Friday, January 10, 2014

Tampa's Cuba flights see room for growth -

Tampa's Cuba flights see room for growth

TAMPA — Among 73 international flights and 8,995 passengers who landed at nine airports in Cuba on Wednesday were two flights from Tampa International Airport carrying 106 visitors and 10 from Miami International Airport with 941 more passengers.

via cuba - Google News

A clever campaign - Nogales International

A clever campaign

Nogales International

Which made it the perfect time for the Arizona Office of Tourism to unveil its new “Warm up in AZ” campaign in the area, featuring TV, newspaper and online ads, as well as a giant billboard of a bikini-clad woman lounging poolside. ... I understand the ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Photos of the day from around the world: January 10 - New York Daily News

Photos of the day from around the world: January 10

New York Daily News

An actor wears a carnival mask of the Dominican Republic during a media preview of the world's largest public trade fair for tourism and leisure in Stuttgart, Germany, Jan. 10, 2014. The fair runs from Jan. 11 through 19.

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Trapped Airline Cash in Venezuela Surges 27% to $3.3 Billion (1) - Businessweek

Trapped Airline Cash in Venezuela Surges 27% to $3.3 Billion (1)


Valued at the official exchange rate of 6.3 bolivars per dollar, the amount of cash airlines have in Venezuela has risen 27 percent from $2.6 billion in November, Jason Sinclair, an IATA spokesman, said yesterday. Companies including Brazil's Gol ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Colombian mayor calls for protests

The mayor of the Colombia's capital, Bogota, warns he will mobilise his supporters and occupy public squares indefinitely if his recent controversial sacking is confirmed.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Cuba, Guest Country at Gastronomy and Tourism Fair in Galicia - Radio Cadena Agramonet

Cuba, Guest Country at Gastronomy and Tourism Fair in Galicia

Radio Cadena Agramonet

Cuba's participation as a guest country at Xantar, the international gastronomy and tourism fair in Galicia, is arousing a great deal of public and business interest, authorities from that Spanish autonomous community stated today. The presence of ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Alan Gross Hopes Rise as US Official Praises Talks With Cuba - Jewish Daily Forward

Jewish Daily Forward

Alan Gross Hopes Rise as US Official Praises Talks With Cuba

Jewish Daily Forward

Havana — A U.S. State Department official in Cuba for migration talks praised on Friday the tone of current relations between the United States and Cuba, and visited jailed U.S. contractor Alan Gross during a three-day trip to the Communist-run island ...

US official praises new tone with Cuba, visits jailed contractor

Cuba, US meet on migration in latest sign of thawing ties

US-Cuba Migration Talks in Havana; coming changes?

via Travel Cuba - Google News

WTM Latin America 2014 Introduces Dedicated Technology Region - eTurboNews


WTM Latin America 2014 Introduces Dedicated Technology Region


World Travel Market Latin America 2014, which takes place from April 23 – 25 at the Transamerica Expo Center in São Paulo, is introducing a dedicated Travel Technology Region to the exhibition floor for the first time. The region will include some of ...



via Latin america - Google News

VIDEO: The revolution that rocked Mexico

The pipe-smoking leader who rocked Mexico

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

US 'open' to new relations with Cuba

A senior American official says the United States is "very open" to a new relationship with Cuba, on condition of more political freedom on the communist-run island.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Consolidation of Tourism Between Countries of MERCOSUR - Prensa Latina

Consolidation of Tourism Between Countries of MERCOSUR

Prensa Latina

After finishing the meeting of Tourism Ministers of that subregional alliance, celebrated in this capital, the host stressed the reach of Venezuela in this sector in the development of the bloc in economical, social, and cultural terms. In statements ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Presiden Machado y Díaz-Canel acto por el 55 Aniversario de la entrada de Fidel a La Habana (+ Fotos)

El acto central por el aniversario 55 de la histórica entrada de Fidel a La Habana al frente de la Caravana de la Libertad, inició en la capital justo a las cinco de la tarde, con la presencia de una gran representación del pueblo habanero. Presidieron el acto José Ramón Machado Ventura, Segundo Secretario del Partido y Vicepresidente de los Consejos de Estado y de Ministros y Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, Primer Vicepresidente de los Consejos de Estado y de Ministros.

via Cubadebate

Fábrica de Arte Cubano: Ir sin límite

En el Vedado, una antigua fábrica de aceite cobra nueva vida, esta vez, para acoger un laboratorio artístico. X Alfonso lleva adelante este proyecto cultural para que, en breve, la vistosa chimenea anuncie que la industria está nuevamente en marcha, no con humo, sino con vapores de otro tipo. Cubadebate reproduce la entrevista que concediera el músico y realizador a Progreso Semanal.

via Cubadebate

En fotos: Vórtice polar congela las Cataratas del Niágara (+ Video)

