Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Cuba suspends consular services in US, blames embargo - Reuters

Cuba suspends consular services in US, blames embargo


The decision threatens to disrupt a recent surge in travel between the United States and Cuba on the eve of the busy holiday season, as well as the Obama administration's "people-to-people" policy of increased contact with Cuba. The Cuban Interests ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

Cuban consular mission needs a new bank in the US - GlobalPost

Cuban consular mission needs a new bank in the US


The decision risks travel between Cuba and the United States, which has increased under the Obama administration. It also threatens travel during the busy holiday season. The Cuban Interests Section of the country's diplomatic mission in Washington ...

via cuba - Google News

Cuba suspends consular services in US, blames embargo - Reuters UK

Cuba suspends consular services in US, blames embargo

Reuters UK

The decision threatens to disrupt a recent surge in travel between the United States and Cuba on the eve of the busy holiday season, as well as the Obama administration's "people-to-people" policy of increased contact with Cuba. The Cuban Interests ...

via cuba - Google News

Regulan servicios de las marinas turísticas en el país

En aras de incrementar las ofertas dirigidas al turismo internacional, Cuba autorizó la permanencia de embarcaciones de recreo en territorio nacional hasta cinco años, con posibilidad de prórroga. Esta es una de las facilidades establecidas por el Decreto 314, del Consejo de Ministros, publicado en días recientes por la Gaceta Oficial de la República, y que reglamenta la organización y explotación de los servicios marítimo-portuarios en las marinas turísticas.

via Cubadebate

Falleció en Brasil Nilton Santos, mejor lateral izquierdo de la historia del fútbol

El brasileño Nilton Santos, considerado por la FIFA como el mejor lateral izquierdo de todos los tiempos y dos veces campeón mundial (1958 y 1962), murió hoy en Río de Janeiro a los 88 años, informó hoy el club Botafogo. En Brasil era conocido cariñosamente como "la enciclopedia del fútbol" por su gran conocimiento de este deporte, porque en la cancha ninguna situación de juego le tomaba desprevenido.

via Cubadebate

Repsol board approves Argentina deal

The board of the Spanish energy company Repsol has approved an agreement in principle with Argentina over assets seized last year.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Cuba Looks to Expand Tourism Sector by Permitting Yachts at Its Marinas - Hispanically Speaking News

Cuba Looks to Expand Tourism Sector by Permitting Yachts at Its Marinas

Hispanically Speaking News

Cuba will foster the development of its tourist marinas with facilities for recreational vessels, according to a decree approved by the government and published on Tuesday in the official gazette. The facilities are the result of a new regulation ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Cuba To Suspend Travel Visas, Passports - Latin Times

Latin Times

Cuba To Suspend Travel Visas, Passports

Latin Times

The decision will have an enormous impact on the lucrative tourism industry of the island, which in recent years has seen thousands of Cubans and Cuban-Americans visit families on the island, as well as the 100,000 Americans that have visited Cuba ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Colombia recalls envoy to Nicaragua

Colombia recalls its ambassador to Nicaragua as a dispute over maritime boundaries in the Caribbean worsens.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Two die in Brazil World Cup stadium accident - BBC News

BBC News

Two die in Brazil World Cup stadium accident

BBC News

Two people have died in an accident at Sao Paulo's stadium, which is due to host the opening ceremony of the 2014 World Cup finals, police say. A senior local fire official said crews were called to the Arena Corinthians after reports of a collapsed crane.

Construction Accident at Soccer Stadium in Brazil Kills Two

Two people killed in Brazil stadium crash

via Latin america - Google News

Royal Enfield eyes Latin America, SE Asia to grow global biz - Business Today

Business Today

Royal Enfield eyes Latin America, SE Asia to grow global biz

Business Today

In a bid to become a significant player in the mid sized motorcycle segment in the world, Royal Enfield, is eyeing various global markets, including Latin America and South East Asia to grow its international business. The company, which launched 535 ...

via Latin america - Google News

Cuba To Suspend Travel Visas, Passports - Latin Times

Latin Times

Cuba To Suspend Travel Visas, Passports

Latin Times

The Cuban consulate in Washington DC announced on Tuesday that it would be immediately suspending all consular services until further notice: as such, it will no longer be issuing passports and travel visas to the Caribbean island. The decision will ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

How Are Medical Costs Distributed Among the Privately Insured?

Here are some numbers from a 2011 Milliman report on high cost medical conditions in employer health benefit plans in 2010 that might provide a useful frame of reference next time a twenty-year-old claims that high health care costs can be cured by diet and exercise. Keep in mind that these are claims costs for [...]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

World Bank Group : WB: Improvements in Sanitation, Disaster Prevention and ... - 4-traders (press release)

World Bank Group : WB: Improvements in Sanitation, Disaster Prevention and ...

