Monday, March 24, 2014

María Corina Machado pierde condición de diputada por violar Constitución de Venezuela

Machado aceptó públicamente, ejerció y ejerce el cargo de representante alterna de Panamá ante la OEA lo que viola los artículos 149 y 191 de la Constitución de Venezuela que afirma que los funcionarios públicos no podrán aceptar cargos de gobiernos extranjeros, por lo que pierde su investidura.

via Cubadebate

Venezuela ousts lawmaker over visit

Venezuela strips a leading opposition congresswoman of her mandate after speech before the Organisation of American States (OAS) last week.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

US Embassy in Venezuela to stop issuing some tourism visas as unrest continues -

US Embassy in Venezuela to stop issuing some tourism visas as unrest continues

BOGOTA, Colombia -- One day after the U.S. Embassy in Caracas said it was suspending appointments for first-time applicants of tourism visas due to lack of staff, Venezuelan authorities called it a “reprisal” but also said they would seek solutions.

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Latin America's apparent use of finished steel down 2% in January - Business News Americas

Latin America's apparent use of finished steel down 2% in January

Business News Americas

Apparent use of finished steel in Latin America and the Caribbean decreased 2% in January 2014, registering 5.5Mt while finished steel production grew 2% year-on-year. Regional trade of finished steel saw a deficit of 900,262t, down from January 2013.

Latin America's finished steel consumption down 2% in January

via Latin america - Google News

AP PHOTOS: Editor selections from Latin America - Fort Worth Star Telegram

AP PHOTOS: Editor selections from Latin America

Fort Worth Star Telegram

Brazilians living in the Mandela shantytown of Rio de Janeiro awoke Friday to discover that suspected drug gang members had attacked three police shantytown outposts, injuring three officers and burning one of the metal shipping containers used by ...

via Latin america - Google News

Ottawa father drowns during vacation in Cuba - CTV News

CTV News

Ottawa father drowns during vacation in Cuba

CTV News

Yue Liu of Ottawa drowned last week at a beach resort in Varadero Cuba. His 7-year-old son, Connor, narrowly survived. Liu was playing in the ocean with his son last Wednesday when a strong wave overtook them and the two were caught in a current.

Beloved Ottawa dad drowns in Cuba

Ottawa father drowns in Cuba

via cuba - Google News

New Sign Of Cuba Moving Toward Capitalism? Wealthy Cubans Are Flaunting ... - Fox News Latino

Havana Times

New Sign Of Cuba Moving Toward Capitalism? Wealthy Cubans Are Flaunting ...

Fox News Latino

There are plenty of foreigners, but also not a few sharp-dressed Cubans lounging in the butterfly chairs, sipping $3 mojitos and talking art, culture and politics. It's an image that stands in stark contrast to common perceptions overseas of Communist ...

Cuba and Beyond: The Thin Blue Line

via cuba - Google News

Carp(e) Diem: Kentucky Sends Invasive Fish To China - Northwest Public Radio

Carp(e) Diem: Kentucky Sends Invasive Fish To China

Northwest Public Radio

"Even Cuba raises the silver carp to feed their people," he says. Asian carp hasn't caught on in U.S. restaurants, but that hasn't stopped ... They're worried about the region's $1.2 billion tourism industry. The carp has even changed the business ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Haitian Solidarity Brigade to Travel to Cuba - Prensa Latina

Haitian Solidarity Brigade to Travel to Cuba

Prensa Latina

Also in this city, the 34 members of the brigade will meet with leaders of youth organizations, of the Cuban Women Federation and other organizations, ICAP expert Yuliet Morejon told Prensa Latina. They are scheduled to arrive in Havana on March 30.

via Travel Cuba - Google News

Brazil World Cup city 'may drop out'

A mayor in southern Brazil says his city may drop out of June's football World Cup if the state assembly does not pass key legislation this week.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Malasia declara perdido el vuelo MH370 y asume que no hay sobrevivientes

