Sunday, April 20, 2014

Online poker is North Jersey's latest tourism draw -

Online poker is North Jersey's latest tourism draw

Kerstetter, who estimates that 5 percent of poker players are women, returned to New Jersey late last year after a two-year stint in Mexico, where, as in most countries, online gambling is legal. Officials at Caesars, which operates four of Atlantic ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Focus: 4 years after Deepwater Horizon, science offers few answers on long ... - Fall River Herald News

Focus: 4 years after Deepwater Horizon, science offers few answers on long ...

Fall River Herald News

Since the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion dumped millions of gallons of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico four years ago — starting on April 20, 2010 until the leak was finally plugged that July — teams of scientists have been working diligently ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Garcia Marquez's hometown ponders how to claim writer's legacy - Sacramento Bee

Garcia Marquez's hometown ponders how to claim writer's legacy

Sacramento Bee

The world will bid farewell to Nobel laureate Gabriel Garcia Marquez on Monday in a star-studded event in Mexico City's Palace of Fine Arts. Literary luminaries from around the world and heads of state will attend. In Aracata - his birthplace and the ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Analysis: Brazil's economic downturn

How did Brazil go from a boom to basket-case economy? Fareed takes a look.

via - Latin America

Canadians increasingly visiting Haiti - CTV News

CTV News

Canadians increasingly visiting Haiti

CTV News

Canadians formed a significant portion of the 420,000 visitors who came to Haiti from around the world in 2013. In comparison, the Dominican Republic and Cuba attracted 4.7 million and 2.9 million tourists respectively last year. Minister of Tourism ...

Canadian tourists head back to Haiti

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Fresh violence erupts in Venezuela

Fresh violence erupts in the Venezuelan capital, Caracas, between police and opponents of President Nicolas Maduro.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Gira Soy Cuba: Suenan los tambores de Laritza Bacallao

La popular cantante cubana Laritza Bacallao y el proyecto PMM, durante el concierto ofrecido, como parte de la gira nacional Soy Cuba, por la celebración de los aniversarios 52 de la Unión de Jóvenes Comunistas (UJC) y 53 de la Organización de Pioneros José Martí(OPJM). Compartimos con nuestros lectores, un fotorreportaje con las presentaciones de la artista en Camagüey y Las Tunas.

via Cubadebate

Nobel laureate Garcia Márquez's Colombian hometown hopes to make magic ... -

Nobel laureate Garcia Márquez's Colombian hometown hopes to make magic ...

ARACATACA, Colombia -- The world will bid farewell to Nobel laureate Gabriel García Márquez on Monday in a star-studded event in the marbled halls of Mexico City's Palace of Fine Arts. Literary luminaries from around the globe and heads of state will ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Cuban Reps Want Answers About Maryland's Alan Gross -

Cuban Reps Want Answers About Maryland's Alan Gross

Representatives from the Cuban Interests Section said last week that until the Obama administration fully addresses Maryland resident Alan Gross' intentions in Cuba, relations between the two countries will not improve. Gross, a contractor for the U.S ...

Venezuela Joins ALBA Condemnation of USAID's Cuban Social Media Network

US has a history of encouraging free expression

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Cubans trace roots to remote Sierra Leone village

Cubans trace roots back to remote Sierra Leone village

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

PAMM's 'Caribbean: Crossroads of the World' exhibit is tumultuous, thought ... -

PAMM's 'Caribbean: Crossroads of the World' exhibit is tumultuous, thought ...

Poetry and grace return in Yeni y Nan's video, in which the pioneering performance artists immersed their nude bodies in the shoreline salt deposits of Venezuela. Dramatic conflict is ... Another complex theme, Counterpoints, “deals with the economy ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

White Sox, Furthering Legacy, Provide Warm Home for Cubans Amid Chill - New York Times

White Sox, Furthering Legacy, Provide Warm Home for Cubans Amid Chill

New York Times

The lineup sheet offered warmth — on the inside, anyway. For the second time this season, it included four players from Cuba: Ramirez at shortstop, Dayan Viciedo in right field, Adrian Nieto catching and Jose Abreu, who signed for six years and $68 ...

via cuba - Google News

Latin American sambas and tangos set for Music at Messiah concert - The Birmingham News -

