Thursday, February 6, 2014

CNN arma un escándalo al burlarse de un monumento bielorruso

La cadena CNN provocó un considerable escándalo al incluir en su lista de los monumentos mundiales más feos uno bielorruso dedicado a la hazaña de los soldados soviéticos durante los primeros días de la invasión de los nazis. En un comentario a la imagen del monumento 'Valentía' en la fortaleza de Brest, en Bielorrusia, los periodistas lo describían como espantoso y comparaban la cara de la efigie de un soldado con el gesto de un hombre que sufre de estreñimiento.

via Cubadebate

Rafael Correa: “Fidel es una leyenda viviente”

El presidente ecuatoriano Rafael Correa repasa estos siete años de su mandato. Aunque la oligarquía mediática lo tacha de nuevo caudillo, no persigue el liderazgo, “buscamos ser útiles para nuestra patria y la Patria Grande, ni siquiera ser necesarios. Si eso requiere liderar algo, ahí estaremos, para denunciar un orden que considero no solo injusto, sino inmoral”. Y Afirma: "Fidel es una leyenda viviente, un constante aprendizaje para las nuevas generaciones".

via Cubadebate

Ros-Lehtinen intercedió en favor de banqueros fugitivos de Ecuador

La congresista republicana Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, representante por Florida, también intercedió en favor de dos banqueros ecuatorianos que están fugitivos de su país por malversación de fondos. Según el diario The Daily Beast, cuando la legisladora era presidenta del Comité de Asuntos Exteriores de la Cámara de Representantes envió cartas a varias instituciones del Gobierno en apoyo a los hermanos William y Roberto Isaías, condenados in absentia en Ecuador hace más de una década.

via Cubadebate

Por primera vez en 5 años, el gasto militar crece en el mundo

El año 2014 será el primero de los último cinco en que los presupuestos de Defensa a nivel mundial pegarán un salto en su crecimiento, impulsados por Rusia, Asia y Oriente Medio, según adelanta un informe de la consultora especializada IHS Janes, con base en Londres. Como contrapartida, Estados Unidos bajará levemente su presupuesto global, pero seguirá siendo el país con el mayor gasto en Defensa.

via Cubadebate

Mexican tourists wanted, but minister can't say when visa will be lifted - CTV News

CTV News

Mexican tourists wanted, but minister can't say when visa will be lifted

CTV News

OTTAWA -- The Harper government's point man on tourism says Ottawa is putting a priority on getting rid of the controversial visa on Mexican travellers to Canada. Maxime Bernier, minister of state for tourism, says Canada wants to do everything it can ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Haiti Tourism Ministry Signs Agreement With Mexican University - Caribbean Journal

Haiti Tourism Ministry Signs Agreement With Mexican University

Caribbean Journal

Haiti's Ministry of Tourism has signed an agreement with Mexico's Anahuac University on academic, scientific and technological cooperation. Under the terms of the agreement, the two sides will cooperate through different tourism training programmes ...

Haiti - Mexico : Signing of an agreement of academic cooperation, scientific ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Isla Mujeres, Mexico: Near Cancun but a world away - Philippine Star

Isla Mujeres, Mexico: Near Cancun but a world away

Philippine Star

ISLA MUJERES, Mexico — A half-hour ferry ride from the nonstop party that is Cancun sits an island seductively named Isla Mujeres, or Island of Women. Less than 5 miles long (8 kilometers) and just a half-mile (.8 kilometer) wide, the tiny Mexican ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

National Day of Grenada today - Tempo

National Day of Grenada today


Today is the National Day of Grenada. Located northeast of Venezuela, northwest of Trinidad and Tobago, and southwest of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Grenada is a small island nation composed of the Southern Grenadines in the Southeastern ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

White House: It’s a good thing that ObamaCare will drive 2.5 million Americans out of the workforce. Less than 10 percent of doctor practices are ready for the transition to ICD-10 coding; the deadline to switch to is Oct. 1. AOL chief cuts 401(k) benefits, blames ObamaCare.

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Hungry For New Deals, Latin American Wireless Co. Movile Doubles Down On ... - TechCrunch

Hungry For New Deals, Latin American Wireless Co. Movile Doubles Down On ...


