Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Entregan a Cuba tercer avión An-158

La compañía aérea Cubana de Aviación recibió de la constructora rusa Ilyushin Finance Co. el tercer avión Antónov An-158 de producción ruso-ucraniana en el Salón Aeroespacial MAKS 2013. El contrato de compra de tres aeronaves de este tipo se firmó en julio de 2012. Las dos primeras fueron entregadas a la empresa cubana en abril y julio pasados.

via Cubadebate

Desafíos de la Educación General cubana: El maestro es lo principal

El día 2 de septiembre, se inicia en nuestro país el curso escolar 2013-2014. El propósito esencial es lograr un curso de mayor calidad, en el que además de trasmitir conocimientos a los alumnos, se eduque en el sentido más amplio de la palabra. Por esto sigue constituyendo una prioridad la formación y preparación del personal docente para dar respuesta al Lineamiento 146 aprobado en el VI Congreso del Partido: Docentes que sean ejemplos, que se preparen bien, impartan clases de calidad y a partir de ahí eduquen.

via Cubadebate

US-Cuba talks on direct mail service proposed for next month -

US-Cuba talks on direct mail service proposed for next month

... in 2009 in Havana, but the Obama administration cancelled the contacts after U.S. government contractor Alan P. Gross was sentenced to 15 years in a Havana prison for delivering sophisticated communications equipment to Cuba's tiny Jewish community.

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Free Zone crowdsources WiFi to bring Latin America online (exclusive) - VentureBeat

Free Zone crowdsources WiFi to bring Latin America online (exclusive)


However for many people in Latin America, connectivity remains an issue. Data plans are expensive and the networks are slow. Free Zone was developed to make people aware of WiFi around them so they can find a quicker connection, without the cost.

via Latin america - Google News

Havana Cafe: Tastes of Cuba in Ottawa South (resto review) - Ottawa Citizen (blog)

Havana Cafe: Tastes of Cuba in Ottawa South (resto review)

Ottawa Citizen (blog)

To my surprise, chef Oslaide Guerra's café and catering business had more to offer in the way of food and ambience. There was pleasant seating for 20 or so people in colourful, decorated surroundings. On the walls were scenes and license plates from Cuba.

via cuba - Google News

Obama sopesa ataques limitados contra Siria de conjunto con otras potencias

El presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, presentó el miércoles la opción de un ataque militar limitado contra Siria para disuadir el uso futuro de armas químicas, pero agregó que no ha tomado una decisión respecto a si el país debe actuar. Un funcionario estadounidense de alto rango ha dicho que los ataques podrían durar varios días e involucrarían las fuerzas armadas de otros países.

via Cubadebate

George Will: Obama's foreign policy rhetoric gets U.S. in trouble - Indianapolis Star

George Will: Obama's foreign policy rhetoric gets U.S. in trouble

Indianapolis Star

... North Korea, Portugal, Cuba, Norway, Iran, Britain, Saudi Arabia, Poland and Yemen? Words, however, are so marvelously malleable in the Obama administration, the Oxford English Dictionary's definition of “coup” (“a change in the government carried ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News

VIDEO: Albino alligator gets acupuncture

Vets have used the ancient Asian practice of acupuncture to help the back problems of Bino the albino alligator at Sao Paulo Aquarium in Brazil.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Colombia 'ready to talk to ELN'

President Juan Manuel Santos says Colombia is ready to begin peace talks with the country's second-largest rebel group, the ELN.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Latin America Mission Merges with United World Mission - Crossmap

Latin America Mission Merges with United World Mission


Latin America Mission (LAM), based in Miami, FL, is merging into United World Mission (UWM), based in Charlotte, NC. The merged organization will remain based in Charlotte under the leadership of United World Mission. Latin America Mission will ...

via Latin america - Google News

Venezuela, a paradise in search of tourists -

Venezuela, a paradise in search of tourists

In a country where explorer Christopher Columbus once believed he had found heaven on earth, officials are struggling to draw travellers, with only 700,000 visitors each year, in part due to Venezuela's somewhat tarnished image. After neglecting the ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

World's best beach spikers set for Phuket - The Nation

World's best beach spikers set for Phuket

The Nation

... teams from 21 countries - Argentina, Australia, Austria, Canada, Colombia, Czech Republic, England, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Paraguay, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Vanuatu, Venezuela and Thailand - have committed ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

