Friday, February 14, 2014

Venezuela struggles to contain unrest

As young Venezuelans clash with security forces, the country's president says he has a plan for peace.

via - Latin America

Cuba halts consular services in the US - CNN (blog)

Cuba halts consular services in the US

CNN (blog)

Cuba halted consular services in the United States on Friday because the American bank it was working with is severing their relationship, the Cuban Interests Section said. M&T Bank informed the Interests Section last year it was getting out of the ...

via cuba - Google News

Visa Tensions Hover as Harper Heads to Mexico - Wall Street Journal (blog)

Wall Street Journal (blog)

Visa Tensions Hover as Harper Heads to Mexico

Wall Street Journal (blog)

A report issued this week by Mr. Manley's organization said Canada has already paid a high price for the visa in terms of reputation and lost revenue from Mexican tourists, students, and investors, arguing data suggests revenue from Mexican tourism in ...

Feds sometimes appear oblivious in relationships with U.S., Mexico

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Inauguran en La Habana exposición dedicada a Los Cinco (+ Video)

La exposición "Desde la soledad y la esperanza", dedicada a los Cinco Héroes cubanos prisioneros en EEUU, quedó abierta al público en la tarde de este viernes en el Memorial José Martí, de La Habana, con la participación de algunos de los más reconocidos pintores de la Isla. La muestra, inaugurada por familiares de los cubanos presos, se mantendrá hasta finales de este mes, y presenta originales de Eduardo M. Abela, Juan Moreira, Nelson Domínguez, Alicia Leal, Manuel Comas, entre otros artistas de primera línea.

via Cubadebate

Peruvian Olympian Inspires Despite Finishing Last

via The Latin Americanist

Travel agencies rush amid Cuba banking deadline - Anchorage Daily News

Travel agencies rush amid Cuba banking deadline

Anchorage Daily News

MIAMI — Travel agencies that offer flights to Cuba are again rushing to get passport and visa applications submitted as the deadline for the Caribbean nation to find a new bank for its diplomatic accounts in the United States quickly approaches.

via cuba - Google News

Cuba suspends US consular services

The Cuban governments suspends consular services in the United States, a move that may prevent tens of thousands travelling to the island.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Is Mexico Slowing Down? Check Out These Mexican Stocks - DailyFinance

Is Mexico Slowing Down? Check Out These Mexican Stocks


And, the outlook for foreign tourism to the country is stable and, in fact, it could improve if the drug-related violence cools down. Plus, a cheaper peso could be beneficial for the company in the short term and drive more traffic.Cemex has operations ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Tormenta de nieve en Estados Unidos provoca 20 muertos

La tormenta de nieve de hace cuatro días, continuo azotando este viernes la costa este de Estados Unidos y ha dejado más de 60 centímetros de nieve en algunas zonas, desatando el caos desde el sur del país hasta Nueva Inglaterra. La cifra de personas fallecidas asciende a 20. En la transitada autopista Pennsylvania Turnpike la nieve provocó un accidente en el que estuvieron involucrados 50 vehículos.

via Cubadebate

El genio triunfador de Eugenio George será presentado mañana en la Feria del Libro

Este sábado en la Fortaleza San Carlos de La Cabaña se presentará el volumen El genio triunfador de Eugenio George, del autor Juan Velázquez Videaux, quien en 144 páginas, con 10 capítulos y epílogo, ofrece detalles importantes de esta Gloria del Deporte Cubano. El mítico entrenador cuenta su rica historia en los capítulos: Nace un símbolo, Irrupción en la élite, Historia de un ascenso, Las Morenas del Caribe, y Asalto a la gloria olímpica.

via Cubadebate

Maduro convoca a Marcha por la Paz en Venezuela mañana sábado

El presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, exhortó hoy a la población sumarse a la movilización por la paz, prevista el sábado 15 de febrero en la Avenida Bolívar de esta capital. A través de la red social Twitter, el mandatario llamó a los venezolanos a seguir juntos "venciendo el odio y viviendo la máxima felicidad en nuestra patria".

via Cubadebate

Tours changing American views of Cuba, US policy - Post-Bulletin

Tours changing American views of Cuba, US policy


HAVANA — When President Barack Obama reinstated "people-to-people" travel to Cuba in 2011, the idea was that visiting Americans would act as cultural ambassadors for a U.S. constantly demonized in the island's official media. Two and a half years ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

Cuba Suspends Consular Services in US - ABC News

Cuba Suspends Consular Services in US

ABC News

The U.S. and Cuba maintain limited diplomatic relations. Since 1997, both countries have operated Interests Sections under the legal protection of the Swiss embassies. The Interests Sections allow Cubans and Americans to request travel documents such ...

