Thursday, December 5, 2013

Todo listo para el duelo Rusia-Cuba en Serie Mundial de Boxeo

Las franquicias de Rusia y Cuba cumplieron las formalidades de rigor este jueves, y están listas para enfrentarse el viernes en el Coliseo de la Ciudad Deportiva, donde ambas harán sus terceras presentaciones correspondientes al Grupo B de la Serie Mundial de Boxeo. Los rusos llegan al duelo después de vencer 5-0 a los polacos y caer 2-3 ante los kazajos. Y los cubanos vencieron por idénticos 5-0 a los Guerreros de México y los Húsares de Polonia.

via Cubadebate

Mandela's Impact On South Florida - WBFS

Mandela's Impact On South Florida


Cuban american political leaders snubbed Mandela's visit. Miami mayor Xavier Suarez, county commissioners, even Dade's Anglo Mayor Stephen Clark did not welcome him or attend his speech. Resolutions were passed demanding he repudiate Castro.

via tourism in cuba - Google News

'Miss Earth' widens reach to US, Latin America - Women Citizen

Women Citizen

'Miss Earth' widens reach to US, Latin America

Women Citizen

Lorraine Schuck, Executive Vice President of pageant organizer Carousel Productions, said a Venezuela-based television firm struck a deal for the coronation night's live telecast in the pageant-crazed South American country, as well as in other nations ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

In Memorian, Nelson Mandela. The world loses a great leader.

via Cuba Journal

Elian Gonzalez turns 20 tomorrow. Read his interview.

via Cuba Journal

Local Officials Improve Immigration Enforcement Policies as Congress Fails to Act

The county council in King County, Washington, decided this week that local law enforcement officials will stop honoring federal immigration agents’ requests to detain immigrants who are arrested for low-level crimes. They voted 5-4 for the new policy on Monday, and supporters hope the change “will build trust between local police and immigrants who don’t [...]

via Immigration Impact

Top 5 Quirky Latin American Festivals - The Argentina Independent

The Argentina Independent

Top 5 Quirky Latin American Festivals

The Argentina Independent

Latin America is a melting pot of hundreds of different cultures, each with its own traditions and rituals. It is no wonder, then, that this eclectic mix has given us a wonderful range of unique carnivals and festivals around the continent. Some are ...

via Latin america - Google News

Jaguar Land Rover invests in Brazil

Jaguar Land Rover confirms plans to build a £240m car plant in Brazil capable of producing 24,000 vehicles a year.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Using Electronic Medical Records to Connect Genes to Illnesses

In the new approach — called phenome-wide association studies — scientists start with a gene variant and then search among thousands of conditions for a match… The new study was carried out by scientists from a consortium of medical research institutions. Known as the Electronic Medical Records and Genomics Network — eMERGE for short — […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Cuba reforms seen as changing ideals, values - U-T San Diego

Cuba reforms seen as changing ideals, values

U-T San Diego

But as more and more islanders go into business for themselves under President Raul Castro's economic reforms, the ethos of capitalism is increasingly seeping into Cuban daily life, often in stark conflict with fundamental tenets of the Cuban Revolution.

Cuba at ag crossroads

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

Rusia investiga tráfico de niños en Estados Unidos

El Comité de Investigación de Rusia ha abierto una investigación criminal sobre el tráfico de niños en EE.UU., incluidos los adoptados. "Se analiza información acerca de la transferencia de niños rusos adoptados y otras violaciones de sus derechos descubiertas durante la investigación periodística de la agencia Reuters y el canal de televisión NBC", informó el representante oficial del Comité de Investigación de Rusia, Vladímir Markin.

via Cubadebate

Alberto Puig es nombrado ejecutivo de la AIBA

Alberto Puig de la Barca, presidente de la Federación de Boxeo de Cuba, fue designado miembro del Comité Ejecutivo de la Asociación Internacional de Boxeo, hoy, el mismo día en que la mayor isla de las Antillas tercia oficialmente, por vez primera, como sede de la Serie Mundial de ese deporte. El federativo reemplaza a Luiz Boselli, que salió de la Federación brasileña, y su responsabilidad solo se subordina a la presidencia y vicepresidencia de la AIBA.

