Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Students Embrace Cuban Educational Experience - Diverse: Issues in Higher Educatio

Students Embrace Cuban Educational Experience

Diverse: Issues in Higher Educatio

GREENWOOD, Ind. (AP) – For more than 40 years, U.S. tourism to the island nation of Cuba has been forbidden. An embargo placed on travel in the 1960s essentially has cut off one of the most fascinating countries in the world. Few U.S. travelers have ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

A History of US Intransigence, from Cuba to Colombia - Monthly Review

A History of US Intransigence, from Cuba to Colombia

Monthly Review

Cuba solidarity activists rallied in Bogota's Policarpo district on January 26 to celebrate Cuban national hero José Martí's 161st birthday. Martí, champion of "Our America" -- lands south of the Rio Grande River -- launched an anti-imperialist ...

via cuba - Google News

A History of US Intransigence, from Cuba to Colombia - Monthly Review

A History of US Intransigence, from Cuba to Colombia

Monthly Review

Cuba solidarity activists rallied in Bogota's Policarpo district on January 26 to celebrate Cuban national hero José Martí's 161st birthday. Martí, champion of "Our America" -- lands south of the Rio Grande River -- launched an anti-imperialist ...

via cuba - Google News

Hidden treasures: Indiana student finds much to learn on college-sponsored ... - The Republic

Hidden treasures: Indiana student finds much to learn on college-sponsored ...

The Republic

Due to the embargo placed on Cuba in 1962, travel by almost all tourists from the U.S. has been banned. But President Barack Obama eased those restrictions in 2011, making it possible for those in academic, cultural or religious groups to enter the ...

Student finds much to learn on trip to Cuba

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Fraternal encuentro de Fidel con Evo, Correa y Daniel (+ Fotos)

El líder histórico de la Revolución cubana, Fidel Castro Ruz, recibió en la tarde de hoy a Daniel Ortega, Evo Morales y Rafael Correa, presidentes de la República de Nicaragua, el Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia y la República del Ecuador, respectivamente, quienes participan en la II Cumbre de la CELAC. Con particular emoción fue recordado Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías y sus esfuerzos extraordinarios para la creación de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños.

via Cubadebate

Declaración de La Habana (+ PDF y Fotos)

La II Cumbre de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (CELAC) concluyó este miércoles en la capital cubana luego de 2 días de intensas jornadas a favor de la integridad regional. La Cumbre cerró con la aprobación de importantes documentos entre los 33 estados miembros, como la Declaración de La Habana y el Plan de Acción 2014, además del traspaso a Costa Rica de la presidencia pro-témpore de la agrupación. Descargue en Cubadebate la Declaración de La Habana, con los 83 puntos que aprobaron todos los Jefes de Estado.

via Cubadebate

En fotos, la Clausura de la II Cumbre de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (CELAC)

El General de Ejército Raúl Castro, presidente de Cuba, declaró oficialmente concluida la II Cumbre de la CELAC, eran las 6:11 minutos de la tarde. Con un apretón de manos a Laura Chinchilla, presidenta de Costa Rica que toma a su cargo la Presidencia de la organización, quedó sellado el traspaso, tras varios días de intenso trabajo en La Habana. Primero tuvo lugar la Reunión de Coordinadores Nacionales, más tarde el encuentro de Cancilleres, y ayer y hoy, el segmento de los Jefes de Estado.

via Cubadebate

Student finds much to learn on trip to Cuba - Bellingham Herald

Student finds much to learn on trip to Cuba

Bellingham Herald

GREENWOOD, Ind. — For more than 40 years, U.S. tourism to the island nation of Cuba has been forbidden. An embargo placed on travel in the 1960s essentially has cut off one of the most fascinating countries in the world. Few U.S. travelers have been ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

Buying what you want the gods to give you

The festival where you buy what you want the gods to give you

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Student finds much to learn on trip to Cuba - The Idaho Statesman

Student finds much to learn on trip to Cuba

The Idaho Statesman

GREENWOOD, Ind. — For more than 40 years, U.S. tourism to the island nation of Cuba has been forbidden. An embargo placed on travel in the 1960s essentially has cut off one of the most fascinating countries in the world. Few U.S. travelers have been ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Ecuador ex-police chief held in US

Police in the US arrest former Ecuadorean police commander Edgar Vaca, accused of kidnapping and torturing left-wing rebels in the 1980s.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Zeke Emanuel Praises the Coburn/Burr/Hatch Bill – Sort Of

First there is this: Senators Tom Coburn, Richard Burr and Orrin Hatch deserve credit for developing this plan. Putting together a proposal to reform the American health care system is hard and politically courageous. And while it is lacking in important details, this plan contains some interesting ideas that might have enabled bipartisan compromises had […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Puerto Rico: 28 Indios y muy pocas lanzas

