Monday, August 26, 2013

Jefe de la DAAFAR falleció en accidente de tránsito

El general de división Pedro Mendiondo, jefe de la Defensa Antiaérea y la Fuerza Aérea Revolucionaria, falleció hoy a causa de traumas sufridos durante un accidente automovilístico ocurrido la víspera. A consecuencia del hecho perdieron también la vida tres de sus familiares, de acuerdo con una nota difundida por el Ministerio de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias (MINFAR).

via Cubadebate

Vinculan a Uribe y Posada en planes contra presidente Maduro

Las autoridades venezolanas denunciaron hoy la vinculación del exmandatario colombiano Álvaro Uribe y el terrorista confeso Luis Posada Carriles en planes de magnicidio contra el presidente venezolano, Nicolás Maduro. Tal nexo lo manifestó el ministro de Relaciones Interiores, Justicia y Paz, Miguel Rodríguez, en rueda de prensa donde informó de la captura de dos jóvenes colombianos implicados en presuntas tentativas magnicidas contra Maduro y que incluirían como segundo objetivo al titular del Parlamento, Diosdado Cabello.

via Cubadebate

Cuba Travel Services sees business uptick - OCRegister (subscription)

Cuba Travel Services sees business uptick

OCRegister (subscription)

Zuccato stumbled on a pipeline of Cubans moving between South America's Venezuela and Cuba as part of the Caribbean island's way to keep connected with the rest of the world following an American-imposed travel embargo in the early 1960s.

via cuba - Google News

Cuba Travel Services sees business uptick - OCRegister (subscription)

Cuba Travel Services sees business uptick

OCRegister (subscription)

Zuccato stumbled on a pipeline of Cubans moving between South America's Venezuela and Cuba as part of the Caribbean island's way to keep connected with the rest of the world following an American-imposed travel embargo in the early 1960s.

via Travel Cuba - Google News

Cuba Travel Services sees business uptick - OCRegister (subscription)

Cuba Travel Services sees business uptick

OCRegister (subscription)

... for increased people-to-people contacts. 2004: The Bush administration announces stringent travel policies. 2009: President Barack Obama eases travel restrictions, allowing Cuban-Americans to visit relatives once a year instead of once every three ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News

A brief history of key military interventions by the United States - Washington Post

A brief history of key military interventions by the United States

Washington Post

President Ronald Reagan was said to have been concerned about a 10,000-foot-long airstrip that the communist country's military was building, which he thought would enable planes loaded with arms from Cuba to reach insurgents in Central America.

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Hotel Specializing in Cuban Music to Open in Varadero in November - Hispanically Speaking News

Hotel Specializing in Cuban Music to Open in Varadero in November

Hispanically Speaking News

The first hotel specializing in the music of Cuba, the Blue Salsa Club, will open its doors in November with a new idea in cultural tourism in the resort community of Varadero, the most famous on the island, local media reported Sunday. The project ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Sucias reglas del juego

Defraudado o arrepentido, el exfiscal Patrick Nightingale, de un condado del Estado de Pennsylvania, confirmó que una de las divisiones de la DEA recurría a una vasta base de datos con registros telefónicos y de informantes, entre otras prácticas ilegales, que violaban derechos constitucionales. El abarcador sistema de espionaje montado en Estados Unidos ni tiene límites ni fronteras en su consustancial ilegitimidad violatoria.

via Cubadebate

Snowden got stuck in Russia after Cuba blocked entry: newspaper - Yahoo! News

Snowden got stuck in Russia after Cuba blocked entry: newspaper

Yahoo! News

More Business news ». MOSCOW (Reuters) - Former U.S. spy agency contractor Edward Snowden got stuck in the transit zone of a Moscow airport because Havana said it would not let him fly from Russia to Cuba, a Russian newspaper reported on Monday.

via cuba - Google News

OP-ED: Things That Really Matter: An End to Endless 'Police Actions' - HNN

OP-ED: Things That Really Matter: An End to Endless 'Police Actions'


That type of policy has turned the U.S. into a continuous war state and history shows it has worked to our disadvantage -- Cuba, China, Viet Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan are prime examples. History also shows that a country's people have to decide the ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Report: Snowden reached out to Russia back in HK - WBOC TV 16

Report: Snowden reached out to Russia back in HK


President Barack Obama has bestowed the Medal of Honor on Army Staff Sgt. Ty Carter, a veteran of the war in Afghanistan who risked his life to save an injured soldier and to resupply ammunition to his comrades...More. President Barack Obama bestowed ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Snowden got stuck in Russia after Cuba blocked entry – newspaper - Cyprus Mail

Snowden got stuck in Russia after Cuba blocked entry – newspaper

Cyprus Mail

Former U.S. spy agency contractor Edward Snowden got stuck in the transit zone of a Moscow airport because Havana said it would not let him fly from Russia to Cuba, a Russian newspaper reported on Monday. Snowden, who is wanted in the United States for ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Brazil minister quits in Bolivia row

Brazil's foreign minister resigns after a fugitive Bolivian politician holed up in the Brazilian embassy in La Paz is spirited away in a diplomat's car.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Revenge behind kidnapping of 12 Mexican youths?

