Thursday, March 27, 2014

Private and public sectors unite to guide Caribbean destinations towards ... - eTurboNews

Latin American Herald Tribune

Private and public sectors unite to guide Caribbean destinations towards ...


Several leading organizations have joined forces to address these challenges head-on by helping tourism destinations in the Caribbean and Latin America to safeguard their natural and cultural assets, while enhancing communities and securing a vibrant ...

Regional Tourism Alliance Launched in Barbados

New alliance focuses on destination sustainability

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Could unrest in Venezuela lead to a greener Caribbean? - Alaska Dispatch

Could unrest in Venezuela lead to a greener Caribbean?

Alaska Dispatch

That fear, along with a realization that high electricity rates are making the Caribbean's tourist-dependent economies less competitive, has pushed regional leaders to the forefront of the green energy movement. Caribbean countries are rushing to build ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Venezuela-Mexico FM hold talks to improve cooperation - El Universal

El Universal

Venezuela-Mexico FM hold talks to improve cooperation

El Universal

... talked about active economic trade with the presence of Mexican corporations in Venezuela. For his part, the Mexican foreign minister stressed the importance of Mexico-Venezuela trade, particularly in connection with sustainable tourism and ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Recibió Raúl al Primer Ministro de Vietnam

El Presidente de los Consejos de Estado y de Ministros, General de Ejército Raúl Castro Ruz, recibió este jueves 27 de marzo, al compañero Nguyen Tan Dung, Primer Ministro de la República Socialista de Vietnam y miembro del Buró Político del Partido Comunista, quien realiza una visita oficial a Cuba. Durante el fraternal encuentro, ambos mandatarios constataron el excelente estado de las relaciones bilaterales.

via Cubadebate

En fotos, Encuentro de Fidel y Primer Ministro de Vietnam

El líder histórico de la Revolución cubana, Fidel Castro Ruz, recibió en la tarde del miércoles a Nguyen Tan Dung, Primer Ministro de la República Socialista de Vietnam, que se encuentra de visita oficial en Cuba al frente de una nutrida delegación. En el encuentro fraternal y ameno, en un clima de amistad y comprensión, se produjo un amplio intercambio sobre los lazos históricos entre Cuba y Vietnam. Cubadebate pone a disposición de sus seguidores instantáneas del encuentro tomadas por el fotógrafo Alex Castro.

via Cubadebate

La ANEC capacita a cooperativistas cubanos

Como experiencia que se prevé extender al resto del país, comenzó hoy, en La Habana, un curso para capacitar a quienes gestionan las cooperativas no agropecuarias, incorporadas hace un año al escenario económico cubano. Tal iniciativa, organizada por la Asociación Nacional de Economistas y Contadores de Cuba (ANEC), retoma y amplía un programa impartido con el Ministerio del Comercio Interior, solo a gestores de las cooperativas del ramo a inicios de 2013 en la capital.

via Cubadebate

Condena Cuba en la ONU injerencia de occidente en Ucrania

Cuba rechazó hoy en la Asamblea General de la ONU la intervención de Estados Unidos y de la OTAN en los asuntos internos del pueblo ucraniano, una postura que calificó de amenaza para la paz y la seguridad internacionales. El representante permanente de la nación caribeña ante Naciones Unidas, Rodolfo Reyes, condenó instrumentos de esa política occidental, como el cambio de régimen y el impulso de una doctrina militar cada vez más ofensiva.

via Cubadebate

Uno de los hijos del ministro del Interior de Raúl Castro se refugia en Miami -

Uno de los hijos del ministro del Interior de Raúl Castro se refugia en Miami

Combatió en el Segundo Frente Oriental bajo las órdenes de Raúl Castro y, tras el triunfo revolucionario de 1959, pasó a formar parte de la Dirección de Inteligencia del Ejército Rebelde. Es vicepresidente del Consejo de Estado y ostenta el título de ...

