Thursday, March 13, 2014

José Martí en Montecristi: Noticias que cambiaron la Historia

Al conocerse la noticia del alzamiento independentista en Cuba, el general Gómez convoca a una reunión urgente de los patriotas que se encontraban con él. Acuerdan que Gómez, Francisco Borrero, José María Rodríguez, Ángel Guerra, Enrique Collazo y ocho o diez hombres más se embarcaran hacia Cuba, y que el Delegado regresara a Nueva York para fortalecer la contienda militar de la isla con el envío constante de pertrechos y hombres, además del apoyo propagandístico en favor de la revolución, labores que pocos como él podrían realizar con tanta diligencia y acierto. Martí luego de oponerse con vehemencia a esta decisión que consideraba injusta e impolítica, terminó acatándola para no socavar el principio de autoridad y disciplina tan necesarios en esa hora decisiva. Pero una información aparecida en el periódico dominicano Listín Diario a principios de marzo de 1895 cambió el rumbo de esta historia

via Cubadebate

Protestas en Venezuela dejaron cerca de 30 muertos

La fiscal general de Venezuela, Luisa Ortega Díaz, informó el jueves en Ginebra, donde se celebra una reunión del Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU, que las protestas de Venezuela se han saldado con 28 muertos y 365 heridos. Desde Ginebra, Ortega Díaz aseguró que "el derecho a manifestar no es absoluto", sino que "tiene límites". "Los ciudadanos tienen derecho a manifestar pacíficamente y sin armas", apuntó.

via Cubadebate

Alan García, el Aznar peruano

Los expresidentes de Perú, Alan García, y de España, José Maria Aznar, parecen haber sido clonados en un mismo laboratorio secreto en Estados Unidos o de la “culta” Europa, a juzgar por sus similares conductas injerencistas y por sus implicaciones en cualquier escándalo de corrupción, vínculos con mafiosos y hasta con narcotraficantes.

via Cubadebate

Serie Mundial de Boxeo: Los duelos de cuartos de final

Ukraine Otamans y Rusia rivalizarán por el mismo sector del organigrama asignado a Domadores de Cuba y USA Knockout para los cuartos de final de la Serie Mundial de Boxeo, a disputarse desde el próximo día 28. Los rusos completaron 20 puntos y accedieron al tercer puesto del grupo B al derrotar 3-2 a los caribeños (28), líderes de ese colectivo, y tendrán como oponentes a unos ucranianos (25) desplazados al segundo escaño del segmento A.

via Cubadebate

Marzo de 1964

En 1964 vivía yo en Rio de Janeiro, en un apartamento en la esquina de las calles Naranjos con Pereira da Silva. Allí se reunían los jóvenes dirigentes de la JEC (Juventud Estudiantil Católica) y de la JUC (Juventud Universitaria Católica), movimientos ambos de la Acción Católica. Allí se hospedaban con frecuencia los líderes estudiantiles Betinho, Vinicius Caldeira Brant y José Serra.

via Cubadebate

La Fantasía: nuevo álbum de Van Van para este verano

Este año verá la luz la nueva producción del tren musical de Cuba, dirigido por el maestro Juan Formell. "Incluirá alrededor de 12 temas. Retomamos algunos antológicos que desconocen las nuevas generaciones, y otros nuevos de varios compositores ", asegura Samuel Formell. “Hemos grabado pocas canciones: ‘Aquí todo se vende’, “Todo se acabó’, ‘La fantasía’, ‘Me basta con pensar’ y ‘Échamelo en un cartucho’; son algunas que podrán escuchar en la nueva producción. "

via Cubadebate

Díaz-Canel califica encuentro con Bachellet de “entrañable y amistoso”

El Primer Vicepresidente de los Consejos de Estado y de Ministros de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, valoró su visita a Chile con la perspectiva de estrechar lazos con la nueva administración de Michelle Bachelet. En entrevista con Prensa Latina, Díaz-Canel destacó el encuentro con Bachelet, quien acaba de asumir por segunda vez la presidencia de ese país, al que calificó de «entrañable y amistoso», con un interesante potencial de colaboración.

via Cubadebate

ARTex: 25 años por los caminos del arte

El próximo 1ero de Abril, ARTex arribará a su aniversario 25. Dar a conocer detalles de la campaña por esta celebración y agradecer de manera especial la colaboración brindada por los periodistas cubanos en la promoción de cada uno de los proyectos creados durante estos años, fueron las principales motivaciones de los directivos de la empresa para sostener un encuentro en el Café Miramar, este miércoles, con especialistas de los medios masivos.