What happened to 12 youths who were kidnapped in broad daylight from a bar in Mexico?

via - Latin America

Mudslides kill 13 after Fernand hits Mexico

Mudslides killed at least 13 people after Fernand slammed into the east of coast of Mexico, state media reported Monday.

via - Latin America

Cuba reports more cholera among foreign visitors -

Cuba reports more cholera among foreign visitors

The Havana report on cholera, the second in August alone, seemed to hint at a growing transparency by Cuban officials who previously kept quiet about the disease in a bid to avoid damaging the island's $2.5 billion-a-year tourism industry, experts said ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Own Goal Downs Snakebitten Peruvian Soccer Team

via The Latin Americanist

Actuarán en Buenos Aires primeras figuras del Ballet Nacional de Cuba

Las primeras figuras del Ballet Nacional de Cuba (BNC), Viengsay Valdés y Víctor Estévez, participarán en la III Gala Internacional de Ballet de Buenos Aires, que se celebrará en la capital argentina el 29 y 30 de agosto, informaron hoy fuentes de la compañía. La Gala de Ballet de Buenos Aires es una organización fundada en 2011 que invita a los mejores bailarines y coreógrafos de distintos países.

via Cubadebate

Anticoncepción en Cuba, asunto de muchas caras

Un conocimiento formal de los métodos anticonceptivos, además de su uso inadecuado y poco sistemático, contrasta con el alto nivel de empleo que de ellos muestran diversas investigaciones cubanas. Los avatares de Yamilé Ferrera, una conversadora estudiante universitaria habanera de 19 años, aportan algunas señales de las razones que sostienen esta afirmación.

via Cubadebate

Detienen a dos colombianos partícipes de plan de asesinar a Nicolás Maduro (+ Video)

El ministro de Interior y Justicia, Miguel Rodríguez Torres, anunció hoy la captura de dos colombianos que ingresaron a Venezuela el 13 de agosto, presuntamente para cometer un plan de magnicidio contra el presidente Nicolás Maduro. "El 13 de agosto ingresaron dos personas colombianas que pertenecen al grupo de 10 hombres que venían a cometer el magnicidio", dijo Rodríguez Torres durante una rueda de prensa en Caracas.

via Cubadebate

Real Madrid alcanza segundo triunfo en Liga española (+ Video)

El Real Madrid alcanzó hoy con aprietos su segundo triunfo en la Liga española de fútbol, tras batir 1-0 al Granada como visitante. Un gol a boca de jarro del francés Karim Benzema en el minuto 10 dio la victoria a los merengues, en el estadio Los Cármenes. Benzema aprovechó bien un centro del argentino Ángel Di María, quien ofreció su mejor repertorio para encender los comentarios sobre su posible salida del equipo ante la llegada del galés Gareth Bale.

via Cubadebate

Cuba abre sin medallas en mundial de judo

Cuba abrió hoy su accionar sin medallas en el XXIX Campeonato Mundial de judo, con sede en Río de Janeiro, Brasil, donde su mejor resultado fue el quinto lugar de Maria Celia Laborde, en los 48 kilogramos. Con dominio para Mongolia, en esa división del torneo femenino, y Japón, en los 60 kilos del masculino, Laborde estuvo a punto de subir al podio, pero cayó en la repesca por Ippon ante la belga Charline Van Snick, quien finalmente ganó la medalla de bronce, según el sitio web de certamen.

via Cubadebate

Aviones de combate británicos aterrizan a 200 kilómetros de Siria

Aviones de guerra y de transporte militar han comenzado a llegar a la base aérea británica de Acrotiri en Chipre, a unos 200 kilómetros de la costa de Siria, en una señal de crecientes preparativos para un ataque militar contra el gobierno de Assad. Dos pilotos comerciales que vuelan regularmente desde la ciudad costera de Lárnaca informaron este lunes que habían visto aviones de transporte C-130 desde sus ventanas de la cabina.