Envían reconocimiento a Fidel ya Raúl por aniversario de la Seguridad del Estado

Cancelan sello por aniversario 55 de Órganos de la Seguridad del Estado

Seguridad del Estado cubana distingue a Fidel y Raúl

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

San Diego Tourism Authority celebrating 60 years - KFMB News 8

San Diego Source (subscription)

San Diego Tourism Authority celebrating 60 years

KFMB News 8

"Tourism is so critically important to this city," Gloria said. "We are so clearly saying to the world San Diego is back, we're back in business, and we want you to come pay us a visit." The tourism authority is targeting visitors from China, Japan ...

San Diego Tourism Authority targets international travelers

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Religious, medical, now Gujarat showcases election tourism too - Deccan Herald

Religious, medical, now Gujarat showcases election tourism too

Deccan Herald

Manish Sharma, chairman of the Gujarat Tourism Development Society, said , “This idea cropped up when I visited Mexico in 2005 where poll tourism was being discussed. I thought of trying it in Gujarat. When this idea was mooted at the World Travel ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Bolivia clashes over anti-drugs base

Dozens of people in Bolivia clash with police in a protest against the construction of a military anti-drugs base in a coca-growing area.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Son of Cuban Interior Minister lives in Miami -

Havana Times

Son of Cuban Interior Minister lives in Miami

The son of Cuban Interior Minister Abelardo Colomé Ibarra, one of the island's most powerful and feared figures, has defected and joined the long list of relatives of top government officials now living in South Florida, according to a Miami blog ...

Cuba Interior Minister's Son Takes Refuge in the United States

via cuba - Google News

Reincorporados Garlobo y Viera a nómina de Matanzas

Yoandry Garlobo y Carlos Juan Viera se reincorporaron al equipo local de pelota para jugar en los play off, luego de permanecer alejados del terreno por problemas de salud, confirmó Héctor Rodríguez, Comisionado de Béisbol en la provincia de Matanzas. Garlobo mantiene estable su diabetes y está listo para jugar, y el estelar cerrador tunero también se encuentra totalmente recuperado de su lesión en el brazo, afirmó el directivo del Instituto Nacional de Deportes, Educación Física y Recreación.

via Cubadebate

UNASUR apoya a Venezuela en diálogos de paz

La Unión de Naciones Suramericana (Unasur) acompaña, apoya y asesora el diálogo de paz convocado por el Gobierno venezolano, aseguró hoy el diputado Saúl Ortega, vicepresidente de Política Exterior de la Asamblea Nacional. Ortega aseguró al programa televisivo Toda Venezuela que tras la realización de la reunión de cancilleres de ese ente regional no existe una comprensión a la actitud terrorista de la oposición venezolana".

via Cubadebate

Could unrest in Venezuela lead to a greener Caribbean? - Christian Science Monitor

Christian Science Monitor

Could unrest in Venezuela lead to a greener Caribbean?

Christian Science Monitor

That fear, along with a realization that high electricity rates are making the Caribbean's tourist-dependent economies less competitive, has pushed regional leaders to the forefront of the green energy movement. Caribbean countries are rushing to build ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Latin America's largest solar power plant goes online in Mexico - Fox News Latino

Latin American Herald Tribune

Latin America's largest solar power plant goes online in Mexico

Fox News Latino

Latin America's largest solar power plant, a facility with 39 MW of generating capacity, has gone online in the northwestern Mexican state of Baja California Sur. The Aura Solar I photovoltaic power plant was inaugurated by Mexican President Enrique ...

Martifer Solar and Gauss Energía Inaugurate Aura Solar, Latin America's ...

Martifer Solar and Gauss Energia Inaugurate Aura Solar, Latin America's ...

via Latin america - Google News

Latin Americans Say Pope Francis Brings Hope to the Poor -

Latin American Herald Tribune

Latin Americans Say Pope Francis Brings Hope to the Poor

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Pope Francis' focus on the Catholic Church's pastoral role and his closeness to the poor and downtrodden during his first year in office has quickly positioned him as the people's pope. In his home region of Latin America ...