My mother the Amazonian tribeswoman

In search of my mother - an Amazonian tribeswoman

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Brazil raises interest rate to 9%

Brazil raises its benchmark interest rate to 9% from 8.5% in a further attempt to rein in inflation.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Brazilian states hit by power cut

A fire in north-eastern Brazil causes a power outage that leaves nine states in the dark, including four that will host the 2014 World Cup

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Mexican Tourism Expert Calls to Defend Cultural Identity - Prensa Latina

Mexican Tourism Expert Calls to Defend Cultural Identity

Prensa Latina

28 de agosto de 2013, 17:45 Imagen activa Montevideo, Aug 28 (Prensa Latina) Mexican Miguel Torruco, a tourism expert, called here today to deepen the culture, heritage and identity of each people and avoid copying U.S. style. The Secretary of Tourism ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Oleada de atentados dejó hoy casi 70 muertos en Irak

Una decena de bombas explotaron hoy en Bagdad y sus alrededores dejando al menos 68 muertos, y el conductor de un presunto coche bomba murió acuchillado por una multitud enfurecida. El balance de la jornada de violencia se situaba a primera hora de la noche en al menos 68 muertos y casi 200 heridos, según fuentes policiales y médicas.

via Cubadebate

Mueren en Afganistán seis personas por ataque a base de militares polacos

Un grupo comando atacó hoy una base del contingente polaco de la Fuerza Internacional de asistencia a la seguridad (Isaf) en la provincia de Ghazni, sur de Afganistán, causando al menos seis muertos, según fuentes locales. El ataque incluyó la explosión de un coche-bomba y armas automáticas. Según la agencia de noticias local Pajhwok, hubo un enfrentamiento armado.

via Cubadebate

Para Salbuchi, EE.UU. quiere atacar a Rusia por la vía Siria-Irán

"Siria es un aliado de Rusia. Si cae Siria, luego cae Irán y luego el ataque va directamente contra Rusia, con lo cual estamos viviendo momentos muy peligrosos. Se está jugando con fuego y el descontrol de esta situación podría derivar en una confrontación entre las potencias occidentales y Rusia y sus aliados", opina el analista argentino Adrian Salbuchi.

via Cubadebate

Logran comunicación cerebral entre dos personas por Internet

Expertos estadounidenses lograron controlar a distancia el movimiento de las manos de un colega a través de señales enviadas por internet, usando grabaciones eléctricas del cerebro y una estimulación magnética. "Internet permite conectar computadoras, pero ahora también puede conectar cerebros", afirmó Andrea Stocco.

via Cubadebate

Web del New York Times aún sufre problemas por ataque cibernético

La web del diario The New York Times seguía sufriendo problemas hoy tras haber permanecido caída durante horas por el ataque de un grupo de piratas informáticos. Debido a los problemas de algunos lectores para acceder a la página, el diario avisaba en la red social Twitter que pueden ver los contenidos del periódico a través de la web de la compañía editora,

via Cubadebate

Paraguayans in crucifixion protest

Eight Paraguay bus drivers who have been crucified for 20 days in a protest against being sacked are joined by one of their wives.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Making the Case against Syria - National Journal

Making the Case against Syria

National Journal

The stakes in Syria are not quite as high as the Iraq invasion, of course, and certainly they are nothing like the Cuban Missile Crisis, when nuclear war hung in the balance. By most accounts, Obama plans a very limited air strike, perhaps with cruise ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Obama Talks 'The Butler' in Tom Joyner Interview -

San Francisco Chronicle

Obama Talks 'The Butler' in Tom Joyner Interview

“My favorite part was probably some of the jokes Cuba Gooding Jr. told, but we can't repeat them on the air,” Obama said, laughing. Joyner added: “I know what scene you're talking about, and I love that scene too.” Obama said he thought the acting in ...

