Monday, March 10, 2014

Rindió tributo Raúl a Melba Hernández (+Fotos)

En la noche del lunes, el General de Ejército Raúl Castro Ruz, Presidente de los Consejos de Estado y de Ministros, rindió tributo a la Heroína del Moncada Melba Hernández Rodríguez del Rey, cuyas cenizas permanecerán, por el momento, en el Ministerio de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias. Junto a familiares de la querida combatiente y miembros del Buró Político del Partido Comunista de Cuba, Raúl depositó una rosa blanca frente a la pequeña urna de madera

via Cubadebate

Operación Mongoose de nuevo

Por:Tatiana Coll La Jornada Una vez que los jerarcas estadunidenses fueron derrotados aplastantemente en su intento por asaltar y destrozar rápidamente la revolución cubana en las playas de Girón en abril de 1961, una vez que lo que quedaba de su famosa Brigada 2506 fue intercambiada por compotas infantiles (Gerbers) y medicinas, se reunieron a mascullar su odio infinito y cocinaron la famosa Operation Mongoose (Operación Mangosta), acción encubierta de la CIA. ...

via Cubadebate

Vargas Llosa agrede a Venezuela, tras un prolongado misterioso silencio

Ya era muy extraño que el “excelente novelista, periodista mediocre y enano político”, como caracterizó el Vicepresidente de Bolivia, Álvaro García Linera, al escritor peruano-español Mario Vargas Llosa, no atacara a Venezuela, en medio de los acontecimientos violentos protagonizados por la derecha en ese país.

via Cubadebate

Raul Castro Underscores Strategic Significance of Mariel Special Development ... - Cuba News

Raul Castro Underscores Strategic Significance of Mariel Special Development ...

Cuba News

Raul Castro Underscores Strategic Significance of Mariel Special Development Zone Cuban President Raul Castro described the Special Development Zone at the Harbor of Mariel, west of Havana, as the most important project being built on the island.

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

Opinion: Keystone XL pipeline makes sense

Alexander Pourbaix says the Keystone XL pipeline is safe and would provide the U.S. with oil from a reliable nation. He says it's the responsible path forward.

via - Latin America

CNN founder recovering after surgery in Argentina

CNN and Turner Broadcasting System founder Ted Turner says he's "recuperating well" after falling ill South America.

via - Latin America

Cuba Gooding Jr. Oscar Speech Behind The Scenes Is Better Than The Original - Huffington Post Canada

Cuba Gooding Jr. Oscar Speech Behind The Scenes Is Better Than The Original

Huffington Post Canada

The behind the scenes video of the TV truck during Cuba Gooding Jr.'s 1996 Oscar acceptance speech really puts how exciting Ellen's selfie was into perspective. We'll take this over three million retweets any day. Louis J. Horvitz is the man calling ...

Experience The Controlled Chaos Behind Cuba Gooding Jr.'s 1997 Oscars ...

via cuba - Google News

Hits and Misses

Arkansas finally does it: Medicaid expansion folks will enroll in private plans. Enrollment in Aon Hewitt’s private exchange quadrupled in 2014. Why does New Hampshire get to use Medicaid expansion money to subsidize employer-provided coverage and private insurance sold in the exchange? Testosterone and heart attacks: the rest of the story.

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

VIDEO: 'Dead' drug lord killed in Mexico

Security officials in Mexico announce that they have killed Nazario Moreno, a drug lord who was reported to have been shot dead three years ago.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Grandes escombros en Vietnam podrían ser los del avión desaparecido

Los grandes escombros que han sido localizados en el mar cerca de la ciudad vietnamita de Ho Chi Minh podrían corresponderse con los restos del avión que el sábado pasado desapareció con 239 personas a bordo. Horas antes se confirmó que el combustible que se encontró en el punto del mar donde supuestamente se pudo estrellar la aeronave no pertenece al avión, según los análisis de laboratorio.

via Cubadebate

El Salvador celebra triunfo del FMLN

El pueblo salvadoreño salió hoy a festejar la victoria en segunda vuelta electoral del Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación (FMLN). En el redondel Masferrer, en esta capital, Salvador Sánchez Cerén y Oscar Ortiz, la fórmula presidencial del Frente y virtuales presidente y vicepresidente, reiteraron su compromiso de trabajar y gobernar para todos los sectores.

via Cubadebate

Melba, mucho más que una heroína (+ Fotos)

