Wednesday, November 6, 2013

US man who hijacked plane in 1984 preparing to leave Cuba for home - Toronto Sun

US man who hijacked plane in 1984 preparing to leave Cuba for home

Toronto Sun

HAVANA - A former U.S. militant who hijacked a plane to Havana almost 30 years ago was preparing to leave Cuba for the United States on Wednesday morning, where he faces federal charges, said an acquaintance who asked not to be identified.

via cuba - Google News

How Latin America Fares in the Legatum Institute's Prosperity Index - Council on Foreign Relations (blog)

How Latin America Fares in the Legatum Institute's Prosperity Index

Council on Foreign Relations (blog)

In the economic sphere, Latin America took off—passing the global average for the first time—with nine countries among the world's top fifty economies. Mexico led in the twenty-seventh spot (up from the thirty-fourth position in 2011), passing Brazil ...

via Latin america - Google News

American hijacker, back from Cuba, now faces US justice - FRANCE 24

American hijacker, back from Cuba, now faces US justice


AFP - An American Black Panther who hijacked a plane from the United States to Cuba in 1984 returned to his home country Wednesday and was arrested, the Justice Department said. William Potts, now 56, has a life story that reads like something on the ...

via cuba - Google News

Hijacker William Potts returns to US after 30 years in Cuba -

Hijacker William Potts returns to US after 30 years in Cuba

1107hijacker.JPG U.S. citizen William Potts and his wife Aime Quesada say goodbye outside the U.S. Interests Section before he is escorted to the airport by U.S. officials in Havana, Cuba, Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2013. On Wednesday, nearly three decades ...

via cuba - Google News

Hijacker returns to US after 30 years in Cuba - Denver Post

Hijacker returns to US after 30 years in Cuba

Denver Post

U.S. citizen William Potts prays at his home in Havana, Cuba, Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2013. On Wednesday, nearly three decades after he forced an airliner to bring him to the Communist-run island, he was heading back to the U.S. and an uncertain legal future.

via cuba - Google News

RHP Raciel Iglesias defects from Cuba - SB Nation

SB Nation

RHP Raciel Iglesias defects from Cuba

SB Nation

The 23-year-old was detained in his initial attempt to flee Cuba back in late September. He attempted to elude capture by lying low in the mountains for several days, but was eventually forced out of hiding due to dehydration. At that point, he was ...

via cuba - Google News

To 'Ford Nation', Toronto mayor is still their man

The headline screaming from the front page of Wednesday's Toronto Sun said it all: "Rob Ford: Global Stuporstar."

via - Latin America

Un alcalde norteamericano robó 60 000 dólares a una ONG

Un alcalde del estado de Tennessee, EE.UU., ha sido detenido por robar 60.000 dólares de la ONG 'Toys for Tots' ('Juguetes para niños') que alegra las navidades a los niños pobres con regalos. Los agentes comenzaron a investigar al alcalde de Greenbrier, Billy Wilson, a principios del mes pasado, según explicó el portavoz de la Oficina de Investigaciones de Tennessee (TBI) Kristen Helm.

via Cubadebate

Canciller de Cuba destaca humanismo de la CELAC en integración latinoamericana

Bruno Rodríguez, ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, defendió en Beijing la visión humanista de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños. En su segundo día de visita oficial a China, ofreció una conferencia en el Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, en la que presentó la política exterior de Cuba, los trabajos de la CELAC desde que el país insular asumiera la presidencia temporal, y la relación chino-cubana.

via Cubadebate

Identifican moléculas que impiden al sistema inmune detectar el VIH

Un fármaco experimental identificó por primera vez las moléculas que impiden al sistema inmune de los seres humanos detectar al VIH y luchar contra él, reveló un equipo de científicos británicos. Según la revista especializada Nature, estas moléculas, que se ubican en las células, son utilizadas por el virus para protegerse de la respuesta inmune; pero cuando ambas desaparecen la alarma natural del organismo se activa.