Por más que el presidente de la Liga Profesional de Puerto Rico, Héctor Rivera, se declare satisfecho con la conformación de los Indios de Mayagüez que intervendrán en la Serie del Caribe, sospecho que la escuadra boricua no acabará cortándole la oreja al toro en Isla Margarita. El roster acaba de ser anunciado, e incluye a ocho de los peloteros que finalizaron en el segundo puesto del Clásico Mundial 2013.

via Cubadebate

Edward Snowden es nominado al Nobel de la Paz

Dos políticos noruegos nominaron a Edward Snowden como candidato a recibir el Premio Nobel de la Paz en 2014. Es el segundo intento de promover la candidatura del exempleado de la CIA, que reveló la red global de espionaje de Estados Unidos. Los socialistas Baard Vegard Solhjell y Snorre Valen comentan que no apoyan todas las filtraciones de Snowden, pero que su decisión se basa en el hecho de que "han contribuido a un orden mundial más estable y pacífico".

via Cubadebate

Mañana, cerca del mediodía, Moré y sus estrellas en CubaDebate

Alrededor del mediodía de mañana, el manager villaclareño Ramón Moré estará en la sede de Cubadebate acompañado por algunos de sus principales jugadores para responder a las preguntas de los lectores de este portal web. El equipo de Cubadebate ya ha procesado más de 80 interrogantes. Únase a la conversación con nuestras estrellas. Usted también puede ser protagonista.

via Cubadebate

América Latina y el Caribe declarada Zona de Paz (+ Documento)

Al reanudar las sesiones de la II Cumbre de la CELAC, el General de Ejército Raúl Castro Ruz, Presidente de los Consejos de Estados y de Ministros de Cuba dio lectura a la Proclama de América Latina como zona de paz. "Declaramos: 1. América Latina y el Caribe como Zona de Paz basada en el respeto de los principios y normas del Derecho Internacional, incluyendo los instrumentos internacionales de los que los Estados miembros son parte, y los Principios y Propósitos de la Carta de las Naciones Unidas."

via Cubadebate

Mirada interior: Los Tigres del Licey

La franquicia más exitosa del Caribe, la dominicana Tigres del Licey, irá a por todas nuevamente en el máximo evento regional del béisbol de clubes, tras derrotar en dilatado play off de ocho partidos a sus enconados adversarios capitalinos de Leones del Escogido. Así, los bengalíes partirán con vitola de claros aspirantes a la gloria en Isla Margarita, adonde recalarán con un trabuco que dispone de varias figuras con gruesos expedientes en la pelota profesional norteamericana.

via Cubadebate

Barack Obama dijo que llegó el año de cerrar Guantánamo (+ Video)

Obama brindó su discurso anual del Estado de la Unión frente a un Congreso hostil, al cual aseguró que si no recibe apoyo en ciertos asuntos, podría "dar pasos sin necesidad de legislación". Entre otros tema, trató el aumento del salario mínimo federal, la reforma migratoria, la independencia energética, el cierre de la prisión en la ilegal base naval de Guantánamo y las sanciones contra Irán.

via Cubadebate

Inauguran Presidentes de CELAC Museo dedicado a Chávez (+ Fotos y Video)

Los presidentes de Venezuela y de Cuba, Nicolás Maduro y Raúl Castro respectivamente, inauguraron este miércoles el museo Venezuela Tierra Libre, que rinde homenaje al líder de la Revolución Bolivariana, Hugo Chávez. Los dignatarios estuvieron acompañados por una veintena de mandatarios de la región, que se encuentran en La Habana, Cuba, donde participan de la II Cumbre de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (CELAC).

via Cubadebate

Cuba challenges neighbors on poverty, then faces own critics - GlobalPost

Cuba challenges neighbors on poverty, then faces own critics


HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuban President Raul Castro challenged Latin American leaders to show the political will to improve health care and education, then heard from his own critics after Cuban authorities stifled a protest outside the confines of a ...

via cuba - Google News

Competition in Cuba - Council on Foreign Relations

Competition in Cuba

Council on Foreign Relations

President Obama does not have a nuclear crisis or a genocidal civil war or a sectarian conflict compelling him to finally and substantially overhaul Washington's tired and embarrassing Cuba policy. But he does have a consensus to do so from American ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Raul Castro Calls For Caribbean, Latin America to Fight Poverty, Inequality ... - Atlanta Black Star

Montreal Gazette

Raul Castro Calls For Caribbean, Latin America to Fight Poverty, Inequality ...

