Sunday, September 1, 2013

US swimmer Diana Nyad half-way from Cuba to Florida - BBC News

BBC News

US swimmer Diana Nyad half-way from Cuba to Florida

BBC News

US endurance swimmer Diana Nyad is more than half-way to Florida, in her attempt to become the first person to swim from Cuba without a shark cage. She had to call off her non-stop swim a year ago after a huge storm and following several jellyfish stings.

via Latin america - Google News

India uses Arctic-Antarctic expedition to reach out to Latin America - Times of India

India uses Arctic-Antarctic expedition to reach out to Latin America

Times of India

NEW DELHI: A 35,000 km overland expedition from Arctic to Antarctic is the latest enterprise by India to build ties with the resource-rich Latin America. Led by explorer Akhil Bakshi, the 4-month expedition will start this week at Dead Horse Creek on ...

via Latin america - Google News

VIDEO: Mexico City clashes over reforms

Protests over proposed education reforms have led to violent clashes in Mexico City.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Timing is everything: Dodgers use Cuban connection to edge Padres - Los Angeles Times

Timing is everything: Dodgers use Cuban connection to edge Padres

Los Angeles Times

It was Hollywood stuff, naturally, but on the Dodgers' first Cuban Heritage day, it was Puig who provided the winning run, drilling a sixth-inning solo homer Sunday to reward another brilliant pitching effort by Zack Greinke in the Dodgers' 2-1 victory ...

via cuba - Google News,0,3436634.story

Update on the latest news, sports, business and entertainment - KVUE

Update on the latest news, sports, business and entertainment


A day after President Barack Obama stepped back from his threat to launch an attack, Kerry says in a series of interviews on the Sunday TV news shows that the administration learned of the sarin (SA'-rihn) use through samples of hair and blood provided ...

Obama in 2012: Taking 'military action unilaterally' in Syria would be 'mistake'

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Clashes in Mexico over school reform

Riot police in Mexico City clash near Congress with students opposed to the government's education reforms.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean


Mentiría si digo que recuerdo mi primer día de escuela. Ese día, exactamente ese día, no he logrado recordarlo. Lo que llegó después sí. Lo que llegó después ya es otra cosa… Cierro los ojos y todavía aparecen ante mí los rostros de casi todos mis primeros compañeros de aula; la maestra Malela, tan dulce y comprensiva desde siempre, dotada de algún súper-poder capaz de ayudarla a llamarnos a cada uno por nuestro nombre. Casi todos nombres raros, muchos puro invento, algo común por aquella época en la sociedad cubana… Años después Malela confesaría que nunca antes, ni después, tuvo tantos Yosvel, Yilan, Yuset, Yaima, Yoan, Yunier, Yaniuska, Yunior, Yoendry… juntos en una misma aula.

via Cubadebate

Ángel Fournier conquistó el subtítulo mundial en prueba reina del remo

Fournier fue superado solamente por el checo Ondrei Synek, quien ganó la final con tiempo de seis minutos 45 segundos y 24 centésimas, por 6:48.91 del caribeño, y tomó desquite del alemán Marcel Hacker (6:49.39). El cubano había avanzado a la final como escolta de Hacker, titular mundial en Sevilla-2002 y bronce olímpico en Sydney-2000.

via Cubadebate


via The Latin Americanist

Venezuela admits economic problems

Venezuela's finance minister Nelson Merentes says the economic policies of late President Hugo Chavez and his successor are yet to be successful.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Peru snow state of emergency extended to more regions - BBC News

BBC News

Peru snow state of emergency extended to more regions

BBC News

The Peruvian government has extended to nine more regions a state of emergency called to cope with unusually cold weather and heavy snowfall. At least two people have died and 33,000 others have been affected by the cold spell, local officials say.

via Latin america - Google News

Cuba vence 2×1 a Corea en inicio del Mundial Juvenil de Béisbol

Cuba derrotó hoy dos carreras por una a Surcorea, en el inicio atrasado del Campeonato Mundial juvenil (sub-18 años) de béisbol, con sede en Taipei de China. Los caribeños contaron con gran trabajo monticular de Ariel Díaz, quien dejó en una anotación a los asiáticos en siete entradas de labor, con cuatro ponches y tres boletos.

