Wednesday, March 26, 2014

LG G2 mini coming to Europe, Latin America, Asia end of the month - Android Community

Android Community

LG G2 mini coming to Europe, Latin America, Asia end of the month

Android Community

LG has just announced the schedule of availability of its mini flagship, the G2 mini. Offered not only in different colors but also in different hardware configurations, the G2 mini will begin its commercial launch in selected regions of Europe, Latin ...

via Latin america - Google News

US: The Spring Break Travel Rush And Changes In Florida's Gasoline Supply ... - Albany Tribune

Albany Tribune

US: The Spring Break Travel Rush And Changes In Florida's Gasoline Supply ...

Albany Tribune

Through the rest of the spring and into the summer, gasoline consumption typically declines as tourism slows and seasonal residents head north to escape the heat (Figure 1). This consumption pattern differs from that of in ... The 500,000-bbl/d HOVENSA ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Recibió Fidel al Primer Ministro vietnamita

El líder histórico de la Revolución cubana, Fidel Castro Ruz, recibió en la tarde de hoy a Nguyen Tan Dung, Primer Ministro de la República Socialista de Vietnam. En el encuentro fraternal y ameno, en un clima de amistad y comprensión, se produjo un amplio intercambio sobre los lazos históricos entre Cuba y Vietnam

via Cubadebate

Primer Vicepresidente de Cuba recibe a Primer Ministro de Vietnam

Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, miembro del Buró Político del Comité Central del Partido y Primer Vicepresidente de los Consejos de Estado y de Ministros, recibió en la mañana de este miércoles a Nguyen Tan Dung, miembro del Buró Político del Comité Central del Partido y Primer Ministro de la República Socialista de Vietnam, quien se encuentra de visita oficial en Cuba al frente de una nutrida delegación.

via Cubadebate

Report: Law will let Cubans abroad invest on the island - Bellingham Herald

Report: Law will let Cubans abroad invest on the island

Bellingham Herald

MIAMI — Cuba's new foreign investment law cuts taxes, opens new sectors to foreigners and allows investments by Cubans living abroad as part of ruler Raul Castro's efforts to lure fresh capital to his long-stagnant economy, according to published reports.

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

The Dangers of a Cuban Collapse - POLITICO Magazine


The Dangers of a Cuban Collapse


Cuba's 1950s cars and Havana's crumbling facades have long been its iconic symbols in the American imagination. They don't disappoint, as I discovered on a trip to Cuba last week. But I didn't expect zippy Hyundais with Miami FM on their radios or a ...

via cuba - Google News

Advent Said to Plan to Seek $2 Billion for Latin American Fund - Bloomberg

Advent Said to Plan to Seek $2 Billion for Latin American Fund


Advent International Corp. is seeking to deepen its investments in Latin America as three of the four biggest economies in the region are forecast to decelerate or contract in 2014 and after private-equity capital raising slowed last year. The Boston ...

via Latin america - Google News

Ousted Venezuelan MP back in Caracas

Opposition Venezuelan congresswoman Maria Corina Machado returns to Caracas after having her mandate revoked by the National Assembly.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Develan placa donde se conocieron Fidel y el Che

La embajada de Cuba en México, la Secretaría de Turismo capitalina y la delegación Cuauhtémoc develaron una placa en la calle de Emparan número 49, colonia Tabacalera, donde se conocieron Fidel Castro y Ernesto "El Che" Guevara en 1955. El secretario de Turismo local y el delegado anunciaron que dentro del proyecto para promover sitios históricos de la demarcación, se harán reconocimientos en 30 inmuebles donde habitaron personas destacadas.

via Cubadebate

Team Unity ready to govern -

Team Unity ready to govern

The Charter when given a lease of life prevents a replication of the murder and mayhem in Venezuela and the Ukraine. We need in the Caribbean to build impregnable institutions of ... brinksmanship and lawlessness of the outgoing regime. Our prosperity ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Report: Law will let Cubans abroad invest on the island -

Report: Law will let Cubans abroad invest on the island

Cuba's new foreign investment law cuts taxes, opens new sectors to foreigners and allows investments by Cubans living abroad as part of ruler Raúl Castro's efforts to lure fresh capital to his long-stagnant economy, according to published reports. But ...