Pope Francis Meets with Obama at Vatican

Obama downplays Vatican Obamacare talk

Readout of the President's Audience with His Holiness Pope Francis

via Latin america - Google News

Latin America's economies - The Economist

Latin America's economies

The Economist

By providing an unprecedented boost to the region's terms of trade (the ratio of the price of its exports to that of its imports), this handed many Latin American countries a bounteous decade (see chart 1). In this section. Life after the commodity ...

Chile leads Latin America in use of mobile enterprise applications

Tourico Holidays Launches Series of Hotel Workshops in Latin America and ...

Latin America's finished steel consumption down 2% in January

via Latin america - Google News

Ecuador Launches Global Tourism Campaign: "All you need is Ecuador" - PR Newswire (press release)

Ecuador Launches Global Tourism Campaign: "All you need is Ecuador"

PR Newswire (press release)

This initial stage of the campaign consists of a 10-day launch in Paris, Madrid, Sao Paulo, Bogota, New York, Santiago, Berlin, London, Lima, Mexico City, Amsterdam and Buenos Aires; while the Ecuadorian cities where these letters will appear are ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Mexican gangs learn that lime pays (also crime) - Grist

Mexican gangs learn that lime pays (also crime)


A recent evaluation by the National Chamber of Business, Services, and Tourism of Apatzingán, a central city in the Tierra Caliente valley, showed that the cost of restoring the local citrus farming industry alone would exceed $130 million (link in ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Paraguay: Thousands Protest in General Strike

via The Latin Americanist

Aid Does Not Lead to Development: The Failure of Jeffrey Sachs’ Vision to End Poverty

William Easterly has reviewed Nina Munk’s book about Jeffrey Sachs, The Idealist: Jeffrey Sachs and the Quest to End Poverty. Sachs is a famous Columbia University economist who became captivated by the idea that poverty in the Third World could be cured by big technological fixes. So, he raised a lot of money and invested […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

El Salvador opposition admits defeat

El Salvador's Arena party finally accepts the defeat of its candidate to former rebel leader Salvador Sanchez Ceren in a tight vote earlier this month.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Cristóbal Torriente: El Bambino… de Cienfuegos

Aquel herrero de la Perla del Sur, que atacaba los metales con fiereza, ha sido uno de los más grandes jugadores cubanos de cualquier época. Incapaz de regalar sonrisas insípidas ni desplazarse con la majestuosidad natural y la elegancia de Martín Dihigo, el acendrado azul añil de Méndez, o la descuidada figura de Bombín Pedroso, llegó a la pelota con la fuerza indiscutible del rudo oficio, cual mineros que rompen rocas en las profundidades de la tierra.

via Cubadebate

La UEFA decide crear una Liga de Naciones

La UEFA oficializó este jueves la aprobación de la puesta en marcha de la nueva Liga de Naciones 2018-2022. Las 54 selecciones nacionales se repartirán en cuatro divisiones, de acuerdo a la clasificación según el coeficiente. Los equipos nacionales competirán por ascender a un grupo superior o convertirse en campeón, así como para clasificarse para las eliminatorias clasificatorias para la Eurocopa.

via Cubadebate

El golpe

Tengo vivos recuerdos del cuartelazo de 1964. Desde 1962 yo había cambiado Belo Horizonte por Rio de Janeiro. Janio Quadros, en agosto de 1961, había renunciado a la presidencia de la República. Jango, su vice, le sucedió. El Brasil clamaba por reformas de base: agraria, política, tributaria, etc. En Rio Grande do Sul el diputado federal y exgobernador de aquel estado, Leonel Brizola, cuñado de Jango, advertía sobre el peligro de un golpe de Estado.

via Cubadebate

Obama se reunió con el Papa y eludió temas controversiales

El presidente estadounidense, Barack Obama, puso énfasis en la creciente brecha entre ricos y pobres durante su primera reunión con el Papa Francisco, al abordar la lucha contra la desigualdad social y eludir asuntos de controversia como el aborto. Obama dijo que la "gran autoridad moral" de Francisco había sumado peso a las peticiones de compensar los crecientes desequilibrios entre ganadores y perdedores de la globalización y el cambio económico.