4-traders (press release)

... with the Cusco Regional Government, as it will help improve infrastructure and services in a region that accounts for 88 percent of the country's incoming tourism,"said Susan Goldmark, World Bank Regional Director for Bolivia, Chile, Peru and ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Presidente de la IBAF destaca práctica creciente del béisbol en el mundo

El presidente de la Federación Internacional de Béisbol (IBAF), el italiano Ricardo Fraccari, resaltó hoy el crecimiento de ese deporte en el orbe. "El béisbol sigue creciendo en el mundo", dijo Fraccari a Prensa Latina, minutos después de llegar a Cuba para participar en la quinta Convención Internacional de Actividad Física y Deporte. Según el directivo, el deporte de las bolas y los strikes se practica en todas las regiones del planeta y adelantó su posible retorno al programa olímpico para los Juegos de Tokio-2020.

via Cubadebate

Senado de Italia expulsa a ex primer ministro Silvio Berlusconi

El exprimer ministro de Italia y magnate de las comunicaciones en ese país europeo, Silvio Berlusconi, fue expulsado este miércoles del Senado tras haber sido condenado en forma definitiva por fraude fiscal. "El senador Berlusconi fue destituido de su cargo", anunció el presidente del Senado, Pietro Grasso, tras una votación pública celebrada hace unas horas. El pleno del Senado aprobó el retiro de su escaño al líder indiscutible por 20 años de la derecha italiana.

via Cubadebate

SNB53: Regulaciones para las congas

La Comisión Nacional de Béisbol acaba de dar a conocer su circular no. 7 de la actual campaña beisbolera en la que, entre otros aspectos, establece adecuaciones la decisión sobre la presencia de congas en los estadios durante los juegos de la Serie Nacional.

via Cubadebate

Cuba, Lacking Bank, Closes US Consular Services - New York Times

Cuba, Lacking Bank, Closes US Consular Services

New York Times

The Cuban government said Tuesday that it was shutting down nearly all of its consular services in the United States “until further notice” because it was unable to find a bank willing to handle its business. The decision threatens to disrupt a recent ...

via cuba - Google News

UPDATE 1-Cuba suspends consular services in US, blames embargo - Reuters

UPDATE 1-Cuba suspends consular services in US, blames embargo


MIAMI Nov 26 (Reuters) - Cuba is shutting down nearly all of its consular services in the United States "until further notice" after it said it was unable to find a bank willing to handle its business, the government announced on Tuesday, blaming the ...

via cuba - Google News

The Federal Government is One Big Insurance Company

Source: The Committee for a Responsible Federal Government. HT: Austin Frakt.

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

A Celebration of Latin American Art - Huffington Post

A Celebration of Latin American Art

Huffington Post

New York's art market has taken on a Latin American flair as Pinta NY returned to the city for the seventh year, followed by the upcoming Latin American Art Modern and Contemporary sales at Christie's and Sotheby's this week. Once again, the Pinta Art ...

via Latin america - Google News

Windows Phone is número uno in Latin America -

Windows Phone is número uno in Latin America

In the U.S. smart phone market, the Windows Phone seems firmly stuck in third place, far behind the likes of Android and Apple. But it's a different story in Latin America. New data show, for the second straight quarter, sales of phone with the ...

Windows Phone outsells iOS in Latin America

Windows Phone remains second mobile platform in Latin America

via Latin america - Google News

New species of wild cat in Brazil

Molecular markers have been used to identify a new distinct species of wild cat in Brazil, researchers claim.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

In Defense of Colonialism

A recent paper by William Easterly and Ross Levine (discussed by Chris Blattman here)…tries to give a partial answer to the big question of what shaped comparative economic development around the globe… The results are quite remarkable. Practically one half of the variation in average global development levels today can be accounted for by the [...]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Court upholds American's sentence in 1968 Cuba hijacking - (blog)

Court upholds American's sentence in 1968 Cuba hijacking (blog)

Luis Armando Pena Soltren, a U.S. citizen, spent more than 40 years in Cuba as a fugitive after taking part in the 1968 hijacking of a Pan Am flight. He surrendered to U.S. authorities in 2009 and eventually pleaded guilty. In January 2011, Pena ...

via cuba - Google News

Talking Turkey on Immigration 2013

In an effort to preserve harmony at the Thanksgiving table, we have for the last several years offered up tips on making the case for immigration reform in front of, what is for many, the most hostile audience of all—their families. Even in the most congenial of families, there’s likely to be someone who can [...]