Las Cataratas del Niágara son las más famosas de todo el mundo, y uno de los puntos turísticos más importantes de toda Norteamérica. En 1848, tras una ola de frío en la que se alcanzaron los menos 35 grados centígrados, quedaron completamente congeladas. Es la primera congelación documentada el 29 de marzo. Este año, la tormenta “Hércules”, cubrió de nieve los hogares de 187 millones de estadounidenses y provocó que las Cataratas del Niágara se congelaran por completo.

via Cubadebate

Michelle Bachelet, proclamada presidenta electa de Chile

La chilena Michelle Bachelet fue proclamada este viernes por el Tribunal Calificador de Elecciones (Tricel) como presidenta electa, con lo cual quedó en condiciones de asumir el poder el 11 de marzo próximo por los próximos cuatro años. En un acto realizado en la sede del Tricel que estuvo encabezado por el presidente de esa instancia, Patricio Valdés, se dio a conocer el resultado oficial de la segunda vuelta de la elección presidencial realizada el 15 de diciembre pasado.

via Cubadebate

US official praises new tone with Cuba, visits jailed contractor - Reuters

Calgary Herald

US official praises new tone with Cuba, visits jailed contractor


U.S. official in Cuba for migration talks. * Praises Cuba travel liberalization. By Marc Frank. HAVANA, Jan 10 (Reuters) - A U.S. State Department official in Cuba for migration talks praised on Friday the tone of current relations between the United ...

Cuba, US meet on migration in latest sign of thawing ties

via Travel Cuba - Google News

Priest shot dead in Brazil church

Police in Brazil say two gunmen have killed an evangelical priest at his church in the city of Belo Horizonte.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Boat seizures over $70 permits present another black eye for Mexican tourism - Yahoo News Canada (blog)

Washington Post

Boat seizures over $70 permits present another black eye for Mexican tourism

Yahoo News Canada (blog)

Despite concerns about the bloody drug war and periodic reports of tourists being murdered, Mexico remains a very popular destination for sun-seeking Canadians. Now the Mexican government is giving snowbirds something else to worry about.

Mexico impounds boats, angering US boaters

US, Canadian boaters left in limbo in Mexico

via tourism in mexico - Google News

US Embassy: Pot legalization back home won't change Latin America drug policy - Tico Times

Tico Times

US Embassy: Pot legalization back home won't change Latin America drug policy

Tico Times

Not to kill your buzz, but it doesn't look like recent recreational marijuana legalization in some U.S. states will have an immediate impact on drug policy in Latin America. On Jan. 2, the United States Embassy in San José posted a story to its blog ...

Latin America Green News: Chile leads in solar-thermal, Costa Rica lags on ...

Roundup: Costa Rica hospitals, Mexico City roadworks, Coahuila social ...

via Latin america - Google News

Trapped Airline Cash in Venezuela Surges 27% to $3.3 Billion - San Francisco Chronicle

Trapped Airline Cash in Venezuela Surges 27% to $3.3 Billion

San Francisco Chronicle

(Updates with tourism minister comment in fifth paragraph). Jan. 10 (Bloomberg) -- International airlines operating in Venezuela have $3.3 billion trapped in the South American country because of currency controls, the International Air Transport ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Cuba, US Hold Migration Talks in Havana - ABC News

Cuba, US Hold Migration Talks in Havana

ABC News

Havana reiterated its stance that to ensure legal and orderly migration, the U.S. must do away with the Cuban Adjustment Act, which makes Cubans eligible for permanent residency after being in the States for one year, and the "wet-foot, dry-foot ...

via cuba - Google News

Muestra fotográfica acusa los perjuicios de Chevron en Ecuador

Edgar Ponce, embajador de Ecuador en Cuba, y Kenia Serrano, presidenta del Instituto Cubano de Amistad con los Pueblos (ICAP), develaron el poster del mandatario ecuatoriano Rafael Correa, que dejó abierta la muestra fotográfica ampliada “Chevron-Texaco=Destrucción en el Ecuador”, exhibida en el Castillo de la Real Fuerza, de La Habana.

via Cubadebate

Dimiten el presidente y el primer ministro de la República Centroafricana

El presidente interino de la República Centroafricana (RCA), Michel Djotodia, y su primer ministro Nicolas Tiangay, han presentado esta mañana su dimisión tras varias semanas de violencia que han causado cientos de muertos en su país y un millón de desplazados. Djotodia firmó la dimisión en Yamena, donde la Comunidad Económica de los Estados de África Central (CEEAC) celebra una cumbre sobre la situación en la RCA, según ha informado el diario chadiano Al Wihda.

via Cubadebate

Cumbre CELAC: Un nuevo paso hacia el sueño de la Patria Grande

La Cumbre de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (CELAC), a iniciarse el 28 de enero en La Habana, coincidirá con el 161 aniversario del natalicio del Héroe Nacional cubano, José Martí, predicador junto a Simón Bolívar y otros próceres, que han luchado a lo largo de la historia por la ansiada independencia y la definitiva integración de la Patria Grande. Un paso importante representará esa cita de 33 Jefes ...