via Cubadebate

Julio Iglesias se confiesa adicto a los escenarios

El cantante español Julio Iglesias presenta ante el público de Hong Kong su último disco recopilatorio, con los éxitos más románticos de sus 45 años de carrera musical, del que afirmó sentirse muy satisfecho, “porque creo que ahora canto mejor que cuando empecé”. “Soy un adicto a los escenarios y ahí seguiré hasta que la gente me siga queriendo y hasta que mi cuerpo y mi mente me lo permitan”, explicó Julio Iglesias a Efe en una entrevista a través de correo electrónico, a su llegada a Hong Kong.

via Cubadebate

Desarrollan píldora anticonceptiva para hombres

Investigadores australianos desarrollan una pastilla anticonceptiva para hombre, que esperan se comercialice en unos diez años. El medicamento bloquea dos proteínas que permiten que el espermatozoide se desplace a través de los órganos reproductores masculinos. Intentos previos para crear un anticonceptivo masculino se centraron en anular las funciones del espermatozoide, aunque generó preocupaciones en torno a problemas de infertilidad.

via Cubadebate

La NSA espía cientos de millones de celulares diariamente

La Agencia de Seguridad Nacional de Estados Unidos recauda diariamente más de 5 mil millones de registros de ubicación de cientos de millones de celulares en el mundo que le permiten detectar redes de interrelaciones entre usuarios mediante un programa de espionaje mucho más grande en escala que los antes revelados en los documentos secretos filtrados por Edward Snowden, reporta hoy el diario The Washington Post.

via Cubadebate

Revelan que unos dos mil jóvenes europeos combaten en Siria

Sigue creciendo el número de jóvenes combatientes europeos que han decidido luchar en Siria, y ya suman unos dos mil, según datos oficiales. Al menos así lo comentaron el ministro francés de Interior, Manuel Valls, y su par belga, Joelle Milquet, hay entre 1.500 y 2.000 muchachos europeos en Siria combatiendo. Los datos surgen de reportes de agencias de inteligencia de los países miembros entregados al Consejo de Asuntos Internos UE.

via Cubadebate

La impronta de Fidel Linares

Fidel Linares Rodríguez había nacido en Galafre, el 24 de abril de 1931, en el municipio de San Juan y Martínez, Pinar del Río, y falleció el 9 de noviembre de 1999. A los siete u ocho años la familia se mudó para la finca La Recompensa. No pudo tener una niñez más humilde, desde temprano tuvo que ganarse el pan para vivir. Una cosa lo absorbió: la pasión por el béisbol.

via Cubadebate

Restauran antiquísima Casa del Ajedrez de Santiago de Cuba

La Casa del Ajedrez, ubicada en un inmueble del siglo XVIII, recibe importantes acciones de restauración dada su antigüedad en el ámbito urbano del parque Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, de Santiago de Cuba. Complejas labores tienen lugar para rehabilitar toda la cubierta de tejas criollas y realizar trabajos de conservación, cambios y mejoras tecnológicas y sustituir una losa de entrepiso, explicó a la AIN Camilo Velar, especialista de proyectos de la EMPROY 15.

via Cubadebate

VIDEO: Peru's war on cocaine production

Peru has become the world's biggest producer of coca, which is the main component in the production of cocaine and most of that drug comes to Europe.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

DeWAYNE WICKHAM: Obama working quietly to end feud with Cuba - Cherry Hill Courier Post

DeWAYNE WICKHAM: Obama working quietly to end feud with Cuba

Cherry Hill Courier Post

In January, Cuba ended a decades-old requirement that its citizens needed to obtain a government-issued exit permit before they could travel abroad. In July, the Obama administration increased from six months to five years the duration of visas granted ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

Politics this week - The Economist

Politics this week

The Economist

Politicians in Germany echoed the recent calls of their British counterparts to stop welfare tourism in the EU. They were provoked by a regional court in North Rhine-Westphalia, which ruled that a Romanian family was entitled to social benefits ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

2face, Tiwa Savage For Exquisite Face Of The Universe - P.M. News

P.M. News

2face, Tiwa Savage For Exquisite Face Of The Universe

P.M. News

Miss Switzerland, Miss Uganda, Miss Venezuela and Miss South Africa. Guests will be ... be announced soon. Exquisite Face Of the Universe, an international beauty and modelling contest, is organised to showcase the advancement of Africa's Eco Tourism.