Atlanta Black Star

CELAC leaders latin america Cuban President Raul Castro called on Latin American and Caribbean leaders Tuesday to work together on pressing regional problems at a gathering of all Western Hemisphere nations, except the U.S. and Canada.

Castro seeks integration free of US

Fidel Castro Welcomes Multiple Foreign Leaders To Cuba

Havana opens Chavez museum as summit nears close

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

Tourist boats remain impounded in Mexico - Trade Only Today

Tourist boats remain impounded in Mexico

Trade Only Today

Mexico has released fewer than 10 percent of the more than 300 tourist boats it impounded for lack of proper documentation, thwarting many potential seafaring visitors. According to reports in The Log newspaper and the Orange County Register, only ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

To go or not to go: Countries to enjoy — or avoid — this year -

To go or not to go: Countries to enjoy — or avoid — this year

Mexico is making quite a comeback in recent months. The basic facts stay the same: Tourists and locals alike are sometimes caught in the crossfire of rival drug cartel battles, or can become the victims of "express kidnappings," when they are held ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Student finds much to learn on trip to Cuba - Bradenton Herald

Student finds much to learn on trip to Cuba

Bradenton Herald

GREENWOOD, Ind. — For more than 40 years, U.S. tourism to the island nation of Cuba has been forbidden. An embargo placed on travel in the 1960s essentially has cut off one of the most fascinating countries in the world. Few U.S. travelers have been ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

Raul Castro Calls For Caribbean, Latin America to Fight Poverty, Inequality ... - Atlanta Black Star

San Francisco Chronicle

Raul Castro Calls For Caribbean, Latin America to Fight Poverty, Inequality ...

Atlanta Black Star

CELAC leaders latin america Cuban President Raul Castro called on Latin American and Caribbean leaders Tuesday to work together on pressing regional problems at a gathering of all Western Hemisphere nations, except the U.S. and Canada.

Havana opens Chavez museum as summit nears close

Hugo Chavez museum opens in Cuban capital, as regional leaders meet for ...

via Latin america - Google News

State of the Union

The most urgent short-term crisis is unemployment. And unfortunately the bulk of economic research shows that the president’s latest two initiatives (minimum wage hike and extended unemployment insurance) discourage employment rather than encourage it. And does anybody think that ObamaCare with its nearly $6.00 minimum wage (for family coverage) is going to do anything positive […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Student finds much to learn on trip to Cuba - Centre Daily Times

Student finds much to learn on trip to Cuba

Centre Daily Times

GREENWOOD, Ind. — For more than 40 years, U.S. tourism to the island nation of Cuba has been forbidden. An embargo placed on travel in the 1960s essentially has cut off one of the most fascinating countries in the world. Few U.S. travelers have been ...

via cuba - Google News

Daily Headlines: January 29, 2014

via The Latin Americanist

Minuto a minuto en la Cumbre de la CELAC: Miércoles, 29 de enero

Cubadebate transmite minuto a minuto detalles de la Cumbre de la CELAC. Toda la jornada informativa de este martes, con el recibimiento de los Presidentes en Pabexpo, el inicio del segmento de Jefes de Estado, reuniones y programas bilaterales, conferencia de prensa, las fotos de la agenda de la Cumbre y mucho más… Todo lo que quiera saber de la noticia más importante del día en Latinoamérica, está aquí.

via Cubadebate

Mirada interior: Los Navegantes del Magallanes

Pese a no ganar la Serie del Caribe desde 1979, los Navegantes del Magallanes siempre salen como candidatos de fuerza a la corona del torneo regional. Acaban de imponerse en la Liga Profesional de Venezuela a los Caribes de Anzoátegui, y ahora serán anfitriones del regreso de Cuba a la gran cita. “Ahora vamos a conformar el mejor equipo que podamos para representar a Venezuela en la Serie del Caribe. Este es un sueño hecho realidad para mí”, declaró el manager Carlos García.

via Cubadebate

Cuba calls for integration free of US at CELAC summit - Jamaica Observer

Cuba calls for integration free of US at CELAC summit

Jamaica Observer

HAVANA, Cuba (AP) — Cuban President Raul Castro has called on Latin American and Caribbean leaders to work together on pressing regional problems at a gathering of all Western Hemisphere nations, except the United States and Canada.

via cuba - Google News

Obama urges Congress to raise the minimum wage - Emirates 24/7

Emirates 24/7

Obama urges Congress to raise the minimum wage

Emirates 24/7

... and through targeted operations and limited use of unmanned drones. Obama also called on Congress to lift restrictions on transferring al-Qaida and Taliban detainees held at the U.S. military base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and finally close the prison.