Travel agencies rush amid Cuba banking deadline

via Travel Cuba - Google News

Community Organizing and Technology Across Latin America - Huffington Post

Community Organizing and Technology Across Latin America

Huffington Post

Over the last few weeks, I've had the opportunity to connect with the bright men and women who are helping establish the tech community in Latin America. We're talking about go-getters -- those involved with local startups, co-working spaces ...

via Latin america - Google News

Venezuela has the worst business climate in Latin America - El Universal

Venezuela has the worst business climate in Latin America

El Universal

Latin America's Economic Climate Index (ECI), developed jointly by Brazil's Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) and the German IFO Institute for Economic Research, University of Munich, increased to 95 in January after remaining for six months at its ...

via Latin america - Google News

UFC Now Casting for 'TUF: Latin America'; Series Starts Shooting in Spring 2014 -

UFC Now Casting for 'TUF: Latin America'; Series Starts Shooting in Spring 2014

The Ultimate Fighting Championship Thursday issued a casting call for the inaugural season of “The Ultimate Fighter: Latin America.” The UFC is looking for 16 fighters to compete on the seventh international iteration of the long-running reality show ...

via Latin america - Google News

Cuba once again suspends visa services -

Cuba once again suspends visa services

Cuba's diplomatic mission in Washington said Friday that it had once again suspended consular services and will no longer be granting visas, except in humanitarian cases, because it can't find a U.S. bank to handle its accounts. If a solution to the ...

Cuba Suspends Consular Services in US

Travel agencies rush amid Cuba banking deadline

via cuba - Google News

Tours changing American views of Cuba, US policy - Post-Bulletin

Tours changing American views of Cuba, US policy


23, 2014 photo, tourists traveling with the "people-to-people" program make a purchase in a Cuban agricultural market in Havana, Cuba. Tour operators insist they're supporting local organic farmers, performers, artists, musicians and entrepreneurs who ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Sección de Intereses de Cuba en Washington suspende trámites consulares

"La Sección de Intereses de Cuba se ve obligada a suspender los servicios consulares en la fecha de publicación de la presente nota, hasta tanto se restablezcan los servicios bancarios", porque debido al bloqueo, "sido imposible para la Sección de Intereses encontrar un banco con sede en Estados Unidos que asuma las cuentas bancarias de las misiones diplomáticas cubanas", asegura nota divulgada hoy. La oficina aclaró que se atenderán solo aquellos casos con carácter humanitario.

via Cubadebate

Arribará a Cuba crucero turístico procedente de Francia

Proveniente de Francia, uno de los principales mercados emisores de turistas a Cuba, arribará mañana al puerto espirituano de Casilda, el crucero Starflyer, que opera la compañía Starclippers. El arribo a la Isla de la embarcación forma parte de las acciones comerciales que despliega el Ministerio de Turismo (Mintur) para garantizar el éxito de la temporada de invierno, la de mayor afluencia de viajeros al destino Cuba.

via Cubadebate

Un bulldog expresa todo su amor a sus hermanos gatos (+ Fotos)

Muchos dicen que no hace falta ser de la misma sangre o especie para sentirse familia. Así lo demostró un adorable perro, que expresa sus sentimientos hacia los nuevos miembros de su familia, aunque sean diferentes a él. Hammie es el protagonista de esta historia, un bulldog de un año de edad que vive con su dueño, Michelle Parden, en Lincoln, Nebraska. El año pasado, Parden adoptó a una gatita embarazada llamada “Mommy”, que presentaba problemas respiratorios y daños en un ojo.

via Cubadebate

Colombia exportó 500 millones de flores en Día de los Enamorados

Comercializadores colombianos de flores colocaron más del 15 por ciento de sus ventas totales del año, unos 500 millones de flores, en los mercados de unos 80 países. Las ventas por el "día de los enamorados" significaron una recuperación económica. Las mayores exportaciones de flores colombianas fueron a Estados Unidos, Rusia, Japón, Canadá, España y otros.

via Cubadebate

Tours changing American views of Cuba, US policy - Post-Bulletin

Tours changing American views of Cuba, US policy


... the trips are not only improving Cubans' views of Americans. They also are changing U.S. travelers' opinions of the Caribbean nation for the better, and dimming their view of Washington policies that have long sought to pressure Cuba's Communist ...

via cuba - Google News

Two charged over Rio cameraman death

Brazilian prosecutors indict two activists with the murder of a cameraman during a protest in Rio de Janeiro last Friday.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Assortative Mating is a Major Cause of Income Inequality

Matt Yglesias: Among college-educated people, in particular, the tendency is not so much to marry within your community as to marry within your educational cohort. Every once in a while you do see a college graduate married to a high school dropout (my parents, for example), but it’s quite rare. How big? Jeremy Greenwood, Nezih […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Travel agencies rush amid Cuba banking deadline -

Travel agencies rush amid Cuba banking deadline

MIAMI -- Travel agencies that offer flights to Cuba are again rushing to get passport and visa applications submitted as the deadline for the Caribbean nation to find a new bank for its diplomatic accounts in the United States quickly approaches.

via cuba - Google News

Enrollment Slowed in January

HT: Christopher Flavelle.

