Monday, February 3, 2014

Governor's son in Sao Paulo shootout

Relatives of the governor of Brazil's richest state were caught up in a gunfight after being approached by a group of armed men, police say.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Strike 3: El Síndrome de Huckleberry Hound

Hasta hace unos años –pongamos el jalón en las inmediaciones del 2000-, Cuba viajaba a los torneos de pelota con el “veni, vidi, vici” tatuado en los labios. Prácticamente todos los rivales terminaban apabullados los encuentros, una vez recibida su lección respectiva de autoridad sobre el terreno. Éramos tan felices por entonces... Pero luego, como en los muñequitos de Huckleberry Hound, la locomotora empezó a describir un retroceso que la acercó al cabut (“Esta película está al revés”, decía el viejo animado). Nuevos trenes entraron en escena –trenes sofisticados con millones de caballos de potencia-, las derrotas devinieron el pan de cada día, y por ese camino llegamos hasta aquí, a febrero de 2014, con tres fracasos sucesivos en la Serie del Caribe.

via Cubadebate

Silvio en Punta Brava: Reencuentro

La era..., gritó el tipo a todo pulmón. Silvio, sin inmutarse, cantó lo que tenía programado en su concierto, el número 54 de esta gira que él mismo reconoce interminable. La era..., repitió el hombre, mientras otros pedían Unicornio, Ojalá, El necio. La era… ya era como la tercera o cuarta ocasión que aquella voz sobresalía entre el público reclamando atención. Silvio lo buscó con la mirada: “Quiero verte la cara; ven, sube a cantar conmigo”.

via Cubadebate

Publican fotos del náufrago del Pacífico

El náufrago José Salvador Albarengo, que afirma haber sobrevivido más de un año a la deriva en el océano Pacífico fue trasladado este lunes a Majuro, capital de las Islas Marshall, tras haber sido rescatado por una patrulla marítima de la Armada local. "Estoy vivo y no me lo puedo creer", dijo Albarengo al desembarcar en la capital de esa nación del Pacífico Sur, informa AFP. Demacrado, con melena y barba largas, el náufrago, que inicialmente se identificó como José Iván, fue rescatado en el apartado atolón coralino de Ebon.

via Cubadebate

La cuenta del bloqueo contra Cuba ya supera el billón de dólares

En los 52 años que lleva de impuesto, el bloqueo económico, comercial y financiero de EE.UU. contra Cuba, le ha causado a la nación caribeña daños económicos en el orden del billón 157 millones de dólares, afectando a todos los sectores de la sociedad cubana, sin contar los perjuicios humanos que son invaluables. Por ejemplo, provoca pérdidas millonarias al sistema de salud, según estimaciones oficiales que suman esas afectaciones en el último año.

via Cubadebate

La NASA creará el lugar más frío del universo

Un grupo de investigadores de la Administración Nacional de la Aeronáutica y del Espacio (NASA) construirá a bordo de la Estación Espacial Internacional, el "Cold Atom Laboratory", el lugar más frío del universo con el objetivo de explorar las características y cualidades de la materia en condiciones que son difíciles de reproducir en la Tierra. El laboratorio alcanzará temperaturas cercanas al cero absoluto y estará listo para el año 2016.

via Cubadebate

Rey de España asigna sueldo a la Reina y a la Princesa por primera vez

El Rey de España, Juan Carlos I, ha asignado por primera vez un sueldo a su Reina consorte, Sofía, y otro a la Princesa de Asturias, Letizia Ortiz, que hasta ahora sólo recibían una asignación en concepto de gastos de representación. Doña Sofía recibirá a partir de este año el 45 por ciento de lo que percibe el Rey como sueldo y como gastos de representación y la Princesa percibirá un 35 por ciento.

via Cubadebate

Moscú: Dos muertos en tiroteo en una escuela moscovita (+ Video)

Un joven armado abrió fuego en una escuela de Moscú y tomó como rehenes a los alumnos. Un agente de Policía y un profesor del centro murieron en el tiroteo. Según informa el portal Life News, el hombre disparó contra dos policías en la entrada del edificio. Uno de ellos murió debido a las heridas. El delincuente es uno de los alumnos del centro, informa el Ministerio del Interior ruso. El joven contaba con dos fusiles. Durante el tiroteo en la escuela, realizó 11 disparos.

via Cubadebate

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

Should doctors use Wikipedia for information? Wait time to seen a new doctor in Boston: 72 days, the longest wait in the country. Tens of thousands of people find that errors on can’t be fixed. Nearly half of America lives paycheck to paycheck. “It’s against the law for someone who knows that you have […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Ecuador Tungurahua volcano spews ash

Tungurahua volcano in Ecuador erupts, covering nearby mountains and valleys in a dusting of ash and triggering an orange alert.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Air New Zealand reviews options for Latin America. Can new partner Singapore ... - CAPA - Centre for Aviation

CAPA - Centre for Aviation

Air New Zealand reviews options for Latin America. Can new partner Singapore ...

