Monday, October 21, 2013

Gloria Estefan wants to perform in her native Cuba - Daily Mail

NBC 6 South Florida (blog)

Gloria Estefan wants to perform in her native Cuba

Daily Mail

Her father returned to Cuba as part of the US's ill-fated Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961. He was captured and spent two years in Castro's jails. On his return he joined the US Army and volunteered for Vietnam naively believing the American government of ...

Gloria Estefan, Willy Chirino Support Cuban Human Rights in Online Video

via cuba - Google News

Health Care in Trinidad and Tobago Sees Ongoing Progress - SBWire (press release)

Health Care in Trinidad and Tobago Sees Ongoing Progress

SBWire (press release)

All these issues force patients seek medical treatments in other countries such as US, Colombia, Venezuela and other regions. Colombia plans to become a world leader in health tourism by 2032 and the ... PlacidWay is a leader in the medical tourism ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Cuban journalist who first interviewed Fidel Castro in the Sierra Maestra -

Cuban journalist who first interviewed Fidel Castro in the Sierra Maestra Agustin Alles Soberón, the first journalist to interview Fidel Castro and his guerrillas in Cuba's Sierra Maestra Mountains in 1958 and later a senior editor with Radio/TV Marti for 20 years, died Sunday in Miami at the age ...

via cuba - Google News

Lone bid wins Brazil oilfield rights

Rights to explore Brazil's biggest oilfield are auctioned to the sole bidder - a Brazilian-led consortium - amid angry clashes in Rio.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

After Government Reopens, Calls for Immigration Reform Build

Now that Congress has ended the government shutdown and narrowly averted hitting the nation’s debt ceiling, it should come as no surprise that immigration reform is back in the news. Supporters of reform are pushing for House leadership to bring a path to citizenship and other immigration bills to the floor for a vote, while …

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via Immigration Impact

Former Vietnamese Scholarship Holders Thank Cuba - Prensa Latina

Former Vietnamese Scholarship Holders Thank Cuba

Prensa Latina

21 de octubre de 2013, 11:38Hanoi, Oct 21 (Prensa Latina) Vietnamese graduates of study programs in Cuba are forever grateful for the education they were granted, as expressed during a celebration for the 50th anniversary of the graduation of the ...

via cuba - Google News

Barack Obama will face a huge revolt from progresives and leftists over Social Security and his proposed Chained CPI.

via Cuba Journal

Walkabout: Record Numbers for American Tourism in Cuba; TripAdvisor Plans ... - New York Times (blog)

New York Times (blog)

Walkabout: Record Numbers for American Tourism in Cuba; TripAdvisor Plans ...

New York Times (blog)

Tourists in Havana in 2012. Despite restrictions, Americans are visiting Cuba in record numbers Enrique De La Osa/Reuters Tourists in Havana in 2012. Despite restrictions, Americans are visiting Cuba in record numbers. Bienvenidos Americans are ...

More Americans are traveling to Cuba

Americans traveling to Cuba in record numbers

via tourism in cuba - Google News

ObamaCare Effects on the Labor Market

David Beckworth draws our attention to this survey data from the NFIB (small business): Incidentally, this survey was frequently referred to in the past by Paul Krugman, Brad DeLong, and others in order to show that regulation was not the most important problem facing business. Let’s see if they change their tune now that the [...]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Cubanos Savón y Toledo a cuartos de final en Mundial de boxeo

Los cubanos Yasnier Toledo y Erislandy Savón lograron sendas victorias hoy en el Campeonato Mundial de boxeo de Almaty, Kazajastán, y avanzaron a los cuartos de final. En los 64 kilogramos, Toledo superó por decisión unánime 3-0 al ruso Armen Zakaryan, tercer sembrado, mientras Savón arrolló también por 3-0 al argelino Chouaib Bouloudinats, en los 91.

via Cubadebate

¿Principio o fin?