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Travel Agencies Rush Amid Cuba Banking Deadline - ABC News

Travel Agencies Rush Amid Cuba Banking Deadline

ABC News

Travel agencies that offer flights to Cuba are again rushing to get passport and visa applications submitted as the deadline for the Caribbean nation to find a new bank for its diplomatic accounts in the United States quickly approaches. Cuba ...

via cuba - Google News

Travel agencies rush amid Cuba banking deadline -

Travel agencies rush amid Cuba banking deadline

MIAMI -- Travel agencies that offer flights to Cuba are again rushing to get passport and visa applications submitted as the deadline for the Caribbean nation to find a new bank for its diplomatic accounts in the United States quickly approaches.

via Travel Cuba - Google News

Banking deadline raises Cuba question: Still a terrorist state? -

Havana Times

Banking deadline raises Cuba question: Still a terrorist state?

According to Tampa International Airport officials, the Tampa area has the third largest Cuban American population in the country and in 2012 accounted for 44,711 of the half-million people traveling between the U.S. and Cuba. Airport officials project ...

Voices: Cuba embargo? What Cuba embargo?

GEORGE KENNEDY: Trip to Cuba reveals country conflicted about its future

via Travel Cuba - Google News

Latin America's Pacific Alliance gathers pace - Stabroek News

Latin America's Pacific Alliance gathers pace

Stabroek News

Last June, we had cause to comment on the new dynamism in regional economic integration coming from the western rim of Latin America and the Alliance's orientation towards Asia. This week, the leaders of the four countries – significantly, outgoing ...

via Latin america - Google News

Correa reitera su apoyo al pueblo venezolano y a Maduro

El presidente de Ecuador, Rafael Correa, reiteró hoy su apoyo al pueblo venezolano y a Nicolás Maduro, presidente de esa nación suramericana, en la que en esta semana se han presentado hechos violentos en manifestaciones callejeras. Venezuela se mantiene en una tensa calma después de los hechos de violencia del miércoles, que dejaron tres muertos y más de sesenta heridos, sucesos de los que el chavismo acusa a opositores, mientras desde todas las tendencias contrarias al Gobierno se llama a la paz.

via Cubadebate

Messi: Embajador de los Juegos Olímpicos de la Juventud Buenos Aires 2018

El Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires anunció hoy un convenio con el astro argentino Lionel Messi para que sea el embajador de los Juegos Olímpicos de la Juventud, que se realizarán en la capital argentina en 2018. Asimismo, la Fundación Leo Messi realizará acciones sociales en favor de los niños y los adolescentes porteños a través de actividades deportivas, según informó hoy el gobierno bonaerense.

via Cubadebate

Evacúan a miles de personas por la erupción de un volcán en Indonesia

Al menos tres personas murieron y miles tuvieron que ser evacuadas por la erupción del volcán Kelud en la isla indonesia de Java, que desde el jueves lanza cenizas y rocas ardientes y obligó a cerrar los aeropuertos de la región. El volcán Kelud, considerado uno de los más peligrosos de Java, empezó a lanzar rocas y ceniza el jueves por la noche, pocas horas después de que se diera la alerta, indicó AFP. Los corresponsales en el lugar vieron este viernes a los habitantes aterrorizados, huyendo del volcán en moto o en coche.

via Cubadebate

¿Quo vadis Italia?

La prensa italiana no solo está reflejando, alarmada, la renuncia de Enrico Letta, sino los temores que la población experimenta ante las renovadas incógnitas del día. El primer ministro abre otro capítulo en el prolongado conflicto que provocó el desfile de tres jefes del ejecutivo y se dispone a albergar al cuarto. El evento que se vive en este momento alguien lo asemeja al ocurrido en la antigua Roma, dando origen a la famosa frase ¿tú también Brutus? Como símbolo de traición o exceso de codicia.

via Cubadebate

Rusia despliega radares de alerta temprana en sus fronteras

El ministro ruso de Defensa, Serguéi Shoigu, ha evocado como una de las tareas prioritarias del mando militar ruso hasta el año 2020 la de reforzar sustancialmente el potencial de defensa aeroespacial. "A fin de potenciar uno de sus componentes [de defensa aeroespacial] más importantes, el sistema de alerta temprana sobre lanzamiento de misiles enemigos, se despliega a lo largo de todo el perímetro del territorio nacional una red de radares especializados de nueva generación".

