Thursday, December 19, 2013

AP PHOTOS: Editor Selections From Latin America - ABC News

AP PHOTOS: Editor Selections From Latin America

ABC News

Power blackouts this week left Argentines seeking relief from the heat in city water fountains, while in Chile former President Michelle Bachelet won back the presidency and the women's national soccer team made it to the finals against Brazil. The U.S ...

via Latin america - Google News

Chile court orders tsunami payout

Chile's Supreme Court has for the first time ordered the state to pay compensation to the relatives of one of the victims of the 2010 tsunami.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Cuba Elementary closing for good - WPSD Local 6

Cuba Elementary closing for good

WPSD Local 6

She added that there hasn't been more than 200 students enrolled at Cuba for at least 7 years and there are six empty classrooms at Wingo Elementary and two empty classrooms at Sedalia Elementary which can provide the space for the 158 Cuba kids.

via cuba - Google News

Chevron in fraganti

El reconocido cineasta y fotógrafo cubano Roberto Chile, junto al periodista Pedro de la Hoz, pudo comprobar en el terreno durante la primera semana de diciembre de 2013, la permanencia y el agravamiento del atentado de Chevron contra la Amazonía ecuatoriano. Cubadebate presenta imágenes como testimonios gráficos de una verdad insoslayable: la mano sucia de Chevron queda en evidencia.

via Cubadebate

Watch Obama Greet Raul Castro In Historic Handshake At Nelson Mandela ... - Latin Times

Latin Times

Watch Obama Greet Raul Castro In Historic Handshake At Nelson Mandela ...

Latin Times

As President Barack Obama made his way to the podium at late South African leader Nelson Mandela's memorial service in Johannesburg on Tuesday, he stopped to greet other leaders in a line of dignitaries. One of the first in that line happened to be ...

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

Sean Penn helps man flee Bolivia?

Rafael Romo reports on an American businessman who escaped Bolivia and the suspicion of actor Sean Penn's involvement.

via - Latin America

The Handshake Redux: Cuban Leader Told President Obama, 'Mr. President, I'm ... - Fox News Latino

The Guardian

The Handshake Redux: Cuban Leader Told President Obama, 'Mr. President, I'm ...

Fox News Latino

The revelation of the words that the Cuban president spoke to Obama came from Castro's older brother and former Cuban leader Fidel Castro, who broke months of silence Thursday with a lengthy editorial in state media discussing Cuba's ties to Mandela ...

Fidel Castro hails brother for Obama handshake

Fidel Castro hails brother Raúl's handshake with Barack Obama

Obama-Castro handshake: What does it mean?

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Cuba Lifts Restrictions on Imported Cars - Voice of America

Voice of America

Cuba Lifts Restrictions on Imported Cars

Voice of America

In the past, Cubans had to get authorization from the Transport Ministry to purchase a new car. The authorization cards took months to obtain, opening up the process to corruption and a black market in which cardholders would sometimes sell them for ...

via cuba - Google News

Cuba eases 50-year-old restrictions on car imports - Channel News Asia

Channel News Asia

Cuba eases 50-year-old restrictions on car imports

Channel News Asia

HAVANA: Cuba announced on Thursday it will ease restrictions on car imports for the first time in half a century, marking the end of an era that made icons of the island's vintage automobiles. The official newspaper Granma said the decision to allow ...

via cuba - Google News

Concluyeron hoy debates de la actualidad cubana en comisiones del Parlamento

Luego de dos días de discusiones y propuestas de políticas relevantes para la actualización del modelo económico de Cuba, las diez comisiones permanentes de trabajo de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular concluyeron este jueves, cuando fueron discutidos con mayor vehemencia la venta de materiales de la construcción, la entrega de subsidios para reparar viviendas y el mejoramiento de la programación musical de la Televisión Cubana, entre otros temas, previo al Segundo Período Ordinario de Sesiones de la VIII Legislatura de ese órgano supremo de gobierno, convocado en plenaria para este viernes y sábado.

