Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Venezuela's president shuffles economic team - New Zealand Herald

The Hindu

Venezuela's president shuffles economic team

New Zealand Herald

He said the government would instead strengthen an alternative foreign exchange mechanism as a way to attract much-needed foreign investment in 11 vital areas ranging from tourism to the oil industry. Oil is responsible for 95 percent of the nation's ...

Can a Beauty Queen's Murder Bring Down Socialism?

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Plans underway to boost economic infrastructures in Khachmaz region - AzerNews


Plans underway to boost economic infrastructures in Khachmaz region


"Given the potential of this region, which can be turned into a tourist center, it is advisable to build runway complex and organize air traffic here on unused area of 150 hectares owned by Azerbaijan Airlines JSC and," the statement reads. Moreover ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

US collegians on baseball diplomacy tour in Cuba - WNCN

US collegians on baseball diplomacy tour in Cuba


When a Cuban shortstop made a great diving grab on a line drive, the entire Tampa bench stood and erupted in applause for their rival's play. The trip is also about young men getting to know a country that's largely off limits to Americans, for whom ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Mayor of central Mexico city sees opportunities in honor - Travel Weekly

Travel Weekly

Mayor of central Mexico city sees opportunities in honor

Travel Weekly

Such a lofty award, Trejo said, should encourage Mexico to promote its cultural gems and not just its coastal regions, where the majority of the country's tourism promotion budget (70%) goes, according to the San Miguel de Allende Tourism Board. San ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Cuba police searching for fugitive - Wellsville Daily Reporter

Cuba police searching for fugitive

Wellsville Daily Reporter

CUBACuba police report the search continues tonight for a man who allegedly assaulted a female outside Cuba Town Court Tuesday. Cuba police released the following information: “On Tuesday, Jan. 14, at approximately 7:30 p.m. Giovanni J.

On the run: Olean man wanted for allegedly assaulting court witness

via cuba - Google News

Cuba police searching for fugitive - Wellsville Daily Reporter

Cuba police searching for fugitive

Wellsville Daily Reporter

CUBACuba police report the search continues tonight for a man who allegedly assaulted a female outside Cuba Town Court Tuesday. Cuba police released the following information: “On Tuesday, Jan. 14, at approximately 7:30 p.m. Giovanni J.

via cuba - Google News

Venezuela's president shuffles economic team - Centre Daily Times

Centre Daily Times

Venezuela's president shuffles economic team

Centre Daily Times

He said the government would instead strengthen an alternative foreign exchange mechanism as a way to attract much-needed foreign investment in 11 vital areas ranging from tourism to the oil industry. Oil is responsible for 95 percent of the nation's ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Commercial Relations between Cuba and the UK Progress - Radio Cadena Agramonet

Commercial Relations between Cuba and the UK Progress

Radio Cadena Agramonet

Cuba and the United Kingdom of Great Britain progressed on Tuesday in this capital in the identification of new business and investment opportunities in sectors that are key for the two markets, like renewable energy, agribusiness, tourism and ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Elogia Oliver Stone a países de América Latina por actitud ante espionaje de EEUU

El director estadounidense Oliver Stone alabó la postura "muy valiente" de países como Ecuador, Venezuela o Bolivia por su firmeza contra los escándalos de espionaje y filtraciones en Estados Unidos, como los que protagonizaron Edward Snowden y el soldado Bradley Manning. "Son países muy valientes que afirman una posición clara, aunque la relación de fuerzas les es evidentemente desfavorable", declaró en una entrevista.

via Cubadebate

Maduro shakes up top economic team

President Nicolas Maduro announces changes to the team handling the economy and vows to continue fighting "sabotage and speculation".

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Mexico Church calls for peace effort

In an open letter to be sent to President Enrique Pena Nieto, a Catholic bishop in troubled Michoacan state calls for greater peace efforts.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Castro's peso dilemma: Big Bang, or gradualism? - Financial Times (registration) (blog)

Financial Times (registration) (blog)

Castro's peso dilemma: Big Bang, or gradualism?

Financial Times (registration) (blog)

Monetary reform rarely gets the pulse racing. But on the colonial streets of old Havana, Cuba's pending monetary reform is one of the hottest topics around. “My parishioners talk about it all the time,” says one local priest. Even World Bank officials ...

via cuba - Google News

Earth and its natural oddities

Earth never stops surprising us. Every corner of the planet offers some sort of natural peculiarity with an explanation that makes us wish we'd studied harder in junior high Earth science class.

via - Latin America

Police find $7.2M cash in suitcases at airport in Panama

It started when police found nearly $7.2 million stuffed in eight suitcases at a Panama airport.

via - Latin America

Sunwing passengers delayed in Cuba for almost 20 hours - 680 News

Sunwing passengers delayed in Cuba for almost 20 hours

680 News

Nearly 200 weary travellers are finally back on Canadian soil after being stranded in a Cuban airport for hours without any food or water. “They just let us rot in a Cuban airport with no water eventually in the end, no food, in heat with babies that ...