via Cubadebate

Lizt Alfonso comenta su trabajo con Enrique Iglesias

La reconocida coreógrafa cubana Lizt Alfonso, responsable de los exitosos espectáculos Vida y Amigas, estrenados con su compañía, participó en la realización del segundo videoclip de la canciónBailando, que esta vez incluye al famoso cantante español Enrique Iglesias en el binomio que formaran Descemer Bueno y Gente D´Zona para la versión del tema que ha causado furor en Cuba. De Enrique Iglesias dijo la Maestra que “es un artista muy profesional y muy buena persona”.

via Cubadebate

The Medieval Guild in Dentistry

United States’ occupational regulations influence the work tasks that may legally be performed by dentists and dental hygienists…Our empirical analysis exploits variation across states and over time in the list of services that may be provided by either type of worker. Our main results suggest that the task-specific occupational regulations increase prices by about 12%…We […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Cuban medical professionals working around the world - People's World

Cuban medical professionals working around the world

People's World

These medical personnel also serve to help the Cuban economy since they generate over $6 billion a year for the Cuban people from the compensation paid for their servicres. This amount is more than twice the $2.5 billion generated by tourism to the ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Obama's Belgian Waffle - Daily Beast

Obama's Belgian Waffle

Daily Beast

When his 2008 campaign hit potentially fatal rough patches, Obama brilliantly used speeches not only to deal with the crisis but also to propel the campaign forward to a new level. His November 2007 Jefferson-Jackson Dinner speech in Iowa ... When John ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Big Arms and Wrong Size Cuff Equals High Blood Pressure

As President Obama has said, “health care is hard.” If your upper arm circumference is larger than 13 inches and your physician has been measuring your blood pressure with a standard adult blood pressure cuff, your blood pressure might be lower than you think. You’re in good company — an estimated 68 percent of Americans […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Foreign investments in the private sector too?

via The Cuban Triangle

Government-Funded National Quality Forum Riddled With Conflicts of Interest

That’s the organization deputized by the federal government as the dominant voice in determining how Medicare providers are paid for quality. Regina Herzlinger finds that: Its CEO, Dr. Christine Cassel, an internist, received sizeable annual sums from Kaiser, the giant health care provider, more than $1.5 million since 2003, and $135,000 in compensation and another […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

10 Happiest countries in the world dominated by Latin America! - VOXXI

10 Happiest countries in the world dominated by Latin America!


... 150 million Instagram posts in 6,000 worldwide cities to come up with a ranking of the happiest countries on the globe, reports Business Insider. The guide released the ranking of the “paises mas felices del mundo” and several of them are in Latin ...

via Latin america - Google News

IATA urges Latin America to take advantage of aviation - aircargoworld


IATA urges Latin America to take advantage of aviation


The International Air Transport Association urged governments in Latin America and the Caribbean region to take advantage of the connectivity provided by aviation in order to chart a more successful future. “Latin America is ripe with possibilities. It ...

via Latin america - Google News

Searching for an Exit: Latin America and Venezuela - ISN (blog)

Searching for an Exit: Latin America and Venezuela

ISN (blog)

This is a shortened version of the original article, published on 11 March 2014 on the International Crisis Group's Latin America Crime & Politics blog. The crisis in Venezuela has escalated beyond the capacity of domestic actors to find a space for ...

via Latin america - Google News

Captain: Cruise ships may over-rely on electronics - Bradenton Herald

Captain: Cruise ships may over-rely on electronics

Bradenton Herald

conditions aboard a powerless ship adrift in the Gulf of Mexico. In 2010, a fire also knocked out power to the Carnival Splendor in the Pacific Ocean, also stranding passengers at sea until the vessel could be towed to port. In 2012, the Costa ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Bello: Legalism v democracy