Siempre risueña, siempre heroína, siempre patriota. Melba Hernández fue un personaje de leyenda, pero, sobre todo, un gran ser humano. Nunca pudieron doblegarla las adversidades: ni la caída de sus compañeros de lucha, ni la prisión, ni el acoso de la dictadura o la enfermedad prolongada. Venció cada combate a golpe de convicciones, de ingenio, de genuina sonrisa. Combatiente del Moncada; gestora, junto a Yeyé, de la impresión y divulgación de la Historia me Absolverá; participante en los preparativos del Granma; guerrillera en la Sierra Maestra. Mujer para grandes empeños.

via Cubadebate

La economía cubana y América Latina: oportunidades y desafíos (III)

Las relaciones económicas de Cuba con América Latina y el Caribe han registrado una transformación muy favorable en los últimos diez años. Para nuestro país, el intercambio comercial de bienes con la región, que en 2003 representaba el 33,4% del total, pasó al 62,1% en 2012. En ese contexto, las exportaciones regionales se elevaron del 21,7 al 28,6%, mientras que las importaciones subieron del 31,3 al 48,8%. En 2012 Venezuela y ...

via Cubadebate

La economía cubana y América Latina: oportunidades y desafíos (II)

De acuerdo con la información disponible, en la orientación geográfica del comercio exterior cubano de bienes resaltan como principales receptores de nuestras exportaciones Venezuela, Países Bajos, Canadá, China y España. En cuanto a las importaciones, los principales suministradores de Cuba son Venezuela, China, España, Brasil y Estados Unidos. En ambos casos se muestra un elevado nivel de concentración en un grupo reducido de países, fenómeno que ha sido característico en el ...

via Cubadebate

McKinsey: Only 14% of Enrollees Were Previously Uninsured

Of the ObamaCare sign-ups, only 27 percent had been previously uninsured in 2013. And of the 27 percent, nearly half had yet to pay a premium. (By contrast, among the 73 percent who had been previously insured, 86 percent had paid.) Put all those percentages together, and you get two key stats. Only 19 percent […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Raul Castro Underlines Significance of Mariel Special Development Zone - Escambray


Raul Castro Underlines Significance of Mariel Special Development Zone


Cuban President Raul Castro described the Special Development Zone at the Harbor of Mariel, west of Havana, as the most important project being built on the island. Raul made his statement during an evaluation of the investment project as he was ...

Raul Castro Stresses Cuba''s Pride for Women

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

Raul Castro Attends Closing Session of Cuban Women Federation Congress - Escambray


Raul Castro Attends Closing Session of Cuban Women Federation Congress


The 9th Congress of the Federation of Cuban Women (FMC), was closed this Saturday with the presence of Army general Raul Castro, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Party, and president of the Councils of State and Ministers. We feel proud ...

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

Cuba's open for business -- sort of - Business In Savannah

Cuba's open for business -- sort of

Business In Savannah

EDITOR'S NOTE: Barry Ostrow is the retired director of university relations at Armstrong Atlantic State University. He is now a freelance writer and sometime-world traveler. His latest travels took him to Cuba with a people-to-people program in February.

via cuba - Google News

Baby boomers savor retirement living on boats in Mexico - Dallas Morning News

Dallas Morning News

Baby boomers savor retirement living on boats in Mexico

Dallas Morning News

They are joined there by more than 100 other boat owners, part of a growing nautical tourism business in Mexico that isn't without legal hassles, including tax agents, but that is a dream many boat owners say is worth pursuing. With an estimated 80 ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Mexican border city eyes plan to lure back spring breakers, rebuild tourism ... - Minneapolis Star Tribune

Washington Post

Mexican border city eyes plan to lure back spring breakers, rebuild tourism ...

Minneapolis Star Tribune

But in the midst of a three-year increase in American tourism in Mexico, communities along the Rio Grande see potential to win back some of the tourists and revitalize an industry that has gone dormant since the cartel violence erupted south of the border.

Mexican border city hopes to lure spring breakers

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Majority of Sustainable Foods Produced in Latin America is Exported - Environmental Leader

Majority of Sustainable Foods Produced in Latin America is Exported

Environmental Leader

Latin America has become a major producer and exporter of sustainable foods, but its domestic market has lagged, according to research by Organic Monitor. The region has an 18 percent share, or 6.8 million hectares, of global organic farmland. More ...