Vacationers leave Cuba, land in Windsor, take bus to Toronto

via cuba - Google News

El líder de U2 “es portavoz de la élite occidental”

Por Carlos Paul Para el periodista y escritor irlandés Harry Browne, autor del libro Bono: en el nombre del poder, si se hace un balance entre la ayuda humanitaria que ha auspiciado el cantante del grupo de rock U2 y las ganancias que a partir de ese altruismo obtienen los corporativos transnacionales, de los que el músico es también representante, resulta que Bono ha hecho más daño del que parece, ya ...

via Cubadebate

Murió Juan, murió el poeta

Se murió Juan, el poeta. El más grande de todos, el de Violín, el de Gotán, el que nos enseñó a gozar de los diminutivos para la sonoridad contundente de versos inolvidables.

via Cubadebate

Mirando al Sur: Puerto Rico y la CELAC

Escrito por Héctor L. Pesquera Sevillano / Copresidente del MINH La noticia recibida a través de los medios de comunicación sobre el documento que presentará este enero el Presidente bolivariano Nicolás Maduro Moros y el gobierno venezolano en el cual se solicitará la integración de Puerto Rico a la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (CELAC) fue recibida con regocijo por nuestra organización. Esta acción valida con creces la solidaridad que existe ...

via Cubadebate

Concluye referéndum en Egipto y comienza el escrutinio de votos (+ Video)

Los colegios electorales cerraron hoy sus puertas en la segunda y definitiva jornada del referéndum constitucional en Egipto, con lo que dio comienzo al escrutinio de los votos, informó la televisión estatal. Las urnas comenzaron a cerrarse a las 21.00 hora local (19.00 GMT), como estaba previsto, y los integrantes de las mesas electorales iniciaron el recuento de los sufragios.

via Cubadebate

Premio Casa de las Américas sesionará entre el 20 y 30 de enero próximo

El Premio Literario Casa de las Américas sesionará entre el 20 y 30 de enero próximo, y los lectores podrán seguir estas jornadas, en tiempo real, desde cualquier punto en que puedan conectar sus dispositivos móviles. Este año el Premio celebra el centenario de los escritores latinoamericanos Julio Cortázar, Octavio Paz, José Revueltas, Julia de Burgos, Adolfo Bioy Casares, Efraín Huerta y Nicanor Parra, todos, importantes en la historia de la Institución.

via Cubadebate

Destituido Ángel Sosa como mentor de Las Tunas

Ángel Sosa Argüelles fue destituido oficialmente como director de los Leñadores de Las Tunas, después de vivir durante la última semana una verdadera pesadilla, provocada por sus polémicas decisiones en el partido del adiós de su equipo ante Industriales. La noticia fue dada a conocer de manera oficial por las máximas autoridades del deporte en la provincia, en reunión de trabajo con directivos de la prensa.

via Cubadebate

Una vida sexual activa podría desarrollar la inteligencia

El sexo reduce la probabilidad de afecciones cardíacas, mejora la piel, el ritmo cardíaco, y la inteligencia, según nuevas investigaciones al respecto. Dos estudios realizados por científicos de las universidades de Maryland, Estados Unidos, y de Konkuk, en Seúl, Corea del Sur, hallaron que la actividad sexual en ratones y ratas mejora su rendimiento mental y aumenta la producción de nuevas neuronas.

via Cubadebate

Leinier vence a Caruana y marcha cuarto en Wijk aan Zee

El GM de Cuba Leinier Domínguez (2 754 puntos Elo) derrotó con piezas blancas a su homólogo de Italia Fabiano Caruana (2 782), durante la cuarta ronda del torneo de ajedrez en el Tata Steel Master, con sede en la ciudad holandesa de Wijk aan Zee. La partida se extendió hasta 108 movimientos de una apertura española, y a la postre Leinier logró definir con magnífica técnica un final de peones y alfiles del mismo color.

via Cubadebate

China exige al FMI cumplir con países emergentes

China exigió al FMI cumplir con el compromiso de dar más peso a los países emergentes, a propósito la actitud de legisladores de Estados Unidos que han retrasado reformas en el organismo. Las naciones en desarrollo miran al FMI con recelo por promover desastrosas privatizaciones en algunos países emergentes a comienzos de la década de 1990, y por impulsar recortes presupuestarios que exacerbaron las crisis de deuda en Asia y América latina años después.