via Cubadebate

La geopolítica de la cocaína y los resultados de dos estrategias distintas

La geopolítica de la cocaína en Sudamérica, con una configuración de nuevo tipo desde fines de los 90, sigue colocando en debate dos estrategias distintas de enfrentar “el problema”. La una, fracasada, según han reconocido muchos de sus ejecutores del pasado; la otra, con resultados positivos pero con límites mientras no se vuelva regional.

via Cubadebate

El Havana Club está entre las 100 marcas más vendidas del mundo

El Havana Club, el más conocido ron ligero de Cuba, está presente en más de 140 países y su comercialización crece cada año, aseguró hoy Ivet Martínez, directora de ventas y marketing del mercado Cuba. La ejecutiva, cuya oficina responde a la compañía mixta Havana Club Internacional, significó que este alcance de la emblemática bebida se debe a su calidad.

via Cubadebate

La guerra contra el terrorismo… o lo que sea

“Inspira lástima el pobre norteamericano que quiere ser buen ciudadano, que quiere entender al mundo y el papel de su país en él; que quiere creer en la guerra contra el terrorismo y quiere creer que su gobierno busca hacer el bien... ¿Qué conclusión puede sacar de todo esto?” La anterior, es la pregunta que se hace el destacado articulista norteamericano William Blum en un trabajo publicado el 7 de octubre de 2013 en el número 121 de su sitio Web Anti-Empire Report.

via Cubadebate

Buena Vista Social Club: “Adiós”

Buena Vista Social Club realizará desde el verano del próximo año una gira internacional que han nombrado “Adiós”. Este periplo representa la despedida de la agrupación de los grandes escenarios en los cuales han derrochado lo mejor de la música cubana. Los integrantes actuales de la banda bajo la dirección musical de Jesus «Aguaje» Ramos -líder de la banda y trombonista-, regalarán su arte por última vez al público en escenarios internacionales.

via Cubadebate

Entrevista con un coreano salido de las novelas (+ Fotos y Video)

Yoon Sang Hyen piensa que el éxito internacional de sus novelas se debe a un ingrediente simple y a la vez complejo. "Las relaciones entre los hombres y las mujeres son iguales en todo el mundo", me dice el traductor encargado de llevar al español sus palabras. "El romance y el amor son lo principal, la base." Yoon Sang Hyen puede ser considerado un especialista en el tema, pues su carrera como actor y cantante se ha construido en los plateaus de filmación de la televisión coreana.

via Cubadebate

LA IMAGEN DEL DIA. Vida entre las cenizas

Una flor emerge entre la ceniza volcáncia esparcida por la erupción de Monte Sinabung en el Norte de Sumatra, Indonesia, que ha estado en actividad desde el pasado domingo

via Cubadebate

Invaden el Reino Unido roedores resistentes a los raticidas

Los expertos advierten que “súperratas” mutantes inmunes a los raticidas habituales están extendiéndose a gran velocidad por el Reino Unido. Los roedores, que han mutado hasta poder ingerir veneno sin sufrir daño, han sido descubiertos en Sussex y en Kent, según informa el diario británico 'Metro'. Para el investigador Dougie Clarke, lo más probable es que la aparición de las superratas se deba a una mutación genética natural.

via Cubadebate

The Scarcity Diaries -

The Scarcity Diaries

The other week Merida was host to the international tourism fair. The day it started, a range of ministers also came here as part of the street government program. ... 12) The rich are partying – Most people by now would have read that article about ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

A Soft -- And Prosperous -- Landing For Cuba Is In The U.S.'s Interest - WLRN

A Soft -- And Prosperous -- Landing For Cuba Is In The U.S.'s Interest


There are two basic realities about Cuba's communist dictatorship that U.S. policy, and the anti-Castro hardliners that shape it, prefer to ignore. The first is that the Castro brothers will almost certainly die in power. The second is that market ...

