Thursday, January 2, 2014

Casi 700 muertos en Latinoamérica durante fin de año

Tras las celebraciones de fin de año, los reportes de accidentalidad y violencia en Latinoamérica dejan, provisionalmente, una cifra de por lo menos 699 muertos y 5.641 heridos en la región, la mayoría por armas e imprudencia de conductores y peatones. La cifra más alta de fallecidos se dio en Brasil, con 379, aunque fue un 9,76 % inferior a la del año anterior y, adicionalmente, estos datos incluyen los de Navidad, ya que van del 20 de diciembre al 1 de enero.

via Cubadebate

Three babalawo groups agree: An 'optimist' year ahead for Cuba -

San Francisco Chronicle

Three babalawo groups agree: An 'optimist' year ahead for Cuba

For the first time in memory, New Year's predictions issued by three groups of Cuban Santeria priests — two in Havana and one in Miami — have agreed: The communist-ruled island faces an “optimistic” year. Now the babalawos are trying to figure out ...

Cuban Santeria priests: disease, conflict in 2014

Cuba's santeria priests predict strife-filled 2014

via cuba - Google News

Key West-Cuba flight takes off - Travel Weekly

Key West-Cuba flight takes off

Travel Weekly

Federal officials gave Key West the green light to fly to Cuba in October 2011, but it took more than two years for charter operators to obtain the required approvals from U.S. and Cuban authorities. Capacity is an issue because Key West currently is ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

Lucky nine passengers enjoy first flight from Cuba to Key West in 50 years - Catholic Online

Lucky nine passengers enjoy first flight from Cuba to Key West in 50 years

Catholic Online

Separated by a mere 90 miles of water, the separation between Key West in Florida and the nation of Cuba had previously remained one of the few hold-outs of the Soviet-style Cold War. That has all changed with the first commercial passenger flight from ...

via cuba - Google News

Spanish 101 for POTUS #44

via Cuba Journal

Cuban President Raul Castro FINALLY sees the light

via Cuba Journal

Iraq comienza el año entre ataques suicidas y combates

Un comando suicida mató hoy a 13 personas en la ciudad iraquí de Baquba, noreste, mientras en la provincia occidental de Al Anbar tribus beduinas y soldados combaten con milicianos de Al Qaeda. El hombre bomba proyectó el coche cargado de explosivos que conducía contra una construcción en la localidad de Baladruz, acorde con el parte emitido por las autoridades, el cual reporta además 25 heridos, algunos de suma gravedad.

via Cubadebate

Evacuan a pasajeros de barco ruso atrapado en hielo antártico

Los equipos de rescate han evacuado este jueves a los 52 pasajeros del barco ruso Akadémik Shokálskiy, que quedó atrapado en el hielo antártico el 24 de diciembre a 100 millas náuticas de la base francesa de Dumont d'Urville. Se quedarán a bordo los 22 tripulantes, a la espera de que las condiciones permitan mover el barco. El helicóptero del rompehielos chino Xue Long ha llevado a los pasajeros a un témpano de hielo y desde allí han sido transportados en barcaza hasta el rompehielos australiano Aurora Australis

via Cubadebate

Cuatro heridos de atentados en Volgogrado siguen en extrema gravedad

Cuatro de los 62 heridos a causa de los atentados terroristas en Volgogrado están en estado de extrema gravedad y 11 con diagnóstico grave, según un parte divulgado hoy por el ministerio ruso de Salud. Este jueves un avión de la defensa civil trasladó a Moscú a otro grupo de lesionados en situación delicada, pero transportables, con lo que totalizan 18 los asistidos en hospitales capitalinos.

via Cubadebate

En fotos, arte en la nieve

Simon Beck es un artista conocido por estampar grandes imágenes en la nieve con sus pies. Su arte recuerda a los famosos 'círculos de los cultivos', cuya procedencia se atribuye a extraterrestres. Aunque Beck pasa horas caminando por la nieve para conseguir sus extrañas imágenes, sus trabajos se echan a perder rápidamente, ya que basta con una fuerte nevada o con una ráfaga de viento para que los dibujos desaparezcan. No obstante, sus esfuerzos quedan grabados en fotografías.

via Cubadebate

Primer vuelo Cayo Hueso-La Habana en medio siglo

El primer vuelo comercial de pasajeros de Cayo Hueso a Cuba en más de 50 años partió el lunes hacia La Habana, culminando años de esfuerzos para reunir ambas islas a través de un servicio aéreo que aún parece remoto, reporta la AP. La Oficina de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza de Estados Unidos dio su aprobación final al vuelo el lunes por la mañana y el avión con nueve pasajeros despegó 90 minutos después.

via Cubadebate

Raúl Castro's Warning - Wall Street Journal

Raúl Castro's Warning

Wall Street Journal

This is the time of year when the world looks forward, no matter what the disappointments of the past. It's called hope. But Raúl Castro is warning Cubans who are hoping to build wealth in the newly "reformed" economy not to waste their time. The state ...