via Cubadebate

US Collegians on Baseball Diplomacy Tour in Cuba - ABC News

US Collegians on Baseball Diplomacy Tour in Cuba

ABC News

When a Cuban shortstop made a great diving grab on a line drive, the entire Tampa bench stood and erupted in applause for their rival's play. The trip is also about young men getting to know a country that's largely off limits to Americans, for whom ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

University of Tampa team plays ball in Cuba -

San Francisco Chronicle

University of Tampa team plays ball in Cuba

The Spartans aren't in Cuba in any official capacity, but rather are on a people-to-people exchange — a type of trip that allows Americans to travel to Cuba despite the U.S. embargo. President Barack Obama authorized such trips, which aren't supposed ...

US collegians on baseball diplomacy tour in Cuba

via Travel Cuba - Google News

A Revival of Key West-to-Cuba Travel - New York Times (blog)

New York Times (blog)

A Revival of Key West-to-Cuba Travel

New York Times (blog)

For the first time in more than 50 years, a commercial passenger aircraft has flown from the island of Key West, Fla., to Havana, Cuba, reestablishing the direct connection the two cities shared in the early 1950s. On the morning of Dec. 30, United ...

Cuba: One Year of Immigration And Travel Reform... What Changed?

Cuba marks 1 year under more liberal migration regime

Cuba's First Year Of Immigration Reform: 180000 People Leave The Country ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

BAF supports investment in Latin American agriculture | World Finance - World Finance

World Finance

BAF supports investment in Latin American agriculture | World Finance

World Finance

According to the World Bank, Latin America is set to be a key provider of food for the rest of the world over the next few decades. However, fluctuating exchange rates, stifling tax regimes and restrictive regulations mean many of these agriculture ...

via Latin america - Google News

Mexico Peso Falls Most in Latin America on Fed Stimulus Outlook - Bloomberg

Mexico Peso Falls Most in Latin America on Fed Stimulus Outlook


Mexico's peso dropped the most in Latin America as signs global growth is accelerating spurred speculation that the U.S. Federal Reserve will move quickly to cut U.S. monetary stimulus. The currency fell 0.7 percent to 13.1752 per U.S. dollar at 10:02 ...

via Latin america - Google News

US Collegians on Baseball Diplomacy Tour in Cuba - ABC News

US Collegians on Baseball Diplomacy Tour in Cuba

ABC News

Balls and strikes, not politics, ruled the day Wednesday at a baseball diamond in Havana, as last year's college championship team from the University of Tampa played an exhibition game against a Cuban youth squad. The visitors scraped out a hard ...

University of Tampa team plays ball in Cuba

via cuba - Google News

Nuevo Estudio Revela Causas de Migración de Retorno a México

Esta semana la organización Mexicans and Americans Working Together (MATT) presentó los resultados de un nuevo estudio que pone de relieve algunos cambios importantes en la migración de retorno de Estados Unidos a México. Uno de los méritos de este estudio es que nos recuerda el carácter dinámico y bidireccional de los flujos migratorios entre [...]

via Immigration Impact

Argentina fija tres días de duelo por muerte del poeta Juan Gelman

El Gobierno de Argentina decretó tres días de duelo para rendir homenaje al poeta y escritor argentino Juan Gelman, que falleció el martes en México después de haber vivido parte de su vida exiliado por la dictadura militar argentina que le arrebató a sus hijos. El ganador del Premio Cervantes, el galardón más importante de las letras hispanas, murió a los 83 años en la capital mexicana por un síndrome mielodisplásico, una disfunción de la médula ósea, según medios locales.

via Cubadebate

Next Wave of Cancellations: Small Business

An estimated 18 million to 24 million people in the United States have insurance through employers with fewer than 50 workers, and about 40 million have coverage through firms with fewer than 100 workers. The Department of Health and Human Services estimated in 2010 that up to 80 percent of small-group plans, defined as having […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Brazil's controversial 'flashmobs'

The controversial flashmobs dividing Brazil

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

More from Art Spiegelman - Colorado Springs Independent (blog)

Colorado Springs Independent (blog)

More from Art Spiegelman

Colorado Springs Independent (blog)

Even though it's changing a lot in Cuba, it still has this thing were, there's an assumed 'we're all in this together' quality to everything that happens. I'm not trying to make it an idealistic thing, but there's a kind of concern one with the other ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Venezuela's Banks Increased Development Loans by 50% in 2013 -

