Thursday, January 30, 2014

Hope and fear accompany top Cuba diplomat in Tampa visit -

Hope and fear accompany top Cuba diplomat in Tampa visit

It's enough to make anti-Castro interests wonder whether the travel and trade embargo even applies here, coming as it does on the heels of other signs of a thaw — direct flights from Tampa to the Communist island nation, a tour of Cuba this month by ...

Editorial: Knock down US barriers to Cuba

via cuba - Google News

El amor de Tania la Guerrillera y Ulises Estrada, contado en primera persona

Ofrecemos un fragmento del libro Tania la guerrillera, y la epopeya suramericana del Che (Ocean Sur, 2007), a propósito del reciente fallecimiento de su autor, el combatiente y periodista cubano Ulises Estrada. Ulises preparó a Tamara Bunke (1937- 1967), la mítica Tania, única mujer en la guerrilla del Che en Bolivia, con la que mantuvo profundos sentimientos de amor. De ella, de sus primeros encuentros en los fragores revolucionarios y de su relación personal, habla en este libro.

via Cubadebate

EEUU y la Cumbre de CELAC en Cuba: Peor imposible

Noticia tras noticia las maniobras contra el éxito de la II Cumbre de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (CELAC) en La Habana fueron cayendo una tras otra impugnadas por la realidad. A pesar del enorme poder mediático enfilado contra Cuba desde días previos al evento y de las presiones y conspiraciones para hacerlo fracasar, el resultado fue una aplanadora pasando sobre las políticas y acciones desarrolladas desde EE.UU.

via Cubadebate

VIDEO: Puma causes havoc in Chile kitchen

Members of a family in Chile had a shocking start to the day when they went to the kitchen for breakfast and found a two-year-old puma in the kitchen.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

How Cuba's gleaming new port and a lucrative free trade zone point to a future ... - Public Radio International

Public Radio International

How Cuba's gleaming new port and a lucrative free trade zone point to a future ...

Public Radio International

The BBC's Sarah Rainsford, who attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the project, says Cuba is betting on the "gleaming, pristine new port ... as a potential new motor for its economy. "I think many people are seeing this as a big signal that Cuba ...

via cuba - Google News

Panama releases majority of North Korean crew

Panama has released 32 of 35 detained crew members of a North Korean ship that last year tried to cross the Panama Canal with weapons smuggled aboard, an official said Thursday.

via - Latin America

Stomach bug strikes second cruise ship

At least 162 passengers and 11 crew members have reported being ill on board the Caribbean Princess cruise ship, following last week's illness outbreak affecting over 700 on another ship.

via - Latin America

Curaçao stay-over visitor arrivals generates 401.4 million US Dollars in 2013 - Curacao Chronicle

Curaçao stay-over visitor arrivals generates 401.4 million US Dollars in 2013

Curacao Chronicle

WILLEMSTAD (CTB) — According to the 'Turistika Model', CTB research department together with MEO calculated that during the year 2013 the tourism sector generated in total 401.4 million US dollars. The year ... This is an 18% increase from Venezuela.

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Sweet! Cuba Cuba Sandwicheria serves up Cuban desserts - Westword (blog)

Sweet! Cuba Cuba Sandwicheria serves up Cuban desserts

Westword (blog)

Why not offer desserts more in sync with the menu? That's why I appreciated the globally-inspired desserts at the Cuba Cuba Sandwicheria in CitySet, which I review this week: They reflect Cuba as much as the colorful photo of Havana plastered on the wall.

via cuba - Google News

Wilann Thomas becomes Aztec's new supervisor of tourism and marketing - Farmington Daily Times

Wilann Thomas becomes Aztec's new supervisor of tourism and marketing

Farmington Daily Times

She has lived in nearly every state in the western half of the U.S. and has traveled the globe as an adult — to China, South Korea, the Netherlands, Mexico and Canada. Her last trip abroad was six weeks in Israel, a trip she undertook to explore the ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Mirada interior: Los Naranjeros de Hermosillo

Con un equipo reforzado al 50 por ciento, los Naranjeros de Hermosillo defenderán el pabellón mexicano en la inminente Serie del Caribe con sede en Isla Margarita, Venezuela. Recientes titulares de la Liga del Pacífico, los Bombarderos llegarán al escenario de juego con la intención de retener para su país el trofeo que el año anterior conquistaron sus compatriotas Yaquis de Obregón, que ahora rindieron una horrible campaña y fueron excluidos de la fase de los seis mejores.