via Cubadebate

René se pronuncia por iniciativas en lucha para liberar a los Cinco

En un encuentro con los trabajadores del Instituto de Aeronáutica Civil, el antiterrorista René González llamó en La Habana a impulsar iniciativas populares en la Jornada de Solidaridad con los Cinco que se llevará a cabo en Cuba del cinco de septiembre al seis de octubre, convocada por el Instituto Cubano de Amistad con los Pueblos.

via Cubadebate

Desde hoy, Servicio de Titulares de Cubadebate para celulares

Desde hoy, 1 de septiembre, estará disponible para todos los usuarios de la telefonía celular (prepago y postpago) el Servicio de Titulares de las informaciones de nuestro Portal Web Cubadebate. Este servicio es un esfuerzo por extender la presencia informativa de nuestro portal usando todas las posibilidades que brindan las nuevas tecnologías. El periodo de prueba nos permitió hacer algunas adecuaciones a nuestros propósitos iniciales para hacer más efectivo el servicio. Cubadebate, DESOFT y ETECSA trabajarán por ampliar a corto plazo las facilidades y posibilidades de este servicio pionero entre nuestros medios de comunicación.

via Cubadebate

Las jirafas podrían extinguirse en las próximas décadas

Expertos en conservación animal han advertido de que las jirafas podrían extinguirse en las próximas décadas si no se detiene la tendencia descendente de su población. Según el diario "Daily Nation", investigadores procedentes de diferentes países de África se reunieron en Nairobi, capital de Kenia, para estudiar acciones que ayuden a conservar esta especie.

via Cubadebate

Falleció David Frost, famoso por sus entrevistas a Richard Nixon

Sir David Frost, periodista británico, falleció la noche del sábado a los 74 años víctima de un ataque al corazón cuando navegaba en el crucero Queen Elizabeth. "Se organizará un funeral familiar próximamente y los detalles de uno público se anunciarán a su debido tiempo", dice un comunicado de la familia.

via Cubadebate

US swimmer Nyad 'looking very good' after 1st night of Cuba-Florida swim ... - Minneapolis Star Tribune

US swimmer Nyad 'looking very good' after 1st night of Cuba-Florida swim ...

Minneapolis Star Tribune

HAVANA — U.S. endurance swimmer Diana Nyad's team says she made it through her first night in the Straits of Florida with almost no sightings of poisonous jellyfish. A post on Nyad's blog says she's doing well and the crew is upbeat, though she ...

via cuba - Google News

Storm ends retired Cuban baseball stars' game in Florida - The Globe and Mail

Storm ends retired Cuban baseball stars' game in Florida

The Globe and Mail

What a political storm couldn't stop, a tropical one did. Thunder, lightning and flash flooding on Saturday rained out the first South Florida matchup between retired Cuban baseball players from both sides of the Florida Straits. The game between ...

via cuba - Google News

Tropical Storm Ends Face Off Between Retired Cuban Ballplayers And Exiles - Fox News Latino

Tropical Storm Ends Face Off Between Retired Cuban Ballplayers And Exiles

Fox News Latino

Its decision came shortly after resistance from a small but vocal Miami-based group that has long opposed the communist administration of Cuban President Raul Castro and his brother, former President Fidel Castro. The first of the games was also ...

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

Wael Halqi: “Ejército sirio está preparado para salir victorioso ante Estados Unidos”

Autoridades aseguraron que el pueblo sirio no se intimidará con los cazabombarderos de Estados Unidos ni con sus buques de guerra, haciendo alusión a las herramientas de guerra que ya ha preparado el Gobierno norteamericano para atacar.

via Cubadebate

Agua contaminada de Fukushima puede llegar a Estados Unidos

De la central nuclear de Fukushima escapa agua con niveles radiactivos 18 veces más altos que los previamente medidos. Si no se controla la fuga es probable que el agua radiactiva llegue a Estados Unidos en 2014. Tokyo Electric Power Co, operadora de la accidentada planta, comunica que encontraron agua altamente radiactiva que gotea de un tubo utilizado para conectar dos depósitos de líquido refrigerante.