Najib Razak, primer ministro de Malasia, confirmó que el vuelo MH370 se da por perdido y que no hay sobrevivientes. Malaysia Airlines envió a los familiares de las personas a bordo del avión un mensaje informando de los hechos antes, tanto a tanto a los familiares en Malasia como en Pekín. "Asuminos más allá de alguna duda razonable que el MH370 se ha perdido y que nadie a bordo sobrevivió", expresó el primer ministro en una conferencia en Kuala Lumpur.

via Cubadebate

Lo que no se está diciendo sobre Ucrania

La gran mayoría de medios españoles presentan la situación en Ucrania como un alzamiento popular contra un gobierno corrupto e impopular. Esto genera simpatía por unos medios que ven a Rusia como el enemigo. Y puesto que Rusia había apoyado a ese gobierno, mientras que los que se le opusieron favorecían más su conexión con la Unión Europea, se explica la lectura favorable de la revuelta contra el gobierno, que acabó deponiéndolo.

via Cubadebate

Javier Sotomayor: Es imposible predecir cuándo caerán mis marcas (+ Video)

Javier Sotomayor, plusmarquista mundial de salto alto, afirmó que la disciplina vive un buen momento luego de años de resultados discretos, aunque es imposible predecir cuándo caerán sus marcas mundiales. Sotomayor posee récord mundial bajo techo con 2.43 metros logrados el 4 de marzo de 1989, en Budapest y la marca del orbe al aire libre con 2.45 metros, desde el 27 de julio de 1993, en Salamanca, España.

via Cubadebate

La imagen gráfica que no publicarán los grandes emporios mediáticos

Una vez más el régimen derechista de Mariano Rajoy volvió a reprimir una marcha pacífica que escenificaron miles de españoles este fin de semana en Madrid, en rechazo a los recortes sociales que agobian a los ciudadanos de esa nación hasta hacerlos elegir el suicidio, además de la huida masiva hacia otros países de medio millón de jóvenes. La policía política secreta y antidisturbios del gobernante ultraconservador Partido Popular (PP) no ...

via Cubadebate

Bain to Buy Brazil Health-Insurance Operator

(Wall Street Journal) U.S.-based private-equity firm Bain Capital LLC signed an agreement to acquire Brazilian…

via Latin American Private Equity and Venture Capital Association » Latest Industry News

Presidente Raúl Castro envía felicitación a la Orquesta Original de Manzanillo - Radio Rebelde

Radio Rebelde

Presidente Raúl Castro envía felicitación a la Orquesta Original de Manzanillo

Radio Rebelde

El Presidente de los Consejos de Estado y de Ministros de Cuba, General de Ejército Raúl Castro Ruz, envió una misiva de felicitación a los integrantes de la Orquesta Original de Manzanillo, por sus 50 años de vida artística. La misiva fue entregada ...

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

House Members to Introduce Discharge Petition on Immigration Reform

The press is reporting that Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi will file a discharge petition to bring HR 15, the bipartisan comprehensive immigration bill that has been languishing in the House since October, to the floor. A discharge petition is a procedural move that requires the signature of 218 House members; if successful it forces House [...]

via Immigration Impact

Bolivian President Renews Push for Coastline

via The Latin Americanist

Malaria Vaccine And Other Largely Unkown Latin American Innovations, Weak ... - International Business Times

International Business Times

Malaria Vaccine And Other Largely Unkown Latin American Innovations, Weak ...

International Business Times

When thinking about famous discoveries and innovation pioneers, Latin America is hardly the first location that comes to mind. On the contrary: the images of a disheveled and playful Albert Einstein or a dedicated Marie Curie are among the classic ...

via Latin america - Google News

EU offers 2.5-bn-euro aid package for Latin America - GlobalPost

EU offers 2.5-bn-euro aid package for Latin America


The European Union is to offer Latin America 2.5 billion euros ($3.4 billion) in development aid over the next seven years to fund projects ranging from security to education. The EU's Development Commissioner Andris Piebalgs said "this aid package ...