CAPA - Centre for Aviation

Air New Zealand is reviewing options for covering Latin America, which remains the last white spot in the carrier's network after plugging all its other holes with its new Singapore Airlines (SIA) partnership. The forthcoming withdrawal from the South ...

via Latin america - Google News

A Good GDP Tradeoff: Net Exports Up; Government Spending Down

When I look under the hood of GDP reports, the fly in the ointment I usually find is inventories. In the third quarter last year, for example, removing inventory accumulation reduced the headline real GDP number of 4.1 percent to 2.5 percent in final sales. The estimate for real GDP in the fourth quarter also […]

via Bob McTeer's Economic Policy Blog

Monthly Archives: January 2014 - Communication's Unit Of The St. Kitts Prime Minister

Monthly Archives: January 2014

Communication's Unit Of The St. Kitts Prime Minister

These efforts include scenes of the recently inaugurated Solar Farm at the Robert L. Bradshaw International Airport as well as the Agro-Tourism Demonstration Farm at Sir Giles, St. Anne's. Finally, there are commemorative stamps that capture the ... Dr ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Daily Headlines: February 3, 2014

via The Latin Americanist

Alothon Attracts US$85m of Commitments for New Latin America Fund

(Alt Assets) Latin America-focused private equity firm Alothon Group has picked up more than US$85m…

via Latin American Private Equity and Venture Capital Association » Latest Industry News

Venezulela defeats Cuba 8-5 at La Serie delCaribe

via Cuba Journal

Physician Capacity

A little while ago Scott Gottleib and Zeke Emmanuel co-authored an op-ed in The New York Times pooh-poohing the concern about physician shortages. So certain are they that conventional wisdom is wrong that the piece is headlined, “No, There Won’t be a Doctor Shortage.” Right, and “if you like your health plan, you can keep […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Tours Changing American Views of Cuba, US Policy - ABC News

Tours Changing American Views of Cuba, US Policy

ABC News

When President Barack Obama reinstated "people-to-people" travel to Cuba in 2011, the idea was that visiting Americans would act as cultural ambassadors for a U.S. constantly demonized in the island's official media. Two and a half years later, a ...

via cuba - Google News

Cuba Saw a Slight Increase in Tourism Arrivals in 2013 - Caribbean Journal

Cuba Saw a Slight Increase in Tourism Arrivals in 2013

Caribbean Journal

Cuba saw a 0.5 percent increase in tourism arrivals in 2013, according to recently-released data from the country's National Statistical Office. Cuba received a total of 2,852,572 foreign arrivals in 2013, up 0.5 percent from its total of 2,838,607 in ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Tours changing American views of Cuba, US policy - Charlotte Observer

Tours changing American views of Cuba, US policy

Charlotte Observer

In this Jan. 23, 2014 photo, tourists traveling in the "people-to-people" program watch a Cuban dance demonstration in Havana, Cuba. Tour operators insist they're supporting local organic farmers, performers, artists, musicians and entrepreneurs who ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

El Salvador poll to go into run-off

El Salvador's left-wing candidate Salvador Sanchez Ceren has a convincing lead in the presidential polls, which will go into a second round in March.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Row over status of first Rasta village

Bob Marley's granddaughter in row over historic Rastafarian site

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Cesar's QPR exile concerns Brazil

With Brazil's number one keeper languishing in QPR's reserves, Tim Vickery looks at alternatives ahead of the World Cup

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

The US war on drugs and its legacy in Latin America - The Guardian

The Guardian

The US war on drugs and its legacy in Latin America

The Guardian

The legacy of the US-funded war on drugs in Latin America is profound even as its impact has been temporary and geographically limited. Since the 1970s, the US has spent more than a trillion dollars attempting to dismantle drug cartels in Latin America.

via Latin america - Google News

The Morning Ledger: Risks Grow for US Companies in Latin America - Wall Street Journal (blog)

The Morning Ledger: Risks Grow for US Companies in Latin America

Wall Street Journal (blog)

U.S. companies are spending a lot more time explaining how they're navigating the financial turmoil in Latin America. During 3M's conference call with analysts last week, Venezuela proved to be a bigger talking point than China, even though the company ...

via Latin america - Google News

Cuba Saw a Slight Increase in Tourism Arrivals in 2013 - Caribbean Journal

Cuba Saw a Slight Increase in Tourism Arrivals in 2013

Caribbean Journal

Cuba saw the biggest jump from Chilean tourists, who saw their numbers swell by 30.5 percent in 2013, rising to 35,952 from 27,551. Tourists from Venezuela were the next-largest group, with an increase to 45,943 from 36,373, a 26.3 percent jump ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

$1 Billion Annual Loss to Florida Tourism Anticipated Because of Venezuelan ... - Sunshine State News

$1 Billion Annual Loss to Florida Tourism Anticipated Because of Venezuelan ...