via Cubadebate

3 Ways to Profit From Economic Growth in Latin America - Motley Fool

3 Ways to Profit From Economic Growth in Latin America

Motley Fool

It also doesn't hurt that Chile's Santiago Mall -- the largest mall in South America -- is expected to grow. South American consumers are mostly interested in Tommy Hilfiger, but PVH also offers Calvin Klein, Van Heusen, IZOD, and Arrow as well as ...

via Latin america - Google News

Latin America better prepared to weather turmoil, IMF says - The West Australian

The West Australian

Latin America better prepared to weather turmoil, IMF says

The West Australian

UK-LATAM-IMF-WERNER-BRIEFING:Latin America better prepared to weather Reuters Visitors are silhouetted against the logo of the International Monetary Fund at the main venue for the IMF and World Bank annual meeting in Tokyo October 10, 2012.

IMF warns Latin America of more market turmoil

via Latin america - Google News

Hits and Misses

Are nurses about to replace doctors in VA hospitals? Gallup: only 4% think inequality is a major problem. Medicaid managed care studies: they don’t save money and they don’t improve quality. But I know some who claim to do both. Henry Waxman to retire.

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Health Contract with America

As an alternative to ObamaCare, we pledge to create a health care system based on these principles: Universal coverage. Fair tax relief for health insurance for all citizens. Real insurance for pre-existing conditions. If you have health insurance through an employer: We pledge: If you and your employer like your health plan you can keep […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Reportan 44 muertos y graves daños en Bolivia a causa de la lluvia

Al menos 44 personas murieron y 100.000 perdieron sus viviendas o tierras de cultivo, con daños económicos aún no evaluados, a raíz de las lluvias que afectaron hasta hoy a 85 de los 336 municipios de Bolivia. Los desastres provocados por las lluvias de la segunda quincena de enero afectan a tres de los nueve departamentos de Bolivia y según pronósticos del servicio de meteorología continuarán en febrero.

via Cubadebate

Hoy, Foro Interactivo alrededor de las dos de la tarde con peloteros de Villa Clara

El foro interactivo programado por el equipo de Cubadebate tendrá lugar hoy alrededor de las dos de la tarde. Contará, como habíamos anunciado antes, con jugadores del equipo Villa Clara que partirá mañana rumbo a Isla Margarita para disputar la Serie del Caribe 2014. El mentor Ramón Moré no podrá asistir, pero accedió a responder previamente las preguntas enviadas para él por los lectores de Cubadebate.

via Cubadebate

El periodismo en Cuba: La Revolución

Luego del final de Diario de la Marina y su entierro simbólico, la situación en el escenario periodístico se mantuvo muy tensa en el año 1960. Cuatro días después, el 16 de mayo, la crisis estalló en el vespertino Prensa Libre. Sus directivos, incluyendo a Sergio Carbó y Humberto Medrano, abandonaron la publicación. Los trabajadores del diario encontraron los originales de un editorial contra el Gobierno Revolucionario y otro escrito, rodeado ...

via Cubadebate

Amistoso encuentro de Fidel con Mujica

En la tarde de ayer, el compañero Fidel Castro Ruz, líder histórico de la Revolución, sostuvo un amistoso encuentro con el presidente de la República Oriental del Uruguay, José Mujica, quien asistió a la II Cumbre de la CELAC, que concluyó sus sesiones de trabajo este miércoles.

via Cubadebate

Resaltó Correa importancia de su encuentro con Fidel

El presidente de Ecuador, Rafael Correa, destacó hoy el diálogo que mantuvo la víspera con el líder revolucionario cubano, Fidel Castro, en La Habana, tras la II Cumbre de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (Celac) en la isla. "Siempre es un placer hablar con Fidel, por supuesto muy lúcido, y bueno, hablamos de todo, todos los ataques que ha sufrido Cuba a través de estos años, cómo les mandaban hasta epidemias para matar ganado, etcétera, y que quiebre Cuba, cómo Estados Unidos trató siempre de anexar Cuba"

via Cubadebate

Aquella noche con los pobres de la tierra

Una de las características más representativas de la música creada en la llamada Década Prodigiosa, es la absoluta convergencia de diferentes géneros en los medios. En las listas de éxitos de las emisoras en países como Inglaterra, lo mismo podía coincidir un tema de Stevie Wonder con otro de The Carpenters, que un clásico de Deep Purple. Por ejemplo, para las primeras semanas de septiembre de 1966, Los Beatles ocupaban el primer lugar del Hit Parade británico con las canciones Eleonor Rigby y Yellow Submarine, mientras una canción cubana, interpretada por The Sandpipers, se adueñó del séptimo escalón durante catorce semanas consecutivas.