via Cubadebate

Recibió Eugenio George la Orden Collar de Oro de la Federación Internacional de Voleibol (+ Video)

Eugenio George Lafita, mejor entrenador del siglo XX, recibió anoche la Orden Collar de Oro de la Federación Internacional de Voleibol (FIVB), ceremonia que tuvo lugar en la sede de la NORCECA, en Santo Domingo, República Dominicana. Cristóbal Marte Hoffiz, primer vicepresidente de la FIVB y titular de la NORCECA, colocó el Collar de Oro sobre el pecho de Eugenio, quien estuvo acompañado de sus compatriotas Ariel Saínz, presidente de la Federación Cubana de Voleibol, y la tricampeona olímpica Mireya Luis

via Cubadebate

Chomsky: “El instrumento que utilizó EE.UU. para criminalizar a los pobres fueron las drogas”

Hay cosas que "la clase dirigente blanca liberal no quiere que formen parte de la historia", afirmó Chomsky en una conferencia con estudiantes sobre los logros del movimiento estadounidense por los derechos civiles. "La guerra contra las drogas es un fraude, un fraude total. No tiene nada que ver con las drogas. […] En lo que ha sido exitosa la guerra contra las drogas es en criminalizar a los pobres. Y los pobres en EE.UU. resultan ser en su mayoría negros y latinos", indica el analista estadounidense.

via Cubadebate

Strike 3: Vamos a hablar de los refuerzos

A despecho de sus detractores, la jornada de petición de los refuerzos se ha convertido en uno de los episodios más emocionantes de la telenovela beisbolera nacional. Es el día en que cada director debe hacer gala de sus dotes de sicólogo y ajedrecista, y ese día termina por ser (más que influyente) decisivo en el destino de la Serie.

via Cubadebate

El lago chileno que desapareció en una noche

La noche del 31 de marzo de 2012, un lago chileno llamado Cachet II, de dos millas cuadradas de superficie acuática, desapareció casi completamente y desde ese entonces lo sigue haciendo regularmente. La última vez que ocurrió, el lago, con 200 millones de litros de agua, desapareció por completo debido al aumento de las temperaturas provocado por el cambio climático.

via Cubadebate

Millionaires on Medicaid

Got a house worth $802,000, lots of savings and a nice car? You might still qualify for benefits… In fact, 15% of elderly individuals in the middle-income quintile, 8% in the upper-middle quintile, and 5% in the top quintile receive Medicaid benefits… [S]tate governments are mandated by law to pursue the estates of wealthy residents […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Quake off Cuba shudders folks from Keys to Orlando - Sun-Sentinel

Quake off Cuba shudders folks from Keys to Orlando


A rare but moderate earthquake off the Cuban coast shook buildings and rattled residents from the Keys to Orlando on Thursday afternoon. The 5.1 magnitude quake occurred just before 4 p.m. in the ocean about 24 miles north of the Cuban city of ...

via cuba - Google News,0,2596190.story

Latin America low cost carrier freakonomics is a distribution headache - Tnooz

Latin America low cost carrier freakonomics is a distribution headache


One very distinct and rather curious aspect of the Latin American online travel market is there for all to see, but few comment on. NB: This is an analysis by Steve Sherlock, an entrepreneur in residence with the Chilean Government's Startup Chile program.

via Latin america - Google News

Robert A. Pastor, Latin America specialist in diplomacy and academia, dies at 66 - Washington Post

Washington Post

Robert A. Pastor, Latin America specialist in diplomacy and academia, dies at 66

Washington Post

Robert A. Pastor, a Latin America specialist who was a top U.S. negotiator of the 1977 Panama Canal treaties, and who through scholarship and diplomacy sought to strengthen U.S. relations with countries to the south, died Jan. 8 at his home in Washington.

Robert Pastor, former ex-official, Latin American specialist dies at age 66

via Latin america - Google News

Motorbiker killed in Dakar Rally

The Dakar Rally claimed another victim Friday, as organizers announced the death of an experienced Belgian competitor in the motorbikes section.

via - Latin America

Chilean fishermen win court backing

Chile's Supreme Court sides with fishing groups and orders the operator of two coal power plants to ensure they do not pollute or kill marine life.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Ecuador starts the formal proceedings to renounce the Rio Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance with the USA

via Cuba Journal

China supera en 2013 a EE.UU. como líder del comercio mundial

China acaba de sumar otro hito estadístico, otro argumento para convertirse en la economía más determinante. Si en 2009 logró ser ya el primer exportador de mercancías global, tras dos décadas de vertiginoso crecimiento en las ventas al resto del mundo, en 2013 ha superado a Estados Unidos como primera potencia comercial. El valor total de las exportaciones e importaciones de bienes en el año llegó a los 4,16 billones de dólares (3,05 billones de euros).

