Friday, March 14, 2014

En busca de la energía integral

Todo lo nuevo crea expectativas, máxime si tiene relación con la economía del país y cuenta con participación extranjera. Así ocurre con el central azucarero 5 de Septiembre, de la provincia de Cienfuegos, primero en el que se establece un Contrato de Administración Productiva, en este caso entre el grupo empresarial Azcuba y la compañía Odebrecht Agroindustrial, de Brasil. En busca de detalles y precisiones y a fin de lograr un acercamiento periodístico al tema, visitamos el ingenio y dialogamos ampliamente con el ingeniero Luis Armando Sarría, integrante al equipo de dirección.

via Cubadebate

The Countdown to an Independent Newspaper in Cuba Has Begun - Huffington Post

The Countdown to an Independent Newspaper in Cuba Has Begun

Huffington Post

The Cuban official press can't reform itself because to do so would be committing suicide. To report on the national reality it would have to renounce its role as ideological propaganda. It's not enough to change the design of its digital sites, add ...

via cuba - Google News

Cuba Is on the Road to Development - Havana Times

Cuba Is on the Road to Development

Havana Times

Following the triumph of the revolution on January 1, 1959, human beings became the center of attention of the new government and social development became Cuba's chief priority. All illiterate persons were taught to read and write and the classrooms ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

A relentless widening disparity in wealth

via Cuba Journal

Peru: The Latin American hub of Middle East investment? - Christian Science Monitor

Christian Science Monitor

Peru: The Latin American hub of Middle East investment?

Christian Science Monitor

President Humala has already shown a desire to reach out to the region, having hosted the 2012 Summit of South American and Arab Countries that brought together political and business leaders. And in early February, Israel was granted observer status ...

via Latin america - Google News

Latin America: Increase in Number of Retirees with the Right to a Pension - World Bank Group

Latin America: Increase in Number of Retirees with the Right to a Pension

World Bank Group

Around 11 million adults over age 65 who had been excluded from pension systems were able to receive benefits. In Latin America there are approximately 290 million people of working age. Fifty-five percent of them do not contribute to any pension ...

via Latin america - Google News

Foreign talent seen as key to meet Latin America IT professional deficit - Business News Americas

Foreign talent seen as key to meet Latin America IT professional deficit

Business News Americas

Companies in Latin America are increasingly hiring foreign talent in order to meet the deficit of IT professionals in the region, but are less likely to do so via an expatriate package than in previous years, preferring to hire foreign talent under a ...

via Latin america - Google News

Deal over Panama Canal expansion

The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) approves a deal to end a dispute over $1.6bn (£1bn) cost overruns that delayed the work to widen the waterway.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Follow-up: Top Venezuelan Diplomat Blasts “Murderer” Kerry

via The Latin Americanist

People-to-people tours to Cuba grow in popularity with US travelers - The Plain Dealer

People-to-people tours to Cuba grow in popularity with US travelers

The Plain Dealer

Just three years after the Obama administration relaxed travel restrictions to Cuba, nearly every major tour company is now jockeying for the hearts and wallets of U.S. tourists. And why not? When the Grand Circle Foundation, part of Grand Circle Corp ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

Cuba Is on the Road to Development - Havana Times

Cuba Is on the Road to Development

Havana Times

If we look at some of the figures that described the social situation Cubans had before 1959, we can get a clear sense of the progress made since. Back then, unemployment was at 25 percent for a considerable part of the year; women constituted a mere ...

via cuba - Google News

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

ObamaCare to miss enrollment goals because Democratic states with Democratic governors can’t get their act together. Thousands of people are still in the federal government’s high risk pool. An ObamaCare co-op is capturing most of the customers on the Maine exchange, but is it destined to go bankrupt?

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

La prensa y el periodismo vistos con humor

"...que no haya una manifestación de la vida, cuyos diarios accidente no sorprendan al diarista: eso es hacer un buen diario. Decir lo que a todos conviene y no dejar de decir nada que a alguien pueda convenir. Que todos encuentren en el diario lo que pueden necesitar saberlo. Y decirlo con un lenguaje especial para cada especie: escribiendo en todos los géneros, menos en el fastidioso de Bibeau, desdeñando lo inútil y atendiendo siempre lo útil, elegantemente....

via Cubadebate

Las autoridades de Ucrania no controlan la situación del país

La Cancillería de Rusia alertó este viernes que las autoridades de Kiev no están controlando la situación en el país, por lo que Moscú se reserva el derecho de proteger a sus compatriotas que viven en Ucrania. Rusia ha manifestado en diversas oportunidades que "los que llegaron al poder en Kiev deben desarmar a los milicianos, garantizar la seguridad de la población y el derecho legítimo de las personas a realizar manifestaciones", señala el texto.

via Cubadebate

Are Antibiotics Making Us Fat?