EU aid to boost governance in Latin America

Significant new EU support for Latin America announced

via Latin america - Google News

T Rowe eyes Brazil for return to Latin America - Financial News

Financial News

T Rowe eyes Brazil for return to Latin America

Financial News

T Rowe Price is poised to make a return to Latin America, with a new base in Brazil, having quit its previous hub in Argentina in 2013 because the government tightened up capital controls. T Rowe eyes Brazil for return to Latin America. The ...

via Latin america - Google News

10 top Caribbean secrets

"Goat water" and Killer Bee cocktails? Turns out there's plenty of Caribbean left to discover.

via - Latin America

Cuba Participates in World Tourism Hall of France - Cuba News

Cuba Participates in World Tourism Hall of France

Cuba News

Cuba Participates in World Tourism Hall of France HAVANA, Cuba, Mar 21 (acn) With the purpose of promoting the island's diversity of products, Cuba participates in the World Tourism Hall under way in Paris, the French capital, until Sunday. Also ...

Martinique-Cuba Flights Resume

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Can You Inherit Stress?

It is undeniable that stress experienced during a person’s lifetime is often correlated with stress-related problems in that person’s offspring — and even in the offspring’s offspring. Perhaps the best-studied example is that of the children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors. Research shows that survivors’ children have greater-than-average chances of having stress-related psychiatric illnesses like […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Southern transplant embraces Cuba lifestyle - Olean Times Herald

Southern transplant embraces Cuba lifestyle

Olean Times Herald

CUBA — Ten years ago, if someone had asked Joseph P. Miller if he envisioned himself moving from busy southern state suburbs to a quiet town in New York's Southern Tier, he would have thought it to be a crazy idea. Today, he thinks differently. The ...

via cuba - Google News

Ahora, Messi es Di Stéfano

Extraordinarias resultaron las apariciones de Messi, protagonista de un partido monumental, más líder que nunca en el Barça. El 10 habilitó a Iniesta en la jugada del 1-0, remató el 2-2 y transformó los penaltis que cobraron Neymar e Iniesta. Hubo serias dudas y muchas discusiones sobre las faltas pitadas en el área de Diego López y también pareció que Alves zancadilleó fuera del área a Cristiano Ronaldo en la jugada del 3-2. Nadie cuestionó en cambio la autoridad de Messi.

via Cubadebate

Monseñor Romero: la opción por los pobres

Monseñor Oscar Arnulfo Romero saltó casi de golpe a la inmortalidad de los mártires en medio de la violencia atroz de la dictadura militar y la pobreza humillante en El Salvador. Fueron dolorosas situaciones que de costarle la vida el 24 de marzo de 1980 a causa de una conspiración de los poderosos de la época. La profundidad y valentía del legado atesorado en sus homilías y su actuar, cuando la muerte le rondada a diario, explica que los pobres y gente buena de El Salvador y otras naciones del continente le otorgaran la condición de San Romero de América.

via Cubadebate

Strike 3: Freddy por la ventana

Coherencia es lo primero que le falta al organismo beisbolero cubano. Digamos, se comporta de manera radical cuando se trata de prohibir las congas, pero tolera indisciplinas graves de atletas y managers. Y sanciona a sus árbitros lo mismo por expulsar tempranamente, que por demorar las expulsiones. Y ahora mismo, les impone un castigo similar al agresor y al agredido.

via Cubadebate

Buscan en Japón vías para aumentar la natalidad

El gobierno japonés anunció hoy la creación de una comisión encargada del estudio de vías para aumentar los nacimientos y la aceptación de más inmigrantes extranjeros en un contexto en que la natalidad es baja en este país. La comisión, supeditada al Consejo de Política Económica y Fiscal y presidida por el primer ministro Shinzo Abe, se establecerá, ante el temor de que la economía nipona prosiga contrayéndose a medida que la población disminuye, indicó.