Latin American sambas and tangos set for Music at Messiah concert

The Birmingham News -

Classical guitarist Phil Weaver and flutist Rosa Vidro Richardson will perform a wide range of Latin America music as part of the Music at Messiah concert series April 27. Messiah concert.jpg. The duo, who call themselves "Toot and Twang", will focus ...

via Latin america - Google News

Hero MotoCorp plans Latin America base in global push - Economic Times

Economic Times

Hero MotoCorp plans Latin America base in global push

Economic Times

Colombia is one of the fastest growing two-wheeler markets in Latin America, selling around 7 lakh units a year with sales expanding in the double digits. Bangladesh is the third largest market for two-wheelers in South Asia, with annual sales of 3 ...

via Latin america - Google News

Chinese foreign minister starts Latin America tour - Yahoo!7 News

Yahoo!7 News

Chinese foreign minister starts Latin America tour

Yahoo!7 News

Havana (AFP) - Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi was in Cuba Sunday, the first stop on a tour of four Latin America countries. The purpose of the stop in Havana was to pave the way later this year for a visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping. "We are ...

Wang Yi's visit to Latin America begins this weekend

Cuban FM Thanks China''s Support against US Blockade

via Latin america - Google News

Canadian tourists head back to Haiti -

Canadian tourists head back to Haiti

The country remains well behind the region's tourism leaders such as Dominican Republic, which welcomed 4.7 million visitors last year, and Cuba, which welcomed 2.9 million. Villedrouin said Haiti isn't trying to directly compete with those countries ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Latin American countries and the US have their own ways to celebrate Easter or ... - Reflejos

Latin American countries and the US have their own ways to celebrate Easter or ...


Some Latin American immigrants have adopted this type of celebration, and encourage their children to participate in the Easter egg hunt. Others seek to continue on with their Latin American traditions, while other take the traditions from their native ...

via Latin america - Google News

Why the Easter Bunny? (Revisted)

via The Latin Americanist

La Habana: Cancillería agradece apoyo de China contra bloqueo norteamericano

El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, agradeció hoy el apoyo de China en foros internacionales contra el bloqueo económico, financiero y comercial impuesto por Estados Unidos a la isla hace más de medio siglo. Rodríguez destacó la oposición de la nación asiática a esa política hostil de Washington, durante el recibimiento oficial de su homólogo chino, Wang Yi.

via Cubadebate

Víctor Mesa seguirá al timón de Matanzas

“Seguiré con mis Cocodrilos en la 54 Serie Nacional de Béisbol, en la que aspiramos a conquistar el título que ahora no se pudo, pero que todos hicimos por lograrlo”, manifestó Victor Mesa, mentor del seleccionado Matanzas en las últimas tres temporadas del clásico cubano. Tales declaraciones las realizó momentos después de concluido el acto central nacional por el Aniversario 53 de la Victoria de Playa Girón.

via Cubadebate

Messi liderará el futuro del Barcelona, asegura presidente Bartomeu

Lionel Messi “seguirá liderando el futuro del Barcelona”, afirmó el sábado el presidente del club español, Josep Maria Bartomeu, quien adelantó que le hará al astro argentino “una mejora” en su contrato. “Con Messi estamos siendo injustos. Lideró el equipo y lo ha hecho muy bien. Nosotros no tenemos ninguna duda de que seguirá liderando el futuro del club. Es joven y lo hará muy bien”, destacó.

via Cubadebate

Canadian tourists head back to Haiti - Surrey Leader

Canadian tourists head back to Haiti

Surrey Leader

The country remains well behind the region's tourism leaders such as Dominican Republic, which welcomed 4.7 million visitors last year, and Cuba, which welcomed 2.9 million. Villedrouin said Haiti isn't trying to directly compete with those countries ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Gibara es más que caracolas y cine

Los recuerdos de la Villa Blanca no llegan en paracaídas a estas cuartillas. Los trajo la noticia de que regresará a Gibara, la semana de abril que comienza mañana, el Festival del Cine Pobre. El realizador Lester Hamlet, director del certamen inaugurado por el fallecido cineasta Humberto Solás -dice la nota que da cuenta de los preparativos- aseguró en su presentación que “el solo hecho de que continúe es ya una noticia alentadora”.

