Sunday, April 6, 2014

“Riviera Yucatán” project taking shape in Telchac Puerto - The Yucatan Times

The Yucatan Times

“Riviera Yucatán” project taking shape in Telchac Puerto

The Yucatan Times

The Mayor of Telchac Puerto, Jose Humberto Ramirez Marrufo, declared that his great interest in attracting visitors to this beautiful seaside village was finally rewarded last week when officials from the National Fund for Tourism Development (Fondo ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Nursing home fire kills 10 in Chile -

Nursing home fire kills 10 in Chile

SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — A Sunday morning fire tore through a nursing home in southern Chile, killing 9 seniors and their caretaker. The nursing home is located near the city of Paillaco, some 540 miles (870 kilometers) south of the Chilean capital ...

via Latin america - Google News

Laptop con hardware de código abierto casi en su totalidad sale a la venta

Andrew “bunnie” Huang and Sean “xobs” Cross quieren vender una computadora portátil en la que usted pueda confiar completamente. A principios de este año, los dos ingenieros con sede en Singapur diseñaron un ordenador portátil hecho casi en su totalidad con el hardware de código abierto, hardware cuyos diseños son de libre disposición para el mundo en general. Lo llamaron Proyecto Novena.

via Cubadebate

Catalan Tourism Exhibition closes in Bacelona - Shanghai Daily (subscription)

Catalan Tourism Exhibition closes in Bacelona

Shanghai Daily (subscription)

... destination in Spain. Last year Catalonia welcomed 15.6 million tourists, 25.8 percent of all those who came to Spain. China, Cuba, Morocco, Turkey, Egypt and Croatia were among many other countries promoting their tourism offers at the SITC ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

A US plan to help Cubans communicate should be applauded - Washington Post

A US plan to help Cubans communicate should be applauded

Washington Post

... came to power on a promise of national liberation. Yet a recent story in the U.S. press and comments by certain U.S. politicians about it imply that Americans should be terribly upset about the Obama administration's efforts to relieve the Cuban ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News

A US plan to help Cubans communicate should be applauded - Washington Post

A US plan to help Cubans communicate should be applauded

Washington Post

It is worse than scandalous that Cuba's 11 million people are still trapped under these conditions some 55 years after Fidel and Raul Castro came to power on a promise of national liberation. Yet a recent story in the U.S. press and comments by certain ...

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

Cuba's official media abuzz over 'secret Twitter' - Dekalb Daily Chronicle

Times of India

Cuba's official media abuzz over 'secret Twitter'

Dekalb Daily Chronicle

1 speech in which President Raul Castro warned of “attempts to subtly introduce platforms for neoliberal thought and for the restoration of neocolonial capitalism.” “Castro's denunciations of the U.S. government's destabilizing attempts against Cuba ...

'Cuban Twitter' a new hurdle for Cuba's dissident bloggers, exiles

'Cuban Twitter' a new hurdle for bloggers, exiles

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

A better future is the goal for children in Guatemala - Kansas City Star

Kansas City Star

A better future is the goal for children in Guatemala

Kansas City Star

Military guards and private security cradle assault rifles or shotguns throughout this land south of Mexico and bordering Belize, Honduras and El Salvador. Crime is fed by illegal drugs going to the U.S. Like the U.S., Guatemala has many divides. Its ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Splendor of Cambodia's Angkor goes global with Google project - Los Angeles Times

Splendor of Cambodia's Angkor goes global with Google project

Los Angeles Times

Cambodia's leading tourist destination this week joined Stonehenge, the Grand Canyon, the architectural ruins of Pompei, Italy, and more than a dozen other online panoramas that Google Maps has assembled to bring culturally and historically significant ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Latin America business ties urged - Radio New Zealand

Latin America business ties urged

Radio New Zealand

There have been calls to set up a foundation to foster closer business and cultural ties with Latin America. The region has a total GDP of US$6.6 trillion and New Zealand's trade is modest although the Government hopes it will grow. Education New ...