via Cubadebate

Novedoso método en 3D ayudará a solución de crímenes y misterios históricos

El profesor Mark Shriver y su equipo de antropología biológica de la Universidad Estatal de Pensilvania desarrollaron un método con el uso de 3D que podría revolucionar la resolución de crímenes y resolver algunos misterios históricos. La tecnología permite reconstruir rasgos faciales de una persona en un modelo 3D utilizando sus restos de ADN.

via Cubadebate

Ofrece Silvio una mágica velada en Monterrey

Una noche mágica, que por años los regiomontanos estuvieron esperando, fue la que se disfrutó ayer en el Auditorio Banamex. Y es que el trovador Silvio Rodríguez cerró su gira de conciertos Mi Última Cita, recibiendo el cariño incondicional de sus admiradores. Fue alrededor de las 22:13 cuando las luces del auditorio se apagaron para darle la bienvenida al maestro cubano, quien no necesitó de una majestuosa producción para sentir el cariño de los regiomontanos.

via Cubadebate

La información puede trasmitirse por un hilo de diamante

Físicos de la Universidad Estatal de Ohio han demostrado por primera vez que la información puede fluir a través de un hilo de diamante. En el experimento los electrones no fluían a través de los diamantes como en la electrónica tradicional, sino que permanecen en su lugar pasando de uno a otro por el cable mediante un efecto magnético denominado 'spin' que podría compararse con una 'ola' hecha por los espectadores deportivos, informa el portal ScienceDaily.

via Cubadebate

Interceptan en Alemania cocaína con destino al Vaticano

El Ministerio de Finanzas de Alemania confirmó que el servicio de aduanas interceptó un paquete con cocaína procedente de Sudamérica con destino a una oficina de correos del Vaticano. Un portavoz del Ministerio corroboró la información publicada por el dominical 'Bild am Sonntag' basándose en un informe de la aduana alemana. Según el rotativo, los agentes del aeropuerto de Leipzig-Halle descubrieron una carga con 340 gramos de cocaína líquida envuelta en condones.

via Cubadebate

Científica de Uruguay descubre modo de frenar la metástasis de modo natural

Magdalena Paolino, bioquímica de Uruguay y científica del Institute of Molecular Biotechnology de Austria, descubrió un mecanismo para frenar la metástasis provocada por tumores, basado en procesos del sistema inmune.La investigación, se desarrolló a lo largo de siete años y comenzó cuando la uruguaya descubrió que al quitarles un gen determinado a los ratones, estos adquirían la capacidad de rechazar varios tipos de tumores.

via Cubadebate

Crimea podría ser una zona especial de la economía rusa

Este lunes el rublo ruso empieza a circular en Crimea como divisa oficial y ha sido precisamente el futuro económico y social de esa región el principal tema en la reunión presidida hoy por el primer ministro de Rusia, Dmitri Medvédev, en el Kremlin. Medvédev señaló que "Posiblemente Crimea recibirá el estatus de 'zona económica especial' y se introducirán beneficios fiscales para la industria durante un período de transición, que durará hasta el 1 de enero de 2015".

via Cubadebate

Efromovich/Silva Adds Partner Amid Fundraise

(Private Equity International) The Bogotá-based firm is targeting $300m for Latin American and Caribbean companies.…

via Latin American Private Equity and Venture Capital Association » Latest Industry News

It’s Zeke vs Me

In the Wall Street Journal. In recognition of ObamaCare’s 4th anniversary. Guess which one of us lacks a sense of humor? I write: For the past 40 years real, per capita health-care spending has been growing at twice the rate of growth of real, per capita income. That’s not only true in this country; it […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Putin's power play embraces Latin America - Deutsche Welle

Putin's power play embraces Latin America

Deutsche Welle

Russia is seeking to expand traditional ties with leftist Latin American states as part of renewed global-power ambitions, but reactions in Nicaragua, Cuba and Venezuela have been cautious. Maduro bei Putin 02.07.2013. In Venezuela, one of Russia's ...

via Latin america - Google News

EU Announces EUR2.5 Billion Financial Package For Latin America - RTT News

EU Announces EUR2.5 Billion Financial Package For Latin America

RTT News

European Development Commissioner Andris Piebalgs is set to announce new EU support of EUR2.5 billion for Latin America for the years 2014 to 2020. This includes funding for regional programs, and for the bilateral envelopes to the eligible countries.