via Cubadebate

Confirman 61 muertes por virus del ébola en Guinea Conakry

El Gobierno de Guinea Conakry confirmó este sábado que 61 personas han fallecido hasta el momento como consecuencia del brote del virus del Ébola en el país, donde se han registrado 109 casos de contagio. “Se estableció una nueva confirmación basada en los casos probados en el laboratorio”, dijo el portavoz del gobierno guineano, Damantang Albert Camara.

via Cubadebate

El olvido otorga

“El ‘shock’ de intuir siquiera toda la gente que había muerto, todo lo que se destruyó, provocó en parte el silencio. Nadie calculó ni se preguntó jamás por las consecuencias”. Abner Benaim es un cineasta panameño empeñado en filmar lo oculto. Benaim filmó y presentó en un reciente festival su película “Invasión”, en la que rescata del olvido 25 años después, la invasión militar que desató la administración de Bush padre, en diciembre de 1989, en Panamá.

via Cubadebate

Entregan Escudo de Pinar del Río a Alfonso Urquiola y Yosvani Torres

La Asamblea Provincial del Poder Popular en Pinar del Río, en sesión solemne, otorgó a Alfonso Urquiola Crespo y Yosvani Torres Gómez, el Escudo pinareño, máxima distinción que otorga la asamblea de la localidad. Urquiola, emocionado dijo que este es el triunfo más importante de su carrera deportiva y tuvo palabras de elogio para sus jugadores.

via Cubadebate

Tras los pasos de 100 Años de Soledad

Los Buendía estarán riéndose por el boroló que se ha creado al no ser esta una peste como la vivida por ellos, sino una cuya mutación sentimental hace querer recordar más y averiguar más para recordar más aún. Una prueba es que usted vaya en esta línea y quiera saber lo que sigue sobre algunos de los secretos de gestación de la obra.

via Cubadebate

Incendio en Guántanamo destruye tres casas y provoca muerte de dos menores

Un saldo de dos menores de edad fallecidos y afectaciones totales a tres viviendas y parciales a otras cuatro, fue el resultado de un incendio de regulares proporciones, ocurrido en la tarde de este sábado en la oriental ciudad de Guantánamo.

via Cubadebate

En fotos, Maternidad animal

Madre hay una sola, dicen, pero eso no parece aplicarse en el mundo animal. Desde mamíferos a insectos, pasando por reptiles o moluscos, la naturaleza ofrece innumerables ejemplos del más abnegado instinto maternal. Hembras que cuidan con extrema dedicación sus huevos, otras que actúan de cebo para alejar a los predadores de sus cachorros.

via Cubadebate

Manatee River powerboat race tweaks schedule, asking for tourism dollars - Bradenton Herald

Bradenton Herald

Manatee River powerboat race tweaks schedule, asking for tourism dollars

Bradenton Herald

mendation from the Tourism Development Council to fund a $175,000 advertising sponsorship for the event, said Elliott Falcione, executive director of the CVB. The money will advertise the Bradenton area as a destination and also create a landing page ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

As Mexico Cracks Down, Vigilantes Are On The Rise In Latin America - International Business Times

International Business Times

As Mexico Cracks Down, Vigilantes Are On The Rise In Latin America

International Business Times

“Justicia popular,” or mob justice, is on the rise throughout Latin America, whether it be as armed vigilantes like in Mexico, or lynching attacks, like in Argentina and Bolivia. “[Mob justice] is a reflection of a society that is totally fed up with ...

via Latin america - Google News

Canadian visits to Haiti on rise as country continues tourism push - Hamilton Spectator

Canadian visits to Haiti on rise as country continues tourism push

Hamilton Spectator

The country remains well behind the region's tourism leaders such as Dominican Republic, which welcomed 4.7 million visitors last year, and Cuba, which welcomed 2.9 million. Villedrouin said Haiti isn't trying to directly compete with those countries ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

THIS IS THE BUSINESS: Cuban medicine not a tonic for SA - BDlive

THIS IS THE BUSINESS: Cuban medicine not a tonic for SA


In Cuba, medicine is treated as an industry vital, for example, to the nation's balance of payments. There is a high degree of medical tourism and the island “exports” 50,000 doctors a year — including 30,000 to Venezuela — in return for almost R40bn ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Aparece un OVNI en el cielo de Ibiza, España