via Cubadebate

Rusia critica retórica de guerra fría de la OTAN

El representante del Presidente de Rusia ante la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (OTAN), Alexander Grushko, catalogó hoy de retórica de la guerra fría las acusaciones del bloque militar occidental sobre supuestas presiones rusas a Ucrania. La OTAN no puede librarse de los estereotipos de la Guerra Fría, afirmó Grushko en declaraciones a la agencia de noticias Interfax.

via Cubadebate

Estadounidenses recogen firmas para deportar a Justin Bieber

Una petición pública que solicita la deportación del ídolo juvenil canadiense Justin Bieber que fue presentada hace seis días en la sección del portal de internet de la Casa Blanca "We The People", alcanzó este miércoles más de 170.000 firmas de respaldo, con lo que sobrepasó las 100.000 requeridas para que el gobierno estadounidense tenga que responder de forma oficial.

via Cubadebate

Precios del petróleo podrían caer en 2014

Los precios de petróleo caerían aún más este año debido a que un mercado inundado de producción no convencional tendrá el limitado apoyo de una tibia recuperación económica global, mostró el jueves un sondeo de Reuters. Menores tensiones en Libia y una flexibilización de las sanciones contra Irán, son también factores que provocarán un descenso en los valores este año.

via Cubadebate

Daily Headlines: January 30, 2014

via The Latin Americanist

Pestano's return is great for Cuba in Caribbean Series -

Pestano's return is great for Cuba in Caribbean Series

One of the world's most recognizable catchers, the demonstrative Pestano will lead Cuba back to the Caribbean Series this weekend, adding flavor to a colorful event notable for its enthusiastic nationalism. Cuba gave birth to the Caribbean Series in ...

via cuba - Google News

High-Priced Hospitals are Not Necessarily Better Hospitals

The study found that high-price hospitals averaged 474 staffed beds — more than double the average number of beds in the low-price hospitals — and had market shares about three times as large as those of low-price hospitals. The high-price hospitals were almost three times as likely to be teaching hospitals, were much more likely […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

3M Profit Sales Below Estimates as Latin America Slows - Bloomberg

3M Profit Sales Below Estimates as Latin America Slows


Weaker currencies also contributed to sales dropping 1.9 percent in the Asia Pacific region and 3.7 percent in Latin America and Canada, the St. Paul, Minnesota-based company said in a statement. “You saw Latin America really slow for them,” said ...

3M revenue growth slows, misses Wall Street target

via Latin america - Google News

Bello: Relearning old lessons

WE HAVE long taken notice of Latin America. The leading article in The Economist’s very first issue, in 1843, called on Britain to slash tariffs on the import of Brazilian sugar and cotton. Our coverage of the Mexican Revolution of 1910-17 is cited by historians. More recently, in 1997, we recognised the progress of Latin America in establishing (or re-establishing) democracies and in overcoming hyperinflation and debt crises by creating a separate Americas section (in which we included Canada).This week sees the start of a new column, which will give further depth to our coverage of Latin America. It is tribute to the region’s expanding weight in the world. Brazil and Mexico now count among the ten biggest economies by purchasing power. Latin America is of critical importance in energy (it has a fifth of the world’s oil reserves), food production and the environment (with half the surviving rainforest). Cuba excepted, democracy holds sway throughout the region, though it is under threat in some places. Thanks to faster growth, 60m Latin Americans have left poverty since 2002; income inequality, a perennial problem, has fallen.Latin...

via The Economist: The Americas

Venezuela and Argentina: The party is over

WHEN the euro crisis was at its height it became commonplace for struggling European economies to insist that they were not outliers like Greece. Whatever their woes, they declared, Greece’s were in a class of their own. In Latin America, by contrast, the unwanted title of outlier has two contenders: Argentina and Venezuela.Both have been living high on the hog for years, blithely dishing out the proceeds of an unrepeatable commodities boom (oil in Venezuela; soya in Argentina). Both have been using a mix of central-bank interventions and administrative controls to keep overvalued exchange rates from falling and inflation from rising. Both now face a come-uppance.High inflation is a shared problem. Argentina’s rate, propelled higher by loose monetary and fiscal policies, is unofficially put at 28%. Argentina’s official exchange rate is overvalued as a result, fetching 70% more dollars per peso than the informal “blue” rate in mid-January. Venezuela’s prices are rising faster still. Last year, during an awkward political transition after the death of Hugo Chávez to the presidency of Nicolás Maduro (pictured with Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, the Argentine...