EU aid to boost governance in Latin America

via Latin america - Google News

Cubans with money revel in booming social circuit - CTV News

CTV News

Cubans with money revel in booming social circuit

CTV News

There are plenty of foreigners, but also not a few sharp-dressed Cubans lounging in the butterfly chairs, sipping $3 mojitos and talking art, culture and politics. It's an image that stands in stark contrast to common perceptions overseas of Communist ...

Cuba and Beyond: The Thin Blue Line

via cuba - Google News

What’s Wrong with This Uwe Reinhardt Idea?

Our friend from Princeton writes in The New York Times: In a column in this paper’s Economix blog, I proposed that by age 25 an individual had to choose whether she or he would join a health insurance system based on social solidarity, with community-rated premiums, or instead join a system for rugged individualists, with […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Two Pedestrian Boulevards, Two Havanas - Havana Times

Havana Times

Two Pedestrian Boulevards, Two Havanas

Havana Times

The Obispo boulevard is the gate through which foreign visitors enter the city and the peephole through which Cubans try to make out a bright beyond of abundance. Down this street, tourists stand in long lines before currency exchange offices. They ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Cuba and Beyond: The Thin Blue Line - Havana Times

Havana Times

Cuba and Beyond: The Thin Blue Line

Havana Times

I'm convinced that life, as well as political power, is fed by the generational recycling; and here in Cuba from the mirages born of a very particular problem that is now over 55 years old. The author expresses: “Of my childhood and adolescent friends ...

via cuba - Google News

Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Acquires Additional 23.6% Stake in Peruvian Pipeline

(Press Release) Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) announced today that it has completed the…

via Latin American Private Equity and Venture Capital Association » Latest Industry News

Can exhilarating Chile match expectation?

Expectations are high for a swashbuckling Chile side at the 2014 World Cup, says South American football expert Tim Vickery

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

The CBO estimates that 6 million people will pay a total of $8 billion in (ObamaCare) fines in 2016. Vacation in China: We paid for this? Drudge pays ObamaCare penalty tax and so will other self-employed individuals who have to pay their taxes quarterly. Before ObamaCare, a 27-year-old man in Dallas could have purchased catastrophic […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Venezuela Loosens Currency Regulations - Wall Street Journal

Venezuela Loosens Currency Regulations

Wall Street Journal

The new market, dubbed Sicad II, will add a fourth exchange rate in Venezuela. The government maintains a fixed rate of VEF6.3 per dollar for imports of priority goods like food, and auctions dollars at around VEF11 to certain industries such as tourism.

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Cubans with money revel in booming social circuit - Daily Astorian

Cubans with money revel in booming social circuit

Daily Astorian

In this March 15, 2014 photo, people wait to access the government club Cafe Amor in Havana, Cuba. The Cuban capital is seeing a boom in stylish, privately run bars and clubs, the latest manifestation of President Raul Castro's economic reforms which ...