La aparición de un cuerpo en llamas en el cielo de Ibiza, España, intriga hoy a los habitantes de esa región con variedad de hipótesis que van desde un meteorito hasta chatarra espacial. Según el Diario de Ibiza, en cuya página se puede observar el video del fenómeno registrado el pasado miércoles, entre la posibilidades manejadas está también la del lanzamiento de un misil.

via Cubadebate

México rinde tributos póstumos al actor Cantinflas

Diversos tributos al famoso actor y humorista Mario Moreno (Cantinflas) se llevarán a cabo en México, en el marco del 21 aniversario de su muerte, que se celebra hoy. Espacios culturales de la prensa destacan durante estos días esa efeméride con artículos y entrevistas sobre el comediante mexicano más popular en el mundo.

via Cubadebate

Sounds of Latin America just what doctor ordered (with video) - Livingston Daily

Sounds of Latin America just what doctor ordered (with video)

Livingston Daily

Dr. Alberto Nacif has been inspired by Latin jazz since the time of his birth in Oaxaca, Mexico, to his Mexican mother and Lebanese father. Nacif gravitated to the congas at a young age and would later perform with the some of the genre's best ...

via Latin america - Google News

THIS IS THE BUSINESS: Cuban medicine not a tonic for SA - BDlive

THIS IS THE BUSINESS: Cuban medicine not a tonic for SA


There is a high degree of medical tourism and the island “exports” 50,000 doctors a year — including 30,000 to Venezuela — in return for almost R40bn in oil, according to Granma, the state newspaper. We pay for the children we send there. Limpopo ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Digital English Learning Products to Surge in Latin America, Worth $260.9 ... - Latin Post

Latin Post

Digital English Learning Products to Surge in Latin America, Worth $260.9 ...

Latin Post

For the demand-side analysis, the spending forecasts by 2018 are detailed for 15 Latin American countries including Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Dusty home town remembers Garcia Marquez with plenty of rum - GlobalPost

Dusty home town remembers Garcia Marquez with plenty of rum


... glancing at the picket fence across the street that encloses the leafy patio of the Garcia Marquez family home. Garcia Marquez, whose "magical realism" told epic stories of love, family and dictatorship in Latin America, died Thursday aged 87 in ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Professor Mervyn Morris named Jamaica's poet laureate - Jamaica Observer

Professor Mervyn Morris named Jamaica's poet laureate

Jamaica Observer

The current Poet Laureate of Jamaica programme was a joint initiative of the National Library of Jamaica and the Entertainment Advisory Board within the Ministry of Tourism and Entertainment, through nomination forms available on the National Library ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Cuba, US are warily, slowly improving relations - Boston Globe

Boston Globe

Cuba, US are warily, slowly improving relations

Boston Globe

But a recent visit to this island just 90 miles from Florida, and interviews with Cuban and American officials, revealed a slow but unmistakable thaw on both sides of the Florida Straits. They are realistic about the snail's pace of change, while ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

Mi pueblo

Cubadebate comienza a publicar cada domingo las crónicas del historiador Pedro Urra Medina con las memorias de una vida en Arroyo Arenas, el pueblo donde nació hace 85 años. Estos relatos forman parte de un libro inédito, que Urra adelanta a nuestros lectores, donde incluye fotografías y vídeos inéditos: “Mi pueblo está situado en el noroeste de la provincia La Habana. Aquí hablo de ese lugar tal como lo vi en mi niñez y juventud, con sus casas humildes, casi todas de techo de tejas criollas o de zinc, y otras con cubiertas de papel de techo y algunas de guano.”

via Cubadebate

Silvio Rodríguez sobre Gabriel García Márquez: “No recuerdo…”

En su blog, “Segunda Cita”, el trovador y poeta Silvio Rodríguez recuerda a Gabriel García Márquez, el Nobel colombiano que murió el pasado jueves en su casa de Ciudad México: “Voy a conservarlo así, sonriente, gozando de la vida, a lo mejor en la voluta de una idea que la insondable alquimia de su talento dejará en una ínfima reseña, algo que ni siquiera llegará a ser canción: acaso un insecto posado en un mantel, la pintura vahída de un bote surcando el río Magdalena, la nota disonante de un triste amolador de tijeras. Seguro así me sentiré alguito menos huérfano”, dice Silvio.