via cuba - Google News

Man returns to US from Cuba to face charges in 1984 air hijacking - Los Angeles Times

Man returns to US from Cuba to face charges in 1984 air hijacking

Los Angeles Times

Potts faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted of air piracy, but he is hoping to negotiate a lesser sentence because he served more than 13 years in a Cuban prison. Also; William Potts Photo: William Potts · Man convicted of spying in the U.S. is ...

via cuba - Google News,0,279361.story

'Homesick hijacker' returns from Cuba to face US charges - San Jose Mercury News

'Homesick hijacker' returns from Cuba to face US charges

San Jose Mercury News

MIAMI -- An American who hijacked an airliner to Cuba nearly 30 years ago as a self-described revolutionary flew back home Wednesday to face U.S. justice. FBI agents took William Potts, 56, into custody shortly after his charter flight from Havana ...

via cuba - Google News

Fugitive US Air Hijacker Returns After 30 Years in Cuba - Voice of America

Fugitive US Air Hijacker Returns After 30 Years in Cuba

Voice of America

A one-time U.S. militant who hijacked an airliner to Cuba nearly 30 years ago has returned to his homeland, with the hope of resolving criminal charges that he still faces in the United States. William Potts was a member of a black nationalist group ...

via cuba - Google News

US fugitive accused of hijacking jet to Cuba in 1984 arrives in Miami to face ... -

US fugitive accused of hijacking jet to Cuba in 1984 arrives in Miami to face ...

William Potts Jr., the American accused of hijacking a Florida-bound commercial flight to Cuba nearly three decades ago, arrived on a chartered-plane with U.S. authorities this afternoon in Miami to face air-piracy charges. Potts, whose flight from ...

via cuba - Google News

Mexico drug boss release overturned

Mexico's Supreme Court overturns a decision by an appeals court to free drug barron Rafael Caro Quintero three months ago, who is now a fugitive.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Bieber charged over graffiti stunt

Police in Brazil charge Justin Bieber with illegally spraying graffiti on the wall of an abandoned hotel in Rio de Janeiro.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

“Una pica en Flandes” (+ video)

Madrid es la capital de España y también lo es de la demonización mediática contra Cuba, Venezuela y los países que integran la Alianza Bolivariana para los pueblos de América. Quizás por eso, la académica Ángeles Diez calificó como “una pica en Flandes” lo que sucedió en el Centro de la Diversidad Cultural de Venezuela en España.

via Cubadebate

Encuentran el núcleo de hielo más antiguo del mundo

Científicos de 22 países hallaron en el este de la Antártida el núcleo de hielo más antiguo del mundo, de alrededor de 1.5 millones de años y tres kilómetros de grosor. El bloque tiene casi el doble de la edad de la muestra hallada anteriormente y de acuerdo con los expertos podría ayudar a entender como cambiará el clima en el futuro.

via Cubadebate

Canciller de Cuba se reúne con su par de China

Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Cuba, mantuvo hoy un encuentro en Beijing con su homólogo chino Wang Yi, con quien acordó impulsar la cooperación entre las dos naciones. El canciller cubano realiza una visita a China que se prolongará hasta mañana jueves.

via Cubadebate

Cuba — a path toward national healing -

Cuba — a path toward national healing

Reconciliation is a word still met with skepticism by Cubans in both the island and diaspora. Our political divisions follow deep grooves long carved into our national narrative, making it difficult for one side to recognize the merits or grievances of ...

via cuba - Google News

High-Skilled Latin Americans Continue To Head To US, Europe Despite Lack Of ... - Fox News Latino

High-Skilled Latin Americans Continue To Head To US, Europe Despite Lack Of ...

Fox News Latino

This jump has coincided with a spike in the number of Latin Americans receiving advanced degrees – 30 million to 40 million from 1996 to 2007, according to the World Bank – and is due in large part to the rise of a powerful middle class in Latin ...