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

Mobile ad company to open Latin America office in Miami - South Florida Business Journal (blog)

Mobile ad company to open Latin America office in Miami

South Florida Business Journal (blog)

Opera Mediaworks says it already has a significant presence in Latin America, with 50 million of 270 million mobile consumers that use Opera's mobile browsers based in the region. According to Opera Mediaworks, its mobile ad platform reached 400 ...

Opera Mediaworks expands Latin America presence to better service exploding ...

Mobile Ad Giant Expands Latin America Presence

via Latin america - Google News

Agribusiness in Latin America - The Economist

Agribusiness in Latin America

The Economist

BRIAN BRETT, a poet, called farming “a profession of hope”. Farmers must pray for just enough rain, amenable soil conditions and good market prices. In Argentina their prayers do not end there. Since the country's financial crisis in 2002, its ...

via Latin america - Google News

Diabetes in Latin America - The Economist

Diabetes in Latin America

The Economist

Lack of exercise and a penchant for fatty treats and fizzy drinks—of which Mexicans quaff 40% more, on average, than Americans do—are largely to blame. But that does not explain why, despite similar obesity rates, nearly one in six Mexican adults is ...

Novel genetic risk associated with type 2 diabetes in Mexico, Latin America

via Latin america - Google News

Organized crime in 2014: What can Latin America expect? - Christian Science Monitor

Organized crime in 2014: What can Latin America expect?

Christian Science Monitor

One of the major changes in drug trafficking has been the growth in domestic markets within Latin America, most particularly Brazil and Argentina, but with Mexico, Colombia, and even Chile registering growth in criminal earnings from the local ...

via Latin america - Google News

High-Tech Innovations in Medicine

Virtual Care: Doctors in remote ‘command centers’ are increasingly keeping tabs on vital signs of patients in intensive-care units. Medical Detectives: Got a hard-to-diagnosis ailment? Patients can now post their symptoms online and offer a reward for a diagnosis from a host of doctors. Doctor on Demand: You can have a virtual consultation with a […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Can Scientists Erase Your Unwanted Memories?

Scientists have zapped an electrical current to people’s brains to erase distressing memories, part of an ambitious quest to better treat ailments such as mental trauma, psychiatric disorders and drug addiction. In an experiment, patients were first shown a troubling story, in words and pictures. A week later they were reminded about it and given […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

The Weaker Sex

Over the past several years, the pattern has been found repeatedly in studies of male behavior…In some cases, a woman is present; in others, men look at pictures of a woman’s face or her legs; in still others, men list what they find to be sexually arousing (versus things that make them happy). Sex-related cues […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Tourism sparkles in 2013, while new projects promise continued growth - Clearwater Gazette

Tourism sparkles in 2013, while new projects promise continued growth

Clearwater Gazette

Along with city and county marketing strategies, the 2012 Republican National Convention, with its delegates and media coverage, contributed to the bump in local tourism this past year, Cretekos is convinced. .... Those discussions led the council and ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

Casey Mulligan explains why 2014 will see a shift to part-time work; and why that means there will be less work. Acupuncture is not better than fake acupuncture. Disaster: only 5% to 10% have paid their first month’s premium. If the new guidelines are fully implemented, close to a third of all Americans will be […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Turkey and Latin America: A rediscovered relationship - Journal of Turkish Weekly

Turkey and Latin America: A rediscovered relationship

Journal of Turkish Weekly

Turkey joined the Pacific Alliance in June as an observer country with the aim of opening up to the region and expanding co-operation with the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. The Pacific Alliance opened its first-ever joint promotion ...

via Latin america - Google News

Little Uruguay Making Big Marijuana Impact in Latin America - InSerbia News

InSerbia News

Little Uruguay Making Big Marijuana Impact in Latin America

InSerbia News

MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay – With its population of 3.4 million, Uruguay's population might make it Latin America's smallest country, but its recently passed marijuana law will seemingly make big waves throughout the region. Illustration:

Is the US the Last Country Still Fighting the Drug War?