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

UN: Reduction of Poverty Slowing in Latin America - ABC News

UN: Reduction of Poverty Slowing in Latin America

ABC News

Poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean's is now easing at a slower pace, the UN's regional economic body said on Thursday, calling on governments to make policy changes that encourage growth while reducing the huge gap between the rich and poor.

World Bank: Understanding Latin America's Shortage of Innovative Entrepreneurs

via Latin america - Google News

Latin America's finished steel imports from China hit record in Q3 - SteelOrbis (registration)

Latin America's finished steel imports from China hit record in Q3

SteelOrbis (registration)

Alacero, the Latin American steel association, has reported that Latin America received 10.6 percent of global exports of finished steel from China in the third quarter of 2013. The volume of finished steel exports to the region from China reached an ...

via Latin america - Google News

What if Our Brains Just Aren’t Wired for ObamaCare?

The exchanges are based on a laudable idea: that competition, transparency and consumer choice will lead to higher-quality, more affordable products. The decisions consumers make will thus have significant implications for their own personal and financial health, as well as the overall sustainability of the exchanges. But despite the good intentions behind the website, behavioral […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Cuba reforms seen as changing ideals, values - Washington Post

Cuba reforms seen as changing ideals, values

Washington Post

But as more and more islanders go into business for themselves under President Raul Castro's economic reforms, the ethos of capitalism is increasingly seeping into Cuban daily life, often in stark conflict with fundamental tenets of the Cuban Revolution.

Cuba at ag crossroads

via cuba - Google News

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders: "Freedom of speech does not mean freedom to buy the United States government"

via Cuba Journal

Further delay at key World Cup venue

Fifa president Sepp Blatter says the venue where the opening match of the 2014 World Cup is due to be played in June will not be ready until mid-April.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

VIDEO: Mass grave found in southern Peru

Forensic investigations get underway in Peru after a mass grave containing at least 48 bodies is found in Chungui in the south of the country.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Cuba reforms seen as changing ideals, values - U-T San Diego

Cuba reforms seen as changing ideals, values

U-T San Diego

But as more and more islanders go into business for themselves under President Raul Castro's economic reforms, the ethos of capitalism is increasingly seeping into Cuban daily life, often in stark conflict with fundamental tenets of the Cuban Revolution.

via cuba - Google News

Eminente profesor envía carta a Barack Obama

En carta dirigida a Barack Obama, el eminente profesor de Sociología Nelson Valdés señala: "Soy un ciudadano naturalizado de los Estados Unidos y quiero pedirle a usted, mi Presidente, que conmute o condone las sentencias de cuatro hombres, los cuales son usualmente conocidos como los Cinco Cubanos. Sus nombres son: Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino, Antonio Guerrero y Fernando González. [El quinto, René González, recientemente salió de prisión después de cumplir su sentencia].

via Cubadebate

El tabaco cubano sigue siendo el rey

Pese a un mundo condimentado por leyes antitabaco y la crisis económica global, el tabaco cubano vuelve a dar brillo a su corona en este 2013 e impactar en el comercio de los puros.Para los analistas, las causas principales de esta permanencia en el gusto de los fumadores radica en la suprema calidad de los habanos, considerados los mejores cigarros Premium del Planeta, y por tanto los más reclamados.

via Cubadebate

Cruz Roja alerta sobre intensificación de pobreza en Europa

La pobreza ha golpeado a la Unión Europea: según las últimas estadísticas unos 43 millones de personas sufren pobreza material. La Cruz Roja del Reino Unido ha comenzado a pedir donaciones de alimentos por primera vez desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Su director general comparó la situación actual con aquellos días. En el Reino Unido el número de personas que utilizan los bancos de alimentos se ha triplicado a 350.000 en el último año.

via Cubadebate

Así se robaron las elecciones en Honduras

De “asquerosa monstruosidad” calificó Xiomara Castro, candidata presidencial del Partido Libertad y Refundación(Libre) los resultados ofrecidos por el Tribunal Supremo Electoral(TSE) sobre las elecciones del 24 de noviembre en Honduras. Libre ha denunciado sólidamente un sinnúmero de graves irregularidades cometidas en todos los niveles del proceso por el TSE.