via Cubadebate

Concluye hoy Universidad 2014

Luego de cuatro días de intercambios referidos a la actividad académica y profesional concluye hoy en esta capital el IX Congreso Internacional de Educación Superior: Universidad 2014. Inaugurada oficialmente el lunes último en el teatro Karl Marx, la cita comenzó sus debates en el Palacio de Convenciones de La Habana el 11 de febrero, con la participación de alrededor de tres mil delegados de unos 60 países.

via Cubadebate

Tigresa causa pánico en la India

Yace agazapada al acecho mientras sus posibles víctimas recogen leña o llevan el ganado a pastar o trabajan en los cultivos. Se ha abalanzado sobre personas a plena luz del día, arrastrándolas silenciosamente a los bosques o los cañaverales. Cuando los pobladores encuentran a los desdichados queda muy poco de ellos, restos mutilados, sangre reseca y algún par de zapatos.

via Cubadebate

Hits and Misses

College graduates now out-earn high school grads by 70-80%. College graduation, in contrast, has barely changed. Why is that? Similar issue: since the economic returns to a stable marriage are massive, why has the divorce rate soared among working class families? Democrats back “Copper” plan; it has lower premiums, but more out-of-pocket spending.

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Justice Department’s Losing Battle Over Deportation Waivers for Permanent Residents

For more than five years, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has defended a policy that deprives long-term, lawful permanent residents (LPRs) of the opportunity to apply for a waiver that would allow them to remain in the United States. The waiver—known as the 212(h) waiver (referring to section 212(h) of the immigration statute)—permits permanent residents [...]

via Immigration Impact

NAFTA to save monarch butterflies?

Carter Roberts, Omar Vidal: President Obama and leaders of Canada and Mexico need to restore monarch habitats.

via - Latin America

Whose Blood Is It Anyway

Many patients’ group and their allies understandably cheered a new regulation that just came about as a result of many years of advocacy: Nationwide, patients now have a “right” to access their lab results directly. The “right” to receive test results directly from labs now ranks equally with the “right” to get our medical records. […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

HHs still using CGI as a contractor on the ObamaCare website. One of the largest and most meticulous studies of mammography ever done: The death rates from breast cancer and from all causes were the same in women who got mammograms and those who did not [and] one in five cancers found with mammography and […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Daily Headlines: February 17, 2014

via The Latin Americanist

Happy V-Day

For decades after this “food of the gods” was brought to Europe in the 1500s by Spanish explorers, chocolate was promoted in medical and scientific treatises as a stimulant, love potion, cure for impotence, and an aid to conception. One Spanish physician, Antonio Colmenero de Ledesma, wrote in the 17th century that chocolate “vehemently Incites […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Desde la derrota (+ Video)

Oscar Cruz ha leído ya varios poemas en Medellín. Entiéndase a Medellín como espacio y olvídese como ciudad. Léase Medellín como alcance o como separación. Medellín como casualidad. El poeta habla como si no existiera. Una rubia, a su lado, mira a cualquier parte. "Uno no se mata por el amor de una mujer", lee Oscar Cruz...

via Cubadebate

Abbott government has mountains to climb - Sydney Morning Herald

Sydney Morning Herald

Abbott government has mountains to climb

Sydney Morning Herald

During the 2013 election campaign, Treasurer Joe Hockey told Fairfax Media his political hero was former Republican president Teddy Roosevelt - the man who led the charge of the Rough Riders up San Juan Hill during the Spanish-American War for Cuba in ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Here's What It's Like to Be a Russian Journalist - Wired

Here's What It's Like to Be a Russian Journalist


Journalists listen to a press conference on the new Wow Moscow tourism initiative in the Museum of History in Red Square in Moscow, Russia. Photo: M. Scott Brauer. Journalists listen to a press conference on the new Wow Moscow tourism initiative in the ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Are the Exchanges Insuring the Uninsured?

Laszewski…says HHS’s reported number of 3.3 million enrollees exaggerates the true picture. He says that to calculate a more accurate number, one must subtract about 20 percent of the enrollees because they haven’t paid (and so aren’t technically insured); as well as about two-thirds of the enrollees because they were already insured prior to signing […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

First Latin American Apple Store opens this weekend in Rio - ZDNet

First Latin American Apple Store opens this weekend in Rio


The first ever physical Apple Store in Latin America will open for business tomorrow (15) at a shopping mall in a wealthy area of Rio de Janeiro. Until now, all the shops selling Apple products in Brazil were licensed partners that emulated the ...

Apple to Sell IPhones at Costliest $1169 in Brazil Store Debut

via Latin america - Google News