Latin America is already preparing for climate change adaptation - ahead of ...

Mexico: On the move again

via Latin america - Google News

Israeli Fund Wants to Raise $300m in Brazil

(Baguete) A group of Israeli law firms and venture capital firms, represented in Brazil by…

via Latin American Private Equity and Venture Capital Association » Latest Industry News

Rocket Internet’s Mexican ecommerce site Linio receives new 50M investment

(Ventureburn) Linio, a Mexico City-based ecommerce startup that is currently one of the leading and…

via Latin American Private Equity and Venture Capital Association » Latest Industry News

American hijacker in Cuba heads home to face US justice after nearly 30 years - Edmonton Journal

Edmonton Journal

American hijacker in Cuba heads home to face US justice after nearly 30 years

Edmonton Journal

FILE - In this Oct. 25, 2013 file photo, U.S. citizen William Potts explains his arrest in Cuba during an interview at his home in Havana, Cuba. Potts says he is booked on a charter flight from Havana to Miami early Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2013 and that he ...

via cuba - Google News

Fugitive hijacker leaving Cuba to face US justice - The Trentonian

Fugitive hijacker leaving Cuba to face US justice

The Trentonian

Posted: 11/06/13, 8:18 AM EST |. HAVANA (AP) — William Potts has long been beyond the reach of U.S. justice in Havana, where he served time for a hijacking, then settled down with a Cuban woman, started a family and made his livelihood as a farmer.

via cuba - Google News

How Latino and Asian Voters Made the Difference in 2013 Gubernatorial Elections

In a Dickensian tale of two campaigns for governor, the Republican Party watched two very different strategies unfold on how to embrace or reject Latino voters on Tuesday. A majority of Latino voters voted for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie as he soundly won reelection, while Ken Cuccinelli lost his campaign to be Virginia’s governor […]

via Immigration Impact

Homesick Black Panther who hijacked plane and flew it to Cuba set to return to ... - Daily Mail

Daily Mail

Homesick Black Panther who hijacked plane and flew it to Cuba set to return to ...

Daily Mail

He was granted permanent residency in Cuba and he and his now ex-wife live in a modest Soviet-style apartment block east of Havana. Mr Potts said: 'I've got kind of mixed emotions, let me say that at least, about touching American soil for the first ...

via cuba - Google News

Part-Time Nation

There are now 28 million people working part time versus 116.2 million full-timers. Once all the incentives of the ACA kick in by 2015, those figures could switch by perhaps as much as 10 million, turning into 38 million part-timers versus 106.2 million full-timers — bringing a noticeable decrease in the total number of productive [...]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Mexico Tourism Report Q4 2013 - New Market Study Published - SBWire (press release)

Mexico Tourism Report Q4 2013 - New Market Study Published

SBWire (press release)

Boston, MA -- (SBWIRE) -- 11/06/2013 -- BMI believes Mexico's tourism industry has enormous long-term potential, largely due to its proximity to the US; however, there are concerns in regards to rising levels of insecurity and the negative image this ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Latin America: A New Frontier for ETF Industry Growth - ETF Trends

ETF Trends

Latin America: A New Frontier for ETF Industry Growth

ETF Trends

Exchange traded funds providers may have found a new region in which to shop their wares: Latin America and it is not even the region's largest economies, Brazil or Mexico, that is really helping facilitate ETF growth there. Rather, it is Chile. Chile ...

via Latin america - Google News

Holguín y Pinar del Río invictos en inicio de la LIII Serie

Además de los Cachorros de Holguín y las Medias Verdes de Pinar del Río, en los primeros duelos de la Serie Nacional de Béisbol 53 ganaron también, pero por margen de 2-1, Artemisa, Granma, Sancti Spíritus, Santiago de Cuba y Mayabeque. Los finalistas de la temporada pasada, Villa Clara y Matanzas, no pudieron completar la subserie de tres desafíos a causa de la lluvia que impidió la disputa del tercer encuentro en el estadio Augusto César Sandino.