via Cubadebate

Cifra de muertos por barco hundido en Surcorea llega a 46

Los buzos recuperaron 13 cadáveres del interior de un transbordador que se hundió frente a la costa de Corea del Sur, lo que incrementa la cifra confirmada de muertos a 46, indicaron el domingo funcionarios. El hallazgo sucede luego que los rescatistas finalmente lograron entrar al barco tras tres días de fracaso y frustración causados por fuertes corrientes y mala visibilidad debido a un clima inclemente.

via Cubadebate

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Offshore drilling's dangers - Charleston Post Courier


Offshore drilling's dangers

Charleston Post Courier

Four years ago today, an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico killed 11 workers and unleashed an underwater geyser of oil that took 87 days to contain. The oil harmed ocean fisheries and contaminated beaches along the Gulf ...

4 years after BP spill, many still wait for compensation

Hard lessons cited on Deepwater Horizon oil disaster anniversary

Focus: 4 years after Deepwater Horizon, science offers few answers on long ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Manatee River powerboat race tweaks schedule, asking for tourism dollars - Bradenton Herald

Manatee River powerboat race tweaks schedule, asking for tourism dollars

Bradenton Herald

mendation from the Tourism Development Council to fund a $175,000 advertising sponsorship for the event, said Elliott Falcione, executive director of the CVB. The money will advertise the Bradenton area as a destination and also create a landing page ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Picachos is Mexico's newest hot bass lake - Tyler Morning Telegraph

Picachos is Mexico's newest hot bass lake

Tyler Morning Telegraph

Like other western Mexican lakes, commercial netters are allowed on Piscachos to net talapia, but their nets were gone by April 1 instead of the state mandated May 1 with an eye on tourism. The local fishing co-operative also falls under the mayor's ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Slowing down in Mexico's Loreto - The Seattle Times

Slowing down in Mexico's Loreto

The Seattle Times

In a renewed effort two years ago, Mexico's tourism agency gave Loreto its “Magic Town” moniker, a label to promote places notable for natural beauty, cultural riches or historical relevance. Still, the international airport here welcomed only about 40 ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Los Cinco envían mensaje de condolencia a familia de Gabriel García Márquez

Los cubanos Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González y René González, conocidos como los Cinco, sentenciados a cumplir severas condenas en prisiones de Estados Unidos por alertar al Gobierno de Cuba sobre planes subversivos de grupos asentados en el sur de la Florida, han emitido un mensaje con motivo del fallecimiento del Nobel de Literatura Gabriel García Márquez. “Siempre pensamos que le daríamos aquel abrazo prometido”, dicen.

via Cubadebate

Miles de puertorriqueños despiden a ‘Cheo’ Feliciano

Miles de personas de todas partes de Puerto Rico, entre ellos destacados artistas de la isla, asistieron al primer día de velatorio del cantante puertorriqueño Cheo Feliciano, celebrado en el Coliseo Roberto Clemente de San Juan. Gilberto Santa Rosa, José Nogueras, Raphy Leavitt, Sammy Marrero, Elías Lopés, así como el panameño Rubén Blades, pasaron frente al féretro del intérprete de éxitos como ‘Anacaona’, ‘Juguete’, ‘Amada mía’ y ‘Los entierros’, fallecido el pasado jueves a los 78 años en un accidente automovilístico cerca de su residencia.

via Cubadebate

since 1986 Ukraine nuclear disaster - The Militant

since 1986 Ukraine nuclear disaster

The Militant

The most striking fact is not the scope of the disaster, but the selfless response of revolutionary Cuba, which continues to this day. For anyone familiar with Cuba's internationalist foreign policy since the 1959 revolution, this is no surprise ...

via cuba - Google News

Officials might get cause to push for lifting drill ban - Lehigh Acres News Star

Officials might get cause to push for lifting drill ban

Lehigh Acres News Star

WASHINGTON – Florida officials might soon have more incentive to push for lifting an offshore drilling ban in the Gulf of Mexico. Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu, of Louisiana, is renewing her call to pass ... Of course, even trying to eliminate that ban ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Focus: 4 years after Deepwater Horizon, science offers few answers on long ... - Wicked Local Berkley

Focus: 4 years after Deepwater Horizon, science offers few answers on long ...

Wicked Local Berkley

Since the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion dumped millions of gallons of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico four years ago — starting on April 20, 2010 until the leak was finally plugged that July — teams of scientists have been working diligently ...