via Cubadebate

Reino Unido: Intervención en Siria sin respaldo de la ONU es posible

El Secretario británico de Relaciones Exteriores, William Hague, no descarta una intervención extranjera en Siria sin el respaldo unánime de todos los miembros del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU, según Reuters. Hace unas horas fuentes en el Gobierno británico citadas por 'The Telegraph', declararon que la orden para el inicio de una operación militar en Siria, sobre la que se habrían puesto de acuerdo los líderes de EE.UU. y Reino Unido, podría llegar “en unos días”.

via Cubadebate

Record numbers reported for Florida tourism in first half of 2013 - Travel Weekly

Record numbers reported for Florida tourism in first half of 2013

Travel Weekly

The BP Deepwater Horizon spill occurred on April 20, 2010, off the Louisiana coast, spewing an estimated 53,000 gallons of oil a day into the Gulf of Mexico before the well was capped on July 15 and permanently sealed on Sept. 19. The spill effectively ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Rural Andean churches plagued by sacred art thefts -

Rural Andean churches plagued by sacred art thefts

In this Aug. 21, 2013 file photo, workers from the Culture Ministry display The Associated Press In this Aug. 21, 2013 file photo, workers from the Culture Ministry display a recovered 18th century painting by an anonymous artist depicting Jesus in La ...

via Latin america - Google News

Weaker currencies may hurt Miami -- a bit - Orlando Sentinel

Weaker currencies may hurt Miami -- a bit

Orlando Sentinel

Judging from the Miami Herald's latest headlines, home prices in Miami keep soaring and tourists from Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela keep flooding this city thanks to their countries' strong currencies. The big question is how much longer the fiesta ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News,0,225469.column

Venezuela, a paradise in search of tourists - Long Beach Press-Telegram

Venezuela, a paradise in search of tourists

Long Beach Press-Telegram

After neglecting the tourism sector for years, in favor of the lucrative oil industry -- Venezuela has the world's largest proven reserves -- the government in Caracas is now working hard to attract visitors. However, the country suffers from outdated ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

La Grecia de hoy, la UE del mañana

Mientras Grecia podría necesitar un tercer paquete de ayuda financiera de 10.000 millones de dólares, los expertos indican que el futuro de la Unión Europea también sigue siendo incierto y que el panorama no es nada optimista. El economista Mijaíl Jazin advierte en su columna de la revista rusa ‘Odnako’ que todo lo que ahora pasa en la UE ya era predecible desde el principio y que bajo la revisión del ...

via Cubadebate

En fotos: Médicos cubanos llegan a Brasil

Cuatrocientos médicos cubanos llegaron a Brasil el pasado fin de semana para trabajar en áreas pobres de ese paísdonde escasean los galenos. El sábado, 206 médicos cubanos arribaron a la ciudad de Recife para tomar un vuelo hacia Brasilia, la capital del país. Otros 194 arribaron el domingo a la ciudad de Salvador de Bahía. Los 400 médicos cubanos son los primeros de un contingente de 4.000 que trabajarán en Brasil.

via Cubadebate

Crimen digital, los delincuentes más conocidos

Esta semana el FBI anunció que acabó con el colectivo 'hacktivista' Anonymous, conocido por una serie de ataques contra los sistemas de varios bancos internacionales y páginas gubernamentales de varios países. La noticia trae a la memoria los más impactantes delitos en el mundo informático de los últimos años. Les presentamos a continuación a sus principales protagonistas.

via Cubadebate

Los que no tienen nada que perder (+ Documental “El Sobreviviente”)

No habla mucho de él mismo, no le preocupa ni le interesa ser el centro de atención. Los hechos que vivió son su gran tesoro y aunque sufre la pérdida de tantos amigos, vecinos de la infancia, compañeros queridos de la lucha, siente orgullo al saber que sus muertes no fueron en vano.

via Cubadebate

Cuba no le teme al profesionalismo, el profesionalismo le teme a Cuba (III y final)

Eugenio George no necesita presentación más que la de uno de los mejores entrenadores deportivos de Cuba y del mundo. Si nos permiten una opinión personal, no conozco en nuestro país calificación más alta que la suya, y tenemos encumbrados preparadores. Hace unos días nos decía: "El entrenador es quien dirige el stress deportivo, tiene que procurarlo y controlarlo", y en otro momento afirmaba: "Nadie puede sustituirlo, ni en la formación deportiva ni en la educativa".

via Cubadebate

Bully pressured Cuba not to let Snowden in

via Cuba Journal

Argentina Bars British Firms Over Falklands Oil Exploration

via The Latin Americanist

FARC kills 13 soldiers ahead of Cuba talks - Gulf Times

Gulf Times

FARC kills 13 soldiers ahead of Cuba talks

Gulf Times

fARC guerrillas killed 13 soldiers in an attack on a Colombian army patrol shortly after officials announced talks with the leftist rebels would resume today. “We regret to inform you that as the result of a FARC terrorist attack, two sergeants and 11 ...