“WEAPONS have given you independence. Laws will give you freedom”. This pledge to Colombians by Francisco de Paula Santander, an independence leader, is inscribed above the portal of the Palace of Justice in Bogotá. Ever since Santander, Colombia has been the most legalistic country in Latin America. Perhaps not coincidentally, it has also been one of the most lawless.Colombia is less lawless these days. And its legal tradition often stands it in good stead. Its Constitutional Court knocked down a dubious effort by Álvaro Uribe, the country’s messianic president of 2002-10, to change the constitution to allow him a third consecutive term. In the 1980s dozens of judges preferred to die than buckle to drug traffickers.But rather than freedom, legalism can sometimes bring arbitrary decisions and political headaches—as in the case of Gustavo Petro. Mr Petro was elected as mayor of Bogotá in 2011. A leftist former guerrilla leader, he is outspoken and high-handed. His stewardship of Colombia’s capital, a city of 7.6m, was unpopular. He mixed some progressive measures—banning bullfighting and promoting gay marriage—with a bungled effort to return the private rubbish-...

via The Economist: The Americas

Data leaks: Going overboard

THEY have fewer than 30,000 inhabitants, but on paper the British Virgin Islands (BVI) pulled in $92 billion in foreign direct investment in 2013. Only the United States, China and Russia did better. Most of it went to the islands’ half-a-million shell companies. Offshore fees account for 60% of the budget.This is an industry that prizes discretion. So when the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) began reporting last April on around 2.5m leaked documents that emanated from two offshore providers, shell-company owners were not the only ones to be livid. Officials feared loss of business to Hong Kong and Singapore: company registrations in the BVI were down by 23% in the final quarter of 2013. “The ICIJ has done us a lot of damage,” the premier’s wife told Le Monde in January.The islands have now come up with cybercrimes legislation that slaps a prison term of up to 20 years and a possible $1m fine on anyone, in any country, who leaks or publishes leaked information about a BVI offshore company—even if that information comes from a computer in Boston or Beijing. Passed by the House of Assembly this month, the bill needs the signature of the British-appointed governor.He should send it back. People have a right to financial privacy if they have done nothing wrong but the law makes no provision for a public-interest defence....

via The Economist: The Americas

Brazil’s internet law: The net closes

“THE best possible birthday gift for Brazilian and global web users” is how Tim Berners-Lee, the British inventor of the world wide web, which turned 25 this month, described Brazil’s “internet bill of rights” in an open letter on March 24th. The next day legislators in the lower house of Congress duly approved it.The sweeping bill, which now goes to the Senate, is “pretty much one of a kind”, says Ronaldo Lemos, a lawyer and academic involved in creating the original proposal in 2009. It enshrines the principle of “net neutrality”, which holds that network operators must treat all traffic equally. It also ensures that 100m Brazilian internet users enjoy online privacy (by barring providers from rummaging through their data) and freedom of expression (a court order is required to force the removal of contentious content).Perfect it isn’t, however. Tucked into the bill is article 11, which extends the reach of Brazilian law to any internet service in the world with Brazilian users. A firm based in the United States whose services are used by Brazilians could, for example, be penalised for adhering to its domestic data-disclosure laws if they conflict with Brazil’s—as they often do. Penalties include fines of up to 10% of a firm’s Brazilian revenues or even blocking services.When the European Union mulled something similar following the revelations last year of widespread...

via The Economist: The Americas

Latin America’s economies: Life after the commodity boom

ONE morning last month Louis Dreyfus, a big commodity-trading house, formally opened a new $10m storage depot in the Peruvian port of Callao. Two of its six bunkers were piled high with 55,000 tonnes of fine brown dust covered by white tarpaulins—copper and zinc concentrate, awaiting blending and shipment. The warehouse is “a bet that Peruvian mining will continue to be competitive,” says Gonzalo Ramírez, a Dreyfus manager. That looks like a sound wager. Blessed with high-grade ores and cheap energy, Peru’s output of copper—already the world’s third-largest—will more than double in the next three years (see article), thanks to the opening of several low-cost mines.But rather than marking a new dawn, this burst of investment comes at the twilight of the great commodity boom occasioned by the industrialisation of China and India. By providing an unprecedented boost to the region’s terms of trade (the ratio of the price of its exports to that of its imports), this handed many Latin American countries a...