via Cubadebate

Omar Daudzai es nombrado ministro del interior de Afganistán

El presidente de Afganistán, Hamid Karzai, nombró a su antiguo jefe de gabinete y exembajador en Pakistán Mohammad Omar Daudzai, como nuevo ministro de Interior, según informó hoy un comunicado de la oficina presidencial. La decisión debe ser ratificada por el Parlamento del país.

via Cubadebate

Hoy entra en vigor TLC entre México y Guatemala

Un Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) entre México y Guatemala entra en vigor hoy, se informó oficialmente por ambos países. Este pacto con México también incluye a Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras y Nicaragua, como fue firmado en noviembre de 2011 por esas naciones.

via Cubadebate

Estrenarán la próxima semana documental sobre Mercedes Sosa

La próxima semana se estrena en Uruguay el documental Mercedes Sosa, La Voz de Latinoamérica, un filme de Rodrigo Vila, producido por Fabián Matus, hijo de la cantante. El documental ganó premio al público en el Festival de Cine de Panamá realizado en abril.

via Cubadebate

El presidente Juan Manuel Santos propone un Pacto Nacional en Colombia

El presidente Juan Manuel Santos llamó a convertir la "crisis estructural" que vive el sector agrario del país en una "gran oportunidad" a través de la iniciativa de un gran Pacto Nacional. A dos semanas de iniciado el paro hay calma pero con miles de campesinos apostados en las vías.

via Cubadebate

Approaching Storms Threaten Diana Nyad's 5th, and Final, Attempt at Cuba ... - SwimSwam

Approaching Storms Threaten Diana Nyad's 5th, and Final, Attempt at Cuba ...


Diana Nyad, who departed from Cuba Saturday on her 5th, and what she says is her final attempt, at swimming from Cuba to Key West, Florida, is currently under threats of an extreme lightning storm that sits just 4 miles away. In an update from her ...

via cuba - Google News

Storm ends retired Cuban baseball stars' Fla. game - 7Online WSVN-TV

Storm ends retired Cuban baseball stars' Fla. game

7Online WSVN-TV

Its decision came shortly after resistance from a small but vocal Miami-based group that has long opposed the administration of Communist Cuban President Raul Castro and former President Fidel Castro. The first of the games was also originally slated ...

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

Según expertos si Obama ataca Siria colapsa la economía de Estados Unidos

Una guerra contra Siria convertiría al presidente Barack Obama en “un cadáver político” y propiciaría el colapso de la economía de Estados Unidos, opinan algunos expertos. “Es una trampa para Obama: el FMI, que trabaja en colaboración con la burocracia internacional, trata de golpear a EE.UU.”, dijo el presidente del Comité Islámico de Rusia, Geydar Jemal.

via Cubadebate

Austria y Suiza engrosan lista de países en contra de ataque a Siria

La comunidad internacional en pleno, a excepción de Estados Unidos y sus aliados militares y económicos más cercanos, rechazan la actitud belicista e injerencista de los países que pretenden ejecutar un ataque militar contra el pueblo sirio.

via Cubadebate

Falla intento de asesinar al primer ministro de Yemen

Mohamed Salem Basindawa, primer ministro de Yemen, salió ileso de un intento de asesinato, según informó la cadena Al Yazira. Varios hombres desconocidos dispararon desde una motocicleta contra el convoy de Basandawa cuando este se dirigía a su vivienda tras una reunión del Consejo de Ministros.

via Cubadebate

Papa Francisco exhorta a buscar la paz en Siria

El papa Francisco rechazó las guerras y exhortó a todas las partes a poner fin a las hostilidades y buscar la paz en Siria, al pronunciar el Angelous, en la Plaza de San Pedro del Vaticano. "No más guerras. Nunca el uso de la violencia lleva a la paz, la guerra llama a la guerra, la violencia llama a la violencia", consideró el Sumo Pontífice.

via Cubadebate

Nelson Mandela sale del hospital

El expresidente sudafricano Nelson Mandela abandonó este domingo el hospital de Pretoria en el que estaba ingresado desde el pasado 8 de junio por una recaída de una infección pulmonar, informó este donmingo la Presidencia de Sudáfrica en un comunicado.

via Cubadebate

IC professors brave bureauracy in Cuba for research opportunity - Jacksonville Journal-Courier