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

Campeche seeking “Your Best Reward Is Mexico” Certification - The Yucatan Times

The Yucatan Times

Campeche seeking “Your Best Reward Is Mexico” Certification

The Yucatan Times

Campeche tourism services providers will showcase their products to representatives of “Your Best Reward is Mexico” program in order to obtain certification as a World Class destinations for incentive travel, Campeche is trying to open a new attraction ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Boeing sees Latin American market share of at least 50 percent - Reuters

Boeing sees Latin American market share of at least 50 percent


"We see this market growing an average 6.9 percent over the next 20 years," Van Rex Gallard, Boeing's sales vice president for Latin American, Africa and the Caribbean, said in an interview at Santiago's FIDAE airshow. He said that translates into 2 ...

Boeing sees Latin American market share at least 50 percent

via Latin america - Google News

Obama Administration Faces Diplomatic Isolation in Latin America on Venezuela - Huffington Post

Obama Administration Faces Diplomatic Isolation in Latin America on Venezuela

Huffington Post

The Bush administration had a stated policy of trying to isolate Venezuela from its neighbors, and the strategy ended up isolating Washington instead. President Obama, in his first meeting with hemispheric leaders in Trinidad in 2009, promised to turn ...

via Latin america - Google News

Report: Law will let Cubans abroad invest on the island -

Report: Law will let Cubans abroad invest on the island

Cuba's new foreign investment law cuts taxes, opens new sectors to foreigners and allows investments by Cubans living abroad as part of ruler Raúl Castro's efforts to lure fresh capital to his long-stagnant economy, according to published reports. But ...

via cuba - Google News

Cuba Opens Wide to Foreign Investment - Havana Times

Havana Times

Cuba Opens Wide to Foreign Investment

Havana Times

The properties may be used for housing and buildings for private domicile or tourism; or used as homes or offices for legal foreign persons, or for the purpose of tourism development. The investments may be made through the following modalities: a ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

La agencia AFP miente acerca de María Corina Machado

María Corina Machado es la nueva heroína de la oposición venezolana. Estando preso Leopoldo López y reducido el protagonismo de Henrique Capriles, la ahora ex diputada opositora tiene todo el escenario para ella sola. Después del papelazo internacional que hizo en el Consejo Permanente de la OEA, le ha tocado ser la más reciente víctima publicitada por ese poder mediático que le ha declarado la guerra a la Revolución Bolivariana.

via Cubadebate

Serie Mundial de Boxeo aclara aplazamiento del tope Cuba-EEUU

La jefatura de la Serie Mundial de Boxeo (WSB en inglés) aclaró este miércoles las razones del aplazamiento del tope por los cuartos de final de ese evento que debían realizar el viernes en Miami los Domadores de Cuba y el equipo USA Knockouts. "A raíz de una solicitud de la Comisión Atlética del Estado de Florida para aclarar la elegibilidad de los boxeadores WSB, la Serie Mundial de Boxeo (WSB) ha ofrecido aplazar el encuentro de ida de los Knockouts de Estados Unidos contra los Domadores de Cuba.

via Cubadebate

Cubadebate se regocija con una doctora al frente de su redacción

Una clase magistral resultó la defensa de la tesis de doctorado científico “El consenso de lo posible. Principios para una política de comunicación social dese la perspectiva de los periodistas cubanos”, defendida por Rosa Miriam Elizalde, en presencia del miembro del Buró Político y primer vicepresidente de los consejos de Estado y de Ministros, Miguel Díaz-Canel, y de Rolando Alfonso, jefe del departamento ideológico del Comité Central del Partido.

via Cubadebate

Cuba actualiza su política de inversión extranjera

Ofrecer mayores incentivos a la inversión extranjera y asegurar que la atracción del capital foráneo contribuya eficazmente al desarrollo económico son premisas del Proyecto de Ley de la Inversión Extranjera, que será discutido por la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular. Representan, a la vez, principios que tienen como pilares la protección y el uso racional de nuestros recursos humanos y naturales, y el respeto irrestricto a la soberanía de la República.

via Cubadebate

Belarussian Travel Agencies Attracted to Cuba - Prensa Latina

Belarussian Travel Agencies Attracted to Cuba

Prensa Latina

... travel agency, Barbara Cruz. Representatives of firms such as Daiquiri, Melia Hotels Internacional Cuba, and ICS Group with venues in Russia, attended, along with Cruz, the exhibition promoting the benefits of the Cuban tourist market. During the ...