via Immigration Impact

Rusia ratifica la amistad estratégica con la CELAC

El canciller de Rusia, Serguei Lavrov, aseguró este miércoles que la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (Celac) representa un importante socio para Rusia y elogió la iniciativa de establecer un mecanismo de diálogo permanente. Por primera vez una estructura aglutina a todos los países latinoamericanos y caribeños, y vemos en esta organización un importante socio en perspectiva, reiteró en declaraciones a Prensa Latina.

via Cubadebate

La temperatura promedio en Cuba aumentó casi un grando en 60 años

La temperatura promedio en Cuba se elevó en 0,9 grados Celsius entre los años 1951 y 2010, informaron especialistas del Centro del Clima del Instituto nacional de Meteorología. También se registra un incremento en la frecuencia de eventos de sequías más intensas y prolongadas, sobre todo a partir de 1961, tendencia que constituye una de las variaciones climáticas más importantes observadas en el archipiélago cubano durante las últimas cinco décadas.

via Cubadebate

Islamistas y laicos egipcios se unen contra represión policial

Los islamistas egipcios se solidarizaron este miércoles con los activistas de varios grupos revolucionarios, de tendencia laica, que han sido detenidos durante las protestas reprimidas ayer por la policía en la capital, El Cairo. Distintos grupos, que apoyan al depuesto presidente egipcio Mohamed Mursi, condenaron la actuación de las fuerzas de seguridad frente a la sede de la Cámara Alta del Parlamento, donde fue convocada una manifestación contra la nueva ley que restringe las protestas.

via Cubadebate

La Comisión Europea demanda protección ante la vigilancia masiva de EEUU

La Comisión Europea llamó a proteger a los ciudadanos europeos del uso indiscriminado de datos personales que realizan las agencias de inteligencia de Estados Unidos, refirió la agencia Reuters. La Comisionada de Justicia de la Unión Europea, Viviane Reding, declaró que esperaba que Washington cumpliera con su promesa de dar a todos los ciudadanos europeos el derecho a demandar a este país si sus datos estaban siendo mal utilizados.

via Cubadebate

Tras la derrota, el Barça le pide más a sus jugadores

El entrenador del F.C. Barcelona, Gerardo Martino, y el capitán Carles Puyol, han pedido más intensidad a los jugadores del equipo tras la derrota del martes por 2-1 en la Liga de Campeones ante el Ajax de Amsterdam. Esta derrota en el Grupo H fue la primera para el Barça esta temporada en todas las competiciones – y la primera con Martino – y les impidió garantizarse el primer puesto del ...

via Cubadebate

Más de 36 millones de personas han fallecido por VIH

El virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) se mantiene como un serio problema de salud pública a nivel mundial, tras cobrar más de unas 36 millones de vidas hasta ahora, señaló la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). En 2012 había unos 35,3 millones de personas infectadas por el VIH (las cifras oscilan entre 32,2 y 38,8 millones), afirma la OMS en su página digital. El África subsahariana es la parte más afectada del planeta, con el 69 por ciento de la población mundial VIH-positiva.

via Cubadebate

Estrellas de la música tienden la mano a Filipinas

Varias estrellas de la música, como Madonna, U2 o Beyoncé, han donado sus canciones en un álbum de ayuda a los afectados por el tifón Haiyan en Filipinas. El álbum "Songs for the Philippines", que tiene un total de 39 temas, está disponible en iTunes por 9,99 dólares (7,3 euros) y todos los beneficios se destinarán a la Cruz Roja de Filipinas. Bob Dylan, Justin Timberlake, Katy Perry, Alicia Keys, Bruno Mars, Adele y Lady Gaga figuran también en la larga lista de figuras musicales.

via Cubadebate

Washingon podría no presentar cargos contra Assange

El Departamento de Justicia de Estados Unidos tiene prácticamente decidido no presentar cargos contra el fundador de WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, por la publicación de documentos clasificados, pues según concluyen los abogados del caso, esto sentaría precedente y obligaría a enjuiciar también a la mayoría de medios de comunicación y periodistas de Estados Unidos. Según informa el diario estadounidense 'The Washington Post', los funcionarios aseguran que la decisión no está aún tomada.

via Cubadebate

Three die in Brazil stadium accident

Three people are killed in an accident at a Sao Paulo stadium that is due to host the opening ceremony of the 2014 World Cup football, officials say.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Two dead at Brazil World Cup stadium

A falling crane struck a stadium under construction in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on Wednesday, killing two people, CNN affiliate Globo TV reported, citing the local fire department.

via - Latin America

ACS: XVI Intersessional Preparatory Meeting inaugurates in Mexico - Caribbean (press release)