Latin America: Going from Sustainable Production to Consumption

via Latin america - Google News

AP PHOTOS: Editor selections from Latin America - Fort Worth Star Telegram

AP PHOTOS: Editor selections from Latin America

Fort Worth Star Telegram

It was time for the annual Tattoo Show in Argentina, one of the largest events in Latin America dedicated to that art. Brazilians ended their Carnival celebration with exuberant parades at the Sambadrome in Rio, while a Roman Catholic priest in ...

via Latin america - Google News

ObamaCare Tax Penalty: Families Could Owe Up To $11,000

The Tax Policy Center has launched a Tax Penalty Calculator, which any individual can easily use to determine his or her ObamaCare tax liability. According to Roberton Williams: If you don’t have approved insurance coverage by March 31 (and are not exempt from the requirement), the Affordable Care Act will hit you with a penalty […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

My First Year Outside Cuba - Havana Times

My First Year Outside Cuba

Havana Times

HAVANA TIMES — I left Cuba exactly one year ago. During this time, I've had to adapt to life in Ecuador, a small country uncommonly rich in natural resources, with a broad variety of climates, landscapes and breathtaking ecosystems – scattered across ...

via cuba - Google News

The case against Nelson Cuba and Robbie Freitas - Jacksonville Daily Record

The case against Nelson Cuba and Robbie Freitas

Jacksonville Daily Record

One shell company depositing money from illegal gambling operations into another shell company, authorities said, then regular cash withdrawals by Cuba and Freitas, the only signers on that second account. Deposits totaling $576,100 from Sept.

via cuba - Google News

Fuerte terremoto sacude California

Un fuerte terremoto sacude California, Estados Unidos. El Servicio Geológico de EE.UU. (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés) sitúa la magnitud del sismo en 6,9, mientras que el Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico calcula que fue de 7,0. El epicentro del terremoto estuvo localizado a una profundidad de 10 kilómetros. El USGS descarta el riesgo de tsunami. El terremoto vino seguido de una réplica de 4,6 de magnitud, localizada a unos 77 kilómetros de distancia de la ciudad de Ferndale.

via Cubadebate

Holguín barrió a Artemisa (11-10)

En partido de abultado marcador de 11-10 carreras Holguín doblegó a Artemisa para cerrar la subserie 10 de la segunda ronda en el campeonato cubano de béisbol. Fue toda una fiesta para los bateadores, con 14 hits los vencedores y 16 los derrotados en su acantonamiento del 26 de Julio. Los ganadores conectaron cuatro jonrones (dos de Guillermo Avilés y uno per cápita de Leris Aguilera y Raudelín Legra) y uno Artemisa (Juan Carlos Torres).

via Cubadebate

Cinco pasajeros no abordaron en el avión de Malasia

Cinco pasajeros no embarcaron en el avión de Malaysian Airlines que el pasado sábado desapareció misteriosamente en el mar de China Meridional con 239 personas a bordo. Las autoridades no descartan que el avión haya sido secuestrado. Este domingo se informó que un ciudadano austriaco y otro italiano que figuraban en la lista de pasajeros del avión accidentado no estaban a bordo, ya que sus pasaportes habían sido robados y que hasta la fecha se encuentran en paradero desconocido.

via Cubadebate

En busca de un sueño… hermoso y rebelde

Por Melba Hernández Llegamos a la Escalinata un rato antes que Jesús. Venía acompañado de un joven alto, sobrio y con una belleza singular. Nos presentaron. Su nombre era Boris. La Pelusa estaba contenta, creo que simpatizaron desde el primer momento. A Chucho le había conocido antes: el 10 de marzo cuando el golpe de Estado, en casa de Yeyé y Abel. Aquella noche terminamos los cuatro reunidos con Abel en el ...

via Cubadebate

Policías contra policías

Por insólito que parezca ver a policías contra policías, ya no debe extrañar si su origen está en las terapias de choque de los organismos financieros internacionales y las llamadas políticas de rescate de la Unión Europa, que castigan con severidad a Portugal sin perdonar a ningún sector que viva de un salario. Ni siquiera el aparato policial se libra.

via Cubadebate

La obra del Mariel es la más importante que se está haciendo en el país, consideró Raúl

El General de Ejército Raúl Castro Ruz, Presidente de los Consejos de Estado y de Ministros, reiteró en la mañana de este sábado la significación estratégica de la Zona Especial de Desarrollo Mariel, la cual calificó como la obra más importante que se está haciendo en el país. Tales consideraciones las hizo durante el chequeo de las inversiones del Proyecto Mariel donde fue puesto al tanto de los trabajos que se llevan a cabo en las vías férreas, los viales, el abasto de agua, etc.