via Cubadebate

Normalizing Relations With Cuba With Equivalent Humanitarian Acts - CounterPunch

Normalizing Relations With Cuba With Equivalent Humanitarian Acts


I am particularly interested in their case because I think their imprisonment, the result of a flawed trial, is a roadblock to normal relations between the United States and Cuba. Let me explain. I was born in Cuba. When the Cuban revolution began I ...

via cuba - Google News

Cuba won't budge on jailed American covert agent, insists on prisoner swap

via Cuba Journal

WICKHAM COLUMN: Obama thaws US-Cuba relations - Fond du Lac Reporter

WICKHAM COLUMN: Obama thaws US-Cuba relations

Fond du Lac Reporter

In little noticed speeches given last month, President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry cryptically acknowledged the need for a new approach to Cuba, a country the U.S. has -- literally and figuratively -- waged war with for over a half-century.

via cuba - Google News

Wife of American Jailed in Cuba: He Feels 'Abandoned' by US -

Wife of American Jailed in Cuba: He Feels 'Abandoned' by US

Cuban authorities arrested Gross, a subcontractor for the U.S. Agency for International Development, in 2009 after he allegedly delivered equipment to three Jewish community groups on the island in an attempt to break the Cuban government's ...

via cuba - Google News

Quote of the Day

The [ObamaCare] repair effort is now “working with the velocity and discipline of a high-performing private sector company.” Jeffrey D. Zients, Presidential advisor

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Canadian politics: The son also rises

WHEN the Liberal Party came third in Canada’s 2011 general election, with just 34 of the 308 seats in the House of Commons, pundits began to talk of the impending death of what for more than a century had been the country’s natural party of government. The Liberals had been led to the brink of oblivion by a run of disastrous leaders, effortlessly outwitted by Stephen Harper, the Conservative prime minister since 2006.Now such talk seems premature. Four by-elections late last month bore out the Liberals’ recent lead in opinion polls. No seats changed hands: the Liberals and Conservatives each held two. But the Liberals saw their support surge across the board, at the expense of both the Conservatives and the leftish New Democratic Party (NDP), the official opposition. It was the strongest indication yet that the party had picked a potential winner last April when Justin Trudeau, the son of a former prime minister, was chosen as its leader.This optimism could yet prove to be as transient as it was when Michael Ignatieff, an academic and journalist, took over the party in 2008 only to lead it to its worst showing in history in 2011, losing his own seat. Yet Mr Trudeau...

via The Economist: The Americas|ame

Cultural politics in Colombia: Whose statues?

Stony faced in San Agustín

NESTLED between the headwaters of the Magdalena river and high Andean moorland, the ancient stone statues at San Agustín are among the most mysterious pre-Columbian archaeological artefacts. So far archaeologists have discovered 40 large burial mounds containing 600 likenesses of mythical animals, gods and chieftains in what is South America’s largest complex of megalithic statues. Like other sites in the region, San Agustín has suffered plunder, both organised and freelance. Konrad Preuss, a German anthropologist who led the first European excavations there, shipped 35 statues that he found to a museum in Berlin, where they remain.This history has made the local inhabitants, who live from tourist visits to the site, suspicious. So it proved with a plan by the national museum to take 20 of the statues to the capital, Bogotá, a ten-hour drive away, for a three-month exhibition to mark the centenary of Preuss’s discovery of the site.Aware of the sensitivity of removing the statues even temporarily, anthropologists from the Colombian Institute of Anthropology and History held town meetings to explain the importance of allowing them to be...