Una bicicleta pasa a toda velocidad por Broadway con una enorme bandera en la que se lee Arrepiéntete. Regresa a Jesús. Un monje tibetano regala tarjetitas que ofrecen un camino para superar todo lo negativo. Un grupo de buenas intenciones trata de platicar con los peatones sobre los peligros mortales de los combustibles fósiles, otro pide contribuciones para niños en el mundo que no tienen qué comer, otro más para ...

via Cubadebate

La Plata, capital del tatuaje por un fin de semana

Decenas de miles de personas visitaron durante el pasado fin de semana el histórico inmueble Pasaje Dardo Rocha, en la ciudad de La Plata, a 60 km de Buenos Aires, capital Argentina, para participar en la tercera Convención Internacional de Tatuadores, organizado por la Secretaría de Cultura y Educación de la Municipalidad, y el artista y tatuador platense Juan Bonaro de estudio Cruz Tattoo. A la cita asistieron cuatrocientos importantes tatuadores de quince países los que mostraron en vivo las características de este arte milenario.

via Cubadebate

Exbecarios vietnamitas agradecen a Cuba al cabo de 50 años

Vietnamitas que se graduaron en Cuba guardan hoy permanente gratitud por la capacitación recibida, según lo manifestaron durante la conmemoración de los 50 años del segundo grupo que venció la distancia entre el Sudeste Asiático y el Caribe. De los 35 que realizaron tan largo viaje y regresaron formados, solo sobreviven 19, encanecidos ya pero con los recuerdos frescos de una estancia para ellos inolvidable que desgranaron en anécdotas.

via Cubadebate

Cuba sees surge in US visitors - Travel Weekly

Cuba sees surge in US visitors

Travel Weekly

The increase, which is twice the number in 2007, is due in part to the reinstatement of the people-to-people cultural and educational travel programs by the Obama administration in early 2011. Travel to Cuba by U.S. citizens is permitted by U.S ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Oregon’s Experience with ObamaCare

Number enrolled in Medicaid: 56,000 Number enrolled in private plans: 0 Ordinal projection of private enrollment: 7,000 per month All enrollments are manual. The electronic exchange still isn’t functional. Source: Sarah Kliff.

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Tony Mendoza: Photographer revisits roots by writing novel set in Cuba - Columbus Dispatch

Tony Mendoza: Photographer revisits roots by writing novel set in Cuba

Columbus Dispatch

Sex is taken care of, if not very satisfactorily, by several trips to brothels under the guidance of the family chauffeur, as was the custom in upper-class Cuba at the time. Romance is divided between American tourist Sarah and well-chaperoned Carmen ...

via cuba - Google News

Phoenix looks to open Mexico City trade, tourism office - Phoenix Business Journal

Phoenix looks to open Mexico City trade, tourism office

Phoenix Business Journal

The city of Phoenix wants to open a Mexico trade and tourism office. Staff Phoenix Business Journal. The city of Phoenix is looking at opening a new trade and tourism office in Mexico City. The Phoenix City Council could soon consider a $200,000 ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

What Paul Krugman Thinks About the ObamaCare Exchanges

Obviously they messed up the programming big time, which is kind of a shock. But this will get fixed… ObamaCare will be working fine. ObamaCare is here to stay, and it’s going to work. Almost all ObamaCare news has been good. Here’s what you need to know [about the technical glitches]: this is good, not [...]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

More Americans are traveling to Cuba - Los Angeles Times

More Americans are traveling to Cuba

Los Angeles Times

American tourism to Cuba — tightly restricted for more than 50 years — is on the upswing, a new report shows. But Americans are a trickle compared with the torrent of Canadians. Some 98,050 Americans visited Cuba in 2012, according to recently ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News,0,5691295.story

Cuba: New Measures Come into Force on Direct Sales to Tourism - Radio Cadena Agramonet

Cuba: New Measures Come into Force on Direct Sales to Tourism

Radio Cadena Agramonet

Havana, Cuba, Oct 21.- New resolutions issued by the Ministries of Agriculture (MINAG), Tourism and Finance and Prices will come into force this Monday to ease direct sales of agricultural products by farmers to the tourist industry. From today ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Cuba sees surge in US visitors - Travel Weekly

Cuba sees surge in US visitors

Travel Weekly

Travel to Cuba by U.S. citizens is permitted by U.S. companies authorized and licensed by the U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control to offer detailed itineraries and programs geared to the exploration of Cuba's educational and ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

More Americans are traveling to Cuba - Los Angeles Times

More Americans are traveling to Cuba

Los Angeles Times

Still, in order to comply with restrictions enforced by the U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control, most Americans can only travel to Cuba by way of “people-to-people” educational trips operated by companies specifically licensed ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News,0,5691295.story

Americans travel Cuba in record numbers! - Bangladesh News 24 hours

Americans travel Cuba in record numbers!