via Latin america - Google News

How the Iron Curtain came down

Jonathan Mann was a young traveling correspondent in the closing months of the Cold War, stunned like any other visitor from the West at the cruel tyranny that had endured for so many years in so many countries, and amazed at how quickly it was toppled

via - Latin America

Survey predicts record year for US remittances and travel to Cuba - Cuba

Survey predicts record year for US remittances and travel to Cuba


CUBA STANDARD — Remittances to Cuba reached a record $2.77 billion in 2013, 6.57 percent more than the previous year, a Miami-based consulting firm concludes, extrapolating from a recent survey of several hundred residents in South Florida.

via Travel Cuba - Google News

Letter of the Year 2014 from Cuba - Havana Times

Havana Times

Letter of the Year 2014 from Cuba

Havana Times

HAVANA TIMES — The Cuban Council of Elder Priests of the Ifa (Yoruba religion) published their “Letter of the Year 2014” today January 1st. The annual message is of great interest to believers of the Yoruba religion and is also widely read by the ...

via cuba - Google News

Row threatens Panama Canal expansion

The consortium building a massive expansion to the Panama Canal has threatened to stop work unless a dispute over cost overruns can be resolved.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Cuba's Future: How to Prepare Ourselves for a Hurricane Worse than Sandy - Havana Times

Havana Times

Cuba's Future: How to Prepare Ourselves for a Hurricane Worse than Sandy

Havana Times

With such dark clouds already looming above us, shouldn't we be covering up our windows with boards or something like that? Do Cuba's leaders at the very least regard this hypothesis as a possibility? Are they correctly informing the people about a ...

via cuba - Google News

Diabetes in Latin America: Unskinny genes

IF STRAINING waistlines were still a sign of prosperity, Mexicans would be rich. These days, girth is more likely to signal sickness. Diabetes is a particular scourge. The type-2 (or late-onset) variety, which is linked to obesity, is thought to afflict 11m Mexicans. It kills 73,000 of them a year, seven times as many as organised crime.Lack of exercise and a penchant for fatty treats and fizzy drinks—of which Mexicans quaff 40% more, on average, than Americans do—are largely to blame. But that does not explain why, despite similar obesity rates, nearly one in six Mexican adults is diabetic but less than 10% of those north of the border are.Scientists have long suspected that genes are at work. Writing in the journal Nature, researchers for the appositely named Slim Initiative in Genomic Medicine for the Americas (SIGMA) have now fingered a culprit: a variant of a little-known gene called SLC16A11, which regulates one of the ways that fat is stored in cells. Inherit a copy from one parent and your risk of diabetes rises by 25%. Get one from both and it rises by 50%.Researchers at the consortium—named after Carlos Slim, a Mexican telecoms mogul and its biggest benefactor—found at least one copy in half of the genomes of the 8,000-odd Mexicans living in Mexico City and Los Angeles they looked at (some diagnosed with type-2...

via The Economist: The Americas|ame

Poverty in Mexico: A few more pesos, a lot more stress

THE Central de Abastos wholesale market is the largest of its kind in the world, sprawling over an area half the size of Mexico City’s airport. Yet on New Year’s Eve, it was still hard to move for the shoppers clogging up the 1-kilometre (1,100-yard) grocery aisle, buying everything from pig’s heads to sugar cane to grapes for that night’s festivities.Outside, it was another story. People without enough money to shop were sifting through piles of discoloured and discarded avocados and tomatoes, wrapping what was still edible in scraps of newspaper and furtively carrying them off for their own more meagre supper.For many of these Mexicans, life is getting harder. A fiscal reform that took effect on January 1st introduces a number of new taxes that are chiefly aimed at the rich but end up clobbering the poor. A value-added tax of 16% was slapped on various forms of public transport. In Mexico City the underground “metro” fare had already gone up before Christmas, a 66% increase from 3 pesos (23 cents) to 5 pesos. As part of a government drive to fight obesity (see article) the new levies also include a tax of 1 peso per litre on soft drinks and an 8% levy on some particularly calorific foods.Such increases may look...