via Latin america - Google News

The Weekender – The Beast of the Rails

via The Latin Americanist

Revelación de AP: ZunZuneo sería plataforma para Yoani Sánchez y similares

Horas antes de que estallara el escándalo revelado por la agencia de noticias AP alrededor de la red social ZunZuneo, construida en secreto por Estados Unidos para impulsar el “cambio de régimen” en Cuba a través de teléfonos móviles utilizando mensajes SMS, el Vice Presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, recibía a Yoani Sánchez, uno de los fetiches de la guerra de Washington contra La Habana en Internet, según los documentos dados a conocer por Wikileaks.

via Cubadebate

Irak, 11 años después

El 9 de abril se cumplen once años de la caída de Bagdad en manos de Estados Unidos y sus aliados, el día que oficialmente se da por derrocado el régimen de Sadam Hussein. Un día después decenas de miles de personas se concentraban por la tarde en la Puerta del Sol de Madrid, en uno de los últimos grandes actos en el Estado español contra la guerra y el trío de las Azores.

via Cubadebate

¡Buena Bola! ¡Dios es pinareño!

Dos fan de los Industriales, Fidel Díaz Castro y Gustavo Arcos polemizan en la peña deportiva de Cubadebate con la fraterna Paquita de Armas. Aquí están sus visiones tras el triunfo pinareño. ¿Se sumarán colegas e intelectuales de Pinar y Matanzas a esta polémica beisbolera?

via Cubadebate

VIDEO: World Cup to champion street children

The Street Child World Cup has taken place Rio de Janeiro ahead of the main FIFA event in June.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Astros hit five homers, four off Jered Weaver, to beat Angels - Los Angeles Times

Washington Post

Astros hit five homers, four off Jered Weaver, to beat Angels

Los Angeles Times

Castro hit a two-run shot off the left-center facade in the first, and Dominguez, Guzman and Presley followed with solo home runs in the second, fourth and fifth, respectively, as Houston built a 5-1 lead. Weaver allowed five runs on five hits with six ...

Feldman, 5 HRs help Astros beat Angels 7-4

Recap: Astros 7, Angels 4

Five home runs power Astros past Angels

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

'Cuban Twitter' a new hurdle for bloggers, exiles - Chicago Daily Herald

'Cuban Twitter' a new hurdle for bloggers, exiles

Chicago Daily Herald

1 speech in which President Raul Castro warned of "attempts to subtly introduce platforms for neoliberal thought and for the restoration of neocolonial capitalism." "Castro's denunciations of the U.S. government's destabilizing attempts against Cuba ...

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

EEUU y Reino Unido usan plataformas sociales para desacreditar a gobiernos

Según las nuevas filtraciones de Snowden, los servicios de inteligencia de EE.UU. y Reino Unido planearon usar plataformas sociales como Twitter, YouTube y Facebook para distribuir desinformación y propaganda y asimismo provocar protestas.

via Cubadebate

Detenido un bebé de nueve meses por planificar un asesinato en Pakistán

Un niño paquistaní de nueve meses ha acabado acusado de planificar un asesinato, amenazar a la Policía e interferir en asuntos del Estado por un error de procedimiento que ha causado consternación en las autoridades del país.

via Cubadebate

Denuncian fraudes en comicios afganos tres de los favoritos en elecciones

Los tres favoritos a la presidencia afgana denunciaron este domingo “irregularidades” y “fraudes graves” en los comicios celebrados la víspera en el país, aunque saludaron el entusiasmo de los electores que acudieron masivamente a las urnas a pesar de las amenazas de los talibán. Desde Kabul hasta Kandahar, los afganos se movilizaron el sábado en la primera vuelta de esta elección en la que se designará al sucesor del actual presidente Hamid Karzai, recordaron agencias de prensa.