ACS: XVI Intersessional Preparatory Meeting inaugurates in Mexico

Caribbean (press release)

In his address, he acknowledged the creation of the first Sustainable Tourism Zone in the Greater Caribbean region, an initiative spearheaded by the ACS, and urged the gathering to continue collaborating for renewed institution, citing the collective ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

Jonathan Cohn: narrow-network race to the bottom isn’t ObamaCare’s fault; sorry Jon, it’s very much due to ObamaCare. Here is Aaron Carroll making the same mistake. States push back against the narrow-network race to the bottom; some are considering “any willing provider” laws. Only 30 percent of the people who applied for health coverage on [...]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Cuba suspends consular services in US - CNN

BBC News

Cuba suspends consular services in US


Havana, Cuba (CNN) -- Already difficult, traveling to Cuba from the United States may soon be getting a lot harder. The Cuban government said Tuesday it has suspended all consular services it provides in the United States because it cannot find a U.S ...

Cuba suspends consular services in US over lack of banking

Cuba suspends consular services in US, blames embargo

Cuba indefinitely suspends consular services in US

via cuba - Google News

Brand USA Announces Representation Firm for Mexico and Central America - (прессъобщения) (press release)

Travel Daily News International

Brand USA Announces Representation Firm for Mexico and Central America (прессъобщения) (press release)

Brand USA, the public-private partnership responsible for launching the United States' first-ever nationally coordinated tourism-marketing effort, named Adnova, Comunicacion Estrategica its international representation firm for Mexico and Central ...

Brand USA Names Firm for Latin America

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Barca to trial 'Messi of the snows'

An eight-year-old Argentine boy dubbed the 'Messi of the snows' is to go on trial at Barcelona.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

To all the rest, decent Americans, GOBBLE! GOBBLE! GOBBLE!

via Cuba Journal

UPDATE 1-Cuba suspends consular services in US, blames embargo - Reuters

UPDATE 1-Cuba suspends consular services in US, blames embargo


The decision threatens to disrupt a recent surge in travel between the United States and Cuba on the eve of the busy holiday season, as well as the Obama administration's "people-to-people" policy of increased contact with Cuba. The Cuban Interests ...

via cuba - Google News

Markets at Work: MA Plans Compete in Florida

The scene at Leon Medical Centers’ Healthy Living Facility in Miami on a recent Thursday resembled a cross between a luxury hotel and a theme park. White-gloved doormen wearing porter uniforms ushered elderly patients from white vans into a gleaming lobby with colored terrazzo floors and a bubbling fountain. Greeters in green vests and ear [...]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog


via Cuba Journal

Royal Enfield eyes Latin America, SE Asia to grow global business - Economic Times

Royal Enfield eyes Latin America, SE Asia to grow global business

Economic Times

PANAJI: Royal Enfield, a part of the Eicher Motors, is eyeing various global markets, including Latin America and South East Asia to grow its international business, as it aims to become a significant player in the mid sized motorcycle segment in the ...

via Latin america - Google News

Recuerdan hoy en La Habana asesinato de los ocho estudiantes de Medicina

Los universitarios de La Habana protagonizarán hoy, aniversario 142 del fusilamiento de los ocho estudiantes de medicina, un acto de recordación por el abominable crimen. Cubadebate se suma al homenaje con un nuevo doodle -logo de cabecera. Desde la histórica escalinata de la Universidad de La Habana, seguida por la calle San Lázaro, hasta llegar al Monumento erigido a los Mártires en La Punta, el estudiantado de los

via Cubadebate

ETECSA modifica tarifas para el sector no residencial

A partir del 1ro. de enero del 2014, entrará en vigor la Resolución 281/2013 del Ministerio de las Comunicaciones, que establece cambios en la tarifa de los servicios telefónicos de empresas y organismos. El sector residencial no sufrirá transformaciones en los precios vigentes, confirma Granma. Las modificaciones fundamentales que contempla la Resolución son el incremento de la cuota básica de la línea telefónica principal, que a partir de su entrada en vigor será de 20.00 CUP mensuales.

via Cubadebate

Was Kennedy a Conservative or a Liberal?

For your Thanksgiving dinner delight I am offering fodder for a friendly debate. The idea that John F. Kennedy was really a conservative, rather than the liberal icon he is so often depicted as, is the thesis of a new book by Ira Stoll. The idea is seconded by George Will in a column in [...]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

How Mexico's tax reforms could affect business along the border -

How Mexico's tax reforms could affect business along the border

Violence associated with Mexico's 7-year drug war is largely blamed for a tourism drop in Mexico's border cities. The number of visitors to the region fell 5.3 percent in 2012, according to tourism department data. In Nogales, the absence of tourists ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News