via Cubadebate

LA IMAGEN DEL DIA: Negligencia múltiple

Imagen tomada en la esquina de 33 y 52, Municipio Playa, Servicios Comunales dice que no tiene nada que ver, porque fue Recursos Hidráulicos el que rompió la calle, lo que imposibilita que pase el camión de la basura por este lugar. El INRH no ha respondido a la queja de los vecinos y las autoridades municipales no han tomado cartas en el asunto. Foto:OMAIDA RODRIGUEZ, Vecina de 33 No. 5202 e / 52 y 54. Municipio Playa/ Lectora de Cubadebate

via Cubadebate

Un error prueba injerencia de USAID en Cuba

Detalles de un plan de la Agencia de Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID) con presupuesto de seis millones de dólares destinado a desestabilizar al gobierno de Cuba fueron descubiertos gracias a que los documentos contentivos de éste fueron enviados, por línea desprotegida y sin ser clasificados como secretos, a funcionarios de la Sección de Intereses de EE.UU. en La Habana.

via Cubadebate

Raul Castro's Handshake With Barack Obama: Fidel Castro Reveals Brother ... - Latin Times

Latin Times

Raul Castro's Handshake With Barack Obama: Fidel Castro Reveals Brother ...

Latin Times

Fidel Castro has revealed that his brother Raul told President Barack Obama that "I am Castro" during their now infamous handshake during the funeral of former South African President Nelson Mandela. In his eulogy to Mandela, Castro wrote "I ...

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

Escotet Joins Rich Latin Americans Investing in Spanish Banks - Bloomberg

Escotet Joins Rich Latin Americans Investing in Spanish Banks


Venezuelan billionaire Juan Carlos Escotet is building a bank in the country his father left in 1947, as rich Latin Americans invest in Spanish lenders. The Banesco Group, a Venezuelan bank controlled by Escotet, 54, made a winning 1 billion-euro ($1 ...

via Latin america - Google News

Drone Use Soars in Latin America, Remains Widely Unregulated - Upside Down World

Upside Down World

Drone Use Soars in Latin America, Remains Widely Unregulated

Upside Down World

At the same time, they are specifically targeting developing markets in Latin America for the martial use of drones in law enforcement and military operations. In response, human rights groups have been raising concerns over these fast-evolving ...

via Latin america - Google News

Raul Castro's Cuba lets citizens buy new cars for first time since 1959 revolution - euronews


Raul Castro's Cuba lets citizens buy new cars for first time since 1959 revolution


Cubans are free to buy new cars for the first time since the 1959 revolution, its communist government has announced. It's the latest in a series of reforms put forward by Raul Castro, who took over as president from his ailing brother Fidel in 2008 ...

via cuba - Google News

Especially fancy Mummers - South Philly Review

Especially fancy Mummers

South Philly Review

Five drag queens and a drag king shared the stage with Scott Brown, the director of tourism for the Fancy Brigade Association; 1st District Councilman Mark F. Squilla; Leo Dignam, the Mummers Parade director; Bill Burke, vice president of the ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Department of Commerce forecasts strong growth for international travel to US - eTurboNews


Department of Commerce forecasts strong growth for international travel to US


WASHINGTON, DC - The US Department of Commerce (DOC) projects international travel to the United States will continue experiencing strong growth through 2018, based on the National Travel and Tourism Office's 2013 Fall Travel Forecast. Visitor volume ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Cuba Lifts Restrictions on Car Imports - Voice of America

Cuba Lifts Restrictions on Car Imports

Voice of America

In the past, Cubans had to get authorization from the Transport Ministry to purchase a new car. The authorization cards took months to obtain, opening up the process to corruption and a black market in which cardholders would sometimes sell them for ...

via cuba - Google News

The Crumbling Elegance of Cuba - Huffington Post

The Crumbling Elegance of Cuba

Huffington Post

It took me close to fifteen years to pilgrimage to Cuba. The fact that I was traveling with eleven senior citizens didn't really matter. The mythical island was a place I had read about and studied since I was a senior at Bates College and took Aviva ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