Four years ago Sunday, the BP oil spill shocked a nation and frightened the Keys

Four years after oil spill, projects just beginning

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Local hotel owners await BP settlement - The News Herald

Local hotel owners await BP settlement

The News Herald

PANAMA CITY BEACH — Brothers-in-law Harry and Chase Patel are business partners with five hotels in Bay County — two of them within a mile of the Gulf of Mexico . They also have a Super 8 and a Red Roof Inn on U.S. 231, miles from Panama City Beach ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

El metro de Moscú se suma al homenaje a García Márquez

El metro de Moscú se sumó hoy a las condolencias por la muerte de Gabriel García Márquez, escritor al que hace dos años, para el deleito de sus viajeros, dedicó todo un tren. “García Márquez es un gran escritor y cuando hace dos años, en conmemoración de su 85 aniversario, surgió nuestro proyecto conjunto con la Embajada de Colombia, lo más difícil fue compaginar su lírica juvenil, casi desconocida en Rusia, y su gran prosa”, dijo Vladímir Yegórov, jefe del servicio de prensa del Metro de Moscú.

via Cubadebate

Publican foto de la Luna sangrante digna de la ciencia ficción

La NASA publicó esta semana una imagen que, aunque parece sacada de una película de ciencia ficción, es totalmente real. En la fotografía parece que la luna sangrante emita un vistoso haz de luz verde. La imagen del disco lunar enrojecido fue tomada durante el eclipse total de luna de esta semana. La Luna se volvió de color rojizo debido a la refracción de los rayos solares en la atmósfera terrestre.

via Cubadebate

Moscú tomará medidas si Ucrania se une a la OTAN, dice vocero

Moscú tendrá que tomar medidas de protección en el caso de que la OTAN se aproxime a sus fronteras, afirmó este sábado Dimitri Peskov, secretario de prensa del presidente ruso, citado por la agencia Interfax. Peskov indicó a un canal de televisión ruso que la ampliación de la OTAN va a representar una grave amenaza para Rusia, ya que la Alianza no puede dejar de ser una organización militar. “Con kaláshnikov no se escriben libros”, señaló el portavoz.

via Cubadebate

Marc Murrell: Luring lurking lunkers - Topeka Capital Journal

Marc Murrell: Luring lurking lunkers

Topeka Capital Journal

Kansas bass anglers often travel throughout the Midwest and to locals as far south as Texas and even Mexico in search of big bass. But those anglers on a road trip that far south may want to stop along the way as ... According to the Kansas Department ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Women Who Undergo Plastic Surgery In Korea Denied Access To Their Home ... - International Business Times

International Business Times

Women Who Undergo Plastic Surgery In Korea Denied Access To Their Home ...

International Business Times

Onbao reported that visits to South Korea on medical tourism visas have increased tenfold, with 25,176 tourists in 2013 up from just 2,545 in 2011. According to International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery data, South Korea has the ... A plastic ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Four years ago Sunday, the BP oil spill shocked a nation and frightened the Keys - Florida Keys Keynoter

Florida Keys Keynoter

Four years ago Sunday, the BP oil spill shocked a nation and frightened the Keys

Florida Keys Keynoter

Sunday marks the fourth anniversary of the explosion on the BP-operated drilling rig Deepwater Horizon, which killed 11 workers about 50 miles off the Louisiana coast in the Gulf of Mexico and set off the nation's worst offshore oil disaster. No oil ...

Four years after oil spill, projects just beginning

Focus: 4 years after Deepwater Horizon, science offers few answers on long ...

Letter: Rebound is encouraging in aftermath of Gulf of Mexico oil spill

via tourism in mexico - Google News

The Boston Globe is WHINING: CUBA owes the U.S. 7 billion dollars

via Cuba Journal

From Cuba to the majors: Yasiel Puig's harrowing story -

New York Daily News

From Cuba to the majors: Yasiel Puig's harrowing story

Yasiel Puig's tangled trail from Cuba to Los Angeles entailed a stealth speed boat ride from the island, weeks holed up in a Mexican motel and shady smugglers haggling over a lucrative payout for the future baseball star. The story, outlined in a ...

As explosive reports on Dodgers' Yasiel Puig illustrate, making move from Cuba ...

Right on Q: Cuban baseball, where every man is an island.

Baseball tells the pain of Cuba

via cuba - Google News