Monday, March 31, 2014

Students can travel to Cuba for research - LSU The Reveille

Students can travel to Cuba for research

LSU The Reveille

Though the United States currently has a travel embargo on Cuba, participants in the study-abroad program will be granted access to the country on a general license for taking classes while on the trip. Assistant professor of history Devyn Benson will ...

via cuba - Google News

Wanted: Foreign Investment in Cuba - Independent European Daily Express

Wanted: Foreign Investment in Cuba

Independent European Daily Express

Spain heads the list of 15 countries doing business in Cuba, followed by Italy, Canada, Venezuela, France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, China, Mexico, Angola, Germany, Panama, Brazil, Chile and Russia, in that order. Brazil’s participation ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Venezuela protests to impact Cuba

Violent demonstrations in Venezuela could affect Cuba, which is dependent on its socialist ally's oil wealth.

via - Latin America

Weapons confiscated ahead of World Cup

Brazilian troops have moved into a Rio favela to confiscate weapons ahead of the World Cup. Shasta Darlington reports.

via - Latin America

Plane makes emergency landing in Brazil

An Avianca Airlines passenger jet lands in Brasilia, Brazil, after its front landing gear failed to deploy.

via - Latin America

Gov. Rick Scott: President Barack Obama's 'not caring about Venezuela' -

Local 10

Gov. Rick Scott: President Barack Obama's 'not caring about Venezuela'

The government led by President Nicolás Maduro — likely with the help of its allies in Cuba, critics say — has reacted by using tear gas and firing live-ammunition rounds on some protesters and imprisoning political opponents. Alcalá, who moved to ...

Rick Scott: Obama's 'not caring about Venezuela'

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Medical Tourism In Dominican Republic For Cosmetic Surgery A Low-Cost, High ... - Fox News Latino

CTV News

Medical Tourism In Dominican Republic For Cosmetic Surgery A Low-Cost, High ...

Fox News Latino

The Dominican Republic, like countries such as Mexico, Costa Rica and Thailand, has promoted itself as a destination for medical tourism, so-called because people will often tack on a few days at a resort after undergoing surgery. The main allure is ...

When plastic surgery goes horribly wrong

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Corte de la ONU ordena a Japón detener la caza de ballenas

La Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) de La Haya ordenó hoy a Japón que "revoque" los permisos de caza de ballenas en la Antártica porque no se ajustan a los "fines científicos" exigidos por la legislación internacional. "Por 12 votos a 4, la Corte decide que Japón tendrá que revocar cualquier permiso o licencia relacionado con Jarpa II y evitar pedir otros permisos en el contexto de ese programa.

via Cubadebate

Strike 3: …Y el guerrero no se dejó humillar

El campeón vigente de la pelota nacional no aceptó la posibilidad de ser avergonzado en su terreno, se rebeló contra la hegemonía del visitante y extendió el play off semifinalista que sostiene contra los Cocodrilos matanceros. Con la serie 3x0 en su contra, Villa Clara salió a salvar la honrilla y descargó toda la furia contenida sobre los envíos de Joel Suárez, masacrado (y expelido del box) por los tres primeros bateadores de la tanda.

via Cubadebate

Aclarar dos crímenes que es urgente resolver

Puerto Rico, 31 de marzo de 2014 El compromiso contraído por el secretario de Justicia, César Miranda, de reclamar la evidencia que tiene el Gobierno de Estados Unidos sobre asesinatos políticos como el de Carlos Muñiz Varela y Santiago Mari Pesquera es fundamental para cerrar las heridas que se le infligieron a la democracia y que todavía laceran la confianza en nuestro sistema judicial. Los documentos parcialmente desclasificados hasta ahora, y en ...

via Cubadebate

Familiares de Joao Goulart esperan que documentos de EEUU aclaren su muerte

La familia del fallecido presidente brasileño Joao Goulart espera que la documentación secreta que el Senado de Brasil le solicitó al Congreso de Estados Unidos pueda aclarar si el mandatario fue víctima de la Operación Cóndor. El presidente del Congreso brasileño envió una carta al Senado de EE.UU. en la que pide que desclasifique todos los documentos secretos sobre el golpe de 1964 en Brasil

via Cubadebate

Senadores norteamericanos aspiran a reactivar escudo antimisil en Europa

Un grupo de senadores republicanos estadounidenses solicitó al presidente Barack Obama la reactivación de los planes del escudo antimisil en Europa Oriental como medida punitiva contra Rusia, informó hoy el diario The Washington Times. Los legisladores exhortaron al mandatario a retomar la iniciativa de la administración de George W. Bush.