via The Economist: The Americas

Chile, Peru and the ICJ: A line in the sea

FOR more than a century, Peru’s collective psyche has been scarred by its defeat in the War of the Pacific of 1879-83 and Chile’s subsequent stalling in implementing the terms of a peace treaty. So when Peru’s government asked the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague to redraw the maritime boundary between the two countries, many Peruvians saw a chance to heal wounded national pride.In its long-awaited ruling on January 27th the court duly awarded Peru control of some 50,000 sq km of ocean but confirmed Chile’s hold over inshore waters rich in fish. The decision was arbitrary but broadly fair—less than Peru had hoped for, but less bad than Chile had feared. It offers both countries a chance to move on from the past, but only after what is likely to be months of wrangling over how to implement the ruling.

The status quo in the Pacific clearly favoured Chile. Although the coast swings northwestward at the border with Peru, forming an elbow, the previous maritime boundary ran due west (see map). Peru claimed that the 1952 treaty from which this boundary derived was merely a fishing agreement. In 2008 it asked the ICJ to rule on a...

via The Economist: The Americas

Canada’s Liberal senators: Kicked out

On January 29th Justin Trudeau (pictured), leader of the opposition Liberals, announced that the 32 Liberal members in Canada’s 105-seat Senate would leave the party. The senators will now sit as independents. Mr Trudeau said his goal is to end partisanship and patronage in Canada’s scandal-plagued second chamber, which is modelled on Britain’s House of Lords, and called on the ruling Conservatives to follow suit. (There are no senators from the New Democratic Party, the main opposition party.) Cynics noted the move will distance the Liberals from the fallout from an investigation of Senate expenses by the auditor-general.

via The Economist: The Americas

Entregarán hoy los premios literarios Casa de las Américas 2014

Con la entrega hoy de los premios Casa de las Américas en las seis categorías en concurso cerrará sus puertas la edición 55 de este concurso literario, uno de los más antiguos y prestigiosos en el continente. Tras varios días de lectura y deliberaciones, el jurado integrado por 22 intelectuales de 12 países de la región dará a conocer su fallo en los géneros de cuento, teatro, ensayo de tema artístico-literario, literatura brasileña y caribeña en inglés o creol, además del Premio de estudios sobre la Mujer.

via Cubadebate

Facebook cerró 2013 a toda máquina

El beneficio neto de Facebook ascendió a 1.500 millones de dólares en 2013, informó hoy la empresa, que cerró 2012 con apenas 53 millones de beneficio. Esta cifra supone un incremento superior al 2.700% del beneficio de Facebook, motivado por el crecimiento de su negocio publicitario. En 2012, la empresa acusó en sus cuentas los elevados costes de su campaña de expansión que supusieron una drástica reducción del beneficio, que en 2011 ya era de 1.000 millones de dólares.

via Cubadebate

Silencio electoral en el Salvador previo a comicios presidenciales

Los electores salvadoreños tienen a partir de hoy un plazo de 72 horas para decidir por quién votarán el próximo domingo en las elecciones presidenciales. Asimismo, los partidos políticos se abstendrán de pedir el voto según estipula el Código electoral de El Salvador, que prohíbe hacer propaganda por medio de la prensa, la radio y la televisión. Tampoco pueden organizar manifestaciones, concentraciones, ni distribuir hojas volantes durante los tres días anteriores a la elección y en el propio día de la votación.

via Cubadebate

El extremismo se apodera de las calles ucranianas (+ Video)

"He tirado y seguiré tirando cócteles molotov. Ya no tomamos rehenes, ahora iremos matando", así se manifiesta un radical ucraniano en Kiev, mientras otros miles se organizan por todo el país. La leña es una de las cosas más requeridas por los manifestantes de Maidán. Sin ella apenas se podría permanecer ocupando las calles del centro de Kiev a 20 grados bajo cero. Andréi es un emprendedor de 22 años que vive en la capital ucraniana y desde hace dos meses tiene una nueva costumbre.

via Cubadebate

Presidenta argentina será atendida por inflamación en zona lumbar

La mandataria de Argentina, Cristina Fernández, se atendió la noche del miércoles en el hospital Universitario Austral de Pilar (Buenos Aires, capital), donde se le indicó un tratamiento "fisio-kinésico" y controles periódicos "para constatar su evolución". El Hospital Austral emitió dos comunicados, en el que se señala que "La doctora Cristina Fernández se efectuó unos estudios diagnósticos y consulta con el Equipo de Traumatología del Hospital Universitario Austral, debido a presentar síntomas de lumbociatalgia".