Bangladesh News 24 hours

Americans are visiting Cuba in record numbers despite strict travel restrictions, joining the hundreds of thousands of Cuban Americans who travel home each year, according to Cuban government figures published on Friday. Print Friendly and PDF. Just ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

Cuba sees surge in US visitors - Travel Weekly

Cuba sees surge in US visitors

Travel Weekly

Travel to Cuba by U.S. citizens is permitted by U.S. companies authorized and licensed by the U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control to offer detailed itineraries and programs geared to the exploration of Cuba's educational and ...

via cuba - Google News

Mundial de boxeo: Cubano Ramírez avanza

El 56 kilogramos cubano Robeisy Ramírez venció hoy al armenio Aram Avagyan y accedió a los cuartos de final del Campeonato Mundial de boxeo de Almaty, Kazajastán. Ramírez, campeón olímpico en Londres-2012, superó por decisión unánime de los jueces (3-0) al pugilista europeo y de paso se citó con el local Kairat Yeraliyev en su próximo combate, para asegurar medalla de bronce. Los restantes boxeadores latinoamericanos de esta división cayeron en sus respectivas peleas.

via Cubadebate

Continúa en octubre la gira por los barrios, de Silvio Rodríguez

Como parte de la gira por los barrios que desde hace más de 3 años realiza Silvio Rodríguez junto a artistas invitados, tendrán lugar en octubre dos presentaciones. En ambos conciertos Silvio estará acompañado por Jorge Reyes en el bajo, Jorgito Aragón en el piano y Oliver Valdés en la batería y la percusión. Los invitados especiales serán Pancho Amat y El Cabildo del Son.

via Cubadebate

Abre Leinier con triunfo en el europeo de clubes de ajedrez

El Gran Maestro cubano Leinier Domínguez, del equipo San Petersburgo ruso, ganó hoy al Maestro Internacional británico John J. Cox, del Barbican 4NCL, en la apertura del Campeonato Europeo de Clubes de ajedrez. Domínguez, de dos mil 753 puntos Elo, figuró como primer tablero y no tuvo problemas para derrotar a su oponente, en una jornada donde su colectivo sumó 5,5 puntos de seis posibles.

via Cubadebate

Urge Academia de la Lengua una mejor enseñanza del español

El presidente de la Asociación de las 22 Academias de la Lengua Española, el español José Manuel Blecua, advirtió hoy la necesidad de que mejore la enseñanza del idioma, aunque resaltó la "situación favorable" del habla. "Una cosa que es fundamental es mejorar en mucho la enseñanza y la educación, sobre todo en los niños; de cómo se enseña a escribir, no la ortografía, sino cómo se enseña a escribir una redacción, eso mejorará, dará precisión, estilo eficaz", dijo Blecua a Notimex.

via Cubadebate

Facebook amanece “roto”

El popular sistema de red social Facebook amaneció este lunes paralizado para millones de usuarios que se ven impedidos de incluir comentarios, actualizar información o dar "Me gusta" en sus cuentas. La red social de Menlo Park, California, con más de mil millones de usuarios permanecía este lunes por la mañana sin aclarar la situación. Según comentarios en Twitter, algunas personas experimentan el mismo tipo de problemas en Facebook desde la noche del domingo.

via Cubadebate

La contaminación en China paraliza varias ciudades (+ Fotos)

La fuerte contaminación que desde el domingo envuelve el noreste de China, en las zonas fronterizas con Rusia y Corea del Norte, ha obligado a cerrar escuelas, autopistas y aeropuertos en grandes ciudades de la región como Harbin y Changchun, informaron medios locales. Según la televisión estatal CCTV, el fenómeno se debe al uso de carbón en la calefacción comunitaria (que este domingo se encendió por primera vez en este otoño) y la quema de rastrojo en las afueras de la ciudad.

via Cubadebate

Rusia: Autobús explota y deja al menos cinco muertos y 20 heridos

Un autobús de pasajeros explotó este lunes en la ciudad rusa de Volgogrado (sur de Rusia) y la policía local reporta que hasta los momentos son cinco los muertos y 22 heridos, 10 de ellos en estado de gravedad. Los oficiales dejaron saber que realizan las primeras investigaciones para identificar el artefacto explosivo que estalló. El Ministerio de Emergencias, por su parte, confirmó la cifra de muertos y heridos. En el autobús viajaban al menos unas 40 personas.

via Cubadebate

Chomsky: “Se está produciendo un cambio histórico en América Latina”