Sunshine State News

Luis Ramirez, president of the Venezuelan-American Chamber of Commerce of the United States, said the new credit card and spending limits are another attempt by the Venezuelan government to curb the capital flight out of the South American country.

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Strike 3: El siempre doloroso “por poquito”

No es ilegítimo experimentar placer al escribir sobre derrotas, especialmente si tenemos como premisa que “el deporte trata de gente que pierde y vuelve a perder”, como enseñara Guy Talese. Sin embargo, esta vez me fastidia hacer leña del naranjo caído. Me molesta, me jode, porque el revés ante los Navegantes, en lugar de parecerme heroico, digno o no sé cuántas cosas que he escuchado, me dolió más que el fracaso ...

via Cubadebate

Sugar tycoon Alfonso Fanjul now open to investing in Cuba under 'right ... - Washington Post

Washington Post

Sugar tycoon Alfonso Fanjul now open to investing in Cuba under 'right ...

Washington Post

He was so taken by the nostalgia and excitement of returning to the familiar streets of his youth, a travel companion recalled, that Fanjul enthusiastically chatted up random people of all ages as he walked around. He also met with Cuba's foreign ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

Costa Rican 'outsider' leads in poll

Left-leaning candidate Luis Guillermo Solis has a narrow lead in Costa Rica's presidential election, which is now likely to go into a run-off.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Art exhibition held to mark 55th anniversary of Cuban Revolution - The Star Online

Art exhibition held to mark 55th anniversary of Cuban Revolution

The Star Online

Paret, who is the charge d'Affaires of the Cuban Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, said she missed the big celebrations at home. “We would celebrate it with family and the Culture Ministry would host a concert featuring various artists which would draw big crowds.

via cuba - Google News

VIDEO: Volcano explosion in Ecuador

Ecuador's Tungurahua volcano erupted three times over the weekend, sending huge clouds of ash and smoke into the sky, authorities said.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

The most impressive paper plane

Young aviation junkie spends five years making exact miniature replica of Boeing 777 out of everyday material.

via - Latin America

Tours changing American views of Cuba, US policy - San Francisco Chronicle

San Francisco Chronicle

Tours changing American views of Cuba, US policy

San Francisco Chronicle

Marco Rubio, a Cuban-American Republican from Florida. "But it's not surprising to hear that's the case with these tourist trips to Cuba, since they are specifically designed to expose people only to what the regime wants them to see." "It's clear ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

AP PHOTOS: Editor selections from Latin America - U-T San Diego

AP PHOTOS: Editor selections from Latin America

U-T San Diego

Ban Ki-moon as well as leaders from Latin America and the Caribbean are arrived in Havana to participate in the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, or CELAC summit. (AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa) The Associated Press. Share Photo.

via Latin america - Google News

53 years later, Bay of Pigs fiasco goes on - Boston Globe

53 years later, Bay of Pigs fiasco goes on

Boston Globe

I am in a village on the south coast of Cuba, a rustic area where wild pigs once ran in such abundance as to prompt passing merchant vessels and pirate ships to drop anchor and send hunting parties ashore. They called the place the Bay of Pigs ...

via cuba - Google News

NM governor could derail Amtrak partnership - Pueblo Chieftain

NM governor could derail Amtrak partnership

Pueblo Chieftain

While her office did not respond to questions Friday seeking comment, Martinez has said in recent months that Amtrak is funded by Congress and any agreement should not leave New Mexico taxpayers with a large bill. “According to the New Mexico ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Is Cuba Going Capitalist? - OZY


Is Cuba Going Capitalist?


After spending years in a state-run firm, electrical engineer Enrique Guerra got himself assigned to accompany a medical mission in Venezuela, a transfer which enabled him to save enough to open his own electronic appliance repair shop. His biggest ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Monthly Archives: November 2006 - Communication's Unit Of The St. Kitts Prime Minister

Monthly Archives: November 2006

Communication's Unit Of The St. Kitts Prime Minister

“Under the great leadership of Prime Minister Douglas, St. Kitts and Nevis has been transformed into a modern nation among Caribbean countries and has great tourism potential,” said Minister Huang, who pointed out that “some of Prime Minister Douglas ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Israeli high-techies set their lenses on Cuba's Jews - Haaretz


Israeli high-techies set their lenses on Cuba's Jews


A little more than a year ago, a group of eight Israeli amateur photographers set out on a journey to Cuba. Their mission was not only to capture on camera the complexity of Jewish life in this last outpost of Soviet-style communism, but also to lend a ...

via cuba - Google News