…[D]ecades of agricultural research has shown that antibiotics seem to flip a switch in young animals’ bodies, helping them pack on pounds. Manufacturers brag about the miraculous effects of feeding antibiotics to chicks and nursing calves. Dusty agricultural journals attest to the ways in which the drugs can act like a kind of superfood to […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

As embargo support wears thin, Alabama business leaders seek stronger ties ... -

As embargo support wears thin, Alabama business leaders seek stronger ties ...

MOBILE, Alabama -- Cuba, with its tourist-dotted beaches and tangled political history, has long sustained trade partnerships with many countries. All accept the United States, the only holdout clinching to a Cold War-era embargo against the island nation.

via tourism in cuba - Google News

The Many Different Smiles That Make Up Miami - WLRN

The Many Different Smiles That Make Up Miami


Well at the same time that you're at a meeting, you can sit in a table with someone that's from Colombia, another from Venezuela, another from Chile, another from here in Miami, another from Europe. Then you have to maintain ... There's also tourism ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Haiti is not for sale - San Francisco Bay View

Haiti is not for sale

San Francisco Bay View

They have formed the Organization of Île à Vache Farmers, refusing to accept the presidential decree appropriating their island as a tourism zone and unilaterally annulling their property rights. – Photo: Dady Chery. The Washington colonists are back ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

What's Happening in Venezuela - Huffington Post

What's Happening in Venezuela

Huffington Post

In the spring of 2009, as part of a design studio looking at sustainable tourism in the beach and cocoa producing town of Choroní, I had the opportunity to visit Venezuela and was privileged to meet a number of people who I've stayed in close touch ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

New acquisition makes Brazil Sonda's largest operation in Latin America - Business News Americas

New acquisition makes Brazil Sonda's largest operation in Latin America

Business News Americas

"With this acquisition, Sonda will be consolidated as a leading Latin American provider of IT services in Brazil, with pro forma net revenue of US$775mn in 2013. Brazil now represents 47% of Sonda's consolidated revenues, becoming its largest operation ...

via Latin america - Google News

Latin America: The Other Half Say No! - PanAm Post (blog)

PanAm Post (blog)

Latin America: The Other Half Say No!

PanAm Post (blog)

EspañolIt is clear that demagoguery, official narratives, and coercion are the means by which Socialism of the 21st Century has come to power. This was echoed a few days ago in El Salvador, and a few years ago in Ecuador, Brazil, and Argentina. Above ...

via Latin america - Google News

ObamaCare to Increase Disruption and Discontinuity of Care for Low-Income Americans

A new Health Affairs study: Pre-ObamaCare, approximately half of low-income adults might have experienced a change of circumstances that caused churn between Medicaid and private coverage each year. Higher-income states and states that had more generous Medicaid eligibility criteria for nonelderly adults before the ACA experienced more churning. Under ObamaCare, more than 40 percent of […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Banking problem may keep Americans from traveling to Cuba - The Plain Dealer

Banking problem may keep Americans from traveling to Cuba

The Plain Dealer

A Cuban Tourist Visa — essentially a travel card — is required to enter Cuba, no matter one's country of origin. If you're traveling from the United States, your tour provider generally acquires the card for you. Independent travelers can buy one at ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

Canadian-based Cuba Cruise offers a new view of the island: from the water - The Plain Dealer

Canadian-based Cuba Cruise offers a new view of the island: from the water

The Plain Dealer

Americans who book the cruise on their own are likely in violation of U.S. law, which generally prohibits individual travel to Cuba (but it's worth noting that the prosecution of leisure travelers is almost nonexistent, according to experts). There are ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

Visiting Cuba: What you need to know - The Plain Dealer

Visiting Cuba: What you need to know

The Plain Dealer

Permission to visit: Even though Cuba is physically close to United States, it's difficult to travel there because of the U.S. economic sanctions and travel restrictions that have been in place since the early 1960s. To travel there legally as an ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

Snapshots of Cuba: Fascinating people highlight trip to Havana and beyond - The Plain Dealer

Snapshots of Cuba: Fascinating people highlight trip to Havana and beyond

The Plain Dealer

We've all heard things about Cuba — some positive, some negative. Well, , for me, seeing is believing, or, as a Cuban barber told me, es mejor ver con los ojos que oir con los oidos. “It's better to see with the eyes than to hear with the ears.” On a ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

New FDA Rule on Generic Drugs Could Hike Costs $4 Billion per Year

A proposed FDA rule on labeling generic drugs could increase generic drug-makers’ exposure to product-liability lawsuits. This could add $4 billion a year to the cost of generic drugs, according to Scott Gottlieb, MD, and colleagues. A new regulation proposed by the Food and Drug Administration will compel generic drug makers to update their drug […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Banking problem may keep Americans from traveling to Cuba - The Plain Dealer