via Cubadebate

Mujica rechaza bloqueo a Cuba e intentos de sancionar a Venezuela

El presidente uruguayo, José Mujica, rechazó el bloqueo económico de Estados Unidos a Cuba y alertó sobre intentos de imponerle sanciones a Venezuela. En una declaración difundida por la Secretaría de Comunicación de la Presidencia, el mandatario dijo: "Cuando el mundo entero le pide a EEUU que archive su política de bloqueo económico a Cuba, surgen desde ese gobierno voces amenazando con sanciones a Venezuela".

via Cubadebate

ONU apunta que se han duplicado en esta década los afectados por crisis humanitarias

El número de afectados por crisis humanitarias prácticamente se dobló en la última década, triplicando el costo de la ayuda internacional necesaria para darles respuesta, según un informe publicado hoy por Naciones Unidas. Según el informe, se espera que en 2015 hasta 52 millones de personas en todo el mundo reciban ayuda humanitaria, cuando hace una década la cifra rondaba los 30 millones.

via Cubadebate

Russian Helicopters banners Latin America business -

Russian Helicopters banners Latin America business

“We have traditionally had strong positions across Latin America, and are continuing to work on strengthening them further,” said Russian Helicopters Chief Executive Officer Alexander Mikheev. “2013 was a record-breaking year for us in terms of ...

Russia, Like the US Allows Military Hardware Sales to Strengthen Close Ties in ...

via Latin america - Google News

Wickham: Cuba economic reforms a signal for Obama - USA TODAY

Wickham: Cuba economic reforms a signal for Obama


These pinging sounds started shortly after Raul Castro succeeded his brother, Fidel, as president in 2008. Since taking office, Raul Castro has overseen reforms that increased economic opportunities for Cubans by expanding private ownership of ...

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

Austrian Beer for Cuban Tourism - Radio Cadena Agramonet

Austrian Beer for Cuban Tourism

Radio Cadena Agramonet

Havana, Cuba, Mar 31.- Cubans liking for beer, mainly in the hottest months of the year, and the development of tourism are on a par in a new attraction: a bar with a brewery selling now Austrian beer. It all began in 2009 when, through an agreement ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Central Holidays Reports 20 Percent Increase in Escorted Tour Bookings and ... - PR Web (press release)

Central Holidays Reports 20 Percent Increase in Escorted Tour Bookings and ...

PR Web (press release)

The company also offers dozens of Mediterranean and European river cruise itineraries, worldwide ski programs, religious pilgrimage travel, as well as people-to-people educational exchange travel to Cuba! The company's sister brand, STI by ... Central ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Students can travel to Cuba for research - LSU The Reveille

Students can travel to Cuba for research

LSU The Reveille

Though the United States currently has a travel embargo on Cuba, participants in the study-abroad program will be granted access to the country on a general license for taking classes while on the trip. Assistant professor of history Devyn Benson will ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

Uruguay FA in mass resignation

The entire board of Uruguay's Football Association quits, amid a crisis over violence and security at football games.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

FINAL: Villa Clara defeats Matanzas 4-2 and lives to see another day

via Cuba Journal

Adolfo Suárez and the dream of a free Cuba -

Adolfo Suárez and the dream of a free Cuba

In 1990, I asked Adolfo Suárez for help. At the time, I had made a political calculation that the former prime minister could be useful to Cuba's democratization and was a generous person. In Spain, his political flow had been exhausted but he had ...

via cuba - Google News

Cuba's athletes get pay raises - Fox News Latino

Cuba's athletes get pay raises

Fox News Latino

Cuba's athletes get pay raises. Published March 31, 2014. EFE. Cuba reported on Monday the entry into force of the announced salary hikes for athletes, coaches and specialists in the sector, whose incomes will depend on the results and awards they obtain.