President Obama to Tom Joyner: 'It's not enough just to have a black president'

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Fidel Castro: Cuba didn't reject NSA leaker Edward Snowden - Herald Sun

Fidel Castro: Cuba didn't reject NSA leaker Edward Snowden

Herald Sun

"It is absolutely clear that the United States will always try to put pressure on Cuba as it does with the UN or any public or private institution in the world, that is one of the characteristics of that country's government and it would not be ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Feria de las Flores - Fun in the Flower Capital of Latin America - Huffington Post

Feria de las Flores - Fun in the Flower Capital of Latin America

Huffington Post

Medellín is turning into a tourist hot spot and in my last article I gave some tips on how to spend a long weekend, but if you're trying to decide the best time of year to come to visit, don't miss the Feria de las Flores (Flower Festival) in early ...

via Latin america - Google News

Julian Castro Seeks Business Bridges to Latin America -

Julian Castro Seeks Business Bridges to Latin America

Mayor Julian Castro urged Mexican business owners in San Antonio to continue to build business "bridges" between the city and Mexico as San Antonio strives to become the third large U.S. gateway to Latin America, after Los Angeles and Miami.

via Latin america - Google News

North Korea ship 'broke embargo'

Panama says an undeclared Cuban weapons cargo found on a North Korean ship is an "undoubted violation" of the United Nations' arms embargo on Pyongyang.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Protestan en Londres contra eventual ataque a Siria

Los manifestantes, alrededor de 1.000 según los organizadores, entre los que se encontraban diputados como la laborista Diane Abbott, abandonaron el cordón de seguridad que había establecido la policía y cortaron el tráfico de la avenida Whitehall, que conduce al Parlamento de Westminster, informó la agencia local PA.

via Cubadebate

Estados Unidos, Reino Unido y Al Qaeda podrían estar en el mismo bando

¿No fueron los tres mosqueteros los que exclamaban: ‘¡Todos para uno y uno para todos!’ cada vez que salían a combate? Éste debería ser el grito de guerra para los estadistas occidentales en la agresión contra Siria. Los que destruyeron a tantos miles el 9/11 lucharán al lado de la nación cuyos inocentes asesinaron cruelmente hace 12 años. Gran triunfo para Obama, Cameron, Hollande y el resto de estos guerreros en miniatura.

via Cubadebate

Brahimi: “No tenemos pruebas del uso de armas químicas por el gobierno sirio”

Lakhdar Brahimi, enviado especial de la ONU en Siria, ha declarado que Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido todavía no han presentado a la ONU pruebas del uso de armas químicas por parte del Gobierno sirio. El enviado especial instó a los países occidentales a no tratar de resolver el conflicto a través de una intervención militar.

via Cubadebate

Federación Cubana de Boxeo sanciona al campeón olímpico Roniel Iglesias

Roniel Iglesias, campeón olímpico de Londres 2012, fue sancionado por la Federación Cubana de Boxeo (FCB) a un año de separación de la selección de Cuba "debido a indisciplinas cometidas" y mantendrá la preparación en Pinar del Río, su provincia natal, sin posibilidades de competir internacionalmente.

via Cubadebate

Report Suggests Cuba Sold Weapons to North Korea - ABC News

ABC News

Report Suggests Cuba Sold Weapons to North Korea

ABC News

Cuba may have tried to send brand new weapons to North Korea, as well as spare parts for its fighter jets, a new report by John Hopkins University researchers suggests. If these suspicions are confirmed, Cuba would be in serious violation of United ...

Cuba violates North Korea sanctions

Report: Cuban weapons in North Korean ship violated UN sanctions

UN experts expect to travel to Havana to clarify North Korean ship issue

via cuba - Google News

DirecTV Boosted by Latin American Dishes - Barron's

DirecTV Boosted by Latin American Dishes


The Latin American segment accounted for 37% of consolidated earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (Ebitda) growth in 2012 and is just starting to drive positive cash flow. The company is aggressively investing in this market ...

via Latin america - Google News

Nissan's Relaunched Datsun Brand Scouts Africa, Latin America - Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

Nissan's Relaunched Datsun Brand Scouts Africa, Latin America

Wall Street Journal

"Africa, Central and Latin America…are vastly underserved by the auto industry," Datsun brand chief Vincent Cobee said Tuesday in an interview at a Nissan event here designed to showcase the company's product and technology strategy. Enlarge Image.