via Cubadebate

Manifestaciones en todo EEUU contra las deportaciones

Defensores de los derechos de los inmigrantes participan en manifestaciones en todo Estados Unidos en un nuevo intento por lograr que el presidente Barack Obama detenga la deportación de inmigrantes no autorizados. Los organizadores de más de 50 manifestaciones planeadas en el “Día de Acción” dicen que Obama tiene la autoridad ejecutiva para detener las deportaciones que dividen las familias de inmigrantes que viven en el país sin autorización.

via Cubadebate

The New Yorker califica de absurdo peligroso Twitter cubano

La creación de un Twitter cubano para socavar al gobierno de La Habana resulta un absurdo peligroso porque confirma que aspectos sensibles de la política exterior estadounidense son entregados a contratistas privados, comentó el diario The New Yorker. Agregó que la red de comunicaciones clandestinas ZunZuneo resulta un paso adelante respecto a las conspiraciones más oscuras y absurdas de antaño, incluidos los planes de la CIA para matar al líder de la Revolución cubana, Fidel Castro.

via Cubadebate

Reabre en La Habana el emblemático Hotel Capri

El “Capri”, uno de los emblemáticos hoteles de La Habana de los años cincuenta, reabrió sus puertas tras una remodelación con un toque de “onda retro” que recuerda aquella época, cuando se convirtió en símbolo de la presencia de la mafia estadounidense en Cuba. La edificación, situada en una de las zonas más céntricas de la capital cubana, estuvo cerrada desde el año 2003 y a partir de 2010 fue sometida a una reparación general.

via Cubadebate

Empresario español ve esperanzadora nueva Ley de Inversión Extranjera de Cuba

La nueva Ley de Inversión Extranjera de Cuba supone un paso “esperanzador” según el empresario gallego Víctor Moro, quien defiende que, para la isla, el español es un socio “ideal” por los lazos históricos y culturales que unen a ambos países. “Es un paso importante. El empresariado está expectante y esperanzado”, afirmó en entrevista con Efe en La Habana Víctor Moro.

via Cubadebate

Costarricenses inician comicios con opositor como probable ganador ante rival ausente

Los costarricenses votan este domingo en una segunda ronda electoral sin precedentes en el país, con el opositor de centro Luis Guillermo Solís como probable ganador frente a un candidato oficialista que se retiró de la campaña por considerarse sin opción de triunfo. Las urnas abrieron a las 06H00 locales (12H00 GMT) sin incidentes en todo el país, aunque con algún grado de ausencia de los fiscales de los partidos políticos.

via Cubadebate

'Cuban Twitter' a new hurdle for Cuba's dissident bloggers, exiles - Times of India (blog)

Times of India (blog)

'Cuban Twitter' a new hurdle for Cuba's dissident bloggers, exiles

Times of India (blog)

The state news agency Prensa Latina recalled a January 1 speech in which President Raul Castro warned of "attempts to subtly introduce platforms for neoliberal thought and for the restoration of neocolonial capitalism." "Castro's denunciations of the ...

'Cuban Twitter' a new hurdle for bloggers, exiles - 3 Hours Ago

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

Nursing home fire kills 10 in Chile - Appeal-Democrat

Nursing home fire kills 10 in Chile


Posted in Latin-america on Sunday, April 6, 2014 10:03 am. (%remaining%) Remaining Thanks for visiting You're entitled to view 25 free articles over the next 30 days. Then, if you enjoy our site and want full access, we'll ask ...

via Latin america - Google News

Trade mission heads to Latin America ahead of World Cup 2014 - The Nation

Trade mission heads to Latin America ahead of World Cup 2014

The Nation

The International Trade Promotion Department will next month send a trade mission to Latin America to aggressively promote Thai goods during the upcoming World Cup 2014 in Brazil. The mission, involving some 28 Thai enterprises, will cover Brazil ...

Peru most likely to improve investment climate

via Latin america - Google News

home calendar chinese finance in latin america: what happened in 2013? - US-China Institute

home calendar chinese finance in latin america: what happened in 2013?

