Friday, February 7, 2014

Premiarán a Omara Portuondo en Festival La Mar de Músicas 2014

La cantante cubana Omara Portuondo será premiada durante el XX Festival La Mar de Músicas 2014, que se celebrará del 18 al 26 de julio próximo en Cartagena, España, destacaron este viernes medios de la isla. El Comité Organizador del evento explicó que el lauro a Portuondo responde a "su gran capacidad interpretativa y por haber sabido transmitir desde todos los escenarios del mundo durante más de 60 años la esencia y el alma de la música popular cubana", dijo el diario Granma.

via Cubadebate

Aterriza en Estambul un avión procedente de Ucrania tras frustrado intento de secuestro

Tras un intento de secuestro de un avión turco proveniente de Ucrania, cazas F-16 de ese país obligaron a la nave a aterrizar en Estambul. Unos 110 pasajeros se encontraban en la aeronave al momento del hecho. Medios locales reportan que tanto el avión como los pasajeros se encuentran seguros. Un avión de la aerolínea turca Pegasus en vuelo desde Ucrania fue forzado este viernes a aterrizar por aviones militares en Estambul (capital de Turquía) tras intento de secuestro.

via Cubadebate

Estaciones de metro abandonadas en París son imaginadas como teatros y piscinas

El Metro de París, inaugurado en 1900, se extiende por más de 200 kilómetros, sirviendo a más de 300 estaciones. Pero hay 11 estaciones más, que, a pesar de haber sido construidas, ahora se encuentran muy cerca del abandono total. Muchas cerraron después de la ocupación durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Dos de ellas, Porte Molitor y Haxo, ni siquiera llegaron a funcionar. La candidata a la alcaldía de París Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet tiene tiene un plan audaz para estas estaciones "fantasma". Las propuestas incluyen un teatro.

via Cubadebate

Grupo hotelero español ampliará negocios con Cuba

Tras diez años de operaciones en Cuba, la corporación Occidental Hotels and Resorts tiene plena confianza en el desarrollo de negocios con la Isla, aseguró Jaime Buxó, Director General de la compañía española. En su blog, el empresario manifestó el deseo de continuar creciendo con nuevos proyectos en un país donde han tenido resultados favorables, gracias al apoyo del Gobierno e instituciones turísticas.

via Cubadebate

En fotos, ceremonia inaugural de los Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno Sochi 2014

El presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin, y el titular del Comité Olímpico Internacional (COI), Thomas Bach, encabezaron este viernes la ceremonia de inauguración de los XXII Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno en Sochi, junto a más de 40 jefes de Estado. La presentación oficial se realizó en los idiomas francés, inglés y ruso, tras escucharse el himno nacional del país anfitrión que por primera vez acoge unas olimpiadas invernales.

via Cubadebate

Governor Quinn to Host Mexico State Governor Eruviel Ávila - eNews Park Forest

NBC Chicago

Governor Quinn to Host Mexico State Governor Eruviel Ávila

eNews Park Forest

“My trade mission to Mexico strengthened ties with our sister state – especially in agriculture, water technology, manufacturing and tourism – and our relationship continues to grow. We are honored that Governor Ávila has traveled to Illinois and will ...

Mexican officials, orchestra to visit Illinois

Governor Quinn to Host Mexico State Governor

Quinn to host Mexico state governor

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Worker dies at World Cup stadium

A construction worker dies in an accident at the Manaus stadium, where England and Italy are due to play their opening World Cup match.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

In Latin American Votes, Honduran Movements Cement Role While El Salvador ... - Truth-Out

In Latin American Votes, Honduran Movements Cement Role While El Salvador ...


Historian and Latin America expert Greg Grandin looks at two recent elections in Latin America with historic implications. Despite losing a contested vote in Honduras, Grandin says the LIBRE party of former President Manuel Zelaya has altered the ...

via Latin america - Google News

Second edition of World Travel Market Latin America bigger and better - eTurboNews

Second edition of World Travel Market Latin America bigger and better


The second edition of World Travel Market (WTM) Latin America will be bigger and better than the inaugural event, which saw more than 1,000 exhibitors from 60 countries take part. WTM Latin America has opened registration for its 2014 event which will ...

via Latin america - Google News

Update on Doctor Pay Fix

CBO says a fix will cost $153 billion over the next ten years. Rs and Ds have agreed on a fix, but they haven’t found a way to pay for it. But if they don’t do something doctors are about to get a double digit pay cut under Medicare. Under the deal, 9% of doctor […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

IRS Not Much More Helpful than ObamaCare Hotline

In fiscal year 2013 that ended Sept. 30, the I.R.S. received 109 million phone calls, according to the [National Taxpayer Advocate] report. Only 61 percent of those callers reached a customer service representative, and their average wait time was nearly 18 minutes. (NYT)