Brazil's mobile content developer Movile is on the hunt for new investments after committing a fresh $2 million to its online delivery service company iFood. That recent investment is a sign of just how spicy food delivery companies have become in ...

via Latin america - Google News

Zona MACO: A Window On Latin America - Huffington Post

Zona MACO: A Window On Latin America

Huffington Post

Zona MACO International Contemporary Art Fair is hitting Mexico City this week for its eleventh year. The ambitious fair has been regarded as the most important art event in Latin America, bringing together 137 galleries from 21 different countries ...

via Latin america - Google News

What lengths do beauty contestants go to in Venezuela? - BBC News

BBC News

What lengths do beauty contestants go to in Venezuela?

BBC News

In the first episode of a three-part series about beauty, sex and money in South America, Billie JD Porter also hit the gym in a bid to get the "perfect body shape" as required by the Miss Venezuela contest. Watch Extreme Beauty Queens: Secrets Of ...

via Latin america - Google News

The Global War for Talent in Latin America - Diplomatic Courier

The Global War for Talent in Latin America

Diplomatic Courier

Monica Flores, Regional Managing Director for ManpowerGroup's Latin America division, is on the front lines of bringing talent to available jobs, as she oversees a continent-wide recruitment and training effort. After her appearance on a panel at the ...

Universities 'committed to internationalisation'

via Latin america - Google News

Mexican order apologises to victims

The Legion of Christ Catholic order in Mexico apologises to the victims of sexual abuse carried out by its late founder, Father Marcial Maciel.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Why People Aren’t Buying

From The Morning Consult.

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Autista británico ciego de nacimiento se convierte en genio musical (+ Video)

Derek Paravicini, un británico virtuoso del piano que es autista y ciego de nacimiento, también conocido como el 'iPod humano', sorprende al mundo con su extraordinario don: es capaz de tocar casi cualquier pieza escuchándola solamente una vez. Para Paravicini, de 34 años y natural de Londres, Reino Unido, el piano no es solo un instrumento musical que maneja con gran habilidad, sino que es su única forma de comunicarse con el mundo.

via Cubadebate

Viajes a Cuba hacen a norteamericanos cambiar de opinión respecto a la Isla y la política de EE.UU.

Cuando el presidente Obama reinstauró los viajes “pueblo a pueblo” a Cuba en 2011, la idea era que los visitantes norteamericanos actuaran como embajadores culturales de un EE.UU. Dos años y medio después, una encuesta compartida en exclusiva con AP sugiere que los viajes también están cambiando las opiniones de los viajeros acerca de la nación caribeña y empañando su opinión acerca de las políticas de Washington.

via Cubadebate

Pero si hay miedo al profesor

Los que tienen la razón temen reclamar su derecho, cuando debería funcionar, justamente, al revés. Y si el denunciante no existe, no existe la protesta, la queja, ni la impunidad existe. Si el denunciante no se anima a señalarlo como tal, el delincuente no es delincuente, el atacante no es atacante, el atacado, la víctima, deja de serlo: es cómplice de su agresor, del propio abuso sobre sí mismo. Ante un estado tal generalizado, aquel que se aventure a contradecir ese orden, sufre aplastado.

via Cubadebate

Evo se siente animado a buscar la reelección

El presidente boliviano, Evo Morales, aseguró hoy que se siente con fuerzas para seguir cinco años más al frente del país, en alusión a su candidatura para la reelección en los comicios de octubre próximo. Morales se reunió con dirigentes de la Central Obrera Departamental de Oruro, en un encuentro en el que participó el secretario ejecutivo de la Central Obrera Boliviana, Juan Carlos Trujillo, e hizo referencia a sus intenciones de luchar por la presidencia en las próximas elecciones.

via Cubadebate

Look inside a drug lord's mansion

The bright yellow front wall of the compound is lined with perfectly pruned palm trees.

via - Latin America

Mom: What happened to my son?

The mother of fisherman who was lost at sea demands answers of the castaway who survived.

via - Latin America

Daily Headlines: February 6, 2014

via The Latin Americanist

Venezuela's University Education Mission Reaches Ten Years, 695000 Students -

Venezuela's University Education Mission Reaches Ten Years, 695000 Students

Merida, 5th February 2014 ( – Venezuela's Mission Sucre has reached ten years of providing higher education to over 695,000 people, 379,000 of who have already graduated. ... law, communication, nursing, computing, art, food and ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Very, very sad! Cuba is eliminated from the finals of the Serie del Caribe!

via Cuba Journal

AM Best Establishes Latin American Subsidiary Based in Mexico City - Business Wire (press release)

AM Best Establishes Latin American Subsidiary Based in Mexico City

Business Wire (press release)

OLDWICK, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--A.M. Best Co. is pleased to announce the incorporation of its new subsidiary, A.M. Best América Latina, S.A. de C.V. The new office will be located in the financial district of Mexico City at Paseo de la Reforma 412 and ...

via Latin america - Google News

Gil Hanse Says 2015 Latin American Amateur to Serve as Olympic Test Event - Golf Channel

Gil Hanse Says 2015 Latin American Amateur to Serve as Olympic Test Event

Golf Channel

Olympic course architect Gil Hanse said Thursday on “Morning Drive” that the venue will “definitely” be ready for the 2016 Games and that the Latin America Amateur will likely serve as the test event. With the Winter Olympics getting underway Thursday ...

via Latin america - Google News

Inflation Fuels Crises in Two Latin Nations - Wall Street Journal

Inflation Fuels Crises in Two Latin Nations

Wall Street Journal

When inflation surged in Latin America in past decades—it reached 5,000% in Argentina in 1989—many of the region's trading partners also had fast-rising prices. But that isn't the case today, making Argentina's and Venezuela's outliers in a region ...

via Latin america - Google News

Who is stalling "new" changes to Cuba policy? The guy who promised you 'change you can believe in'

via Cuba Journal

El Salvador’s gangs: Breaking good

OSCAR, a wiry 29-year-old (pictured) who lives in a slum in eastern San Salvador, has two types of tattoo. On his arms are the letters M and S, standing for Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13 in the lingo), the gang he has fought for since he was 12. On one hand is a smaller tattoo that says Milagro (“Miracle”). He reveals it furtively. It is the name of his six-year-old daughter.The gang’s letters, he says, represent los homeboys, who were there for him when he was a fatherless youngster after the end of the civil war in 1992, and then moulded him into the violent criminal he became. He has spent nine years in prison, sometimes with 170 other unwashed gangsters packed into the same room. Gang life is vicious, he says (“You laugh and cry at the same time”), but he insists he will never erase the tattoos, which commemorate those around him who have been killed.It is a different story when he talks about Milagro. He claims he will never allow her or her younger brother to hang around with the gangs, or to develop the tribal hatred that he has for Barrio 18, his blood rivals. Now he and a few local members of MS-13 say they are...

via The Economist: The Americas

Bello: Dilma’s tight skirt

IF BRAZILIANS find themselves in a tight spot, they say they are in a saia justa (a tight skirt). Although she usually prefers trouser suits, that is precisely where Dilma Rousseff finds herself. Later this month she will launch her campaign to win a second term in a presidential election due on October 5th. Normally at this stage of the political cycle, as in the run-up to elections in 2006 and 2010, the government would be ramping up spending. But when Ms Rousseff spoke to the World Economic Forum in Davos last month, with the São Paulo stockmarket and the real dipping along with other emerging economies, she felt impelled to stress her commitment to being strait-laced.Brazil’s economy has disappointed since she took office in January 2011. Growth has averaged just 1.8% a year; inflation has been around 6%; and the current-account deficit has ballooned, to 3.7% of GDP. Her government has some good excuses. She inherited an overheating economy, the world has grown sluggishly, and cheap money in the United States and Europe prompted an exaggerated appreciation of the real.But Ms Rousseff has scored some own goals as well. Her predecessor, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, left monetary policy to the Central Bank and mostly stuck to clear fiscal targets. By contrast, Ms Rousseff chivvied the bank into slashing interest rates; her officials tried to...

via The Economist: The Americas

Freedom of speech in Ecuador: Drawn and quartered

AFTER police launched a Boxing Day raid on the apartment of Fernando Villavicencio, an opposition activist, Xavier Bonilla put pencil to paper in his defence. In a cartoon (shown below) published two days later in El Universo, a newspaper, Mr Bonilla—more commonly known by his pen-name, Bonil—depicted officers pretending to pay Mr Villavicencio a Christmas visit, before breaking down his apartment door and gleefully scampering off with his computers.Rafael Correa, Ecuador’s thin-skinned president, did not get the joke. After he denounced the “despicable” satire, Bonil and El Universo found themselves the subjects of the first major investigation by Supercom, a media regulator established by a media-gagging law passed last summer. On January 31st Supercom ordered Bonil to publish a “correction” to his cartoon, which it said had “stigmatised” the police and prosecution service. El Universo was fined 2% of its average monthly sales for printing the drawing and thus “failing to abstain from taking an institutional position over the innocence or guilt of people involved in a legal investigation”.Mr...

via The Economist: The Americas

Canada, America and oil: A pipeline runs through it

MINUTES after America’s State Department declared on January 31st that a proposed cross-border oil-pipeline would have little environmental impact, Canada’s ruling Conservatives posted an online ad bluntly directing Barack Obama to “approve Keystone XL now”. It is not the first time that Canada has dropped the diplomatic niceties when pressing Mr Obama to approve the Keystone pipeline, which would carry crude from Alberta’s tar sands to refineries on the Texas coast. Stephen Harper, Canada’s prime minister, has previously threatened to sell the oil to Asia, called approval a “no-brainer” and insisted he “would not take no for an answer”. But Mr Obama seems to be in no rush.Developing the tar sands and exporting its oil is a priority for Mr Harper, whose political roots lie in energy-rich Alberta. The pipeline, which would carry up to 730,000 barrels a day (b/d) of Alberta crude and an additional 100,000 b/d of Bakken crude from Montana and North Dakota, was first proposed in 2008. The southern part of the proposed network, within the United States, went into operation last month. But the northern bit, which crosses the border, has been held up by court challenges and environmental reviews. Greens, who want tar-sands production curtailed, remind Mr Obama of his 2008 promise to “free [America] from the tyranny of oil once and for all”. The pipeline’s backers promise that it...

via The Economist: The Americas

Young Workers are Better Off with Social Security Benefit Cuts…

…than they are with payroll tax increases. That’s the conclusion of a new National Center for Policy Analysis study: Retaining the current benefit structure will require an immediate and permanent increase in the Social Security payroll tax of 3.3 percentage points. In contrast, a long-run balanced budget for Social Security could also be achieved by […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Pacific castaway health worsens

The castaway who says he survived more than a year adrift in the Pacific has been readmitted to hospital for health checks.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Crisis económica mundial: Vaticinan “devastador tornado” en mercados emergentes

El economista jefe de Saxo Bank, Steen Jakobsen, opina que tras cinco años de crisis, la economía mundial va a entrar en su última etapa, "un devastador tornado" en los mercados emergentes y el doloroso proceso de reformas políticas y monetarias. Según la teoría de Jacobsen, todas las crisis económicas se desarrollan de acuerdo con el mismo escenario. La economía vive cuatro etapas sucesivas de una crisis y a continuación, empieza a regresar a la normalidad.

via Cubadebate

Estados Unidos, líder financiador del terrorismo

Por Thierry Meyssan Muchas sorpresas marcaron la primera semana de la conferencia de paz Ginebra 2. Desgraciadamente, la censura impuesta a los grandes medios de difusión no permitió que el público occidental fuese informado sobre esos acontecimientos. En eso reside la principal paradoja de la guerra contra Siria: se divulgan imágenes que ofrecen un panorama contrario a la realidad. Según los medios de prensa internacionales, en este conflicto un grupo de Estados, ...

via Cubadebate

Las camisetas del Mundial de Fútbol

El Mundial de Fútbol de Brasil se acerca a pasos de gigante. Será en junio, y los países clasificados ya ultiman detalles para lidiar con todo en la gran cita. Aquí están las camisetas de varias de las selecciones que tomarán parte en la lid, con una breve descripción de cada una de ellas. En algunos casos, se incluye el diseño de casaca como visitante.

via Cubadebate

Central de Moa se incorpora a Sistema Electroenergético Nacional

El primer generador de la Central Diesel Eléctrica Moa, que se construye a un costo de 273 millones de pesos, será sincronizado esta tarde con el Sistema Electroenergético Nacional (SEN). Cuando se produzca el primer megawatt comenzará a pagarse esta obra, aseveró el ingeniero eléctrico Alfredo Rivero Quinta, director de la termoeléctrica de Felton, entidad que asumió la inversión iniciada en mayo del 2010.

via Cubadebate

Estrenan hoy película de Daranas: Que cada uno le otorgue su propio sentido

Hoy se estrena "Conducta", la película de Ernesto Daranas que dará mucho de que hablar, fundamentalmente entre los maestros y todas aquellas personas preocupadas –y ocupadas- en la formación de niños y niñas. Daranas le concedió a Paquita Armas la primera entrevista sobre su cinta y usted, lector o lectora, conocerá por su voz el por qué de la "conducta" de este hombre de la radio, la televisión, el cine y… sobre todo un ser humano extraordinario.

via Cubadebate

Strike 3: Los Maestros y Margarita

Seamos repugnantemente honestos: el juego hizo justicia. Eliminó al peor que lo había hecho, el de los lanzadores vapuleados y la defensa baja. Nos sacó del camino en Margarita para ver qué dirección tomamos en la encrucijada: de un lado hay un estanque; del otro esperan los maestros. Desde el cielo, a dos palmos de Lezama, Virgilio sigue recordándonos que “cualquier amor, / el más abrasador, / (…) tiene en su fondo hielo”.