IC professors brave bureauracy in Cuba for research opportunity

Jacksonville Journal-Courier

one imagines them saying — they were able to continue their visit. “My first impression as we stepped into the hot, night air and I saw two old 1950s cars was, 'This is real. We are here.'” Zettler said. Travel to Cuba is severely restricted for ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

10 things you need to know today: September 1, 2013 - The Week Magazine

The Week Magazine

10 things you need to know today: September 1, 2013

The Week Magazine

President Obama postponed a military strike against the Syrian government in retaliation for a chemical weapons attack so he could seek authorization from Congress on Saturday. Since last ... Diana Nyad begins her final attempt at a Cuba-Florida swim

via Cuba Obama - Google News

GUEST COLUMN: Providing ammo: Ideas could fuel military action, even now in ... - Tuscaloosa News (subscription)

GUEST COLUMN: Providing ammo: Ideas could fuel military action, even now in ...

Tuscaloosa News (subscription)

Today, Raul Castro, Fidel's brother, still runs Cuba. Raul is the leading member of the Cuban military establishment, a tough nut who supported his brother ruthlessly in the early 1960s with mass executions, the creation of a superb security system ...

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

Storm ends Retired Cuban baseball stars' game against Miami exiles in Florida - Brandon Sun

Storm ends Retired Cuban baseball stars' game against Miami exiles in Florida

Brandon Sun

Its decision came shortly after resistance from a small but vocal Miami-based group that has long opposed the administration of Communist Cuban President Raul Castro and former President Fidel Castro. The first of the games was also originally slated ...

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

IC professors brave bureauracy in Cuba for research opportunity - Jacksonville Journal-Courier

IC professors brave bureauracy in Cuba for research opportunity

Jacksonville Journal-Courier

In his career as a biology professor and orchid enthusiast, Lawrence Zettler has shared space with alligators and poisonous snakes to get glimpses, and whiffs, of his beloved specimens. But in early August, Zettler and fellow Illinois College professor ...

via cuba - Google News

Inside Diana Nyad's new Florida-Cuba swim strategy - CBS News

Inside Diana Nyad's new Florida-Cuba swim strategy

CBS News

On Saturday, she will try to swim across the treacherous waters separating Cuba from Florida - an attempt she's failed to complete four times before. But now, she has a new strategy. At 64 years old, Nyad couldn't resist the call of the ocean one more ...

via cuba - Google News

Storm ends retired Cuban baseball stars' Fla. game - 7Online WSVN-TV

Storm ends retired Cuban baseball stars' Fla. game

7Online WSVN-TV

Its decision came shortly after resistance from a small but vocal Miami-based group that has long opposed the administration of Communist Cuban President Raul Castro and former President Fidel Castro. The first of the games was also originally slated ...

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

Storm ends Retired Cuban baseball stars' game against Miami exiles in Florida - Minneapolis Star Tribune

Storm ends Retired Cuban baseball stars' game against Miami exiles in Florida

Minneapolis Star Tribune

Its decision came shortly after resistance from a small but vocal Miami-based group that has long opposed the administration of Communist Cuban President Raul Castro and former President Fidel Castro. The first of the games was also originally slated ...

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

Photo blog: Diana Nyad's swim - ESPN


Photo blog: Diana Nyad's swim


After a near-death experience after being stung nine times by poisonous box jellyfish last year -- once on the tongue for good measure -- you would think a swimmer would be hesitant to enter those same waters. But most swimmers aren't Diana Nyad.

via cuba - Google News

Woman to brave sharks, jellyfish and storms in final Cuba-Florida swim attempt - Washington Times

Woman to brave sharks, jellyfish and storms in final Cuba-Florida swim attempt

Washington Times

HAVANA — The Florida Strait, a dangerous stretch of sea full of sharks and jellyfish that is prone to sudden, violent storms, has stubbornly resisted Diana Nyad's repeated attempts to conquer it. Yet the Florida-raised endurance athlete was back in ...

via cuba - Google News

68 Cuba-trained doctors join health sector tomorrow - Jamaica Observer

68 Cuba-trained doctors join health sector tomorrow

Jamaica Observer

A batch of 68 doctors, who finished training recently in Cuba, will be deployed into Jamaica's health sector starting tomorow. The doctors, all Jamaicans, represent the latest and largest batch of medical graduates to have been trained in the Socialist ...

via cuba - Google News