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Panama Canal work halted in $1bn row

The Spanish-led consortium working on a project to widen the Panama Canal confirms work has been suspended amid a row over cost overruns.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Parlamentarios del mundo suman sus voces en favor de Los Cinco

Decenas de parlamentarios del mundo han sumado sus voces a una comisión internacional de investigación los días 7 y 8 de marzo en Londres, dedicada al caso de los cinco antiterroristas cubanos condenados en 2001 en Estados Unidos. Además de los anfitriones, representantes de países desde "Irlanda a Bélgica, de Rusia a Argentina, de El Salvador a Italia, y, por supuesto Cuba", han expresado su apoyo a la cita, destacó una nota de prensa difundida en la página

via Cubadebate

En fotos, alta seguridad en Sochi

En cualquier evento de nivel mundial la seguridad es un factor prioritario para los organizadores y por eso no se escatiman gastos. Las Olimpiadas de Invierno de 2014 en Sochi no son una excepción. Escudos antimisiles, drones y modernos sistemas de sonar que pueden detectar submarinos y barcos militares. Una gran cantidad de armamento de alta tecnología se concentra en Sochi para convertirla en la ciudad más segura del planeta. Tal es el sistema de control que ni los obreros, y ni siquiera los residentes, pueden adentrarse en la zona sin un permiso especial.

via Cubadebate

Joseph Blatter podría presentarse a una reelección en su cargo

El presidente de la Federación Internacional de Fútbol (FIFA), el suizo Joseph Blatter, dejó abierta este viernes la posibilidad de presentarse a una reelección en su cargo. Si me lo piden no les voy a decir que no, dijo Blatter a RTS, la televisora estatal de su país, sobre si buscaría mantenerse en el puesto en mayo de 2015.

via Cubadebate

Jóvenes sudafricanos viajarán a Cuba para estudiar medicina

Un centenar de estudiantes de la provincia sudafricana de Limpopo viajarán a Cuba para estudiar medicina, como parte de un programa de cooperación internacional ofrecido por la nación caribeña. De acuerdo con el portavoz provincial de salud, Macks Lesufi, los jóvenes del norteño departamento partirán hacia La Habana en tres vuelos planificados entre mañana sábado y el próximo miércoles.

via Cubadebate

Mayors Agree, Immigrants Make Their Cities More Economically Competitive

“Mayors are looking for a fix,” said Mayor Scott Smith of Mesa Arizona, President of the U.S. Conference of Mayors. “The status quo is not acceptable. It’s as simple as that.” In a January 31 letter to Members of Congress, the United States Conference of Mayors urged expeditious action on immigration reform in 2014. As [...]

via Immigration Impact

Unions Disappointed in ObamaCare

Unions’ complaint [T]he Affordable Care Act has subjected union health plans to new taxes and mandates while not allowing them to share in the subsidies that have gone to private insurance companies competing on the newly created exchanges. (Washington Post) The administration’s foot dragging Once we realized the [Affordable Care Act] would not let us […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Surfers flock to Huanchaco, Peru for longboard competition - Peru this Week

Surfers flock to Huanchaco, Peru for longboard competition

Peru this Week

Peru has secured the future of surfing (and surf tourism) in the country by introducing a law that environmentally protects the surf-friendly coastline and expects to develop a cultural “Surfer's Paradise”. Playa El Elio de Huanchaco, Trujillo, in ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

The Lieutenant of San Porfirio: Autopsy of a Populist Revolution - PanAm Post

The Lieutenant of San Porfirio: Autopsy of a Populist Revolution

PanAm Post

As a member of World Vision and Food for the Hungry, the author has lived in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Honduras, Pakistan, Venezuela, Chad, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Kosovo, and is now in Mali. Carrying out his humanitarian work, Hirst had the ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

At the end Sochi Winter Olympics 2014 Begins / Breaking News - National Turk English

National Turk English

At the end Sochi Winter Olympics 2014 Begins / Breaking News

National Turk English

Sochi was to be rebuilt from a bustling but creaky and provincial resort to a world-class tourism capital. Some locals have ... Whether they are enough to attract millions of tourists to Sochi in the future will become apparent only years after the ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Waiting For Pachenco: Fake Burial In Small Village Marks End Of Cuba's ... - Fox News Latino

Anchorage Daily News

Waiting For Pachenco: Fake Burial In Small Village Marks End Of Cuba's ...

Fox News Latino

SANTIAGO DE LAS VEGAS, Cuba (AP) – Cuban villagers staged a mock funeral and burial of a living man this week in a boozy festival that has become an annual tradition in a small town near Havana. A tractor pulled a trailer slowly through the streets in ...