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

Inspired by Ybor uncle, actor calls for protest in Cuba -

Inspired by Ybor uncle, actor calls for protest in Cuba

TAMPA — A former anti-Castro militant turned Hollywood actor with family ties to Ybor City has launched a social media campaign that's drawing international attention with its call for a moment of civil disobedience in Cuba to protest socialism ...

via cuba - Google News

The Greatest Anti-Poverty Program the World Has Ever Known

Economic growth is a miracle cure. For the last 50 years real income per person in the United States has been growing at a rate of about 2.3% per year. Although that may not sound like such a big deal, that small increase adds up year after year. So much so that real incomes will […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Latin American cultures inspire Azzaro 2014 limited editions - Yahoo Philippines News

Latin American cultures inspire Azzaro 2014 limited editions

Yahoo Philippines News

Following a tribute to Loris Azzaro's Mediterranean origins last summer, the Italian brand has shifted its focus to Latin America for its two 2014 limited editions, designed by French artist Takeshi. Takeshi, who is based in New York, was invited to ...

via Latin america - Google News

Vontrip Closes New Round for US$500 and Begins Operations in Mexico

(Pulso Social) Having received its first investment from 500startups (and previously being accelerated in the…

via Latin American Private Equity and Venture Capital Association » Latest Industry News


via Cuba Journal

Senadora rusa propone retirar Premio Nobel de la Paz a Obama

Lyudmila Bókova, integrante del Consejo de la Federación de Rusia, acusó al presidente de EE.UU. de llevar una política de doble racero en lo referente a la situación en Ucrania y afirmó que Obama no merece el Premio Nobel de la Paz. "La política de dobles estándares no es compatible con el laureado Premio Nobel. Creo que el Comité del Premio Nobel tiene que revisar objetivamente la situación y considerar la posibilidad de retirar este título a Barack Obama", declaró.

via Cubadebate

Airbus Helicopters highlights its strong footprint and adapted helicopter ... - Brazil Business Today (subscription)

Airbus Helicopters highlights its strong footprint and adapted helicopter ...

Brazil Business Today (subscription)

Exhibited at FIDAE will be a utility-configured single-engine AS350 B3 Ecureuil from a Chile based aerial services operator that specializes in mining and energy, construction, civil work, extreme sports, tourism and filming. Other lightweight ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Venezuela Loosens Currency Regulations - Wall Street Journal

Venezuela Loosens Currency Regulations

Wall Street Journal

The new market, dubbed Sicad II, will add a fourth exchange rate in Venezuela. The government maintains a fixed rate of VEF6.3 per dollar for imports of priority goods like food, and auctions dollars at around VEF11 to certain industries such as tourism.

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Daily Headlines: March 24, 2014

via The Latin Americanist

6.1-magnitude quake strikes off Chile

A 6.1-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Chile on Sunday, the U.S. Geological Survey reported.

via - Latin America

Cubans with money revel in booming social circuit - Journal Review

Cubans with money revel in booming social circuit

Journal Review

In this March 15, 2014 photo, people wait to access the government club Cafe Amor in Havana, Cuba. The Cuban capital is seeing a boom in stylish, privately run bars and clubs, the latest manifestation of President Raul Castro's economic reforms which ...

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

Hijacked Cuban Planes Still Caught in Limbo - ABC News

Hijacked Cuban Planes Still Caught in Limbo

ABC News

At face value, they are three old planes not worth much more their parts and scrap metal. Stolen from the Cuban government during a six-month period ending in April 2003 — two by hijackers, one by its pilot — all three landed at Key West ...

via cuba - Google News

SCL Energia Activa Secures Around US$100m for New fund

(Alt Assets) Chilean private equity firm SCL Energia Activa has reportedly raised one third of…

via Latin American Private Equity and Venture Capital Association » Latest Industry News

Union head under fire for 'educational' trip to Cuba - New York Post

Union head under fire for 'educational' trip to Cuba

New York Post

The head of the city public school union representing 23,000 parent coordinators, crossing guards and cafeteria workers is under fire for taking an “educational trip” to Cuba while his members have toiled for years without a contract. Opponents of ...

via cuba - Google News

AP PHOTOS: Editor Selections From Latin America - ABC News

AP PHOTOS: Editor Selections From Latin America

ABC News

Brazilians living in the Mandela shantytown of Rio de Janeiro awoke Friday to discover that suspected drug gang members had attacked three police shantytown outposts, injuring three officers and burning one of the metal shipping containers used by ...

via Latin america - Google News