Thursday, September 5, 2013

NSA spying in Latin America: Snoops and snubs

LATIN AMERICANS were already fuming after leaks in May from Edward Snowden, a former contractor for the United States’ National Security Agency (NSA), suggested that spies had monitored their phone and internet activity for a decade. On September 1st TV Globo, a Brazilian network, claimed the snooping had gone right to the top. It showed what it said was a slide from an NSA presentation displaying text messages sent by Mexico’s president, Enrique Peña Nieto, during his election campaign last year. The same presentation detailed the tracking of the e-mails, calls and text messages of advisers to Dilma Rousseff, Brazil’s president.Mexico summoned the United States’ ambassador for an explanation. It may not pursue the matter much further: it generally keeps mum on the anti-narcotics intelligence it shares with the yanquis, and may also be wary of picking a fight with its neighbour and biggest trading partner. Brazil likewise demanded answers, and threatened to call off a state visit to Washington next month. Such a snub is unlikely, but the row will overshadow what was meant to be a celebration of growing trade ties. It may also...

via The Economist: The Americas

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