Belarusian Agencies Interested in Cuba Destination

via Travel Cuba - Google News

UPDATE 2-Cuba plans big tax breaks to lure foreign investors - Reuters

UPDATE 2-Cuba plans big tax breaks to lure foreign investors


The National Assembly will meet on Saturday to approve the legislation that Cuba promises will offer investment security to foreigners and help further integrate the Caribbean island in the global economy. The law would address the lengthy and ...

via cuba - Google News

Four Cuban baseball teams advance to the 53rd National Baseball Series Semi-Finals

via Cuba Journal

Carlyle Injects US$67m into Urbplan Desenvolvimento Urbano

(Bloomberg) Senior Carlyle professionals have injected US$66.9m into Urbplan Desenvolvimento Urbano, a real-estate developer in…

via Latin American Private Equity and Venture Capital Association » Latest Industry News

How ObamaCare Blocks Innovation in Insurance Plan Design

ObamaCare critics have warned that it will block beneficial innovations. Here’s how it is likely to block a type of coverage redesign that has recently become one of the pet projects of mainstream health reformers. Advocates for value-based health plan design maintain that health care expenditures will fall if patients’ out-of-pocket costs are properly aligned […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

A Look at Global Travel Trends - New York Times

A Look at Global Travel Trends

New York Times

Below are excerpts from a conversation with David Scowsill of Britain, president and chief executive of the World Travel and Tourism Council, on how countries can maximize the economic impact of travel and tourism. Q. How has the global tourism market ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Joan Miró exhibit at the Seattle Art Museum

via Cuba Journal

Venezuela: Opposition Legislator Machado Arrives in Caracas

via The Latin Americanist

House Immigration Reform Bill Gets Fiscal Seal of Approval from CBO

Ahead of the introduction of a discharge petition demanding a vote on HR 15, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) on Tuesday issued its fiscal verdict on the immigration reform bill that has been languishing in the House of Representatives since October 2013. According to the CBO, the reforms called for in the bill would more [...]

via Immigration Impact

Foro interactivo de Cubadebate sobre las transformaciones en la Salud el jueves y viernes

Cubadebate publicará el jueves y viernes un amplio resumen de los temas que se analizarán en las Mesas Redondas sobre las Transformaciones en el Sector de la Salud y su impacto, que serán transmitidas esta noche y mañana jueves. En la sección de comentarios de dichos artículos, que publicaremos como trabajos principales de nuestro sitio, organizaremos un foro interactivo en el que directivos del MINSAP responderán las opiniones e inquietudes de nuestros lectores.

via Cubadebate

Threat to World Cup host city lifted

The southern Brazilian city of Porto Alegre is confirmed as a host city for this summer's World Cup after key legislation is passed.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Laszewski on the Numbers

The vast majority of those who are entitled to subsidies have not claimed them: It looks to me the Obama administration will claim at least 6 million enrollments by the end of March. But that will mean 75% of subsidy eligible people will not have bought a plan… But adjusting that number for those not […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Miami International Airport (MIA) post strong international air trade numbers ... - South Florida Caribbean News

Miami International Airport (MIA) post strong international air trade numbers ...

South Florida Caribbean News

“Year after year, MIA continues to reach new heights in passenger and cargo traffic as our top generator of jobs and business revenue in Miami-Dade County's trade and tourism sectors.” ... Director Emilio T. González. While international O&D freight ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

What Happens When Medicare Overpays Medicare Advantage Plans?

The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) figures that Medicare Advantage plans cost 6 percent more than if beneficiaries had been in Fee-For-Service Medicare. New research concludes that beneficiaries only get a small fraction of these increased payments in benefits. According to Scott Duggan and colleagues: …[O]nly about one-fifth of the additional reimbursement is passed through […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Students to travel to Cuba for study - The Patriot News

The Patriot News

Students to travel to Cuba for study

The Patriot News

Because of Cuban leader Fidel Castro's political stance on communism and a United States embargo against Cuban trade, for more than 50 years it has been illegal for non-Cuban Americans to travel to Cuba as tourists. Other United States citizens can ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

Since 1997, the smoking rate for adults has fallen 27 percent, but among the poor it has declined just 15 percent, according to the analysis; and among adults living in deep poverty in the South and Midwest, the smoking rate has not changed at all. California will send voter registration cards to nearly 3.8 million […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Castro Seeks Foreign Investment Law as Cuba Economy Slows - Bloomberg

Castro Seeks Foreign Investment Law as Cuba Economy Slows


Cuba's National Assembly will debate legislation this weekend meant to attract greater foreign investment as the communist island struggles to boost economic growth under President Raul Castro. The regulations, first proposed in 2011, may draw ...