via The Economist: The Americas|ame

Brazil’s big year: Kick-off approaches

“IT’S not about the 50 cents” reads a scrawl on a shop shutter on Avenida Faria Lima, one of São Paulo’s main thoroughfares. Next door, the message is blunter: “Screw the police”. Six months after a small demonstration against a 50-cent rise in bus fares blew up into the biggest street protests Brazil had seen in a generation, few visible signs remain of the wider anger they revealed—about corruption, poor public services and rising living costs. Recent attempts to organise a reprise have attracted only a few hundred marchers. Support for the president, Dilma Rousseff of the Workers’ Party, which plummeted after June’s protests, has rebounded. A poll in November of voting intentions in next October’s elections gave her 47%, against 30% for her two likeliest adversaries combined.Even so, the race is hard to call. The same poll found that two-thirds of voters want Brazil’s next president to make sweeping, if unspecified, policy changes. That suggests the spirit of June is still alive—and that some of Ms Rousseff’s support could melt away if a strong alternative emerges. Political analysts say that many Brazilians’ voting strategy is to plump for the perceived front-...

via The Economist: The Americas|ame

Cuba ends 2013 with lowest infant mortality rate in its history - GlobalPost

La prensa

Cuba ends 2013 with lowest infant mortality rate in its history


Havana, Jan 2 (EFE).- Cuba ended 2013 with an infant mortality rate of 4.2 per 1,000 live births, the lowest level in the island's history, state media reported Thursday. The Caribbean nation first achieved an infant mortality rate of less than 5.0 in ...

Cuba Reaches Lowest Infant, Maternal Mortality Rate

via cuba - Google News

Papal Economics

“Pope Francis attacked unfettered capitalism as ‘a new tyranny,’” reads the lead of the Reuters story by Naomi O’Leary. She is referring to the Evangelii Gaudium, the latest apostolic exhortation from the Holy Father. Similar headlines appeared at NBC, at the Daily Kos, in the Nation and elsewhere. But as Robert Ramono points out, nowhere […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Lanka clinches new EU GSP - The Official Government News Portal of Sri Lanka

Lanka clinches new EU GSP

The Official Government News Portal of Sri Lanka

EU's specific investment segments include hosiery, knitwear, surf sails, electronic products, light engineering, rubber based products, (e.g. tyres), coir based products, gem and jewellery, diamond processing, tourism and recreational products ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Economic roundup - Buenos Aires Herald

Economic roundup

Buenos Aires Herald

... as grain revenue drops; Foreign tourism drops, spending down; US EIA: Argentina has 4th largest shale oil reserves; YPF to join natural gas project in Venezuela; Wheat shortage increases price of bread; Government readies plan to further strengthen ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Van Van, ese tren que no para

Con un Grammy honorífico y un premio Womex, Los Van Van se ratificaron en 2013 como el tren de la música cubana, en un año en que los concertistas tuvieron un mayor protagonismo. La orquesta fundada el 4 de diciembre de 1969 por Juan Formell de nuevo fue noticia, llevándose dos de los galardones internacionales más prestigiosos, esta vez en reconocimiento a su trayectoria de éxitos.

via Cubadebate

Músicos cubanos desatan rumba por los Cinco (+ Video)

Una versión en tiempo de rumba de la canción "Tie a Yellow Ribbon" circula en las redes sociales, con autoría del Team Cuba Rumba y con el maestro Frank Fernández en el piano. Cubadebate comparte con sus usuarios el videoclip producido por el Estudio FF Sonido y el Comité Internacional por la Liberación de los Cinco, en el que participan además Yuliet Abreu "La Papina" y el director de Los Papines, Jesús Abreu.

via Cubadebate

The New York Times y The Guardian solicitan clemencia para Snowden

"Considerando el valor tremendo de la información que reveló y los abusos de poder que dio a conocer, Snowden merece mucho más que una vida en permanente exilio, temor y lucha", dice el artículo del 'New York Times'. "Lo que ha hecho podría ser un delito, pero él ha servido bien a su patria. Es hora de que EE.UU. ofrezca a Snowden un acuerdo o algun tipo de clemencia que le pueda permitir regresar a casa y enfrentar una pena reducida por su rol de revelador de abusos".

via Cubadebate

Mortalidad infantil de Cuba en 2013: ¡4,2 por mil nacidos vivos! (+ Estadísticas)

Como expresión de los desvelos de la Revolución por la salud de las madres y los niños, Cuba alcanza en el 2013 la tasa de mortalidad infantil más baja de su historia: ¡4,2! por mil nacidos vivos, lo que nos sitúa entre las primeras naciones del mundo con más bajo indicador. Esta tasa permite medir de forma sintética la calidad con que una sociedad atiende y protege a sus niños, su salud y bienestar.

via Cubadebate

Fiat compró a Chrysler para fundar un “constructor automotor global”