Colombia's Santos calls negotiators home from peace talks in Cuba

Colombia FARC rebels pause peace talks in Cuba; dispute over proposed ...

Colombia's FARC rebels halt peace talks in Cuba; dispute over proposed ...

via cuba - Google News

Presidente sirio asegura fracaso de EE.UU. si decide realizar operación militar contra su país

Si los países de Occidente, en particular EE.UU., emprenden una operación militar contra Siria, van a fracasar. Así lo advirtió el presidente del país árabe, Bashar al Assad. Es poco probable que los líderes occidentales decidan realizar una acción militar contra Siria, en parte porque "todos entienden" que lo que está pasando en el país árabe "no es una revolución popular ni exigencia de reformas. Es terrorismo", expresó Al Assad en una entrevista al diario ruso 'Izvestia'.

via Cubadebate

Colombia: Cacerolazo por declaraciones de Santos sobre paro nacional

Cientos de miles de personas salieron a las calles de la ciudad de Tunja, en el departamento colombiano de Boyacá (centro) y se concentraron en la plaza Bolívar, para cacerolear y rechazar las declaraciones del presidente Juan Manuel Santos, en las que consideran desestimó la protesta nacional que este lunes cumple ocho días. Los tunjanos protagonizaron un masivo cacerolazo entre las 19H30 locales (00.00 GMT del lunes) de este domingo y hasta pasada la medianoche.

via Cubadebate

Daily Headlines: August 26, 2013

via The Latin Americanist

206 Cuban Doctors Arrive in Brazil

via Cuba Journal

'Una Noche' Will Show You the Real Cuba - PolicyMic


'Una Noche' Will Show You the Real Cuba


I first saw Lucy Mulloy's “Una Noche” at the Tribeca Film Festival, attracted by the fact that the film takes place in my birthplace of Havana, Cuba. I was hesitant, but intrigued enough to try it. I arrived with a group of friends, all of Cuban ...

via cuba - Google News

Franklin Templeton Appoints New Managing Director of Latin America Private Equity (en español)

(FundsAmericas) Darby Overseas Investments, the private equity arm of Franklin Templeton Investments announced today that…

via Latin American Private Equity and Venture Capital Association » Latest Industry News

Body Of Australia Crocodile Attack Victim, Sean Cole, Pulled From Mary River ... - Huffington Post

Body Of Australia Crocodile Attack Victim, Sean Cole, Pulled From Mary River ...

Huffington Post

Cole had been celebrating a friend's birthday at the Mary River Wilderness Retreat, an Outback tourist destination 70 miles (110 kilometers) southeast of the Northern Territory capital of Darwin. Nichols said Cole, an information technology ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

The Morsi, Syria, Lebanon etc. Lesson for Israel - The Jewish Press (blog)

The Morsi, Syria, Lebanon etc. Lesson for Israel

The Jewish Press (blog)

But the Americans, who claim to be the strongest and most powerful country in the world, still fear Castro's poverty-ridden Cuba. To be honest, I .... He gave $14 million in government contracts to a crooked real estate dealer who built the Obama ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Havana – Welcome to the Hard Rock hotel, Cuban style. - Fox News Latino

Havana – Welcome to the Hard Rock hotel, Cuban style.

Fox News Latino

Havana – Welcome to the Hard Rock hotel, Cuban style. The first hotel specializing in the music of Cuba, the Blue Salsa Club, will open its doors in November, ushering a new idea in cultural tourism in the resort community of Varadero, the most famous ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Ruins, Rainforests and Rio Opening the Door on Sizzling Latin America - PR Web (press release)

Ruins, Rainforests and Rio Opening the Door on Sizzling Latin America

PR Web (press release)

More and more travellers are escaping the usual snowbird tourist spots, chasing the summer all the way to South America. In fact, Brazil's international tourism grew by over 5 million visitors in 2010-11. With FIFA 2014 and the 2016 Olympics on the ...