via Cubadebate

Traveling To Cuba Is Easier Than You Think - KPLU News for Seattle and the Northwest

Traveling To Cuba Is Easier Than You Think

KPLU News for Seattle and the Northwest

The rumba, the salsa and the cha-cha-cha are all Cuban. So are the mojito and the daiquiri. And Havana is the epicenter of Cuban night life. “It's the one city I travel to where, every time I get into bed, I feel like I'm being cheated,” Brumley said ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

ACO Savings Meager (And They May Not Be Real)

CMS is touting savings in its Accountable Care Organization pilot programs. But it’s not answering questions, and the reason is apparently because the real story is not good. Kaiser Health News reports: [According to David Muhlestein of the consulting firm Leavitt Partners] today’s news is actually “a net negative.” That’s because the savings, when averaged […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Gay rights in Cuba: Havana residents on marriage, sex change and adoption in ... - ABC Online

BBC News

Gay rights in Cuba: Havana residents on marriage, sex change and adoption in ...

ABC Online

Behind the head-height chain link gate, latched with a twist of fencing wire, is the footpath that leads past their neighbour's front doors - all of them open, and spilling out Cuban music into the sultry evening air. Alfredo has placed pot plants ...

Cuba visits change US tourists' hearts and minds

Americans Want Closer Ties with Cuba

Tours change US views of Cuba, vice-versa

via cuba - Google News

Robert Skloot: End vengeful embargo of Cuba -

Robert Skloot: End vengeful embargo of Cuba

To travel to Cuba to see my play and work with the theater company producing it, I applied for a specialist license from the Office of Foreign Assets Control, a unit of the U.S. Department of Treasury. OFAC has the job of administering the necessary ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

Cycling through the revolutionary landscape of Cuba -

Cycling through the revolutionary landscape of Cuba

It was dark in Havana by the time I arrived. I peered out of the windows of the minibus trying to piece together my first impressions of a country I had longed to visit using glimpses snatched in the flash of headlights. Grand Spanish colonial ...

Global Cuba Fest offers new spectrum of music from the island

Cuban Doctor Leaves "More Doctors" Program and Seeks Refuge in Brazil

Guillermo Martinez: Once-ostracized capitalists now welcome in Cuba

via Travel Cuba - Google News

Robert Skloot: End vengeful embargo of Cuba -

Robert Skloot: End vengeful embargo of Cuba

To travel to Cuba to see my play and work with the theater company producing it, I applied for a specialist license from the Office of Foreign Assets Control, a unit of the U.S. Department of Treasury. OFAC has the job of administering the necessary ...

via cuba - Google News

Envasar y embalar: un reto para las exportaciones y la industria cubana

En marzo del 2013 el Consejo de Ministros aprobó la Política para el desarrollo de la industria productora de envases y embalajes, atendida como una función rectora del Ministerio de Industrias, con el objetivo de: • Acelerar el crecimiento de las producciones sobre bases competitivas, introduciendo cambios estructurales que permitan eliminar las insuficiencias existentes. • Establecer patrones para la utilización eficiente de los envases y embalajes. • Proponer el diseño institucional y regulatorio más favorable para la conducción de la política estatal en la materia. Cubadebate les ofrece un amplio resumen de lo expuesto ayer en la Mesa Redonda sobre este importante tema para la economía nacional.

via Cubadebate

LA IMAGEN DEL DIA: Arte en la vestimenta

Colección del proyecto de modas Guayza y el maestro Nelson Domínguez, Premio Nacional de Artes Plásticas 2009, presentada en la céntrica calle Maceo, exhibidos por modelos de la casa Leyva, como parte de las actividades por el aniversario 500 de la fundación de la otrora Villa de Santa María del Puerto del Príncipe, actual provincia de Camagüey, el 5 de febrero de 2014.

via Cubadebate

Serie del Caribe: Ganaron los Indios y se fue Villa Clara

Los Indios de Mayagüez puertorriqueños derrotaron hoy por 5-4 a los Navegantes del Magallanes venezolanos en la última jornada de la primera ronda de la LVI edición de la Serie del Caribe, y se clasificaron a la semifinal. Este resultado elimina al Villa Clara cubano, que culmina último en la clasificación del clásico caribeño, en el regreso de la mayor de las Antillas al torneo tras una ausencia de más de medio siglo.

via Cubadebate