El fabricante italiano de automóviles Fiat anunció estea miércoles la adquisición de la totalidad del grupo estadounidense Chrysler, del que poseía ya cerca del 60%, con la ambición de crear un gigante del sector. Sergio Marchionne, consejero delegado de Fiat y presidente de Chrysler, dijo que este acuerdo permitirá “crear un constructor automotor global, con una riqueza de experiencias, opiniones y conocimientos única en el mundo; un grupo fuerte y abierto”.

via Cubadebate

Rafa Nadal: “Ser número uno no me agobia”

Rafael Nadal (Manacor, Mallorca, 1986) empezó 2013 lesionado en la rodilla izquierda y lo cerró como número uno tras haber sumado dos títulos a su lista de 13 grandes. Sus compañeros le han distinguido como el mejor deportista del curso. Como embajador de PokerStars analiza lo que espera de 2014, en el que tendrá un reto por encima de todos: Novak Djokovic.

via Cubadebate

LA IMAGEN DEL DIA: Los Cinco en la Puerta del Sol de Madrid

Pancarta desplegada por la libertad de los Cinco antiterroristas cubanos en la Puerta del Sol de Madrid, durante la bienvenida al nuevo año. Foto: Casal d'Amistat Català-Cubà de Barcelona,Defensem Cuba

via Cubadebate

Ecos del Acto en Santiago de Cuba: El secreto de la corneta china (+ Video)

En el programa cultural por el 55 aniversario del triunfo de la Revolución celebrado en Santiago de Cuba no podía faltar la conga con el inconfundible sonido de la corneta china. Este elemento instrumental cumplió en el recién despedido 2013, nada menos que 110 años de su debut en el Paseo, “Paso Franco” de la calle Trocha en Santiago. La periodista Marta Rojas nos hace llegar detalles de su conversación con David Mesa Ibarra, músico santiaguero.

via Cubadebate

Discurso de Raúl en Santiago: No cederemos ante agresiones, chantajes ni amenazas (+ Fotos y Video)

En Cubadebate, el discurso íntegro del General de Ejército Raúl Castro en el Acto central por el 55 Aniversario de la Revolución, celebrado en el Parque Céspedes, de Santiago de Cuba: "La Revolución llega al triunfo sin compromisos con nadie en absoluto, sino con el pueblo, que es al único que le debe sus victorias”, dijo Fidel. Cincuenta y cinco años después, en el propio lugar, podemos repetir con orgullo: ¡La Revolución sigue igual, sin compromisos con nadie en absoluto, solo con el pueblo!

via Cubadebate

The ACA’s 100% Marginal Tax Rate

Ginger Chapman and her husband, Doug, are sitting on the health care cliff. The cheapest insurance plan they can find through the new federal marketplace in New Hampshire will cost their family of four about $1,000 a month, 12 percent of their annual income of around $100,000 and more than they have ever paid before. […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Cuban leader warns of 'subversives'

Cuban leader Raul Castro says there is a subversive campaign under way to undermine the revolution on the Communist island and topple its government.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Cuba Gooding Jr. tops celebrity birthdays for January 2 - Toronto Sun

Cuba Gooding Jr. tops celebrity birthdays for January 2

Toronto Sun

Happy birthday, Cuba Gooding Jr. Although the actor has seen a real downturn in movie role selection since he won his Oscar for “Jerry Maguire” in 1996, he's still working and steadily rebuilding his resume. He starred in Lee Daniel's The Butler last ...

via cuba - Google News

Nigerian-Mexican Xmas - 1st of Its Kind in Africa (II) -

Nigerian-Mexican Xmas - 1st of Its Kind in Africa (II)

One of them, Odesanmi Bamidele, a Quantity Surveyor, visited Mexico last year, and is present at the Nigerian-Mexican Christmas dressed in a unique Mexican attire, which he says he "bought at the tourists shop in Mexico." He salutes tourism in Mexico.

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Chinese Firm to Assemble Cars in Cuba - Cuba Headlines

Chinese Firm to Assemble Cars in Cuba

Cuba Headlines

Global Times quotes Geely as saying that the number of its vehicles on the streets in Cuba “has reached nearly 10,000 units,” utilized mainly by the Cuban Committees for the Defense of the Revolution, the Ministry of the Interior, and the Ministry of ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Lanka clinches new EU GSP - Asian Tribune

Asian Tribune

Lanka clinches new EU GSP

Asian Tribune

EU's specific investment segments include hosiery, knitwear, surf sails, electronic products, light engineering, rubber based products, (e.g. tyres), coir based products, gem and jewellery, diamond processing, tourism and recreational products ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News