Venezuela's Banks Increased Development Loans by 50% in 2013

Both public and private banks in Venezuela are required by law to set aside at least 10% of their lending portfolios to support development in areas including housing, manufacturing, agriculture, tourism and micro-enterprises. In January 2012 then ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Venezuelan windsurfing mecca blown off course as it becomes party zone - The Guardian

The Guardian

Venezuelan windsurfing mecca blown off course as it becomes party zone

The Guardian

But despite his success, the author of the renowned pasko move – spinning 360 degrees on one's axis not once but twice – is worried about what lies in store for his community as it struggles to adapt to a shift in tourism. "It's become a party ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

First American Paintings to Be Shown in Cuba in 50 Years - TIME

First American Paintings to Be Shown in Cuba in 50 Years


On Jan. 14, less than one month after the departure of the first commercial flight from Key West to Havana in more than 50 years, another kind of U.S.-Cuba exchange will begin: the first cross-cultural gallery exchange in just as many decades. In ...

via cuba - Google News

Discovering Mexico in Los Cabos - San Francisco Chronicle

San Francisco Chronicle

Discovering Mexico in Los Cabos

San Francisco Chronicle

The foundation is the brainchild of the Bulnes family, one of the founders of the region's tourism and sportfishing industries. It's dedicated to the memory of Don Luis Bulnes Molleda, a true gentleman who arrived in Los Cabos with his wife Conchita in ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Hits and Misses

Is there a right to die? Could the next president wave the individual mandate altogether? A blow to cook book medicine: Scientists aim to tailor prostate cancer therapy to a patient’s cell activity. A second blow: Using DNA to custom-fit drug treatments.

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

US Embassy: Pot legalization back home won't change Latin America drug policy - Tico Times

US Embassy: Pot legalization back home won't change Latin America drug policy

Tico Times

Not to kill your buzz, but it doesn't look like recent recreational marijuana legalization in some U.S. states will have an immediate impact on drug policy in Latin America. On Jan. 2, the United States Embassy in San José posted a story to its blog ...

via Latin america - Google News

Psicólogos de Australia afirman que el sexto sentido no existe

Psicólogos de la Universidad de Melbourne, Australia, constataron que la mente humana nota cambios en su entorno incluso cuando no puede precisar en qué consisten exactamente esos cambios. Afirman que eso demuestra que el 'sexto sentido' no existe.

via Cubadebate

Por Nuestra Mayúscula América: La Higuera

Nuestro viaje por Latinoamérica comenzó a proyectarse a partir de tres destinos puntuales: La Quebrada del Churo, ese punto de la selva boliviana donde libro su último combate el Che y sus compañeros; La Higuera, ese caserío perdido donde en octubre de 1967 asesinaron al Comandante Guevara y algunos de sus compañeros; y, finalmente, Valle Grande, la urbe donde mostraron su cuerpo al mundo y lo sepultaron a escondidas hasta que sus restos fueron encontrados treinta años después.

via Cubadebate

Brazil killing spree: Police involved?

A five-hour killing rampage in a Brazilian city leaves 12 people dead as the country prepares to host the 2014 World Cup in June.

via - Latin America

Al fin aparece el invierno en Cuba…. y por varios días

Pero ahora, con el cambio ocurrido en la circulación atmosférica sobre Norteamérica, llegará a Cuba el frente de hoy miércoles 15 de enero, trasladándose al este por todo el archipiélago cubano, junto con chubascos, lluvias y aisladas tormentas eléctricas. Al pasar el frente, comenzará a llegar el aire frío ártico del continente, por supuesto que modificado por las cálidas aguas del golfo de México, y también por trasladarse por latitudes más bajas. Esto dará como resultado días muy fríos e invernales el jueves 16 y el viernes 17.

via Cubadebate

Falleció en México el reconocido intelectual argentino Juan Gelman (+ Fotos, Poemas y Video)

El periodista y escritor argentino Juan Gelman falleció a los 83 años esta tarde en la ciudad de México, donde residía desde hace más de 20 años. En 1997 obtuvo el Premio Nacional de Poesía en Argentina, el premio Juan Rulfo en el año 2000, en 2004 el Premio Iberoamericano de Poesía Ramón López Velarde, en 2005 los premios Iberoamericano Pablo Neruda y Reina Sofía de Poesía, y en el año 2007 el Premio Cervantes

via Cubadebate

Latest Mexico travel warning excludes most tourism destinations - Travel Weekly

Latest Mexico travel warning excludes most tourism destinations

Travel Weekly

"Millions of U.S. citizens safely visit Mexico each year. The Mexican government makes a considerable effort to protect U.S. citizens and other visitors to major tourist attractions, and there is no evidence that Transnational Criminal Organizations ...

U.S. says Mexico still unsafe for travel

via tourism in mexico - Google News