via Cubadebate

Cuba compró más viviendas y permutó menos en el 2013

La compraventa de viviendas en Cuba aumentó en 2013 con respecto al año precedente, mientras decrecieron los contratos de permutas, según análisis estadísticos realizados en el Ministerio de Justicia (MINJUS). Los titulares usaron más la transmisión de inmuebles por compraventa o donación gracias a la flexibilización normativa aprobada en el Decreto-Ley 288 de 2011, señalaron a la prensa Autoridades del organismo.

via Cubadebate

Israel anuncia la construcción de nuevas viviendas en territorio palestino

El Gobierno israelí ha sacado a concurso este viernes la construcción de 600 viviendas en Jerusalén Este y 800 en asentamientos de Cisjordania, a pesar de los llamamientos internacionales para que detenga estos planes urbanísticos para no perjudicar el proceso de paz, ha informado en su edición digital el diario 'Jerusalem Post'. El Ejecutivo que lidera el primer ministro, Benjamin Netanyahu, mantiene de este modo sus planes de seguir aumentado los asentamientos de colonos, a pesar de las críticas recibidas por parte de líderes europeos.

via Cubadebate

Congreso de EE.UU. tiene más millonarios que nunca

Por primera vez en la historia, la mayoría de los miembros del Congreso de EE.UU. son millonarios. Es más, el Congreso del país también es el menos popular de todos los tiempos, con un bajo índice de aprobación que bate todos los registros. Al menos 268 de los 534 miembros del Congreso de EE.UU. tienen ingresos promedio de un millón de dólares o más, de acuerdo con el último informe del Centro para la Política Responsable.

via Cubadebate

The Armored Train

via Cuba Journal

Cuba, US hold migration talks in Havana - Washington Post

Cuba, US hold migration talks in Havana

Washington Post

Havana reiterated its stance that to ensure legal and orderly migration, the U.S. must do away with the Cuban Adjustment Act, which makes Cubans eligible for permanent residency after being in the States for one year, and the “wet-foot, dry-foot ...

via cuba - Google News

Why Everyone Eventually Gets Cancer

As people age their cells amass more potentially cancerous mutations. Given a long enough life, cancer will eventually kill you — unless you die first of something else. That would be true even in a world free from carcinogens and equipped with the most powerful medical technology… Maybe someday some of us will live to […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

The Incarceration Industrial Complex is very busy in the USA

via Cuba Journal

On a date like today

via Cuba Journal

US, Canadian boaters left in limbo in Mexico after raid by tax officials - 680 News

US, Canadian boaters left in limbo in Mexico after raid by tax officials

680 News

... leaving Mexico, and say officials have not told them how they could remedy the situation. Foreign pleasure boat owners call this a heavy-handed crackdown over a minor permit, and they say it threatens a tourism sector Mexico has long sought to promote.

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Moderate earthquake is felt in Florida and Cuba - Sun-Sentinel

Moderate earthquake is felt in Florida and Cuba


The effects were also felt in Cuba. Medium-rise buildings in Havana had reports of swaying. The quake was reportedly felt by workers in two six-floor buildings in Havana that were temporarily evacuated. It appeared to last about 30 seconds. No damage ...

via cuba - Google News,0,2306433.story


Exhibition World


Exhibition World

The new region for the second edition of the event follows on from the success travel technology has had at WTM Latin America's sister event WTM in London. "I am delighted to be able to launch a new Travel Technology region to the exhibition floor ...

WTM Latin America 2014 Introduces Dedicated Technology Region

via Latin america - Google News

Robert Pastor, former ex-official, Latin American specialist dies at age 66 - Fox News

Robert Pastor, former ex-official, Latin American specialist dies at age 66

Fox News

Associated Press. WASHINGTON – American University says Robert A. Pastor, professor at the School of International Service and a former U.S. government national security adviser for Latin America, has died after a three-year battle with cancer. He was 66.

via Latin america - Google News

How the 2014 Midterm Elections Could be Impacted by Immigration

By Tom K. Wong, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of California, San Diego Despite hopes that 2013 would be the year of comprehensive immigration reform, legislation stalled in the House and the year ended without a bill. Since the House reconvened Tuesday, 427 days have passed since the November 2012 elections [...]

via Immigration Impact

Princeton native involved in licensing travel to Cuba - Princeton Union Eagle

Princeton native involved in licensing travel to Cuba

Princeton Union Eagle

Princeton High School graduate Jeff Braunger says he has no interest in traveling to Cuba, one of the last Communist strongholds, but also a country where many would like to visit for its warm climate, sandy beaches, music, dancing and foods. Braunger ...

via cuba - Google News