Obama Calls for Limited Strikes Against Al-Qaida

via Cuba Obama - Google News

How the Left and the Right Talk about Inequality

If I were to reduce to a bumper sticker the way the left thinks about the world these days, it would read: Inequality happens If I were to reduce to a bumper sticker the way the right thinks about the same subject, it would read: Inequality happens for a reason This is not a small […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Cuba Challenges Latin America to Make Strides on Health, Education - Voice of America

Voice of America

Cuba Challenges Latin America to Make Strides on Health, Education

Voice of America

HAVANA — Cuban President Raul Castro challenged Latin American and Caribbean leaders on Tuesday to improve health care and education, telling a regional summit they have the natural resources to eradicate poverty but may lack the political will.

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

Fiat cuts 2014 profit forecast, hit by Latin America - Reuters

Wall Street Journal

Fiat cuts 2014 profit forecast, hit by Latin America


"The results were disappointing and fell short of expectations. Fiat is a restructuring story. It needs time," said Gabriele Roghi, head of investment at Invest Banca. Latin America and Chrysler have become increasingly important to Fiat as its ...

Fiat's fourth-quarter profit rises 5%;

Fiat Forecast Trails Estimates After Results Disappoint

via Latin america - Google News

Fidel sostiene encuentros con Ban Ki-moon y Kenny Anthony (+ Fotos)

El líder histórico de la Revolución cubana, Fidel Castro Ruz, recibió en la tarde de ayer al Secretario General de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas, Excelentísimo Señor Ban Ki-moon, quien asiste como invitado a la II Cumbre de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños, CELAC. También, recibió al Presidente de Santa Lucía, Kenny Antony. Anthony expresó el eterno agradecimiento a Cuba por el apoyo en la formación de médicos, enfermeros, ingenieros y otros profesionales y por la contribución en el desarrollo social del hermano país caribeño.

via Cubadebate

En imágenes, los Presidentes de CELAC en el Palacio de la Revolución

La primera jornada de la II Cumbre de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (CELAC) cerró en la noche del martes con en el recibimiento oficial que el Presidente cubano, Raúl Castro Ruz, ofreció a los dignatarios en el Palacio de la Revolución, en horas de la noche, luego de una plenaria intensa. Finalmente, en la escalinata del histórico edificio y al pie de la alfombra roja que transitaron los Presidentes, hubo Foto de Familia.

via Cubadebate

Brazil committed to Cuba's human and economic potential - (press release)


Brazil committed to Cuba's human and economic potential (press release)

The president stressed that 2013 was a special year for the Brazil-Cuba alliance, with the implementation of a weekly Cubana Airline flight between the two countries, which will boost tourism and trade. She also thanked the Cuban government and people ...

Prime Minister Christie Statement at CELAC Summit in Cuba

1. Brazil Investing Vast Sums In Cuba

Commentary | Friendly neighbors forbidden to Americans: Cuba

via tourism in cuba - Google News

El Salvador's Flores 'tried to flee'

El Salvador's ex-leader Francisco Flores tried to flee the country amid a probe into a misuse of funds, the current president Mauricio Funes alleges.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Cuba's Castro: Regional integration should exclude the US - Las Vegas Sun

Cuba's Castro: Regional integration should exclude the US

Las Vegas Sun

Cuba's Castro: Regional integration should exclude the U.S.. Image. AP Photo/Ismael Francisco, Cubadebate. A large screen shows Cuba's President Raul Castro speaking at the opening ceremony of the CELAC Summit in Havana, Cuba, Tuesday, Jan.

via cuba - Google News

Obama Calls for Limited Strikes Against Al-Qaida - ABC News

Economic Times

Obama Calls for Limited Strikes Against Al-Qaida

ABC News

Obama also called on Congress to lift restrictions on transferring al-Qaida and Taliban detainees held at the U.S. military base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and finally close the prison. Join the Discussion. You are using an outdated version of Internet ...

Obama: Limited strikes against al-Qaeda

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Cuba challenges neighbors on poverty, then faces own critics - Reuters

Cuba challenges neighbors on poverty, then faces own critics


HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuban President Raul Castro challenged Latin American leaders to show the political will to improve health care and education, then heard from his own critics after Cuban authorities stifled a protest outside the confines of a ...

via cuba - Google News

Brazil committed to Cuba's human and economic potential - (press release)


Brazil committed to Cuba's human and economic potential (press release)

During the ceremony, attended by the heads of government from Bolivia, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica and Venezuela, and Brazilian and Cuban entrepreneurs, Rousseff expressed her great joy at visiting the island and highlighted the deep ties between the two ...

1. Brazil Investing Vast Sums In Cuba

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News