tratar el balance de la actuación del FMI y del Banco Mundial, y propone alternativas para una nueva arquitectura internacional.

via Cubadebate

Security firms in high demand in Mexico

Economic growth spurs demand for security firms in Mexico. Rafael Romo reports.

via - Latin America

Argentina struggles to curb football violence

How violence is marring football in Argentina

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Rio De Janeiro Aims To Become The Hollywood Of South America - Huffington Post

Washington Post

Rio De Janeiro Aims To Become The Hollywood Of South America

Huffington Post

RIO DE JANEIRO -- For Mayor Eduardo Paes, it's not enough that Rio de Janeiro is both an Olympic and a World Cup host city. He's determined to turn Rio into a Woody Allen city, too, and has gone to extraordinary lengths to persuade the director to ...

EQUINIX INC : Equinix Opens Second Rio de Janeiro Data Center

via Latin america - Google News

How to invest in Latin America on the London markets - MoneyWeek

How to invest in Latin America on the London markets


One of the most common things that readers say to me about Latin American shares is that they're too risky. Interesting story and all, they say, but there's no way that I'm sticking my money into a company that I've never even heard of. “Why don't you ...

via Latin america - Google News

Jackson ends Cuba trip without Gross meeting -

Jackson ends Cuba trip without Gross meeting

Jesse Jackson is ending a four-day visit to Cuba without getting to visit a U.S. government development subcontractor imprisoned in the island nation. The civil rights activist said Monday he had requested access to Alan Gross, but was told there wasn ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Jackson Ends Cuba Trip Without Gross Meeting - ABC News

Jackson Ends Cuba Trip Without Gross Meeting

ABC News

The Rev. Jesse Jackson ended a four-day visit to Cuba on Monday without getting to visit a U.S. government development subcontractor who is serving a 15-year sentence in the Caribbean nation. The civil rights activist said he had requested access to ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

Venezuela expels three U.S. diplomats

Venezuela's president said Monday that he is expelling three U.S. diplomats for their alleged involvement in acts of sabotage to destabilize the South American country.

via - Latin America

San Francisco may open Latin America office for business development - San Francisco Business Times

San Francisco may open Latin America office for business development

San Francisco Business Times

San Francisco hopes to replicate the success it has had with its ChinaSF office in other parts of the world. ChinaSF, begun in 2008, is designed to attract Chinese companies to set up shop in San Francisco. It is also meant to help San Francisco ...

via Latin america - Google News

Cuba Gooding Jr.'s 'Life Of A King' Gets U.S. Distribution - Variety

Cuba Gooding Jr.'s 'Life Of A King' Gets U.S. Distribution


Millennium Entertainment has acquired all U.S. rights to “Life of a King,” a drama that stars Cuba Gooding Jr. as a chess-playing ex-con,. Get Los Angeles Film Festival News and alerts free to your inbox. The film premiered in June at the Los Angeles ...

via cuba - Google News

Revelan selección de Cuba al Mundial de Boxeo Almaty 2013

El equipo quedó integrado por Yobany Veitía (49), Gerardo Cervantes (52), Robeisy Ramírez (56), Lázaro Álvarez (60), Yasniel Toledo (64), Arisnoidis Despaigne (69), Ramón Luis (75), Julio César La Cruz (81 kg), Erislandy Savón (91) y Yohandry Toirac (+ 91), que tienen el propósito de ganar el título por países en Kazajstán.

via Cubadebate

Desarrollan dispositivo para ‘bloquear’ el espionaje de la NSA

John McAfee, el fundador de la compañía de seguridad informática a la que da nombre, anunció que está desarrollando un dispositivo para evitar que la NSA tenga acceso a la información privada de los internautas. Se venderá por menos de cien dólares. El aparato, que todavía está en fase de diseño, se llamará 'Decentral' y creará redes locales descentralizadas que se mantendrán en continuo movimiento para evitar que la NSA las intercepte.