via Cubadebate

Presentan la nueva web del periódico Granma en la sede de la UPEC (+ Fotos y Video)

En horas de la mañana de este jueves presentaron en la Casa de la Prensa, en el Vedado, el nuevo portal digital del Periódico Granma, con motivo del 122 aniversario del Periódico Patria, y día de la prensa cubana. Cubadebate pone a disposición de los lectores, una entrevista concedida por el subdirector del medio, Oscar Sánchez Serra, con detalles sobre la nueva imagen en la web de Granma.

via Cubadebate

Analysis: Cuba, Venezuela and China — a failing triangle? - Cuba


Analysis: Cuba, Venezuela and China — a failing triangle?


Oil and gas production meets 50% of domestic demand, there's a growing tourism and a fully recovered nickel industry, and a significant reform process is in place, growing the private sector. Cuba's finances are in much better shape. And the opening of ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Analysis: Cuba, Venezuela and China — a failing triangle? - Cuba


Analysis: Cuba, Venezuela and China — a failing triangle?


... eventually affect Cuba. When Chinese President Xi Jinping visited three Latin American and Caribbean countries in September 2013, some observers jumped to the conclusion that because Xi did not visit Cuba and Venezuela, there was a decline in ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Analysis: Cuba, Venezuela and China — a failing triangle? - Cuba


Analysis: Cuba, Venezuela and China — a failing triangle?


China and Venezuela are Cuba's most important trading partners, representing 12.5% and 40% of Cuba's foreign trade, respectively. In recent times, a growing number of observers have been suggesting that these two countries might, for a host of ...

via cuba - Google News

A Tale of Two Surveys: ObamaCare Having Minimal Impact on Increasing Coverage

Two recently released surveys (both conducted in February) show that ObamaCare is having a trivial impact on health insurance coverage. The Gallup Heathways survey concludes that the “uninsured rate continues to fall,” which is correct in a narrow sense. The uninsured rate fell to 15.9 percent from 16.3 percent in the first quarter of 2013. […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Hits and Misses

Could robots replace optometrists in giving eye exams? More evidence: The larger your waist, the higher your risk of dying. More lies about ObamaCare? Up to 70 percent of doctor visits can actually be handled over the phone.

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Brazil’s presidential election: Winning hearts and likes

IN JUNE Brazil’s elites received a rude introduction to the power of social media. Protests, many convened via Facebook, saw millions take to the streets to air disaffection with politicians. Those same politicians now want to harness social networks for their election campaigns.Just before Dilma Rousseff was elected president in 2010, 6m Brazilians used Facebook at least once a month. As they gear up for a presidential poll in October, 83m do. Only the United States and India have bigger Facebook populations. One Brazilian in ten tweets; one in five uses Whatsapp—part messaging service, part social network. Cyberspace is seen as a crucial battleground for the election, even before campaigning officially starts on July 6th.In September, shortly after the protests petered out, Ms Rousseff reactivated her Twitter account, dormant since the 2010 election. She has also joined Instagram and Vine, two image-sharing sites, and revamped her Facebook profile. Last month Ms Rousseff’s Workers’ Party (PT) held its first workshop for activists on how best to use social networks. It plans 13 more in the coming months.The opposition is pinning even more hope on social media, in...

via The Economist: The Americas

Bello: Dallying with a monster

THE rule of law has long been a stranger to the sweltering lowlands known as the Tierra Caliente in the Mexican state of Michoacán. The site of battles over land in the 1940s and 1950s, the area suffered an exodus of migrant workers to California. In the 1970s the drug trade took root there, attracted by the proximity of the port of Lázaro Cárdenas and the remoteness of the federal government in Mexico City. Not content with trafficking methamphetamines, the latest mafia to lord it over the Tierra Caliente, the whimsically named “Knights Templar”, established a tight grip over its invertebrate society, co-opting local authorities, extorting protection money and raping women.That proved too much for the Tierra Caliente’s ranchers and lime-growers. A year ago they rebelled, forming “self-defence groups”. These vigilantes now control 26 of Michoacán’s 113 municipal districts. When earlier this year they threatened to storm Apatzingán, a town of 99,000, President Enrique Peña Nieto dispatched a federal official, Alfredo Castillo, and a squad of federal policemen. Mr Castillo struck agreements with the vigilantes: they will be vetted, in theory at least, and then join...