via Latin america - Google News

Sydney Latin American Film Festival - Gay News Network

Sydney Latin American Film Festival

Gay News Network

Every year the Sydney Latin American Film Festival chooses a community group or charity to donate the funds raised from the festival. This year an LGBTI group in Guyana, Society Against Sexual Orientation Discrimination will receive the funds. So why ...

via Latin america - Google News

Cuban dancer puts his own spin on pitch to Chapman -

Cuban dancer puts his own spin on pitch to Chapman

The Cuban dancer and the Cuban pitcher teamed up for a special moment before Sunday's game against the Milwaukee Brewers. They left Cuba several years apart and have furthered their high-profile careers in Cincinnati, where they became friends.

via cuba - Google News

Mexico crash blamed on stolen nails

A train derailment in southern Mexico in which at least six migrants died is blamed on missing track nails.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

First lady, daughters have 'Bountiful' weekend in NY - USA TODAY

San Francisco Chronicle

First lady, daughters have 'Bountiful' weekend in NY


During the day, first lady Michelle Obama and daughters Sasha and Malia attended the 18th Annual Arthur Ashe Kids Day, which kicked off the 2013 U.S. Open tennis tournament in Flushing Meadows, N.Y. During festivities, Obama addressed the crowd and ...

FLOTUS Michelle Obama and Her Girls Attend 'The Trip to Bountiful'

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Michelle Obama, daughters see 'Trip to Bountiful' - Sacramento Bee

Michelle Obama, daughters see 'Trip to Bountiful'

Sacramento Bee

The trio went back stage after the show and met the crew and cast, including Cicely Tyson, Vanessa Williams and Cuba Gooding Jr. Tyson stars in the Horton Foote revival as a widow who wants to revisit her old home in Bountiful and recapture the ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News

La Liga review: Adriano scores wonder-strike as Barcelona sneak 1-0 win over ... - The Independent

La Liga review: Adriano scores wonder-strike as Barcelona sneak 1-0 win over ...

The Independent

Diego Simeone's side, who opened their campaign with a 3-1 win at Sevilla, were three goals to the good by half-time as Raul Garcia, Diego Costa and Arda Turan all found the back of the net. Rayo decided to tighten ... However, after Borja Oubina was ...

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

Mexico bar kidnap: Bodies identified

The bodies of five more youths who disappeared after visiting a bar in Mexico City in July are identified after having been found in a mass grave.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Mexico migrant train derails; at least 5 dead -

Irish Independent

Mexico migrant train derails; at least 5 dead

CHONTALPA, Mexico (AP) — A notorious cargo train known as ''the Beast'' and carrying at least 250 Central American hitchhiking migrants derailed in a remote region of southern Mexico on Sunday, killing at least five people and injuring 18, authorities ...

Mexico train crash: Five dead from 'La Bestia' accident

Mexico Migrant Train Derails; Death Toll May Rise

Mexico migrant train derailment kills 6, injures 22

via Latin america - Google News

Venezuela, a paradise in search of tourists - Hindustan Times

Hindustan Times

Venezuela, a paradise in search of tourists

Hindustan Times

After neglecting the tourism sector for years, in favor of the lucrative oil industry -- Venezuela has the world's largest proven reserves -- the government in Caracas is now working hard to attract visitors. However, the country suffers from outdated ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Llegan a Brasil los primeros 400 médicos cubanos

El Ministerio de Salud brasileño informó que 400 médicos cubanos llegaron a Brasil para trabajar en áreas pobres donde escasean los galenos.El vocero del ministerio, Ed Ruas, dijo que 206 médicos cubanos arribaron el sábado a la ciudad de Recife para tomar un vuelo hacia Brasilia, la capital del país. Agregó que otros 194 arribaron el domingo a la ciudad de Salvador. Los 400 médicos cubanos son los primeros de un contingente de 4.000 que trabajarán en Brasil.

via Cubadebate

Tourism threatening white sand beaches, coral reefs in Asia - Asahi Shimbun

Tourism threatening white sand beaches, coral reefs in Asia

Asahi Shimbun

Omori said that large resort developments in Egypt and Mexico also led to a depletion of coral, which in turn led to a decrease in tourists. He added that the problem was also evident in Okinawa where the construction of hotels and unnecessary roads ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

JT, 'N Sync reunite at MTV awards fest - The Spokesman Review

JT, 'N Sync reunite at MTV awards fest

The Spokesman Review

Michelle Obama and her daughters caught Broadway's “The Trip to Bountiful” after spending part of the day watching tennis at the U.S. Open. The first lady and her ... The trio went backstage after the show and met the crew and cast, including Cicely ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News