Report - Following India, Indonesia & Russia, Datsun could enter Latin America ...

via Latin america - Google News

Mueren dos africanos víctimas de la xenofobia en Italia

La xenofobia se dispara en los países de Europa. Brotes racistas se han registrado recientemente en Nápoles, ciudad de Italia, donde un grupo de jóvenes disparó a un nigeriano y a un senegalés sin motivo.

via Cubadebate

Este año han muerto 62 niños por desnutrición en Guatemala

A 62 ascendió la cifra de niños muertos por desnutrición aguda en Guatemala durante el 2013, confirmó el jefe de la Secretaría de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional (Sesan), Luis Monterroso. El directivo señaló que en los meses del año en curso se reportaron nueve mil 786 casos de desnutrición.

via Cubadebate

Precio del petróleo alcanza su más alto precio desde febrero

El precio del petróleo creció hoy a su máxima cota desde febrero anterior debido al repique de tambores de guerra de Estados Unidos junto a sus aliados contra Siria. El crudo Brent en Londres llegó a su máximo en seis meses, mientras para esta jornada escaló otro 0,3 por ciento y se colocó en 115 dólares el barril.

via Cubadebate

Declaración del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores

Es necesario recordar que quienes más abogan por una acción militar contra Siria son los mismos que lanzaron cruentas guerras sin mandato del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, bajo la mentira de la existencia de armas de exterminio en masa o con el pretexto de la protección a civiles, que ocasionaron cuantiosas muertes de personas inocentes, incluidos niños, a las que califican como "daños colaterales".

via Cubadebate

Revela estudio científico conexión entre la ciencia y la moral

Investigadores de la Universidad de California en Santa Barbara, Estados Unidos, han concluido que existe una conexión entre la ciencia y la actividad moral. El nuevo estudio, que ha sido publicado en la revista PlosOne, sostiene que esta correlación está tan arraigada que el mero hecho de pensar en ciencia puede provocar un comportamiento más ético.

via Cubadebate

En octubre Estados Unidos alcanzará límite de endeudamiento

Estados Unidos alcanzará su límite de endeudamiento a mediados de octubre, y probablemente no sea capaz de financiar todos los gastos del presupuesto federal, advirtió el Departamento del Tesoro. "El Congreso debe actuar lo más pronto posible para proteger la solvencia de los EE.UU., dijo el secretario del Tesoro, Jack Lew.

via Cubadebate

Agentes de 74 países pidieron a Facebook información de 38 000 usuarios

Facebook y otras compañías han sido criticadas por ayudar a la Agencia de Seguridad Nacional de Estados Unidos proporcionándole datos sobre sus clientes. Pero la la ley federal estadounidense permite al Gobierno exigir datos sin ningún tipo de orden, si bien las empresas pueden recurrir a la Justicia para no dar información.

via Cubadebate

Cuba rechaza intención de Estados Unidos de atacar Siria

Una declaración del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores precisa que "una agresión contra Siria provocaría gravísimas consecuencias para la convulsa región del Medio Oriente, constituiría una flagrante violación de los principios de la Carta de las Naciones Unidas y del Derecho Internacional y aumentaría los peligros para la paz y la seguridad internacionales".

via Cubadebate

The Faces of Cuba You Have to See - Huffington Post

The Faces of Cuba You Have to See

Huffington Post

Join me on a visit to Cuba through the talented lens of award-winning photographer Jeremy Woodhouse, who has given us special permission to share some of the faces of Cuba he has captured on a recent trip with Friendly Planet. In Jeremy's images, you ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

Daily Headlines: August 28, 2013

via The Latin Americanist

Defecting Cuban hurdler Orlando Ortega aims for US move - BBC News

Defecting Cuban hurdler Orlando Ortega aims for US move

BBC News

A top Cuban hurdler who defected earlier this month says he now wants to be reunited with his mother in Florida. Orlando Ortega, 22, criticised the Cuban sports authorities in a phone call to the Associated Press news agency from Padua in Italy. "It ...

via cuba - Google News

President Barack Obama Reviews The Butler: "Oprah, My Girl, She Can Act" - Us Magazine

Us Magazine

President Barack Obama Reviews The Butler: "Oprah, My Girl, She Can Act"

Us Magazine

... film were Cuba Gooding Jr.'s jokes, which he couldn't repeat on air. But Winfrey and Whitaker were definite highlights, too. "All of the acting was terrific, and I thought Forrest Whitaker was wonderful. And Oprah, my girl, she can act," President ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Son insuficientes las reformas de Raúl Castro ante problemas de Cuba - UnomásUno

Son insuficientes las reformas de Raúl Castro ante problemas de Cuba


Las reformas económicas y políticas emprendidas por Raúl Castro en Cuba están bien orientadas y han logrado mejoras, pero son insuficientes para los problemas acumulados en 54 años de socialismo, consideró el profesor Carmelo Mesa-Lago.