En una entrevista con un diario estadounidense, el profesor Noam Chomsky declaró que se está produciendo "un cambio histórico en América Latina", la cual se "ha liberado a sí misma" de EE.UU., cuyo poder está en pleno proceso de declive. "En los últimos años, por primera vez en su historia, América Latina se ha liberado sustancialmente a sí misma de la influencia extranjera. [..] Por ejemplo, no queda una sola base militar de EE.UU. en América Latina", lo que indica, entre otras razones, un "cambio histórico" en la región.

via Cubadebate

Can the “Best and the Brightest” Fix is monstrously complex. The Times reports that there’s more than 500 million lines of code — of which more than 5 million lines may need to be rewritten. And that code is interfacing with computer systems (and computer code) at the Internal Revenue Service, the Social Security Administration, state Medicaid systems, insurers like Aetna, [...]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Boston Barbudos (Bearded Ones) Become the 2013 ALCS Champions

via Cuba Journal

More Americans are traveling to Cuba - Los Angeles Times

More Americans are traveling to Cuba

Los Angeles Times

President Obama loosened some restrictions in 2011. Still, in order to comply with restrictions enforced by the U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control, most Americans can only travel to Cuba by way of “people-to-people” educational ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News,0,5691295.story

Couple finish epic South America run -

Couple finish epic South America run

A British couple are "mentally and physically exhausted" after becoming the first to run the length of South America, by completing a marathon almost every day for 15 months. Katharine and David Lowrie, both 35, from Devon, began their 6,400-mile ...

Couple run 6200 miles across South America 'pulling a plough'

via Latin america - Google News

More Americans are traveling to Cuba - Los Angeles Times

More Americans are traveling to Cuba

Los Angeles Times

Still, in order to comply with restrictions enforced by the U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control, most Americans can only travel to Cuba by way of “people-to-people” educational trips operated by companies specifically licensed ...

Americans traveling to Cuba in record numbers

via cuba - Google News,0,5691295.story

Previ Set to Double its Private Equity Investments

(Terra Economia) Previ, the pension fund for employees of Banco do Brasil (BB), wants to…

via Latin American Private Equity and Venture Capital Association » Latest Industry News

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

Administration officials say about 476,000 health insurance applications have been filed through federal and state exchanges, but won’t say how many people have actually enrolled. Nearly three-fourths of the uninsured have never heard of the (ObamaCare) exchanges. Krugman reverses course: after denying for quite some time that public policy uncertainty is holding the economy back [...]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

BBC: France summons US ambassador over newspaper claims that the US spied on millions of phone calls in France

via Cuba Journal

Cuba: “I'm a Foreigner in my Own Country” - Havana Times

Havana Times

Cuba: “I'm a Foreigner in my Own Country”

Havana Times

HAVANA TIMES — Some days ago, I ran into a friend I hadn't seen in a very long time. From the clothes he was wearing and the accent he spoke with, I immediately realized he was now living abroad. We sat down together to catch up. We told stories ...

via cuba - Google News

Rally against NSA spying, October 26, 2013

via Cuba Journal

Report Published: "Travel and Tourism in Mexico" - SBWire (press release)

Report Published: "Travel and Tourism in Mexico"

SBWire (press release)

Euromonitor International's Travel and Tourism in Mexico report offers a comprehensive guide to the size and shape of the market at a national level. It provides the latest market size data 2008-2012, allowing you to identify the sectors driving growth.

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Daily Headlines: October 21, 2013

via The Latin Americanist

Embassy of Cuba in New Zealand with concurrent accreditations to the Republic of Fiji, Cook Islands, Independent State of Samoa, Kingdom of Tonga, Tuvalu, Republic of Kiribati

via Cuba Journal

Lift embargo on Cuba, Ghana tells U.S

via Cuba Journal

Death Spirals

A death spiral occurs when pricing in an insurance market spins out of control. If an insurance pool turns out to be more expensive than originally thought, the insurer must raise its premiums. As the premium rises, some healthy people drop their coverage. With a sicker group of enrollees, the average cost per enrollee will [...]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Chicago White Sox to sign Jose Dariel Abreu to six-year, $68 million deal

via Cuba Journal

EE.UU. interceptó 70,3 millones de comunicaciones en Francia

Estados Unidos interceptó 70,3 millones de comunicaciones emitidas desde Francia en 30 días entre finales de 2012 y comienzos de 2013, según documentos de la Agencia Nacional de Seguridad (NSA) publicados este lunes por Le Monde. Ese número de interceptaciones se produjeron entre el 10 de diciembre y el 8 de enero, con una media de tres millones diarias, aunque hubo un pico de casi siete millones tanto el 24 de diciembre como el 7 de enero, señala el periódico, que destaca el carácter "masivo" de este espionaje.