via cuba - Google News

Michael Jackson tendrá en mayo su segundo disco póstumo

El desaparecido Michael Jackson tendrá segundo disco póstumo con canciones inéditas, Xscape, que saldrá a la venta el 13 de mayo publicado por Epic, según ha anunciado su web oficial. El nuevo disco contará con ocho temas inéditos y el proyecto ha sido dirigido por el presidente y consejero delegado de Epic Records, L.A. Reid, quien ha sido autorizado por los herederos de Jackson para tener acceso ilimitado a todas sus grabaciones.

via Cubadebate

Brazil 'must remember military rule'

Brazil's president says the atrocities committed during 21 years of military rule should not be forgotten, ahead of the 50th anniversary of the 1964 coup.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

As violence falls, Americans cross border again to save on dental care - KVUE

As violence falls, Americans cross border again to save on dental care


“The victims are not tourists who come over to see a dentist,” said Andel, an American. "I feel safe myself." The updated U.S. State Department Mexico travel warning now recommends people to “exercise caution” when traveling in the business and ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

New Report Sheds Little Light on Deportation Debate

A new report from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) sheds little light on the ongoing debate around who does and does not get deported from the United States. The report would have us believe that the federal government is knowingly letting tens of thousands of violent foreign-born criminals go free. It’s certainly a sensational [...]

via Immigration Impact

Study: One in Three Young Brazilians Use Condoms

via The Latin Americanist

Wickham: Cuba economic reforms a signal for Obama - USA TODAY

Wickham: Cuba economic reforms a signal for Obama


This new law offers major financial incentives for foreign businesses to enter into joint ventures with Cuban companies and, for the first time, permits foreign investors to own up to 100% of a businesson the embattled Caribbean island. This new law ...

via cuba - Google News

Cuba "humaniza" por ley a su Policía -

Cuba "humaniza" por ley a su Policía

"Se trabaja en la institucionalización de las funciones y los servicios policiales", explicó el general Leonardo Andollo, segundo jefe del comité que da seguimiento a las reformas políticas y económicas del presidente Raúl Castro, en una sesión del ...

Consejo de Ministros de Cuba debate sobre la actualización económica


El Gobierno de Cuba prepara una ley sobre funciones y servicios policiales

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

Costa Rica seeks more Russian tourists - Tico Times

Costa Rica seeks more Russian tourists

Tico Times

Some of the flights would connect via the Dominican Republic and Havana, Cuba. Previously, Russian citizens interested in visiting Costa Rica could request their visas only at the Costa Rican Consulate in Moscow, which for residents in other parts of ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

It is very early, only the top of the fourth inning ...

via Cuba Journal

Who Represents the Plutocrats?

Republicans, if you believe Paul Krugman. The reality is the opposite: Of the 10 richest House districts, only two have Republican congressmen. Democrats claim the top six, sprinkled along the East and West coasts. Most are in overwhelmingly Democratic states such as New York and California. [Nancy Pelosi represents the 8th richest district.] Across the […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Laszewski: Death Spiral Is on Its Way

On the expected increase in rates: If the health plans do issue double digit rate increases for 2015, ObamaCare is finished… Simply, health insurance plans that cost middle-class individuals and families 10% of their after-tax income and have average Silver Plan deductibles of more than $2,500 a month are not attractive and people won’t buy […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Pretenden que submarino alemán halle caja negra del vuelo MH370 (+ Infografía)

La confirmación de que los restos recuperados por las autoridades australianas no formaban parte del vuelo MH370 de Malaysia Airlines deja a la deriva dónde está el avión que despegó de Kuala Lumpur con destino a Beijing. Sin embargo, un submarino alemán no tripulado podría dar con la aeronave y resolver el misterio que tiene en vilo a sus familiares y a la comunidad internacional. Solo hay tres robots en el mundo capaces de llevar a cabo una búsqueda de profundidad en el mar, sobre todo en esa zona del océano índico.

via Cubadebate

Dimite primer ministro francés tras revés electoral

El primer ministro de Francia, Jean-Marc Ayrault, presentó hoy su dimisión y la de su gobierno ante el presidente François Hollande tras la derrota del Partido Socialista en las elecciones municipales. Un comunicado oficial del Palacio de Matignon confirmó lo que era un secreto a voces tras los resultados de los comicios. Durante un breve mensaje transmitido la víspera por la televisión Ayrault reconoció la responsabilidad colectiva en ese fracaso y dijo asumir la parte que le corresponde.