Banking problem may keep Americans from traveling to Cuba

The Plain Dealer

The Cuba Interests Section, which oversees Cuba's diplomatic missions in the United States, this month stopped issuing visas to American travelers because it can't find a U.S. bank to manage its accounts. So far, the issue hasn't affected travel to ...

via cuba - Google News

EDITORIAL: El periodismo es un compromiso con la verdad y con la vida

Grandes desafíos tiene la Prensa Cubana en su empeño diario por hacer de la verdad (en su amplia dimensión) santo y seña de su labor: un país nuestro que se transforma buscando mejores derroteros, un pueblo instruido y bien exigente, barreras mentales que subsisten, un adversario que no da respiro en sus perversos planes contra la nación, una realidad internacional complicada y llena de crisis coyunturales, una instantaneidad desafiante de la noticia que no admite dilaciones, unas multiplicadas redes sociales que fomentan el periodismo ciudadano y pone en no pocos aprietos a los medios de comunicación tradicionales.

via Cubadebate

Aspira Cuba llevar más de 500 deportistas a juegos regionales

Cuba aspira clasificar a más de 550 deportistas a los XXII Juegos Centroamericanos y del Caribe a disputarse en noviembre de este año en Veracruz, México. En estos momentos Cuba tiene 316 concursantes clasificados en 22 deportes y faltan cuatro disciplinas -esgrima, patinaje, pentatlón y triatlón- que, aunque ya hicieron el grado para participar, todavía no están confirmadas por la Organización Deportiva Centroamericana y del Caribe.

via Cubadebate

Cuba pondrá a prueba en abril nueva cosechadora de caña

Cuba pondrá a prueba en abril una moderna cosechadora cañera, diseñada por especialistas nacionales, y fabricada de conjunto con una empresa de la República Popular China. Su sistema tecnológico funciona de manera excelente, en dependencia de los resultados de las pruebas en territorio cubano, comenzará entonces la producción limitada de la máquina en su primera etapa, comentó el ingeniero mecánico Manuel Rojas.

via Cubadebate

Hoeness renuncia al Bayern para ir a la carcel por evasión fiscal

Uli Hoeness no apelará la condena de cárcel por evasión fiscal y anunció este viernes su renuncia a la presidencia del Bayern Munich y así evitar algún daño a los campeones europeos. Hoeness, una de las más influyentes figuras del fútbol alemán, fue condenado el jueves por no pagar impuestos de varios millones de euros que ocultó en una cuenta bancaria que no declaró y se le sentenció a 3 1/2 en prisión.

via Cubadebate

More Accurate Measures Suggest Declining Income Inequality

Like quality health care, income inequality is a slippery concept. In both cases, the official metrics have serious problems. They often tell a different story than measures that are more carefully constructed. In the U.S., for example, Cebula and Feige estimate that 18 to 23 percent of U.S. income is not reported to the IRS. […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Avenida Capital Raises US$140m from Global Investors

(Press Release) Avenida Capital LLC (“Avenida”), the Latin American real estate investment firm with offices…

via Latin American Private Equity and Venture Capital Association » Latest Industry News

Venezuela's protests careen into week 5 -

Venezuela's protests careen into week 5

CARACAS, Venezuela — Gentilina Radaelli is sweeping away shards of glass from an advertising billboard that rioters have ripped from its base and flung into a major avenue. A fallen tree and a metal bar are tangled with it to complete the barricade.

Venezuela Protest 'Anarchy' Rages On With Little Direction

What is happening in Venezuela?

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Deporter In Chief, Barack Obama, is approaching 2 Million immigrant deportations

via Cuba Journal

People-to-people tours to Cuba grow in popularity with US travelers - The Plain Dealer

People-to-people tours to Cuba grow in popularity with US travelers

The Plain Dealer

Just three years after the Obama administration relaxed travel restrictions to Cuba, nearly every major tour company is now jockeying for the hearts and wallets of U.S. tourists. And why not? When the Grand Circle Foundation, part of Grand Circle Corp ...

via cuba - Google News

Goodman’s Law: If You Tax Something You Will Get Less of It

From 2001 to 2011, the number of nonprofits in the United States grew 25 percent while the number of for-profit businesses rose by half of 1 percent, according to the most recent figures compiled by the Urban Institute. There are still considerably more businesses than nonprofits, of course, about four times as many. But over […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Visiting Cuba: What you need to know - The Plain Dealer

Visiting Cuba: What you need to know

The Plain Dealer

Permission to visit: Even though Cuba is physically close to United States, it's difficult to travel there because of the U.S. economic sanctions and travel restrictions that have been in place since the early 1960s. To travel there legally as an ...

via cuba - Google News

Matanzas sweeps Industriales 4-3

via Cuba Journal

Does ObamaCare Deserve The Credit (or Blame) For Rising Deductibles?