via Cubadebate

Nuevas fórmulas en la comercialización de productos agropecuarios en Artemisa y Mayabeque

La Gaceta Oficial Extraordinaria No. 35 publica hoy el Reglamento que permitirá desarrollar, de manera experimental en las provincias de La Habana, Artemisa y Mayabeque, nuevas fórmulas en la comercialización de productos agropecuarios. Tomando en cuenta la diversidad que caracteriza el entramado comercial de productos agropecuarios en nuestro país, con esta decisión se pretende estudiar a escala territorial otros modos de hacer en este proceso que permitan modificar, ampliar, perfeccionar y luego extender la experiencia al resto de las provincias del país.

via Cubadebate

Publica la Gaceta Oficial resolución sobre objetos sociales de las cooperativas agropecuarias

La Gaceta Oficial Extraordinaria No. 35 publica también —con alcance para todo el territorio nacional— la Resolución 673 del 2013 del Ministerio de la Agricultura, con la cual se aprueba la actualización de los objetos sociales de las Unidades Básicas de Producción Cooperativa (UBPC), las Cooperativa de Producción Agropecuaria (CPA) y las Cooperativas de Créditos y Servicios (CCS). Dicho objeto social comprende las actividades de producción, prestación de servicios y comercialización que podrán realizar estas cooperativas.

via Cubadebate

Brazil's beach boys

Bones and Mammoth. They're quite a team -- and they love a beach party. One is the wily veteran, a schemer who uses his years of experience to dictate play. The other is the powerhouse, the destroyer of opposition attacks. Between them they have forged one of the strongest partnerships on the international beach volleyball circuit.

via - Latin America

La verdadera Cuba - Travel Weekly

La verdadera Cuba

Travel Weekly

The condition under which we were allowed to travel to Cuba, was that we meet, greet, interact, interchange, talk, listen, participate in planned educational activities and communicate, often with hand gestures, smiles or grade-school Spanish phrases ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

A Woman May Die Because of ObamaCare

For the past 20 years I have been trying to convince my colleagues in the health policy community that managed competition contains perverse economic incentives. These incentives do more than misallocate resources. They create ominous risks for the health and safety of patients with serious medical conditions. Consider the editorial in Monday’s Wall Street Journal. [...]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

India's Mangalyan Is Headed to Mars

via Cuba Journal

Hawaii tourism officials seek firms to market to Latin America - Pacific Business News (Honolulu) (blog)

Hawaii tourism officials seek firms to market to Latin America

Pacific Business News (Honolulu) (blog)

The Hawaii Tourism Authority has released a request for qualifications for a contractor to represent Hawaii in the Latin America market in an effort to boost tourism from the area to Hawaii. The Latin America market consists of Argentina, Brazil and ...

HTA Releases RFQ for Hawai'i Tourism Destination Representation Services in ...

via Latin america - Google News

Hijacker returns to the United States

Nearly 30 years after hijacking a U.S. airliner to Havana, Cuba, William Potts is returning to the United States to an unknown fate.

via - Latin America

US hijacker 'to return from Cuba'

William Potts, who hijacked an airliner in the US and forced it to take him to Cuba, says he will return to the United States on Wednesday.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Cuba man charged with online rape solicitation -

Cuba man charged with online rape solicitation

Anthony Brinkman of Cuba is charged with attempted statutory sodomy and remains jailed on a $100,000 cash-only bond. Police say an undercover officer met Brinkman and then took him into custody. His relative was Brinkman when he was arrested.

via cuba - Google News

U.S. puts bounty on Mexican drug lord

Months after a surprise ruling from a Mexican judge made him a free man, U.S. authorities have placed a new bounty for the capture of accused Mexican drug lord Rafael Caro Quintero.

via - Latin America

Paraguay teachers accused of dancing with strippers

A scandal erupted in Paraguay after hundreds of teachers were accused of dancing with strippers during an official retreat.

via - Latin America

Daughter: Mom didn't sell kids

A daughter defends her mother, who is accused of forcing her children into prostitution. CNN's Rafael Romo reports.

via - Latin America

Brazil defends its own spying

Brazil, a leading critic of American spying, appeared caught in a bind when a news report claimed that the South American giant conducted espionage of its own.

via - Latin America

Hijacker wants to return to U.S.