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

Letter from Havana: A fresh breed of innovators leads the way - Financial News

Economic Times

Letter from Havana: A fresh breed of innovators leads the way

Financial News

In the wake of a series of economic reforms passed by Raúl Castro, the younger brother of revolutionary leader Fidel Castro who took power after his ageing sibling stood down on a permanent basis due to ill health in 2008, many Cubans now have their ...

Fidel Castro labels libellous report Cuba blocked Snowden travel

Did Kremlin Arrange Snowden's Trip to Russia?

Did Cuba Deny Entry To Edward Snowden? Russian Report Says US Pressure ...

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

Letter from Havana: A fresh breed of innovators leads the way - Financial News

Letter from Havana: A fresh breed of innovators leads the way

Financial News

Socialist oil-rich Venezuela has helped Cuba to some extent in recent years, but the Caribbean island has also sought to improve its own economic position from within. In the wake of a series of ... But American tourists are not unheard of. Hip hop ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

No deal on Colombia farmers' strike

After a night of talks, the Colombian government and farmers protesting against the government's agricultural policies fail to reach agreement.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

The Faces of Cuba You Have to See - Huffington Post

The Faces of Cuba You Have to See

Huffington Post

Join me on a visit to Cuba through the talented lens of award-winning photographer Jeremy Woodhouse, who has given us special permission to share some of the faces of Cuba he has captured on a recent trip with Friendly Planet. In Jeremy's images, you ...

via cuba - Google News

Obama teared up watching 'The Butler' - Politico (blog)

Obama teared up watching 'The Butler'

Politico (blog)

His favorite parts of the movie were Cuba Gooding Jr.'s jokes and he enjoyed seeing Oprah perform. "My girl, she can act," he said. "She's just a wonderful actress. So I'm glad they did it." (WATCH: Oprah on the significance of 'The Butler'). (Also on ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Brazil collapse toll rises to eight

Another body is found in the rubble of a collapsed clothes factory under construction in Sao Paulo in Brazil, taking the number of dead to eight.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Defecting Cuban hurdler aims for US

Cuban hurdling star Orlando Ortega, who defected earlier this month, says he wants to join his mother in Florida.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Oil Diverges From U.S. Stocks Most Since 2011 on Syria Concerns - Bloomberg

Oil Diverges From U.S. Stocks Most Since 2011 on Syria Concerns


26 that President Barack Obama would hold Syria accountable for using chemical weapons. In isolation, threats of past wars have spurred uneven returns in the equity market. Asian shares slumped today, with the ... In the week following the failed Bay ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Barack Obama Praises Oprah Winfrey's Acting, Cuba Gooding Jr.'s Jokes In 'Lee ... - TheWrap

Barack Obama Praises Oprah Winfrey's Acting, Cuba Gooding Jr.'s Jokes In 'Lee ...


"Well, my favorite part was probably some of the jokes Cuba Gooding told," Obama said. "But all of the acting was terrific, and I thought Forrest Whitaker was wonderful. And Oprah, my girl, she can act. She's just a wonderful actress. So I'm glad they ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Cuban govt to move out of the eatery business - China Daily

Cuban govt to move out of the eatery business

China Daily

Today, there are close to 2,000 private restaurants as local entrepreneurs take advantage of market-oriented reforms initiated by President Raul Castro, who took over from his brother Fidel in 2008. "The government is hoping that cooperative owners ...

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

Barack Obama Praises Oprah Winfrey's Acting, Cuba Gooding Jr.'s Jokes In 'Lee ... - TheWrap

Barack Obama Praises Oprah Winfrey's Acting, Cuba Gooding Jr.'s Jokes In 'Lee ...


"Well, my favorite part was probably some of the jokes Cuba Gooding told," Obama said. "But all of the acting was terrific, and I thought Forrest Whitaker was wonderful. And Oprah, my girl, she can act. She's just a wonderful actress. So I'm glad they ...

via cuba - Google News