via Cubadebate


Isla Roberts mira a los fotógrafos mientras la enorme mariposa azul se posa en su rostro, en una nueva exhibición de mariposas tropiales donde ella y otros niños participan en las afueras del Museo de Historia Natural de Londres.

via Cubadebate

Obama's Foreign Policy Failures Lead to Disaster at UN - Canada Free Press

Obama's Foreign Policy Failures Lead to Disaster at UN

Canada Free Press

Other Obama losses on “human rights” resolutions aimed at Western pocketbooks included: a Cuban-led resolution on “the effects of foreign debt,” and an African-led resolution on “non-repatriation of funds of illicit origin.” The Russians succeeded in ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News

The butterfly effect: Do monarchs' woes signal broader problems? - McClatchy Washington Bureau

McClatchy Washington Bureau

The butterfly effect: Do monarchs' woes signal broader problems?

McClatchy Washington Bureau

Every year, hundreds of millions of monarch butterflies _ each so light that 50 together weigh barely an ounce _ find their way on what may be the world's longest insect migration, traveling the length of North America to pass the winter in central ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

When plastic surgery goes horribly wrong - The Southland Times


When plastic surgery goes horribly wrong

The Southland Times

... typically to get better.'' The Dominican Republic, like countries such as Mexico, Costa Rica and Thailand, has promoted itself as a destination for medical tourism, so-called because people will often tack on a few days at a resort after undergoing ...

Low-Cost Dominican Surgeries Spark Warnings by US

via tourism in mexico - Google News

'I don't deserve to be raped'

The women fighting Brazil's outlook on rape

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Rise of the middle class: lessons from Latin America - The Guardian

The Guardian

Rise of the middle class: lessons from Latin America

The Guardian

Emerging economies and the middle class is one of the topics at this week's World Economic Forum on Latin America (1-3 April) in Panama City. The event, bringing together the public, private and civil sectors, hopes to focus on inclusivity ...

via Latin america - Google News

Poverty Need Not Bar Women From Healthcare in Latin America - Huffington Post

Poverty Need Not Bar Women From Healthcare in Latin America

Huffington Post

Imagine a day in the life of a Pro Mujer client, a poor woman in Latin America. You wake up at 5:00 a.m. and make breakfast for your children. By 6:30 you are on your way to the market. You stay at your post all day; even a moment away means that you ...

via Latin america - Google News

Aconseja Raúl Castro “gradualidad” en institucionalización del país - Rotativo de Querétaro

Aconseja Raúl Castro “gradualidad” en institucionalización del país

Rotativo de Querétaro

El presidente Raúl Castro aconsejó a sus ministros mantener “la gradualidad en el proceso” de institucionalización del país para “no dar bandazos” (tumbos), informó hoy el diario Granma. El periódico reportó este lunes una reunión del gabinete ...

Cuba "humaniza" por ley a su Policía

Consejo de Ministros de Cuba debate sobre la actualización económica

El Gobierno de Cuba prepara una ley sobre funciones y servicios policiales

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

Annals of Cookbook Medicine, BMI Division

The Daily Mail Online reports that this woman was told that she was overweight on a routine visit to an NHS clinic. Her BMI of 29 classified her overweight, just one point below the obese cutoff of 30. She was advised to begin a 1,000 calorie a day diet. Under ObamaCare rules, her employer would […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

On Tap in the Capital, March 31 - Sarasota Herald-Tribune

On Tap in the Capital, March 31

Sarasota Herald-Tribune

Senate Commerce and Tourism Committee (4 p.m., 110 Senate Office Building, the Capitol.) --- Senate Criminal Justice Committee (4 p.m., ... Rick Scott will hold an event about human rights in Venezuela. (2:30 p.m., Don Criollito, 12039 S.W. 132nd Court ...

On tap in the capital today

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Transportation heads look back, plan ahead - Salamanca Press

Transportation heads look back, plan ahead

Salamanca Press

Bishop, a planner with the Cattaraugus County Department of Economic Development, Planning and Tourism, who worked on the report with Ginger Malak of Southern Tier West, said the accomplishments and expansions were the result of cooperation. “The ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Hits and Misses

Marriage is good for the heart — that’s the heart organ. Would you pay $1,200 an hour to view a painting? People in Detroit are about to do that. Is it easier to get into Harvard University than to get a job at Wal-Mart? What’s the best way to execute some one? Three states — […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Spring in Miami and a Conference on Cuba - Havana Times