A Man who hijacked a plane to Cuba almost 30 years ago wants to return to the U.S. CNN's Patrick Oppmann reports

via - Latin America

Toronto Mayor Ford admits crack cocaine use

After repeated denials and months of allegations, embattled Toronto Mayor Rob Ford told reporters Tuesday that he smoked crack cocaine.

via - Latin America

Argentina dictatorship files reveal 'blacklists'

Hundreds of secret files from the Argentinean dictatorship have been uncovered, including "blacklists" that singled out more than 300 artists, actors and writers.

via - Latin America

Great victory for the working classs as SeaTac initiative for a $15.00 minimum wage takes an early lead of 54% to 46%

via Cuba Journal

Guatemala genocide trial rescheduled

Court officials in Guatemala say the trial of ex-military ruler Gen Efrain Rios Montt on genocide charges will resume in January 2015.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

McDonald's rides the risks of Latin America - Financial Times (registration) (blog)

McDonald's rides the risks of Latin America

Financial Times (registration) (blog)

“I'm not risk averse. Because of that, I do what I do in this part of the world.” So said Woods Staton, CEO of Arcos Dorados, the world's largest McDonald's franchisee and the largest operator of McDonald's restaurants in Latin America and the ...

Arcos Dorados Holding Inc (ARCO): Arcos Dorados Holding's CEO Discusses ...

via Latin america - Google News

Venezuelan FM to meet with his Mexican counterpart - El Universal

Venezuelan FM to meet with his Mexican counterpart

El Universal

Further, they will talk about bilateral and multilateral affairs such as Venezuela's candidacy to a non-permanent position at the United Nations Security Council in 2015-2016. The dialogue also includes economic and trade matters, cooperation on ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Érase una terminal de espera (+ Fotos e Infografía)

Esperar unos minutos en las afueras de la gran casona de cabillas de metal, tejas y material prefabricado nos dio las primeras pistas para conocer por dónde le entra el agua al coco en el negocio de pasajes. Para Aleida Vázquez, la historia se basa en el engaño y la manipulación.“Se me acercaron dos hombres y me dijeron que mi guagua se había acabado de ir, y yo sé que eso es mentira porque la mía no sale hasta dentro de tres horas. Tratan de jugar con la necesidad de uno para enriquecerse los bolsillos de ellos”.

via Cubadebate

Strike 3: Candidatos al próximo tren

Hace un par de días, en Villa Clara, me preguntaron sobre mi favorito para ganar la Serie Nacional. ¿Fulano? ¿Menganito? ¿Esperancejo?, me emplazaron, y yo debí enmendar el rumbo de la interrogante. “El problema es que se ha vuelto imposible vaticinar ganadores –expliqué-, porque una vez que llegan los refuerzos, cada equipo se convierte en otro. A estas alturas, con el campeonato en pañales, lo único que se puede pronosticar es quiénes clasificarán. No más que eso”.

via Cubadebate

Thirty Years After He Hijacked A Plane To Cuba, William Potts Will Return To ... - WBFS

Thirty Years After He Hijacked A Plane To Cuba, William Potts Will Return To ...


According to the Associated Press, he went to Cuba intending to learn how to overthrow the the U.S. Government, Potts thought he'd be greeted as a hero by the Castro administration and trained in revolutionary military tactics. Instead, Cuba put him on ...

via cuba - Google News