via The Economist: The Americas|ame

Brazil’s economy: The deterioration

A SINGLE economic figure can boost or batter a politician’s standing. That makes it tempting to offer sneak peeks of the most flattering ones, as Brazil’s president, Dilma Rousseff, did recently when she told El País, a Spanish newspaper, that a forthcoming statistical revision would raise economic growth in 2012 from 0.9% to a less weak 1.5%. Nemesis is rarely so swift: on December 3rd the national statistics institute said that it had indeed revised the 2012 figure up, but only to 1%. And it announced that GDP shrank by 0.5% in the third quarter compared with the previous three months.Market analysts rushed to trim already anaemic forecasts for growth this year and next (see chart). The fourth quarter might also see a contraction, said Nomura, an investment bank, which would put Brazil in technical recession. Even if that is avoided, with a year to go the economic verdict on Ms Rousseff’s presidency already looks clear. Growth will have averaged around 2% and inflation 6%. Government finances will have deteriorated sharply. A swollen current-account deficit completes a dispiriting picture.Ms Rousseff will almost...

via The Economist: The Americas|ame

Haiti and the Dominican Republic: A storm in Hispaniola

THE last time the Dominican Republic committed an atrocity against residents of Haitian descent, the rest of the world paid little heed. In 1937 Rafael Trujillo, a brutal dictator, ordered troops to clear the country’s borderlands of Haitians whom he said were thieves. In five days thousands of people were killed. Haiti’s government issued only a mild protest.Such violence is fortunately a thing of the past. But tensions between the two countries have increased after what the Dominican Republic’s critics claim is a legal atrocity. In September its Constitutional Court ruled that the current policy, under which those born in the country are only granted citizenship if at least one of their parents was a legal resident, should apply retroactively to people born before it was implemented from 2004 onwards. According to human-rights groups, that leaves over 200,000 people of Haitian descent stateless. This time, Haiti and its allies are making more of a fuss.The government argues that the ruling clarifies an ambiguous situation. On November 29th the president, Danilo Medina, decreed that all undocumented foreigners have 18 months, during which they cannot be deported, to register with the authorities. Applicants who show “unquestionable” ties to the country, such as studying or working there, speaking Spanish, having native relatives and owning property, will be eligible for...

via The Economist: The Americas|ame

Fragile Argentina: Riots in Córdoba

For the second time in a year, Argentina has seen an outbreak of looting. This time it was in Córdoba, the second city, where two people died, more than 60 were injured and dozens of supermarkets and shops ransacked during 24 hours of mayhem. It started when the provincial police went on strike—in part, officials claimed, because a crackdown on brothels denied them bribes. None of the authorities emerged well. The province’s governor, José Manuel de la Sota, a political foe of President Cristina Fernández, said that the government was late to answer his call for help. Like most opposition-run provinces, Córdoba complains that it is squeezed of funds. But the government blamed Mr de la Sota for mismanaging the police.

via The Economist: The Americas|ame

Daily Headlines: December 5, 2013

via The Latin Americanist

CNSJF has the X factor - Curacao Chronicle

Curacao Chronicle

CNSJF has the X factor

Curacao Chronicle

This year, the international visitors mainly came from the Netherlands (22 percent) and Venezuela (19 percent). On average ... “With these tourists, Curacao can produce five million guilders more if they stay at least two more days on the island.” “To ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Baltics less welcoming to tourists, shows report - Baltic Times

Baltics less welcoming to tourists, shows report

Baltic Times

... society are open to tourism and foreign visitors." Research shows the top three most welcoming countries for foreigners are Iceland, New Zealand and Morocco. The three countries least welcoming to foreigners are, in order: Bolivia, Venezuela and ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

DeWAYNE WICKHAM: Obama working quietly to end feud with Cuba - Cherry Hill Courier Post

DeWAYNE WICKHAM: Obama working quietly to end feud with Cuba

Cherry Hill Courier Post

In little-noticed speeches given last month, President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry cryptically acknowledged the need for a new approach to Cuba, a country the U.S. has — literally and figuratively — waged war with for over a half ...

via cuba - Google News

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

White House refuses to testify about security problems. ObamaCare media updates are starting to get tense. NSA tracks 5 billion cellphone locations a day. Good for thee, but not for me: Reid exempts staff from ObamaCare. Darrell Issa: Cost of health site may top $1 billion. 15-minute ambulance trip costs $1,772.42.

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Petsy Picks Up Million-Dollar Investment Round Led by Venture Partners

(Pulso Social) Petsy is closing out the year with a bang. The Mexico-based e-commerce platform…

via Latin American Private Equity and Venture Capital Association » Latest Industry News