Havana Times

Spring in Miami and a Conference on Cuba

Havana Times

On Thursday afternoon, the State Department denied a visa to Arboleya Jesus, invited as a specialist on bilateral relations; at the last minute permission was also refused to the Cuban Head of Mission in Washington to travel to Miami. I do not think ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

Spring in Miami and a Conference on Cuba - Havana Times

Havana Times

Spring in Miami and a Conference on Cuba

Havana Times

Miami, as we all know, is the operating base of the wealthiest, most conservative sector of the Cuban community in the United States. The fact that the CIA cooked up many of its covert operations against Cuba here goes without saying. The Cuban ...

via cuba - Google News

Esta mañana, foro interactivo con funcionarios del Comercio Exterior en

Este lunes entre las 9:00 a.m. y las 12:00 m. (hora de Cuba), funcionarios del Ministerio del Comercio Exterior (MINCEX) responderán a las inquietudes de los usuarios de relacionadas con la nueva Ley de Inversión Extranjera, aprobada el pasado sábado 29 de marzo por la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular. La redacción del diario, a partir de los comentarios de los usuarios en las informaciones publicadas anteriormente sobre el tema, ha preparado un cuestionario con las interrogantes y dudas más reiteradas hasta el momento.

via Cubadebate

'Colombia hopes don't rest on Falcao fitness'

Radamel Falcao could be a big miss for Colombia at Brazil 2014 but the side boasts plenty of other talent, says Tim Vickery

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Venezuela 'clears' protest city

Venezuelan officials say the city of San Cristobal, where the current wave of anti-government protests started, has been cleared of barricades.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Daily Headlines: March 31, 2014

via The Latin Americanist

Hostage-Taking Past of Iran's UN Envoy Pick a Dilemma for Obama - Businessweek

Hostage-Taking Past of Iran's UN Envoy Pick a Dilemma for Obama


Iran has forced a foreign policy dilemma on the Obama administration by choosing as its next United Nations ambassador an official who belonged to the group that held 52 Americans hostage in Tehran for 444 days. Iran's government has applied for the U ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Cuba legislature approves law to attract foreign investment - JURIST

Cuba legislature approves law to attract foreign investment


In 2011 Cuba enacted a 300-point overhaul of its domestic economy to spur private enterprise. Last November US President Barack Obama announced support for creative and thoughtful [The Hill report] consideration regarding future relations with Cuba.

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Low-cost Dominican surgeries spark warnings by US - U-T San Diego

Low-cost Dominican surgeries spark warnings by US

U-T San Diego

The Dominican Republic, like countries such as Mexico, Costa Rica and Thailand, has promoted itself as a destination for medical tourism, so-called because people will often tack on a few days at a resort after undergoing surgery. The main allure is ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

LA TIRA DE LOS LECTORES: Del crepúsculo al atardecer

Desde una foto tomada en el crepúsculo habanero hasta otra que capta los reflejos de un atardecer cubano, Cubadebate reúne en su Tira de este domingo siete instantáneas de nuestros lectores. El próximo domingo 6 de abril dedicaremos nuestra Tira a los jóvenes, sus rostros, sus actividades, su vida. Si deseas participar envía tu imagen de tamaño medio a

via Cubadebate Instrucciones para dominar el dominio

Dado los numerosos comentarios y dudas que han generado en nuestro Portal las noticias relativas al inicio e implementación del sevicio de correo electrónico desde los celularesen el país, Cubadebate se acercó a ETECSA para conocer en detalles las características de esta nueva prestación y poder hacerle sugerencias a nuestros lectores sobre la mejor habilitación del servicio y su óptimo uso, incluyendo recomendaciones que le permitan ahorros al consultar sus correos como usuarios de

via Cubadebate

Otra vez tembló la tierra en Villa Clara

A las 5:51 pm hora local de este domingo, la Red de Estaciones del Servicio Sismológico Nacional cubano registró un sismo localizado en las coordenadas 23.37 Latitud Norte y los 80.68 Longitud Oeste a 43.4 Km al Norte de Corralillo en la provincia de Villa Clara, a una profundidad de 7.2 Km y una magnitud de 3.8 en la escala Richter. Hasta la emisión de este boletín se han recibido reportes de perceptibilidad en Corralillo, provincia de Villa Clara

via Cubadebate