via Cubadebate

Mona Lisa esconde un código misterioso

La famosa Mona Lisa de Leonardo da Vinci esconde en su pupila izquierda la clave de la identidad de la modelo en la que el pintor se inspiró, de acuerdo con el historiador italiano Silvano Vinceti, presidente de la comisión nacional de patrimonio cultural en su país. Según recogía ayer el periódico The Guardian, Vicenti sostiene que el pintor renacentista trazó letras y números minúsculos en las pupilas de la mujer retratada.

via Cubadebate

Centenario de un patriota

El 14 de septiembre último se cumplieron 100 años del nacimiento de Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán, presidente de Guatemala del 15 de marzo de 1951 al 30 de junio de 1954, cuando fue derrocado por un golpe de Estado fraguado por la CIA y el Departamento de Estado norteamericano, que contó además con la participación activa de miembros del Alto Mando del Ejército, sectores antipatriotas, el embajador de los Estados Unidos de América en Guatemala John Peurifoy y la alta jerarquía del clero católico.

via Cubadebate

Denuncia Siria doble rasero en los temas armas químicas y terrorismo

El viceprimer ministro y canciller de Siria, Walid al-Moualem, denunció hoy en la sede de la ONU que su país es víctima del doble rasero en materia de terrorismo y armas químicas, lo cual consideró un obstáculo para la salida política al conflicto interno. El alto funcionario advirtió que las potencias occidentales ignoran los asesinatos y masacres cometidos por los insurgentes, mientras acusan a Damasco de crímenes.

via Cubadebate

Expertos: “Fukushima es una amenaza milenaria para la humanidad”

Un profesor emérito de la Universidad de Yale, considerada una de los mejores centros de Estados Unidos, ha sido el último en sumarse a la lista de expertos que consideran el accidente nuclear de Fukushima "una amenaza milenaria para la humanidad". Según Charles Perrow, las partículas radioactivas que se filtraron de la planta nuclear de Fukushima en 2011 "serán llevadas por las corrientes marinas hasta la costa norteamericana".

via Cubadebate

RESEARCH AND MARKETS: Travel and Tourism in Mexico to 2017: In July ... - 4-traders (press release)

RESEARCH AND MARKETS: Travel and Tourism in Mexico to 2017: In July ...

4-traders (press release)

Despite a decline in 2009 due to the financial crisis, the Mexican travel and tourism sector performed well during the review period (2008-2012). Inbound trips to Mexico recovered to register a CAGR of 0.52%, and outbound tourist volumes posted a CAGR ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

How can Congress prevent a shutdown? - CNN (blog)

How can Congress prevent a shutdown?

CNN (blog)

Then large companies or banks, probably big oil companies like they did in Venezuela. Leftists know no bounds. .... Tell that to the business owners who rely on the tourism industry in and near the major national parks: i.e. Mt. Rushmore. Tell that to ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Haiti introduces special police force for tourists - Vancouver Sun

Vancouver Sun

Haiti introduces special police force for tourists

Vancouver Sun

The two-year-old government of President Michel Martelly has sought to make tourism a priority. His government has doubled its tourism budget and is hoping that $27 million from Venezuela will help revive the once-thriving industry. © Copyright (c).

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Brazil gang in huge tablet robbery

An armed gang in Brazil storms the main cargo terminal at Sao Paulo airport and makes off with tablets and notebooks worth $800,000 (£500,000).

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Raicel Iglesias detained in Cuba; Yankees will have to look elsewhere - Pinstriped Bible

Raicel Iglesias detained in Cuba; Yankees will have to look elsewhere

Pinstriped Bible

It was believed that Raicel Iglesias had defected from Cuba in order to declare his free agency and sign with a major league team in the offseason; however, that seems to be untrue. He was detained by Cuban authorities before he was ever able to leave ...

via cuba - Google News

Iván Cambar no participará en el Campeonato Mundial de Pesas

La escuadra cubana de levantamiento de pesas no contará con la participación de Iván Cambar, en la división de los 77 kilogramos, para el Campeonato Mundial de Varsovia, Polonia, del 16 al 23 de octubre próximo. Cambar se encuentra bajo tratamiento, por lo cual se mantendrá alejado de los entrenamientos hasta que esté totalmente recuperado, comentó Serguei Delgado, metodólogo nacional de la disciplina.

via Cubadebate

Revoluciones en democracia, democracias en revolución

Democracia: soberanía de la mayoría. Soberanía: poder máximo que no se somete a ningún otro. Contra estas definiciones la reacción ha tejido en todos los tiempos el infundio de que no es posible una revolución en democracia ni una democracia en revolución. Democracia sí, mientras no sea económica o social. Usted puede votar por el alcalde, pero no por el dueño del monopolio ni el magnate comunicacional. La mayoría puede decidir todo, salvo lo que la favorece. Si así lo hace, las fuerzas antidemocráticas ejercen la más brutal violencia en defensa de sus privilegios.

via Cubadebate

Real Observatorio de Greenwich: mejores astrofotos de 2013

Cubadebate ofrece a sus seguidores las mejores fotografías astronómicas de 2013 según el Real Observatorio de Greenwich localizado en Reino Unido.

via Cubadebate

Los tiempos han cambiado, los CDR también

Discurso pronunciado por Segundo Secretario del Comité Central del Partido y Vicepresidente de los Consejos de Estado y de Ministros, José Ramón Machado Ventura, en la clausura del VIII Congreso de los Comités de Defensa de la Revolución.

via Cubadebate

Colisionan en Chicago dos trenes de pasajeros

Al menos 10 personas han resultado heridas en Chicago, EE.UU., tras colisionar dos trenes de pasajeros de la empresa Blue Line. Los trenes chocaron en el barrio de Forest Park. Al menos uno de los vagones ha resultado seriamente afectado, informa la CBS.

via Cubadebate

Iraq: Saldo de 51 fallecidos en atentado

51 muertos y más de 130 heridos es el saldo de la explosión, este lunes por la mañana, de nueve coches en la capital iraquí de Bagdad. Los funcionarios de seguridad y sanidad del país han informado de que las explosiones han tenido lugar en ocho barrios distintos de mayoría chií. El ataque más mortífero se ha producido en el área de la ciudad del norte de Bagdad, donde una explosión se cobró la vida de al menos una docena de personas, entre ellas dos soldados.

via Cubadebate

Spring in the Central Drakensberg - News24

Spring in the Central Drakensberg


This relatively long hike encompasses the famous chain ladders and takes you to the source of Tugela Falls; the thin stream of water that falls into the valleys below is the second highest single fall in the world after Angel Falls in Venezuela. There ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

OPINION: De Blasio, Cuba and the Sandinistas - Brooklyn Daily Eagle

OPINION: De Blasio, Cuba and the Sandinistas

Brooklyn Daily Eagle

Recently, a lot of to-do has been made about former Brooklyn councilman and current mayoral candidate and Public Advocate Bill de Blasio's left-wing background. It turns out that when he was young, in the 1980s, he went to Nicaragua to volunteer with ...

via cuba - Google News

Toyota says it will export US-built Corollas to Latin America - Los Angeles Times

Torque News

Toyota says it will export US-built Corollas to Latin America

Los Angeles Times

The new Toyota Corolla has barely hit car dealers but Toyota is already saying it plans to export the U.S.-built version of the compact sedan to 18 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean starting next year. Toyota said about 7,500 of the cars ...

US-built Corollas will soon be exported to Latin America, Caribbean

Toyota to export Corollas to Latin America in 2014

2014 Toyota Corolla helps US workers with in-sourced jobs

via Latin america - Google News,0,6439941.story

Latin America most vulnerable to higher US rates-IMF - Reuters

Latin America most vulnerable to higher US rates-IMF


WASHINGTON, Sept 30 (Reuters) - Latin America is likely to suffer most if U.S. interest rates rise more quickly than economic conditions merit, the International Monetary Fund said on Monday. But higher rates could also hit output in Europe and Asia ...

via Latin america - Google News

Rio de Janeiro's mayor dreams of making his city South America's answer to ... - Washington Post

Washington Post

Rio de Janeiro's mayor dreams of making his city South America's answer to ...

Washington Post

RIO DE JANEIRO — For Mayor Eduardo Paes, it's not enough that Rio de Janeiro is both an Olympic and a World Cup host city. He's determined to turn Rio into a Woody Allen city, too, and has gone to extraordinary lengths to persuade the director to ...

via Latin america - Google News

Cluttered calendar causes conflict in Brazil

Players in Brazil are feeling the strain because of the State Championships, writes South American football expert Tim Vickery

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Hopes Remain for Cuba's Participation in Serie del Caribe

via Cuba Journal

Hoy es el turno de Siria en Asamblea General de la ONU

El momento de Siria ante la plenaria de 193 países ha estado precedido de varias intervenciones de políticos de los cinco continentes, que han tratado la crisis en Damasco, la mayoría de ellos para abogar por una solución pacífica del conflicto interno, rechazar el uso de armas químicas y llamar a que no se desate una nueva guerra en la región.

via Cubadebate


No eran las favoritas de nadie; pero a base de coraje, entrega y talento llenaron a este archipiélago de alegría la noche del pasado sábado. Sacaron a relucir la estirpe de las cubanas. Ya están en la Patria. Ahora a entrenarse para el Mundial 2014 y a prepararles topes a la altura de la calidad que ya tienen. ¡FELICIDADES CAMPEONAS!

via Cubadebate

Hoy en la Mesa Redonda: Julián Assange: diálogo Londres-La Habana

La Mesa Redonda transmitirá hoy el diálogo que sostuviera el pasado jueves, vía Internet, el reconocido ciberactivista australiano Julián Assange, recluido hace un año en la embajada ecuatoriana en Londres en espera de un salvoconducto, con periodistas y blogueros cubanos, reunidos en La Habana en un curso impartido por el principal editorialista del periódico mexicano La Jornada.

via Cubadebate

Cuban Carton

via Cuba Journal

Daily Headlines: September 30, 2013

via The Latin Americanist

Search local inventory, coupons and more - The Herald |

Search local inventory, coupons and more

The Herald |

Despite a decline in 2009 due to the financial crisis, the Mexican travel and tourism sector performed well during the review period (2008-2012). Inbound trips to Mexico recovered to register a CAGR of 0.52%, and outbound tourist volumes posted a CAGR ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Haiti introduces special police force for tourists - Ottawa Citizen

Ottawa Citizen

Haiti introduces special police force for tourists

Ottawa Citizen

The two-year-old government of President Michel Martelly has sought to make tourism a priority. His government has doubled its tourism budget and is hoping that $27 million from Venezuela will help revive the once-thriving industry. © Copyright (c).

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Latin America Mining Market Outlook to 2017 - New Mining Projects to Foster ... - The Herald |

Latin America Mining Market Outlook to 2017 - New Mining Projects to Foster ...

The Herald |

The report titled 'Latin America Mining Market Outlook to 2017- New Mining Projects to Foster the Future Growth' provides a comprehensive analysis of the various aspects such as market size, segmentation, trends and developments and future projections ...

via Latin america - Google News

Rio de Janeiro dreams of (being) Hollywood -

Rio de Janeiro dreams of (being) Hollywood

Argentina's director Juan Jose Campanella talks during an interview at the Rio Film Festival in Rio The Associated Press Argentina's director Juan Jose Campanella talks during an interview at the Rio Film Festival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Saturday, Sept.

via Latin america - Google News

Mexico church collapse kills boy

A 10-year-old boy is killed when the walls of an unfinished church collapse during Sunday morning mass near the Mexican city of Monterrey.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Haiti launches special police unit for tourists - News24

Haiti launches special police unit for tourists


The two-year-old government of President Michel Martelly has sought to make tourism a priority. His government has doubled its tourism budget and is hoping that $27m (R273m at R10.11/dollar) from Venezuela will help revive the once-thriving industry. - AP.

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Venezuela jail search yields arsenal

Guards searching a jail in Venezuela where 16 inmates were killed in fighting two weeks ago find tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Pope Francis announces canonization of predecessors

Pope Francis is expected Monday to announce the timing for the canonization of two of his predecessors, John XXIII and John Paul II.

via - Latin America