ICE Releases 2013 Deportation Data

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deported 368,644 immigrants during the 2013 fiscal year, according to the agency’s year-end removal numbers. ICE officials report that 235,093 of those removed were apprehend at the border, and 133,551 people were apprehended in the interior of the U.S. Of those removed from the interior, ICE’s data shows that [...]

via Immigration Impact

The Crumbling Elegance of Cuba - Huffington Post

The Crumbling Elegance of Cuba

Huffington Post

It took me close to fifteen years to pilgrimage to Cuba. The fact that I was traveling with eleven senior citizens didn't really matter. The mythical island was a place I had read about and studied since I was a senior at Bates College and took Aviva ...

via cuba - Google News

Cuba lifts restrictions on car imports - Ninemsn

Cuba lifts restrictions on car imports


Cuba lifts restrictions on car imports. 2:23am December 20, 2013. The Cuban government has announced it will allow unrestricted car imports for the first time in half a century, marking the end of an era that made icons of the island's vintage automobiles.

via cuba - Google News

Cuba lifts 50-year-old car import ban -

Cuba lifts 50-year-old car import ban

Cuba will allow unrestricted car imports for the first time in 50 years, marking the end of an era for the 1950s Chevys, Fords and Pontiacs that have survived the ban. The decision to allow cars to be imported for sale at market prices on the island ...

Cuba's 1950s-Era Chevys Easier to Sell After Castro Ends Permits

Fidel Castro hails brother for Obama handshake

Cuba Seeing Results Of Economic Reforms In 2013

via cuba - Google News

How Happy Are You?

[C]onservative women are particularly blissful: about 40 percent say they are very happy. That makes them slightly happier than conservative men and significantly happier than liberal women. The unhappiest of all are liberal men; only about a fifth consider themselves very happy. About half of happiness is genetically determined. Up to an additional 40 percent […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Fidel Castro hails brother for Obama handshake - Reuters

Charlotte Observer

Fidel Castro hails brother for Obama handshake


HAVANA (Reuters) - Fidel Castro praised his brother, Cuban President Raul Castro, on Thursday for shaking hands with U.S. President Barack Obama at a memorial for Nelson Mandela, saying he demonstrated courtesy and dignity with the gesture.

Fidel Castro discloses brother's words to Obama

Obama-Castro handshake: What does it mean?

'Mr. President, I'm Castro.' Fidel reveals brother's words to Obama in South ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Otra foto del saludo de Raúl y Obama

Cubadebate reproduce otra imagen del saludo que intercambiaron el General de Ejército Raúl Castro Ruz, Presidente de los Consejos de Estados y de Ministros de Cuba, y el Presidente norteamericano Barack Obama, durante las honras fúnebres al líder sudafricano Nelson Mandela

via Cubadebate

Pestano podrá jugar la Serie del Caribe, asegura Higinio

El receptor Ariel Pestano, retirado de la pelota en la Isla tras ganar el título con Villa Clara, está comprendido dentro del grupo que participará en la próxima Serie del Caribe. Así lo afirmó este jueves en el Palacio de Convenciones Higinio Vélez, presidente de la Federación Cubana de Béisbol, interpelado por diputados de la Comisión de Salud y Deportes de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular, donde compareció en calidad de ponente.

via Cubadebate

Raúl Castro pide cero impunidad para quienes atenten contra la economía nacional

El presidente de los Consejos de Estado y de Ministros, General de Ejército Raúl Castro, aseguró que no pueden quedar impunes las violaciones contra la economía nacional, a propósito de afectaciones a la isla en el comercio exterior, tema debatido recientemente por el Consejo de Ministros. En la sesión de ayer, el ministro de Comercio Exterior y la Inversión Extranjera, Rodrigo Malmierca, informó sobre los daños al país ocasionados por irregularidades en las operaciones del comercio exterior en el primer semestre del año.

via Cubadebate

The Plight of Haitian-Dominicans: Judicial Review Or Just Racism? - WJCT NEWS

The Plight of Haitian-Dominicans: Judicial Review Or Just Racism?