AP PHOTOS: Cubans 'bury' man alive in mock funeral

via cuba - Google News

Amazon Tests Kindle in Latin America - Fox Business


Amazon Tests Kindle in Latin America

Fox Business

Amazon Inc. started selling its Kindle online in Brazil on Friday, expanding from ebooks into retail for the first time in Latin America's biggest and most challenging ecommerce market. By shipping its ereader devices across this inmense country ...

Amazon tests Brazil's retail jungle with its Kindle

via Latin america - Google News

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders is in a delegation traveling to Cuba

via Cuba Journal

Obama Wrong about Medicaid Enrollment

Between one million and two million U.S. residents enrolled in Medicaid last year for reasons associated with the Affordable Care Act, according to an Avalere Health study released Wednesday… The estimates are lower than the 6.3 million Medicaid enrollees recently touted by the Obama administration… Further, the study estimates that around five million people will […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Daily Headlines: February 7, 2014

via The Latin Americanist

Minister intervenes with Cuba to facilitate injured mom's return to Canada to ... - Windsor Star (blog)

Windsor Star (blog)

Minister intervenes with Cuba to facilitate injured mom's return to Canada to ...

Windsor Star (blog)

Justine Davis and her three-year-old son Cameron. Davis is in hospital in Cuba after a vehicular accident that killed her son. She fears she will not be allowed to leave Cuba to go to his funeral in Toronto. (Courtesy of the Cameron Davis Foundation).

via cuba - Google News

Toronto woman can return home for son's funeral - CTV News

Toronto woman can return home for son's funeral

CTV News

The federal government's travel website notes that traffic accidents in Cuba are a frequent cause of arrest and detention of Canadians. It says road accidents resulting in death or injury are treated as crimes, with the onus on the driver to prove ...

via cuba - Google News

VIDEO: BBC witnesses Rio running battle unfold

Hundreds of people in Brazil have clashed with police during a protest against increased fares for public transport.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

The Daily Beast reports that Two Cuban-Americans right-wing fascists, one a US Senator, the other a US Congresswoman, are trying to help a pair of Ecuadorian embezzelers

via Cuba Journal

China espera establecer foro con la CELAC este año

China expresó este viernes estar lista para trabajar con la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (CELAC) para el establecimiento antes que finalice 2014 del foro común aprobado en la reciente cumbre de ese organismo regional celebrada en La Habana. El vocero de la cancillería Hong Lei dijo que su Gobierno mantendrá contactos con la Celac sobre los mecanismos y áreas de cooperación, y laborará para el establecimiento formal del foro y celebrar la primera conferencia conjunta a nivel ministerial este año.

via Cubadebate

FMLN satisfecho con resultado de primera vuelta electoral

El candidato a la vicepresidencia de El Salvador por el Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (FMLN), Oscar Ortiz, aseguró este viernes que el partido está alegre y con una esperanza reforzada por los resultados de la primera vuelta electoral. En entrevista con la televisión local, subrayó que en otras elecciones la contienda era entre dos, pero ahora apareció la coalición Unidad que quedó en tercer lugar con un buen porcentaje de los votos.

via Cubadebate

Reconocen papel de Cuba en independencia de pueblos africanos

Cuba ocupa un lugar muy especial en el corazón de África por su meritoria y desinteresada contribución a la independencia de pueblos de este continente, afirmó este viernes el luchador cubano Jorge Risquet. El miembro del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba, vinculado de manera cercana a las gestas libertadoras y al internacionalismo cubano en Angola, arribó a este país para seguir rumbo a la República del Congo, donde asistirá a la celebración de los 25 años del Protocolo de Brazzaville.

via Cubadebate

Grupo de rock demanda a EEUU por usar su música para torturas en Guantánamo

Como su música sonó al parecer en la Base ilegal de Estados Unidos en Guantánamo, en la isla de Cuba, el grupo de rock canadiense Skinny Puppy presentó una factura de 666 mil dólares, informó la televisión canadiense CTV News Online. El grupo de Vancouver supo por un ex preso en la base militar estadunidense que sus canciones sonaban como forma de torturar a los presos, según la información. Skinny Puppy es considerado uno de los pioneros de la música industrial.

via Cubadebate

Secretaria de Estado adjunta imparte instrucciones injerencistas sobre Ucrania (+ Audio)

El audio que se ha filtrado reproduce una conversación telefónica mantenida hace 12 días por la secretaria de Estado adjunta para la Unión Europea y Eurasia, Victoria Nuland, y al embajador en Kiev, Geoffrey Pyatt. Nuland se refiere en términos obscenos a la actitud de la Unión Europea (UE) en la crisis, y ambos comentan las posibilidades de los opositores y los escenarios más beneficiosos para los intereses de Washington.