US-China Institute

This event will coincide with the launch of an updated version of the Dialogue's online China and Latin America Finance Database, which is produced in collaboration with Global Economic Governance Initiative (GEGI) at Boston University. Our session ...

via Latin america - Google News

Abstention a challenge in Costa Rica's election -

Town Hall

Abstention a challenge in Costa Rica's election

The son of a shoemaker turned small businessman, Solis studied history at the University of Costa Rica and obtained a master's degree in Latin American studies at Tulane University in the United States. He also has taught at Florida International ...

How the US Put Latin America Up for Grabs

Leftist seen easily winning Costa Rica presidency

Costa Rica's Solis running alone in presidential run-off

via Latin america - Google News

Tampa investors long to reconnect with Cuba -

Tampa investors long to reconnect with Cuba

But without moves on the U.S. side to soften a travel and trade embargo now half a century old, Wright and businessmen like him can only watch as nations such as Brazil capitalize on Cuba's ovations. “I have tw\o hats here,” Wright said during an ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

President godmother for gay couple

Argentina's President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner becomes godmother to the child of a lesbian couple who was baptised in a Catholic church.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Cuban investment and competition - Jamaica Gleaner

Jamaica Gleaner

Cuban investment and competition

Jamaica Gleaner

Its rebirth is part of Cuba's latest bid to trade on its colorful pre-Communist past and attract tourist dollars to fund its socialist present. - AP. David Jessop, Contributor. On March 29, Cuba's National Assembly passed a new foreign investment law ...

Cuba's new investment law has far-reaching implications

via tourism in cuba - Google News

International Tourists Arriving in Cuba Up 7 Percent in Early 2014 - Hispanically Speaking News

International Tourists Arriving in Cuba Up 7 Percent in Early 2014

Hispanically Speaking News

International tourist arrivals to Cuba rose 7 percent annually in January and February to 636,146 travelers, accounting for 21 percent of the 3 million visitors the government expects to receive this year. The number of foreign visitors in the year's ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Patterson among patrons pleased with Expo 2014 - Jamaica Observer

Patterson among patrons pleased with Expo 2014

Jamaica Observer

"I am particularly pleased that tourism is part of this exhibition because I see the possibility of a dynamic linkage between tourism and industry and tourism and agriculture as well. I am delighted that so many overseas buyers are here, particularly ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Cuban investment and competition - Jamaica Gleaner

Jamaica Gleaner

Cuban investment and competition

Jamaica Gleaner

Its rebirth is part of Cuba's latest bid to trade on its colorful pre-Communist past and attract tourist dollars to fund its socialist present. - AP. David Jessop, Contributor. On March 29, Cuba's National Assembly passed a new foreign investment law ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Cuba's official media abuzz over 'secret Twitter' - Northwest Herald

Financial Express

Cuba's official media abuzz over 'secret Twitter'

Northwest Herald

1 speech in which President Raul Castro warned of “attempts to subtly introduce platforms for neoliberal thought and for the restoration of neocolonial capitalism.” “Castro's denunciations of the U.S. government's destabilizing attempts against Cuba ...

Pro-democracy Cuba Twitter operation yet another black mark for US aid ...

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

GUEST OPINION COLUMN: How whale watching can boost Olympic Peninsula ... - Peninsula Daily

GUEST OPINION COLUMN: How whale watching can boost Olympic Peninsula ...