via Cubadebate

Hurricane Raymond nears Mexico coast

A category three hurricane is slowly approaching the Pacific coast of Mexico, which only last month was badly hit by Tropical Storm Manuel.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Hurricane Raymond menaces Mexico's Pacific coast

Nearly a major hurricane, Raymond churned off the southern Pacific Coast of Mexico, threatening major tourist destinations.

via - Latin America

Lift embargo on Cuba, Ghana tells US - BusinessDay

Lift embargo on Cuba, Ghana tells US


The law was with a stated purpose of maintaining sanctions on Cuba so long as its government continued to refuse to move toward democratisation and greater respect for human rights. Quartey said it was necessary for the U.S. to lift the embargo which ...

via cuba - Google News

Is Diego Costa the man to break the mould?

Atletico Madrid striker Diego Costa could be 'one who got away' for Brazil, writes BBC Sport Tim Vickery

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Dissident blogger Yoani Sanchez: Why Cuba needs a monument to the thumb ... - CTV News

CTV News

Dissident blogger Yoani Sanchez: Why Cuba needs a monument to the thumb ...

CTV News

Yoani (YO'-ahn-ee) Sanchez gave a largely grim report of the state of the press in Cuba at a meeting of the Inter American Press Association in Denver. She said President Raul Castro's regime has been aggressive in arresting and beating people who ...

Cuba, Venezuela slammed on press freedoms

US-Cuba: Lessons of the past

Cubans Using Thumb Drives to Exchange Information

via cuba - Google News

Argentine train crashes into Buenos Aires Once station - BBC News

BBC News

Argentine train crashes into Buenos Aires Once station

BBC News

A commuter train in the Argentine capital, Buenos Aires, has crashed at the end of the line, leaving at least 80 people injured. The train failed to stop as it arrived at Once station, crashing through the buffers and ending up wedged between the floor ...

US Rep. Sanford's Argentine lover speaks out on TV

Argentine economy 12 month expansion in August was 4%

At least 99 hurt in Buenos Aires train accident

via Latin america - Google News

Venezuela clamps down on 'currency tourism' with random checks at airports - MercoPress

Venezuela clamps down on 'currency tourism' with random checks at airports


The 'dollar-scarce' Venezuelan government is trying to clamp down on what it calls “currency tourism” with random checks of passengers leaving the country. The officials at the country's main airports are not guards or police but bureaucrats at state ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Restablecen circulación ferroviaria luego de accidente en Zaza del Medio

Las fuerzas ferroviarias y constructoras movilizadas a propósito del accidente ocurrido el pasado viernes en los predios de la localidad de Zaza del Medio (Sancti Spíritus), en el centro de la Isla, lograron en horas de la noche del domingo el restablecimiento del enlace vial, interrumpido desde entonces y considerado como estratégico para el traslado de pasajeros y mercancías entre Oriente y Occidente y viceversa.

via Cubadebate

Harry Browne: Bono pasó del pacifismo a cómplice de George Bush

Pocas veces se ha publicado un cuestionamiento tan completo y minucioso de una estrella del rock. "Bono: en el nombre del poder" es un ejemplo de análisis de la cultura pop que trasciende su marco para explicar las políticas de las élites económicas. Su autor, el italoamericano Harry Browne, residente hace dos décadas en Dublín, es un destacado reportero y activista antimilitar.

via Cubadebate

Iraq, una guerra olvidada

Terminó –por así decirlo– hace menos de dos años y pareciera que la de Iraq entró en perfecto olvido. Tal vez porque finalizó tres veces: la primera, cuando W. Bush anunció en mayo del 2003, menos de dos meses después de invadirlo y a bordo del portaaviones USS Abraham Lincoln, “misión cumplida”. La segunda bajo Obama, cuando tropas estadounidenses cruzaron la frontera con Kuwait como si se estuvieran retirando. La tercera, cuando el Parlamento iraquí se negó a acordar inmunidad a los invasores, quienes proclamaron oficialmente el cese del conflicto el 11 de diciembre del 2011. Pero la muerte sigue campante su paseo por Iraq.

via Cubadebate

Ask Joan - Irish Times

Ask Joan

Irish Times

Solo Holidays ( has a trip from Gatwick to Cuba on December 23rd for a week (the two-week programme is sold out). An all-inclusive stay in a four-star hotel with activities and entertainment, it costs about €2,360 with flights. For a ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News