via Cubadebate

The Latest on Genes

…”[G]enome-wide” surveys examine the links between a trait and all of the 20,000 or so human genes. This has been an extraordinarily powerful approach. For the most part, what has emerged from these studies is evidence of the minimal extent to which some trait is “in your genes” and of how relatively unimportant any given […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Phasing out Mexico visa a priority for Canada, Bernier says - The Globe and Mail

Phasing out Mexico visa a priority for Canada, Bernier says

The Globe and Mail

The Harper government's point man on tourism says Ottawa is putting a priority on getting rid of the controversial visa on Mexican travellers to Canada. Maxime Bernier, minister of state for tourism, says Canada wants to do everything it can to attract ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Huanchaco Longboard Pro to kick off in Peru - Andina - Agencia Peruana de Noticias

Huanchaco Longboard Pro to kick off in Peru

Andina - Agencia Peruana de Noticias

Peru has secured the future of surfing (and surf tourism) in the country by introducing a law that environmentally protects the surf-friendly coastline and expects to develop a cultural "Surfer's Paradise". Playa El Elio de Huanchaco, Trujillo, in ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Sochi 2014 Olympics: 2410 days of waiting over as Games begin - RT


Sochi 2014 Olympics: 2410 days of waiting over as Games begin


Sochi was to be rebuilt from a bustling but creaky and provincial resort to a world-class tourism capital. Some locals have objected to seeing their hometown turned into a building site, and other Russians ... The US Olympic team will provide the ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Second edition of World Travel Market Latin America bigger and better - eTurboNews


Second edition of World Travel Market Latin America bigger and better


The second edition of World Travel Market (WTM) Latin America will be bigger and better than the inaugural event, which saw more than 1,000 exhibitors from 60 countries take part. WTM Latin America has opened registration for its 2014 event which will ...

via Latin america - Google News

AP PHOTOS: Cubans 'bury' man alive in mock funeral -

AP PHOTOS: Cubans 'bury' man alive in mock funeral

In this Feb. 5, 2014 photo, people play drums during the Burial of Pachencho celebration in Santiago de Las Vegas, Cuba. The tradition was born on Feb. 5, 1984, when villagers got the idea of putting on a mock burial to mark the end of local carnival ...

At boozy festival in Cuba, villagers 'bury' man alive in 30-year-old mock ...

via cuba - Google News

2016: Brazil granted rugby spots

As a nation, Brazil might be better known for its round rather than oval-ball prowess but the World Cup host has been granted automatic spots in the rugby sevens at the 2016 Olympics.

via - Latin America

Robert Skloot: End vengeful embargo of Cuba -

Robert Skloot: End vengeful embargo of Cuba

To travel to Cuba to see my play and work with the theater company producing it, I applied for a specialist license from the Office of Foreign Assets Control, a unit of the U.S. Department of Treasury. OFAC has the job of administering the necessary ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

Spectacular steam train rises again

Once given up for dead, Ecuador's thrilling steam train is moving again.

via - Latin America

Castaway is released from hospital

Jose Salvador Alvarenga, the mysterious castaway who turned up in the Marshall Islands last week, has been released from a hospital.

via - Latin America

Canada wants more Mexican tourists, but Bernier can't say when visa to be lifted - (subscription)

Canada wants more Mexican tourists, but Bernier can't say when visa to be lifted (subscription)

The Harper government's point man on tourism says Ottawa is putting a priority on getting rid of the controversial visa on Mexican travellers to Canada. Maxime Bernier, minister of state for tourism, says Canada wants to do everything it can to attract ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Canadian free to leave Cuba to attend son's funeral - CTV News

Canadian free to leave Cuba to attend son's funeral

CTV News

A Toronto woman who feared she'd miss the funeral for her three-year-old son has been told she will be allowed to leave Cuba and return home. Justine Davis's son, Cameron, was killed six weeks ago while he and his mother were visiting Cayo Largo, off ...

via cuba - Google News

VIDEO: Clashes at Rio fare rise protest

Hundreds of people in Brazil have clashed with police during a protest against increased fares for public transport.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

VIDEO: 'Castaway' Alvarenga thanks helpers

A man who claims he spent more than a year adrift in the Pacific has thanked the government of the Marshall Islands, in his second public appearance since his rescue one week ago.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Canadian Mom Detained in Cuba Over Tot's Death Allowed to Leave -

Canadian Mom Detained in Cuba Over Tot's Death Allowed to Leave

HAVANA — A Canadian mother detained in Cuba after a traffic accident killed her three-year old son two days before Christmas is finally being allowed to go home to bury her only child. Justine Davis and her son, Cameron, were on a motor scooter when ...

via cuba - Google News