via The Economist: The Americas

Escribir mensajes prolongadamente afecta la esperanza de vida

La postura inclinada hacia delante que muchas personas adoptan mientras escriben mensajes, navegan en la red o juegan con los móviles u otros dispositivos aumenta el riesgo de muerte prematura en las personas de edad avanzada, por lo que se teme que también afecta la esperanza de vida de las personas más jóvenes, según un estudio de la Asociación Unida de Quiropráctica (UCA) citada por el periódico 'The Telegraph'.

via Cubadebate

Shanghai: Inauguran mayor muestra de arte cubano en Asia

La mayor muestra de arte cubano contemporáneo nunca antes vista en Asia abrió hoy sus puertas en el Centro de Exhibición de Planificación Urbana de esta cosmopolita ciudad china, con más de 120 obras de 90 artistas de ese país caribeño. Rodando se encuentran, que estará al acceso del público local hasta el venidero 20 de abril, muestra diversas expresiones, formatos y técnicas -desde la figuración hasta la abstracción- en pintura, fotografía, escultura, instalación y videoarte.

via Cubadebate

Siete frases hipócritas del discurso de Obama en Bruselas

Este 26 de marzo en Bruselas el presidente de EE.UU. Barack Obama pronunció un discurso que fue calificado de histórico por los medios. Les ofremos los siete puntos más contrastados de su intervención. "Durante más de 60 años EE.UU. ha colaborado con la OTAN no para reclamar otras tierras, sino para mantener a las naciones en libertad"; "Nosotros no pretendemos anexar el territorio de Iraq. No les arrebatamos sus recursos para nuestro propio beneficio".

via Cubadebate

Cuba to allow foreign investment in all sectors but health, education - Fox News Latino

Cuba to allow foreign investment in all sectors but health, education

Fox News Latino

Communist Cuba will allow foreign investment in all sectors except education, health and "armed institutions" and offer tax exemptions to overseas companies, the official daily Juventud Rebelde reported Wednesday, disclosing details of a bill proposed ...

via cuba - Google News

Zeke Goes Off the Rails

Ezekiel Emanuel, Rahm’s brother and one of the key ObamaCare advisors, has been on quite a roll lately. Consider some of the headlines just from the past few weeks or so – “Insurance Companies as We Know Them Are About to Die” (New Republic) “In Health Care, Choice is Overrated” (The New York Times) “You […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Internet bill progresses in Brazil

Brazilian law aims to protect rights and freedoms on the web

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Cuba plans big tax breaks to lure foreign investors - Reuters

Cuba plans big tax breaks to lure foreign investors


The National Assembly will meet on Saturday to approve the legislation that Cuba promises will offer investment security to foreigners and help further integrate the Caribbean island in the global economy. But the proposed law appears to withhold many ...

via cuba - Google News

Liberals in a Funk Because Inequality Doesn’t Seem to Matter

Lane Kenworthy, a sociologist at the University of Arizona…finds no meaningful impact of inequality on growth one way or the other. “Income inequality isn’t the only thing that differed between these two periods,” he said. Similarly, Mr. Kenworthy found no significant relationship between increasing inequality and life expectancy, infant mortality or college graduation rates, among […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Esta mañana, Foro interactivo de Cubadebate sobre las Tranasfomaciones en la Salud Pública

Desde las 9:30 de la mañana de hoy, Cubadebate abrirá un foro interactivo con directivos del Ministerio de Salud Pública, el cual se extenderá hasta el mediodía. Nuestros lectores podrán escribir sus opiniones y preguntas en el trabajo principal de nuestro sitio

via Cubadebate

Las transformaciones en el sistema nacional de salud y sus impactos.

Cubadebate ofrece una versión ampliada de los elementos brindados en la Mesa Redonda televisiva del miércoles sobre las transformaciones fundamentales que tienen lugar en el Sistema Nacional de Salud Pública de Cuba con el propósito de continuar elevando la salud de la población, incrementar la calidad y satisfacción con los servicios y hacer eficiente y sostenible el sistema. Se incluyen importantes datos sobre el estado actual de los principales indicadores de salud en la nación y sobre los recursos humanos con que cuenta el sector de la salud.

via Cubadebate