Peninsula Daily

They hug the coastline all the way from Mexico on their way north, and a genetically distinct band will peel off from the main route heading to Alaska and turn right into the Strait, where they feed and forage for the summer season or, if they are not ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

New York Mother's Death Highlights Risks of Plastic Surgery Tourism - The Epoch Times

New York Mother's Death Highlights Risks of Plastic Surgery Tourism

The Epoch Times

The Dominican Republic, like countries such as Mexico, Costa Rica and Thailand, has promoted itself as a destination for medical tourism, so-called because people will often tack on a few days at a resort after undergoing surgery. The main allure is ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

International Visitors Boosting Tourism, QCA Economy - KWQC 6

International Visitors Boosting Tourism, QCA Economy


IPW runs until April 9th. This is the first time it has been held in Chicago in 17 years. Representatives with the Quad Cities Convention and Visitors Bureau say they have almost 100 appointments set up with key international tourism players, which ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Calle 13, On Being Loved And Hated In Latin America - OPB News

Calle 13, On Being Loved And Hated In Latin America

OPB News

They've also undergone an unusual evolution: They went from making raunchy club hits to becoming Latin America's premier political troubadours. When the group first surfaced in the mid-2000s, Calle 13's lyrics earned it comparisons to rapper Eminem.

via Latin america - Google News

home calendar chinese finance in latin america: what happened in 2013? - US-China Institute

home calendar chinese finance in latin america: what happened in 2013?

US-China Institute

This event will coincide with the launch of an updated version of the Dialogue's online China and Latin America Finance Database, which is produced in collaboration with Global Economic Governance Initiative (GEGI) at Boston University. Our session ...

via Latin america - Google News

Lesbians' baby baptized by Catholic Church in Argentina

Umma Azul, whose godmother is the county's President, on Saturday became the first child of a lesbian couple to be baptized by the Catholic Church in Argentina.

via - Latin America

Denuncia ETECSA más de 200 envíos masivos de spam provenientes de EEUU

Hasta octubre de 2013 se han producido desde Estados Unidos hacia Cuba 219 envíos masivos de spam o mensajes basura, que suman un total de 1 055 746 textos no solicitados en la red de telefonía móvil de la Isla, en abierta violación de la ley norteamericana e internacional, reveló la empresa telefónica ETECSA al diario Juventud Rebelde. La ingeniera Hilda Arias, directora central de Servicios Móviles de ETECSA, aseguró que los ataques no solo provinieron de la red ZunZuneo.

via Cubadebate

¿Qué trae de nuevo Cubadebate?

Hasta ahora con muy buena aceptación, Cubadebate navega con un nuevo diseño que incorpora las novedades de la más reciente versión de la herramienta de administración WordPress, además de funcionalidades que nuestro equipo técnico ha desarrollado, algunas a solicitud de nuestros usuarios. En una galería de imágenes, detallamos los cambios fundamentales en esta web, preámbulo de otras mejoras que iremos incorporando en los próximos días.

via Cubadebate

Revelan que programador de ZunZuneo es empleado de la Embajada de EEUU en Nicaragua

En la red ilegal de comunicaciones conocida como ZunZuneo, financiada y dirigida por USAID, participó un actual empleado de la Embajada de EEUU en Managua, mientras era burlada la inteligencia nicaragüense y las disposiciones de TELCOR, el organismo rector de las telecomunicaciones en ese país, aseguraron medios en el país centroamericano. Según el diario La Prensa, Mario Bernheim, principal programador de ZunZuneo, es “personal nuevo en la Embajada americana”.

via Cubadebate

Barco chino localiza señal probable de la caja negra del avión malayo

Un buque patrulla chino ha detectado una señal de pulsos que podría estar vinculada con el avión malayo desaparecido el 8 de marzo cuando cubría la ruta Kuala-Lumpur Pekín. Un detector de cajas negras a bordo del buque chino Haixun 01 detectó la señal, con una frecuencia de 37,5 kiloherzios por segundo en las aguas del sur del océano Índico este sábado

via Cubadebate

Se navega diferente en Internet desde las revelaciones de Snowden

Casi la mitad de los estadounidenses (un 47 por ciento) afirma haber cambiado sus hábitos en Internet después de las revelaciones acerca de la vigilancia de la Agencia Nacional de Seguridad (NSA). Los usuarios ahora meditan más qué sitios visitan, lo que dicen y lo que hacen online.

via Cubadebate