via The Economist: The Americas

Canadian erotica: Don’t screw with them

CANADA’S broadcasting regulator takes its job seriously. One of its tasks is fending off American cultural domination by enforcing a requirement that radio stations and television channels air a minimum proportion of Canadian content. That rule apparently extends to pornography. On March 5th the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) advised three adult-entertainment channels that it suspected they were not meeting the minimum requirement of 35% Canadian content, nor providing subtitles for the required 90% of their programmes.Commentators were quick to suggest ways that AOV Adult Movie Channel, AOV XXX Action Clips and AOV Maleflixxx could remedy the situation. The printable suggestions range from filming productions in Dildo, Newfoundland or Climax, Saskatchewan, to changing the names of popular Canadian shows such as The Friendly Giant” and “Hockey Night in Canada” to “The Overly Friendly Giant” and “Hickey Night in Canada”. More than a few pointed to the potential for basing new programmes on the Group of Seven, Canadian landscape artists active in the 1920s and 1930s, or on the quip by the late author...

via The Economist: The Americas

Colombia’s congressional election: Hostile forces

FOR Juan Manuel Santos, Colombia’s president, congressional elections on March 9th were an important signal that “the overwhelming majority of Colombians want peace.” Mr Santos, who supports efforts to reach a negotiated settlement with the country’s FARC guerrillas after 50 years of conflict, saw his National Unity coalition keep its majority in the lower and upper houses of Congress. In fact, the vote mirrors the torn feelings of many Colombians, who support the talks but are uneasy about the possibility of an amnesty for FARC fighters (see chart).Reflecting those qualms was the solid showing of a new party created by Álvaro Uribe, a former president who has assailed the government for its talks with the FARC. Mr Uribe practises a personal brand of politics. He feels deeply betrayed by Mr Santos, who served as his defence minister, was elected president largely thanks to his endorsement, and has subsequently reversed many of his policies.Mr Uribe has claimed that government negotiators are offering the guerrillas impunity for their crimes, which include kidnapping, torture and murder. Mr Uribe’s own father was killed in a kidnapping attempt by...

via The Economist: The Americas

Obama administration threatens economic sanctions on Venezuela - Fight Back! Newspaper

Obama administration threatens economic sanctions on Venezuela

Fight Back! Newspaper

Under pressure from the far right of the Republican Party of Florida, which includes sections of the large anti-Castro Cuban exile community in Miami, Governor Rick Scott joined calls for Obama to impose sanctions on the South American country ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Isabel Allende condecoró a José Mujica por “defender los derechos humanos”

La presidenta del Senado de Chile, Isabel Allende, condecoró al presidente, José Mujica, por "su incansable trabajo que ha efectuado el mandatario para defender los derechos humanos", informó hoy la Cámara Alta. El reconocimiento tuvo lugar durante "una ceremonia solemne, histórica y llena de emociones" celebrada anoche en la que la hija del derrocado presidente Salvador Allende destacó que la entrega de esta condecoración se produce en un momento histórico para Chile.

via Cubadebate

Proclamado oficialmente Sánchez Cerén como Presidente electo de El Salvador

Salvador Sánchez Cerén, uno de los líderes históricos del Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (FMLN), se convirtió hoy en presidente electo de El Salvador. El presidente del Tribunal Supremo Electoral, Eugenio Chicas, informó que el FMLN ganó la segunda vuelta electoral del pasado domingo con el 50.11 por ciento de los votos válidos, un millón 495 mil 815, la cifra más alta en la historia nacional.

via Cubadebate

UE amenaza con bloquear el Acuerdo Transatlántico con EE.UU. por el espionaje

El Parlamento Europeo ha amenazado este miércoles con bloquear el acuerdo de libre comercio entre la UE y Estados Unidos si las agencia secretas de Washington no cesan su vigilancia digital. Los negociadores se reunirán esta semana en Bruselas para mantener una cuarta ronda de negociaciones sobre el proyecto de la Asociación Transatlántica de Comercio e Inversión, que crearía la mayor zona de libre comercio en el mundo.