via Cubadebate

Naranjeros de Hermosillo irán por México a Serie del Caribe

Zelous Wheeler pegó jonrón de tres carreras, en un rallie de siete en la séptima entrada, para encaminar a los Naranjeros de Hermosillo a su décimo sexta corona en la Liga Mexicana del Pacífico, al derrotar el miércoles 8-3 a los Mayos de Navojoa en el séptimo y decisivo encuentro de la Serie Final 2013-2014. Por novena vez en la historia, los Naranjeros conquistan una Serie Final que inicia jugando en casa.

via Cubadebate

Curaçao stay-over visitor arrivals generates 401.4 million US Dollars in 2013 - Curacao Chronicle

Curaçao stay-over visitor arrivals generates 401.4 million US Dollars in 2013

Curacao Chronicle

WILLEMSTAD (CTB) — According to the 'Turistika Model', CTB research department together with MEO calculated that during the year 2013 the tourism sector generated in total 401.4 million US dollars. The year ... This is an 18% increase from Venezuela.

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Neanderthal DNA Found In Humans - Worldcrunch


Neanderthal DNA Found In Humans


For Cuba, this help is more than welcome, especially since Venezuela is considering reducing its own aid to the country. Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, who is ... Chidchai Sakornbordee, chairman of the Thai Tourism Business Association, told the ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

New Jersey taxes could eat up all of Peyton Manning’s Super Bowl earnings… Krugman wrong again: there is no relationship between inequality and mortality. Massachusetts is now home to the country’s worst performing exchange. Peter Orszag: 63% of comparative effectiveness research money is going to things other than research. (Administrative costs?)

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Fernando Gonzalez, one of the original Cuban Five, will be released on Febrary 27

via Cuba Journal

Student finds much to learn on trip to Cuba - Vincennes Sun Commercial

Student finds much to learn on trip to Cuba

Vincennes Sun Commercial

Due to the embargo placed on Cuba in 1962, travel by almost all tourists from the U.S. has been banned. But President Barack Obama eased those restrictions in 2011, making it possible for those in academic, cultural or religious groups to enter the ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

Latin America Helps Santander Double Q4 Profit - ABC News

Latin America Helps Santander Double Q4 Profit

ABC News

Spain's Banco Santander SA says its profit more than doubled to 1.06 billion euros ($1.44 billion) in the fourth quarter of 2013 thanks to strong growth in Latin America and lower real estate provisions. The largest bank by market value in the 18 ...

via Latin america - Google News

Venezuela's Catatumbo Lightning Wins Guinness World Record - International Business Times UK

International Business Times UK

Venezuela's Catatumbo Lightning Wins Guinness World Record

International Business Times UK

The Guinness record is also expected to better tourism status in the region. In November last year, the Municipality of Catatumbo declared the region as the Lightning Capital of the World. Venezuela's tourism minister Andres Izarra said the government ...

Venezuela's Catatumbo Lightning Enters Guinness Book of World Records

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Is Bartica the capital of garbage? - Stabroek News

Is Bartica the capital of garbage?

Stabroek News

The contact was awarded to the Del Conte Company from Venezuela. The road ... Now let me mention Bartica, which is a wonderful place where tourism could flourish, were it not for the reckless dumping of garbage on the Byderabo road and around Bartica.

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Cuba asserts American vision without US

Cuba revels in symbolism of CELAC summit

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Stormy times for emerging markets

What could lie ahead for emerging market economies

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Santander Profit Boosted by Latin America - Wall Street Journal


Santander Profit Boosted by Latin America

Wall Street Journal

Net profit rose to €1.06 billion ($1.45 billion) compared with €423 million a year earlier and slightly higher than the third-quarter. Santander's lending in Latin America was strong but weaker elsewhere, falling 7% overall in 2013. As a result, net ...

Latin America Helps Santander Double Q4 Profit

Recovery boosts Santander as profits jump 90%

Why Banco Santander SA Should Be A Winner This Year

via Latin america - Google News

Students Embrace Cuban Educational Experience - Diverse: Issues in Higher Educatio

Students Embrace Cuban Educational Experience

Diverse: Issues in Higher Educatio

GREENWOOD, Ind. (AP) – For more than 40 years, U.S. tourism to the island nation of Cuba has been forbidden. An embargo placed on travel in the 1960s essentially has cut off one of the most fascinating countries in the world. Few U.S. travelers have ...

Student finds much to learn on trip to Cuba

via tourism in cuba - Google News