55 years is enough: End Cuba embargo

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

Centro Plastica and PlacidWay Join in Medical Tourism Venture - PR Urgent (press release)

Centro Plastica and PlacidWay Join in Medical Tourism Venture

PR Urgent (press release)

Centro Plastica and PlacidWay medical tourism company have started a fruitful cooperation aimed at offering worldwide patients high quality and affordable cosmetic and plastic surgeries and treatments in Mexico. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE / PRURGENT

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Posponen match de boxeo entre Domadores de Cuba y Knockouts de Estados Unidos

El primer match de cuartos de final de la Serie Mundial de Boxeo entre los Domadores de Cuba y el equipo USA Knockouts fue pospuesto para el 11 de abril, indicaron hoy los organizadores estadounidenses. La cartelera, que estaba prevista para este viernes en el Hard Rock Café and Casino de Hollywood, en los suburbios de la ciudad de Miami, no va a poder celebrarse en esa fecha, aunque los responsables no han comunicado las razones.

via Cubadebate

TV Cubana: Cambiar lo que deba ser cambiado…

En Cuba carecemos de un espectáculo informativo que seduzca a las audiencias, abordamos la información de una manera fría, con una fotografía siempre convencional y no pocas veces nos conformamos en los noticieros con hechos intrascendentes. «Lo que está quedando del país como memoria histórica son los informativos y los dramatizados, y si dentro de unos años vemos atrás y nos analizamos por telenovelas como Santa María del Porvenir, Playa Leonora, o Tierras de Fuego será como ver una realidad paranormal»

via Cubadebate

Entregan credenciales a presidente y vicepresidente electos de El Salvador

El Tribunal Supremo Electoral entregó la noche de la víspera las credenciales que acreditan como presidente y vicepresidente electos de El Salvador a Salvador Sánchez Cerén y Oscar Ortiz, respectivamente. Eugenio Chicas, representante del TSE fue el encargado de entregar los documentos a la fórmula del Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional. “El candidato ganador, Salvador Sánchez Cerén, junto a Oscar Ortiz son la fórmula más votada de nuestra historia”, afirmó el presidente de la institución.

via Cubadebate

Estados Unidos castiga a empresa de México por comerciar con Cuba

Carlos Segovia y Roberto Villaseñor, representantes de la compañía mexicana, narran que en 2011 iniciaron una lucha legal para que el Gobierno de Estados Unidos y Banamex Citibank les devuelvan los 100 000 dólares que mantienen bajo investigación. La Comisión Nacional para la Protección y Defensa de los Usuarios de Servicios Financieros no les apoyó, tampoco la Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores. “El Departamento del Tesoro mantiene el dinero bajo una investigación porque el dinero es originario de Cuba", dijeron.

via Cubadebate

Llega a Cuba Primer Ministro de Vietnam

Nguyen Tan Dung, primer ministro de Vietnam, llegó a Cuba en el contexto de una visita oficial encaminada a consolidar los tradicionales lazos de amistad entre ambos países, elevar los nexos económicos y comerciales, ampliar la cooperación e intercambiar criterios sobre asuntos internacionales del interés común, de acuerdo con la cancillería vietnamita. El alto dirigente sostendrá conversaciones oficiales con el presidente cubano, Raúl Castro, durante su estancia en la isla.

via Cubadebate

There Are Five Losers for Every ObamaCare Winner

Duke University’s Chris Conover has examined who wins and who loses under ObamaCare. Losers include pretty much everyone: Medicare beneficiaries, Medicaid beneficiaries, employees, and self-insured. His conclusion: When all is said and done, were ObamaCare fully in place right now, 166 million of today’s population could reasonably count themselves as losers in various ways, while […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Castro Seeks Foreign Investment Law as Cuba Economy Slows - Bloomberg

Castro Seeks Foreign Investment Law as Cuba Economy Slows


Cuba's National Assembly will debate legislation this weekend meant to attract greater foreign investment as the communist island struggles to boost economic growth under President Raul Castro. The regulations, first proposed in 2011, may draw ...

55 years is enough: End Cuba embargo

via cuba - Google News

Daily Headlines: March 26, 2014

via The Latin Americanist

OMG: A Resort That Offers Food, Drinks And A Girlfriend! - Daily Bhaskar

OMG: A Resort That Offers Food, Drinks And A Girlfriend!

Daily Bhaskar

According to the Isla Margarit web site, Margarita Island is a part of Venezuela and mountainous tropical Caribbean island paradise." Wikipedia reveals that the island was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1498 and has a population of 420,000 ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Cuba plans big tax breaks to lure foreign investors: official media - Reuters

Cuba plans big tax breaks to lure foreign investors: official media


Cuba is promising legal protection for foreign investors, who have generally been averse to risking capital in the Soviet-style economy, and new incentives such as dramatically lowered tax. The National Assembly is expected to approve the draft of the ...

via cuba - Google News