Galen Benshoof, a guest blogger at The Incidental Economist, writes that rising deductibles are not entirely a consequence of ObamaCare, but also the rise of Health Savings Accounts and associated high-deductible, consumer-driven health plans over the last decade. However, Benshoof’s description of the effect of consumer-driven health plans suffers from misunderstanding: In the 1990s, some […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Cuba shortstop Erisbel Arruebarrena reports to Los Angeles Dodgers - Times Colonist (blog)

Cuba shortstop Erisbel Arruebarrena reports to Los Angeles Dodgers

Times Colonist (blog)

GLENDALE, Ariz. - Cuban shortstop Erisbel Arruebarrena reported to the Los Angeles Dodgers on Thursday, nearly three weeks after agreeing to a $25 million, five-year contract. "I've thought about this for a year," Arruebarrena said through an interpreter.

via cuba - Google News

Afirma el INDER que comunicará en breve su fallo sobre la apelación del lanzador Freddy Asiel Álvarez

Varios aficionados nos escribieron o llamaron diciéndonos que la decisión en cuanto a la apelación de la sanción del lanzador Freddy Asiel tras el bochornoso incidente del pasado 17 de febrero, en el juego 417 de la actual temporada entre Matanzas y Villa Clara, ya había sido comunicada y que se mantenía la suspensión por toda la temporada.

via Cubadebate

Zuckerberg llama a Obama para quejarse por el espionaje de la NSA

El fundador de Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, publicó una nota contando una llamada telefónica que mantuvo con el presidente de EE.UU., Barack Obama, en la que le manifestó que su Gobierno está socavando la confianza en Internet. Los comentarios tienen lugar un día después de la publicación de un informe que sostiene que la NSA suplantó a un servidor de Facebook para inyectar un software malicioso a las computadoras con el objetivo de expandir su capacidad para recoger información.

via Cubadebate

Walking towards the future - The Australian

Walking towards the future

The Australian

Edelso Alvarez, a teacher turned tourist guide, is describing an end to the “golden years” when Cuba was an outpost of the Evil Empire moored threateningly in the Caribbean just 145km off Florida. “Everyone thought there was going to be destruction; it ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Walking towards the future - The Australian

Walking towards the future

The Australian

Edelso Alvarez, a teacher turned tourist guide, is describing an end to the “golden years” when Cuba was an outpost of the Evil Empire moored threateningly in the Caribbean just 145km off Florida. “Everyone thought there was going to be destruction; it ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Preparándonos para la Temporada Ciclónica 2014.

Más que una nueva CRÓNICA DEL TIEMPO lo que voy a escribir a continuación es una noticia, y pienso que muy positiva y alentadora. Ya estamos en marzo y como buenos previsores miramos hacia adelante unos pocos meses más para vislumbrar una nueva temporada de huracanes o temporada ciclónica que ya se avecina a partir del próximo primero de junio. ¿Cómo pudiera ser la Temporada de Huracanes 2014?

via Cubadebate

Otros 300 médicos cubanos llegan a Brasil

Un grupo de 300 especialistas cubanos de la salud llegó hoy a esta capital para incorporarse al programa gubernamental Más Médicos y prestar servicios en zonas rurales y la periferia de las grandes ciudades brasileñas. Los galenos forman parte de un contingente de cuatro mil 300 doctores que se sumarán a este programa en las ciudades de Brasilia, Sao Paulo, Recife, Fortaleza, Porto Alegre y Vitoria

via Cubadebate

Professor shares decade of Cuban theater research at book talk - Diamondback Online

Professor shares decade of Cuban theater research at book talk

Diamondback Online

Laurie Frederik Meer spoke to an audience in McKeldin about the themes of her book, Trumpets in the Mountains: Theater and the Politics of National Culture in Cuba. Trumpets in the Mountains: Theater and the Politics of National Culture in Cuba.

via cuba - Google News

Robbie Williams exhibition at the Potteries Museum and Art Gallery to be ... - Stoke Sentinel

Stoke Sentinel

Robbie Williams exhibition at the Potteries Museum and Art Gallery to be ...

Stoke Sentinel

Groups from Venezuela, Spain and the United States have all praised the PMAG exhibition in its visitors' book, with Andalusian guests commenting that it was 'a dream come true'. Nichola Meaney ... But it wasn't just Burslem that benefited from the tourism.

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News