via Cubadebate

Médicos británicos restauran rostro de un paciente mediante impresora 3D

En Gales un hombre que sobrevivió a un grave accidente de moto se sometió a una cirugía pionera: los médicos le han reconstruido el rostro usando piezas impresas en 3D. Power es considerado el primer paciente con un trauma para cuyo tratamiento se utilizó la impresión tridimensional en todas las etapas. En el Reino Unido, uno de los países pioneros en cirugía 3D, hasta el momento se habían empleado partes impresas para corregir defectos congénitos.

via Cubadebate

Educación cubana busca graduar mejores técnicos y obreros calificados

La Educación Técnica y Profesional tiene como rol social garantizar la formación de la fuerza de trabajo calificada que necesitan todos los sectores de la economía del país, para incentivar la producción de bienes y servicios, a tono con la actualización del modelo económico cubano. En los últimos años se han instrumentado un grupo de transformaciones dirigidas a prestigiar esta enseñanza y lograr elevar la calidad de los diferentes procesos que se desarrollan en ella.Para ello contamos con una red escolar de 536 centros politécnicos, 295 puros, 188 mixtos y 53 Escuelas de Oficios, con una matrícula total de 179 951 estudiantes, de ellos 88 558 técnicos medios y 91 393 en obreros calificados.

via Cubadebate

Continúa la búsqueda del MH370

China no parará de buscar el avión de Malaysia Airlines desaparecido el sábado pasado con 227 pasajeros (153 de ellos, chinos) y 12 tripulantes “mientras haya un destello de esperanza”. Así lo ha asegurado este jueves el primer ministro chino, Li Keqiang, en rueda de prensa tras la clausura de la sesión anual del Parlamento en Beijing. “No abandonaremos ninguna pista sospechosa que encontremos”, ha insistido.

via Cubadebate

La UCI acogerá importante certamen internacional

Más de 70 académicos extranjeros han mostrado su interés en participar en la Primera Conferencia Científica Internacional de la Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas (UCI), a celebrarse en esa casa de altos estudios del 10 al 14 de abril. Miriam Nicado, rectora de la institución, explicó a la prensa que el evento UCIENCIA se desarrollaba antes solo a nivel nacional, pero en 2014 será de carácter mundial, siendo los ponentes europeos algunos de los que más expectativas generan.

via Cubadebate

Atomico Adds to Investment in Brazilian Retail Store BebeStore

(Dealbook) Atomico, the venture capital firm led by Niklas Zennstrom, the co-founder of Skype, is…

via Latin American Private Equity and Venture Capital Association » Latest Industry News

Haiti's Lamothe, in Chile, Urges Deeper Integration With Latin America - Caribbean Journal

Haiti's Lamothe, in Chile, Urges Deeper Integration With Latin America

Caribbean Journal

Others, like Ecuador, have been offering training in security and tourism, while Argentina has been working on developing Haiti's agricultural sector. Of course, Venezuela, which has become a significant patron to Haiti in recent years, is a ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Venezuela Protest 'Anarchy' Rages Into Fifth Week -

Vancouver Sun

Venezuela Protest 'Anarchy' Rages Into Fifth Week

Tourism Minister Andres Izarra, as well as others prominent in government including Maduro, tweeted pictures of the burning kiosk in the square, which is in the wealthy district Chacao. It took more than a decade of rule by Chavez for the opposition to ...

What is happening in Venezuela?

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Good Governance and Economic Performance - Project Syndicate

Good Governance and Economic Performance

Project Syndicate

If that compromise holds, stability will take hold, markets will function, Tunisia will attract investment, and tourism will thrive again. At the heart ... This is true even in cases like Venezuela, where large oil revenues masked the underlying ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

VIDEO: Buenos Aires' Pope Francis fever

People in Buenos Aires are taking every opportunity to celebrate Pope Francis' first year into his papacy.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Take The Money And Run? Some Hospitals, Physicians Dropping Out of Government Electronic Health Records Program

The 2009 HITECH Act authorized billions of taxpayers’ dollars be spent to pay hospitals and physicians “incentives” to adopt EHRs. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the total tab will be $30 billion from 2011 through 2019. The Government Accountability Office has just reported on the results so far. Not surprisingly, with so much money […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

2012 Moscow parade commemorates de 1945 Red Army victory over the fascists forces of Adolph Hitler

via Cuba Journal

CPUSA's hare-brained proposal

via Cuba Journal

Pope Francis: A priest reflects

A few days ago, I was coming home from school with a Polish priest. As we walked, he blurted out, "The smell of spring!"