But Haitian diaspora leaders like Lafortune are now calling for a tougher international response, including a boycott of the Dominican tourism industry. And the western ... Venezuela is attempting to mediate the Dominican-Haitian talk. But Jacobson ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

HSA 10th Anniversary Event Photos

You may scroll through the photos, or you may view them as a slideshow by clicking the Slideshow button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. If you find a photo you want to download, simply mouse over the photo, and a menu will pop up on the right-hand side. Click the Save Photo […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Hits and Misses

Can robots replace doctors? HT: Tyler Yglesias: the case against dividends. (Interesting throughout) Claims of virgin births in U.S. near 1 percent. Marijuana use mimics schizophrenia in your brain. There is no such thing as a Styrofoam cup. Ronald Reagan’s “welfare queen”: She really existed and she was worse than even Reagan believed. Health Wonk […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Cuba loosens car buying restrictions

Cuba is loosening long-standing restrictions on people buying foreign-made new and used cars, according to state media.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Advierten sobre peligros de intromisión en Marte

Gerda Horneck, microbióloga por la Universidad de Fráncfort, advirtió sobre los peligros para nuestro planeta de la 'intromisión terrestre' en Marte en una extensa entrevista concedida al portal de ciencias español Materia III. En su extensa entrevista, la científica afirmó que las naves espaciales de la NASA enviadas al Planeta Rojo desde los años 70 (salvo la primera, la misión de Viking, muy bien esterilizada) tenían "hasta 300.000 esporas bacterianas"

via Cubadebate

Acusado de fraude, exfutbolista Gattuso amenaza con suicidarse

"Estoy enfadado y ofendido", afirmó el exfutbolista italiano Gennaro Gattuso, en declaraciones a la división de deportes del grupo mediático italiano Mediaset desde la Estación Central de trenes de Milán (norte de Italia), justo en el día en que trascendió la investigación que la Fiscalía de Cremona le ha abierto por su supuesta relación con la trama de amaño de partidos y fraude en apuestas deportivas del "calcio".

via Cubadebate

Diputados reciben información sobre Proyecto de Ley de Código de Trabajo (+ Fotos)

El Proyecto de Ley Código de Trabajo, cuyas deliberaciones finales con vistas a su aprobación forman parte del programa previsto para el II Periodo Ordinario de Sesiones, de la 8va. Legislatura de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular que comenzará mañana viernes a las 9 a.m. en el Palacio de Convenciones, será objeto esta tarde de una sesión plenaria de trabajo.

via Cubadebate

Serie Nacional: Mayabeque enredó la pita (+ Box Score)

Mayabeque amaneció hoy a un suspiro de la zona de clasificación a la segunda fase del Campeonato Cubano de béisbol, luego de su triunfo de ayer 5-1 sobre Artemisa, con protagonismo para el lanzador Ariel Miranda, ícono de la escuadra. Miranda, considerado por muchos expertos como el más brillante zurdo de su generación y uno de los mejores del país en la actualidad, se acreditó el triunfo en el partido con un trabajo espléndido, que incluyó 12 ponches en siete innings de labor.

via Cubadebate

Bolt y Fraser-Pryce ganan encuesta de Prensa Latina

Los velocistas jamaicanos Usain Bolt y Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce dominaron de principio a fin la 50 edición de la encuesta de Prensa Latina para elegir a los Mejores deportistas del año, cuyos resultados fueron anunciados hoy en La Habana. En esta 50 edición de la encuesta deportiva de Prensa latina participó una cifra récord de 151 medios de prensa de 27 países de América, Europa, Asia y África.

via Cubadebate

Class Action Settlement Removes Obstacles Preventing Asylum Applicants from Working

A recent settlement agreement in a class action lawsuit brought on behalf of thousands of asylum seekers is removing obstacles they faced in obtaining work documents while they pursue their asylum claims. The inability to work for lengthy periods of time has had crippling effects on asylum applicants. Without proper work authorization, they have been [...]

via Immigration Impact

VIDEO: Drug-running airstrips destroyed in Peru

Peruvian authorities say they have delivered a blow to drug traffickers by destroying 20 clandestine airstrips deep in jungles in the south of the country.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Electronic Travel Authorization Should Not Deter Tourism and Trade ... - Canada NewsWire (press release)

Electronic Travel Authorization Should Not Deter Tourism and Trade ...

Canada NewsWire (press release)

Countries whose residents currently require a visa are among Canada's fastest growing trading partners and sources for tourists. Brazil, China, India and Mexico alone brought nearly 700,000 visitors to Canada in 2012. The potential to expand tourism ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Raul Castro's Cuba lets citizens buy new cars for first time since 1959 revolution - euronews


Raul Castro's Cuba lets citizens buy new cars for first time since 1959 revolution


Cubans are free to buy new cars for the first time since the 1959 revolution, its communist government has announced. It's the latest in a series of reforms put forward by Raul Castro, who took over as president from his ailing brother Fidel in 2008 ...

Raul Castro Tackled Higher Education at Cuba's Council of Ministers

Cuba lifts 50-year-old car import ban

Cuba lifts restrictions on car imports

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

A Growing Market for A.D.H.D.

[R]ecent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that the diagnosis had been made in 15 percent of high school-age children, and that the number of children on medication for the disorder had soared to 3.5 million from 600,000 in 1990. With the children’s market booming, the industry is now employing similar […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

VIDEO: Bolivia police clash with child protesters

Children and police in Bolivia's administrative capital, La Paz, clash over plans by local legislators to prevent children under the age of 14 from working.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Who Doesn’t Like ObamaCare?

Fifty-three percent of the uninsured disapprove of the law, the poll found, compared with 51 percent of those who have health coverage. A third of the uninsured say the law will help them personally, but about the same number think it will hurt them, with cost a leading concern. (NYT/CBS poll)

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Numerosos observadores internacionales participarán en elecciones ecuatorianas

Un total de 150 observadores internacionales acompañarán a Ecuador durante las elecciones seccionales del próximo 23 de febrero. Entre los confirmados, Paredes mencionó la Alternativa Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América, la Asamblea Nacional de Cuba, la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños, Asociación Mundial de Organismos Electorales, el Parlamento Andino, la Organización de estados Americanos y Comunidad Andina de Naciones.

via Cubadebate

Médicos argentinos graduados en Cuba son agasajados en Congreso nacional

Más de 450 jóvenes argentinos graduados en Cuba en 2012 y 2013 fueron agasajados en el Congreso de la Nación, ceremonia en la cual prevaleció el concepto de que Patria es humanidad. El espacioso Salón Azul de la casa legislativa argentina se llenó del entusiasmo de un total de 445 médicos, ocho licenciados en educación física, un ingeniero civil, un licenciado en física y matemáticas, y un ingeniero en biomedicina.

via Cubadebate

Putin declara “envidiar” a Obama porque puede espiar sin consecuencias (+ Video)

"Envidio a Obama porque puede hacer de todo sin consecuencias", ha dicho entre risas el presidente de Rusia, Vladimir Putin, en una rueda de prensa. Respecto al espionaje masivo estadounidense, el mandatario ruso dijo que el espionaje es uno de los oficios más antiguos, pues "siempre ha existido". Asimismo, Putin reiteró que no quiere justificar a nadie, pero considera que el espionaje cumple objetivos antiterroristas.

via Cubadebate

Cuba opens up sale of new, used vehicles - Automotive News

Cuba opens up sale of new, used vehicles

Automotive News

HAVANA (Reuters) -- For the first time since the 1959 revolution, Cubans will have the right to buy new and used vehicles from the state without government permission, official media announced on Thursday, another step toward greater economic freedom ...

Cuba opens up sale of new and used vehicles -official media

via cuba - Google News

Best Western's Development Pipeline Growing Quickly in Latin America ... - (прессъобщения) (press release)

Best Western's Development Pipeline Growing Quickly in Latin America ... (прессъобщения) (press release)

Hotel demand in the country has been spurred by increased political stability and the growth of the coffee, tourism and oil industries. Gastronomy and foodie travel also is a growing trend in Colombia and ... Best Western opened its first hotel in ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Outlook stable for Latin America oil and gas - Stock Market Wire

Outlook stable for Latin America oil and gas

Stock Market Wire - Latin American oil and gas companies enter 2014 with a stable outlook, supported by strong underlying assets, and adequate capital structures and liquidity profiles, according to a new Fitch Ratings report. Director Lucas ...

via Latin america - Google News

Entrarán en vigor nuevas regulaciones para la venta minorista de vehículos

Luego de dos años de vigencia del Decreto 292, que autoriza la transmisión de la propiedad de los vehículos a través de la compra, venta o donación entre los ciudadanos residentes en el país, serán publicadas durante los próximos días en la Gaceta Oficial nuevas normas jurídicas que pondrán en vigor la política para la importación y comercialización de vehículos de motor, según se aprobó este miércoles en la reunión del Consejo de Ministros.

via Cubadebate

ARTÍCULO DE FIDEL: Mandela ha muerto ¿Por qué ocultar la verdad sobre el Apartheid?

-Ningún acontecimiento presente o pasado que yo recuerde o haya oído mencionar, como la muerte de Mandela, impactó tanto a la opinión pública mundial; y no por sus riquezas, sino por la calidad humana y la nobleza de sus sentimientos e ideas. -Los fraternales sentimientos de hermandad profunda entre el pueblo cubano y la patria de Nelson Mandela nacieron de un hecho que ni siquiera ha sido mencionado, y de lo cual no habíamos dicho una palabra a lo largo de muchos años; Mandela, porque era un apóstol de la paz y no deseaba lastimar a nadie. Cuba, porque jamás realizó acción alguna en busca de gloria o prestigio. -Felicito al compañero Raúl por su brillante desempeño y, en especial, por la firmeza y dignidad cuando con gesto amable pero firme saludó al jefe del gobierno de Estados Unidos y le dijo en inglés: “Señor presidente, yo soy Castro”.

via Cubadebate

The Plight of Haitian-Dominicans: Judicial Review Or Just Racism? - WLRN


The Plight of Haitian-Dominicans: Judicial Review Or Just Racism?


But Haitian diaspora leaders like Lafortune are now calling for a tougher international response, including a boycott of the Dominican tourism industry. And the western ... Venezuela is attempting to mediate the Dominican-Haitian talk. But Jacobson ...

U.S. expresses 'deep concern' over Dominican court citizenship ruling

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Raja Casablanca deny Ronaldinho at World Cup

They are the little known Moroccan champions who have decimated the dream of Brazilian great Ronaldinho.

via - Latin America

Evo llegó a China para presenciar lanzamiento de primer satélite de Bolivia

El Presidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales, llegó a Beijing para iniciar una visita de tres días a China, en esta ocasión con el objetivo principal de asistir al lanzamiento del primer satélite boliviano, el "Tupac Katari". El cohete que lo transporta despegará desde la base de Xichang el próximo sábado.

via Cubadebate

Messi evoluciona bien en la recuperación de su lesión

El argentino Lionel Messi presenta una "buena evolución" en la recuperación que realiza en Argentina para superar una rotura muscular en el bíceps femoral de la pierna izquierda, ha informado el FC Barcelona en una nota. El informe del club catalán añade que el próximo viernes se le realizarán más pruebas para establecer la tercera fase del proceso de recuperación e iniciar la recuperación física.

via Cubadebate

Best Western's Development Pipeline Growing Quickly in Latin America ... - PR Web (press release)

Best Western's Development Pipeline Growing Quickly in Latin America ...

PR Web (press release)

BEST WESTERN PLUS Vista Pacifico. “We're seeing a natural fit between the demands of developers and travelers in South America, and the modern, upscale amenities we offer with our BEST WESTERN PLUS and BEST WESTERN PREMIER hotel types.

via Latin america - Google News