via Cubadebate

Construirán otro ‘Muro del Apartheid’ en la frontera EE.UU.-México

Elbit Systems anunció que su filial se hizo con un contrato de 145 millones de dólares del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional y Protección Fronteriza estadounidense para instalar sistemas de vigilancia a lo largo de la frontera sur de EE.UU, informa el portal Homeland Security News Wire. Según el portal, el contrato de un año puede prolongarse hasta alcanzar los 1.000 millones de dólares si el Congreso estadounidense aprueba una ley para restringir estrictamente la inmigración.

via Cubadebate

Zeke Speaks Out on McCain and Health Reform

Normally, I don’t think Zeke Emanuel has much to say that is both true and interesting. But this insider’s view of the making of ObamaCare is fascinating. Apparently there were people inside the White House who wanted to adopt John McCain’s approach to health reform. We ended up with only a timid step in that […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Daily Headlines: March 10, 2014

via The Latin Americanist

Cuba Dreamed the Dream

via Cuba Journal

Cuba's open for business -- sort of - Business In Savannah

Cuba's open for business -- sort of

Business In Savannah

It would not be a stretch to imagine this to be an upscale suburb of Miami. One of the main sources of revenue is tourism — all of it state controlled. Some three million tourists come to Cuba every year, primarily to sun on its pristine Caribbean ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

'Slain' Mexico cartel leader dies a second time -

BBC News

'Slain' Mexico cartel leader dies a second time

La Familia reportedly took its inspiration from an odd source: the book ''Wild at Heart,'' by American evangelical author John Eldredge of the Colorado Springs, Colorado-based Ransomed Heart Ministries. A Mexican government profile said Moreno ...

Mexico kills drug kingpin after reporting him dead

'Long dead' Mexico drug lord Nazario Moreno killed

Mexico confirms killing of 'dead' drug

via Latin america - Google News

AP PHOTOS: Editor selections from Latin America - Houston Chronicle

AP PHOTOS: Editor selections from Latin America

Houston Chronicle

It was time for the annual Tattoo Show in Argentina, one of the largest events in Latin America dedicated to that art. Brazilians ended their Carnival celebration with exuberant parades at the Sambadrome in Rio, while a Roman Catholic priest in ...

via Latin america - Google News

Cookbook Medicine

There are two fundamentally different ways of thinking about complex social systems: the economic approach and the engineering approach. The social engineer sees society as disorganized, unplanned and inefficient. Wherever he looks, he sees underperforming people in flawed organizations producing imperfect goods and services. The solution? Let experts study the problem, discover what should be […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Peru agrees to extradite van der Sloot to U.S.

Peru has agreed to extradite Joran van der Sloot, a suspect in the 2005 disappearance of American Natalee Holloway, to the United States when he finishes serving a 28-year murder sentence, the Peruvian news agency Andina reported.

via - Latin America

Latin America looks cheap – here's how to take advantage - MoneyWeek


Latin America looks cheap – here's how to take advantage


Many people are blaming the pain in emerging markets largely on the Federal Reserve's plans to cut back on quantitative easing (the 'taper'). But the region's woes go back way further than that. In fact, the MSCI Latin American Emerging Market Index ...

Research and Markets: Contact Center Outsourcing Services Market in Latin ...

via Latin america - Google News

Aon Benfield's Galizia to lead Latin America region - Post Online

Aon Benfield's Galizia to lead Latin America region

Post Online

Reporting to William Farmer, vice chairman of Aon Benfield, Galizia will be responsible for driving business growth, managing client teams, and creating and maintaining a business environment that is supportive to optimizing Latin America client results.

via Latin america - Google News

Razor thin margin in El Salvador presidential vote -

Washington Post

Razor thin margin in El Salvador presidential vote

Sanchez Ceren was a top rebel commander who helped negotiate the 1992 peace accords that ended El Salvador's civil war, in which the United States supported the government against the FMLN to prevent communism from spreading in Latin America.

El Salvador election 'too close to call'

Stopping drug cartels key issue in El Salvador election

El Salvador's Presidential Election Proves Tight

via Latin america - Google News

AP PHOTOS: Editor selections from Latin America - San Francisco Chronicle

San Francisco Chronicle

AP PHOTOS: Editor selections from Latin America

San Francisco Chronicle

Some Venezuelans took time off for Carnival last week despite continued nationwide anti-government protests that have claimed 21 lives since they started Feb. 12, while the government marked the one-year anniversary of Hugo Chavez's death.

via Latin america - Google News