via - Latin America

Holness calls for deeper ties with Cuba, Haiti - Jamaica Observer

Holness calls for deeper ties with Cuba, Haiti

Jamaica Observer

The Opposition leader said closer ties with Haiti and Cuba could result in the export of yam — which is copiously cultivated in southern Trelawny — to markets in those neighbouring countries. "Can you imagine if Haiti people start to buy yam from ...

via cuba - Google News

Report Investigates Election of Crooked Colombian Congressmen

via The Latin Americanist

Exiles in America Soften Stance on Cuba Ties -

Exiles in America Soften Stance on Cuba Ties

Zamora, who says he shifted his stance after he started traveling back to Cuba in 1995, is part of a growing group of Cuban Americans who are breaking with the long-held public line against U.S. relations with Cuba. Alfonso Fanjul, the 76-year-old ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

From the Comments: Cookbook Medicine Can Work

This is Larry Wedekind: Cookbook medicine, as you put it, is an essential innovation of the 20th century that is saving lives every day in every part of the country. Cookbook Medicine contributed to my procedural success in my surgery as well as the art that my surgeon employed to produce a favorable outcome. When […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Mexico Earns $1.44 Billion from International Tourism in January - Latin American Herald Tribune

Latin American Herald Tribune

Mexico Earns $1.44 Billion from International Tourism in January

Latin American Herald Tribune

MEXICO CITY – Mexico earned $1.44 billion from international tourism in January, up 17.4 percent from the same month in 2013, when the figure came in at $1.22 billion, the Tourism Secretariat said. Tourists staying more than 24 hours in the country ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

SNB: Holguín alcanzó a Industriales

La derrota de Industriales conjugada con las victorias de Villa Clara y Holguín dejaron al equipo capitalino en una posición incómoda en el Campeonato Cubano de béisbol, cuando apenas restan 10 partido para el fin de la temporada regular. Los azules de La Habana cayeron este miércoles por segunda jornada consecutiva contra Matanzas, esta vez por 7-10, y descendieron al cuarto escaño de la Serie, con foja de 44 éxitos y 33 derrotas.

via Cubadebate

WTM Latin America welcomes more than 30 New Exhibitors for 2014 - eTurboNews


WTM Latin America welcomes more than 30 New Exhibitors for 2014


WTM Latin America, which will also play host to the 41st Braztoa Business Meeting, last year saw more than 1,250 exhibitors from 60 countries take part contributing to the trade fair's main objective to promote Latin America to the world and to bring ...

via Latin america - Google News

Exiles in America Soften Stance on Cuba Ties -

Exiles in America Soften Stance on Cuba Ties

“I have clients from many different sectors who have an interest in Cuba and investors who want to invest legally in Cuba,” says Zamora, an international investment lawyer. “The number of people interested is continuing to increase...tourism is the ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Exiles in America Soften Stance on Cuba Ties -

Exiles in America Soften Stance on Cuba Ties

Marco Rubio recently gave an impassioned speech on the Senate floor against the governments of Cuba and Venezuela, saying the Castro regime “exported repression in real time.” Raul Moas, Executive Director of the non-profit Cuban youth empowerment ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Haiti government defends plans to develop resort island -

Haiti government defends plans to develop resort island

... on the airport, a $24 million gift from the government of Venezuela, amid a series of protests that began last year following a government announcement that it was seizing land on the island for the purpose of “public utility” to carry out the ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Haiti gov't defends plans to develop resort island - Belleville News Democrat

Haiti gov't defends plans to develop resort island

Belleville News Democrat

Lamothe said that the development on Ile-a-Vache will be the most ambitious tourism project ever in Haiti and that critics who have clashed with police in protests do not fully appreciate the benefits. "This will bring the hope for a ... Work has begun ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

'Rock star' pope shakes up Vatican

Watch how Pope Francis is redefining the papacy and breathing new life into the Catholic Church.

via - Latin America

Daily Headlines: March 13, 2014

via The Latin Americanist

Haiti gov't defends plans to develop resort island - Greenwich Time

Haiti gov't defends plans to develop resort island

Greenwich Time

... a $24 million gift from the government of Venezuela, amid a series of protests that began last year following a government announcement that it was seizing land on the island for the purpose of "public utility" to carry out the tourism project. It ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Salvador ex-rebel 'wins presidency'

Election officials say ex-rebel Salvador Sanchez Ceren has won El Salvador's presidential poll after a manual vote count, but his rival can still appeal.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean