Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Reader's view: It's time to abandon irrational Cuba policies - Duluth News Tribune

Reader's view: It's time to abandon irrational Cuba policies

Duluth News Tribune

A handshake between the presidents of the United States and Cuba was just what was needed to end a political stalemate that has prevailed for more than 50 years. Questions raised about that handshake in the Dec. 21 letter, “Time for the U.S. to get on ...

via cuba - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNHu81rPtKWzjd0FBpfWYpDPqGfqOg&url=http://www.duluthnewstribune.com/event/article/id/288142/group/Opinion/

Cuba now fair game for study abroad students - N.C. State University Technician Online

Cuba now fair game for study abroad students

N.C. State University Technician Online

Recently, however, the economic and political restrictions set in place since the revolution in 1959 have been relaxed, making Cuba more accessible to U.S. citizens and N.C. State students. This summer, N.C. State students have the unique opportunity ...

via cuba - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNHnQwlKDyniRCcOD75ZpXTTGZXuuw&url=http://www.technicianonline.com/news/article_0361b96a-7829-11e3-a567-001a4bcf6878.html

Cuba now fair game for study abroad students - N.C. State University Technician Online

Cuba now fair game for study abroad students

N.C. State University Technician Online

The program is N.C. State's first study abroad trip to Cuba and is directed jointly by Nicholas Robins, a professor of history, and Mark Darhower, a professor of foreign language and literature. The trip to Cuba will take place from May 17 until June 7 ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNHnQwlKDyniRCcOD75ZpXTTGZXuuw&url=http://www.technicianonline.com/news/article_0361b96a-7829-11e3-a567-001a4bcf6878.html

Emergen de las sombras los Snowden de los años 70 que denunciaron al FBI (+ Fotos)

Un grupo de pacifistas de Filadelfia que se oponían a la Guerra de Vietnam y que irrumpieron en una oficina del FBI en 1971 para obtener documentos que demostraban que la agencia tenía como blanco a los manifestantes, salieron a la luz por primera vez más de 40 años después para dar detalles sobre el allanamiento. La acción tiene resonancias históricas que llegan hasta hoy, después de que las informaciones dadas a conocer por el ex contratista de la Agencia Nacional de Seguridad (NSA), Edward Snowden, hayan actualizado los crímenes del gobierno de los EEUU.

via Cubadebate http://www.cubadebate.cu/noticias/2014/01/08/emergen-de-las-sombras-los-snowden-de-los-anos-70-que-denunciaron-al-fbi/

Trend alert: The 5 coolest places to go in 2014 - Anchorage Daily News

Trend alert: The 5 coolest places to go in 2014

Anchorage Daily News

Why Now: So we all saw the scary headlines in recent years about tourists to Mexico getting killed in drug war violence, and the country's tourism industry has taken a significant hit. But the truth is, the tourist areas are mostly very, very safe, and ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFytH048TXFFU8wGbiv-W8HSVMrAw&url=http://www.adn.com/2014/01/06/3262400/trend-alert-the-5-coolest-places.html

Cuba's infant mortality rate lowest in history, better than US - Fight Back! Newspaper

Cuba's infant mortality rate lowest in history, better than US

Fight Back! Newspaper

Havana, Cuba - Cuba ended 2013 with an infant mortality rate of 4.2 per 1000 live births, the lowest level in the socialist island's history. Cuba's infant mortality rate was significantly better than neighboring Caribbean and Latin American countries ...

via cuba - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEhXu44MxC-Wh3oHvfJ9GtSqYJMIQ&url=http://www.fightbacknews.org/2014/1/7/cuba-s-infant-mortality-rate-lowest-history-better-us

Neutraliza Cuba 43 intentos de tráfico de drogas en 2013

La Aduana General de la República de Cuba detectó y frustró 43 casos de intento de entrada de drogas al país durante 2013, cifra superior al año precedente, informó hoy la televisión nacional. Según el reporte, 35 de esos operativos se efectuaron en el aeropuerto internacional José Martí, de La Habana, el principal de la nación caribeña. La mayor isla de las Antillas ha suscrito 33 Acuerdos Gubernamentales en materia antidrogas, dos memorandos de entendimiento y 35 convenios sobre Asistencia Judicial en la esfera penal.

via Cubadebate http://www.cubadebate.cu/noticias/2014/01/07/neutraliza-cuba-43-intentos-de-trafico-de-drogas-en-2013/

Posible erupción supervolcánica podría borrar la civilización

La erupción de un supervolcán, cientos de veces más poderoso que los volcanes convencionales –con el potencial de borrar la civilización como la conocemos– es más probable de lo que se creía, reveló un estudio. Un análisis de roca derretida, procedente del interior del supervolcán que duerme debajo del Parque Nacional de Yellowstone, en Estados Unidos, ha revelado que es posible una erupción sin necesidad de una causa externa, precisaron científicos.

via Cubadebate http://www.cubadebate.cu/noticias/2014/01/07/posible-erupcion-supervolcanica-podria-borrar-la-civilizacion/

The Top 7 International Destinations You Need to Visit in 2014 - Huffington Post

The Top 7 International Destinations You Need to Visit in 2014

Huffington Post

Cuba. Cuba will continue to grow in popularity as we make our way through the New Year. Friendly Planet Travel, for one, is in its third year of offering travel to Cuba, and there has been no decrease in demand thus far. From more than 2,000 travelers ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFDxKhlGLdF8UcaLwRU2pc6nfqq2Q&url=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/peggy-goldman/the-top-7-international-d_b_4549684.html

Raul Castro Maintains Hard Line Toward US and European Union - Huffington Post (blog)

Raul Castro Maintains Hard Line Toward US and European Union

Huffington Post (blog)

Taken from Raul Castro's speech in Santiago de Cuba, the words stressed that, "The Revolution will continue just the same, without commitments to anyone at all, only to the people!" With this cover page, both the orator and the editors wanted to ...

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGqdIw14Y3X3Q7IMbUQXvFvffMaiQ&url=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/yoani-sanchez/raul-castro-maintains-har_b_4557878.html

Brazilian former slave community fights for land

One ex-slave community's fight for land in Brazil

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-25622027#sa-ns_mchannel=rss&ns_source=PublicRSS20-sa

7 secret Caribbean islands

The Caribbean -- home to cerulean waters, vibrant coral reefs and sugar-white beaches -- is a near-perfect vacation destination, especially when it's arctic cold at home. There is just one problem: Everyone you know wants to go there.

via CNN.com - Latin America http://edition.cnn.com/2014/01/06/travel/secret-caribbean-islands/index.html

Venezuelan beauty queen slain

Venezuelan beauty queen Monica Spear was fatally shot in her home country after her car broke down, but her 5-year-old daughter survived.

via CNN.com - Latin America http://edition.cnn.com/2014/01/07/world/americas/monica-spear-venezuela-beauty-queen-killed/index.html

Sticker shock for potential car buyers in Cuba - Autonet.ca

Sticker shock for potential car buyers in Cuba


Associated Press reports that buying a new vehicle in Cuba will continue to be impossible for most people. Prices released on January 4, 2014 clearly demonstrate that while restrictions have been eased, the cost is prohibitive. As this video report ...

via cuba - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNF3vLbwLLfsdsAiLFpPf1rLAGST_Q&url=http://www.autonet.ca/en/2014/01/07/sticker-shock-for-potential-car-buyers-in-cuba

Elections in Venezuela and Chile Advance Left Agenda and Latin American ... - Venezuelanalysis.com

Elections in Venezuela and Chile Advance Left Agenda and Latin American ...


The elections in Venezuela and Chile in December molded the political panorama of Latin America for the coming year, providing a new opening for left-leaning governments and the advance of post neoliberal policies in the region. In Venezuela, the ...

via Latin america - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGT_m7_MHuM_UZSxh8sLQa-i6orCA&url=http://venezuelanalysis.com/analysis/10267

Comienzan hoy en Ecuador campañas para comicios locales

Los candidatos que aspiran a cargos públicos en las elecciones locales de febrero en Ecuador iniciaron hoy la campaña electoral con diversos actos públicos. Recorridos a pie, visitas a obras y mítines políticos son algunos de los actos programados por los candidatos a alcaldías, prefecturas y juntas parroquiales para esta primera jornada de la campaña.

via Cubadebate http://www.cubadebate.cu/noticias/2014/01/07/comienzan-hoy-en-ecuador-campanas-para-comicios-locales/

Caribbean Crusader: St. Vincent PM Gonsalves On Development And Disaster - WLRN

Caribbean Crusader: St. Vincent PM Gonsalves On Development And Disaster


Still, the Caribbean has to prioritize its economic woes – especially if neighboring Venezuela's own economic crises force it to stop delivering cut-rate oil to the region via the Petrocaribe program. Gonsalves acknowledges the Caribbean has to break ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEmL-sM4cjXPw5C5p7y0U31Dxiigg&url=http://wlrn.org/post/caribbean-crusader-st-vincent-pm-gonsalves-development-and-disaster

Hermes' Mardi Gras milestone celebrated with a Presbytere exhibit - NOLA.com

Hermes' Mardi Gras milestone celebrated with a Presbytere exhibit


Henri Schindler, who has written a privately published history of the organization, said the founders had two motives: They were eager for a chance to climb onto floats and hit the streets, but they also wanted to increase tourism income by giving out ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGfI5T2OjkTCAx0zToXRyYb6crfcQ&url=http://www.nola.com/mardigras/index.ssf/2014/01/hermes_mardi_gras_milestone_ce.html

Spanish princess must face court - Irish Independent

Spanish princess must face court

Irish Independent

The deals he and his Noos business partner brokered included organising seminars and sports events as a tourism lure. However ... A MAN shot dead in Venezuela and reported as being Irish in various media outlets was British, friends have confirmed.

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNE6pF4-e0unCHb6ImNUYvV5NKsRwQ&url=http://www.independent.ie/world-news/spanish-princess-must-face-court-29895797.html

Netherlands calls for revising the EU position on Cuba - Havana Times

Havana Times

Netherlands calls for revising the EU position on Cuba

Havana Times

HAVANA TIMES — Dutch Foreign Minister Frans Timmermans, called Monday for European countries to review their position on Cuba, marked for years by the “common position” of the European Union (EU), critical of the Castro government, reported dpa.

via cuba - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFE5R_4F9Proy4C7Q2PPO011tMY4Q&url=http://www.havanatimes.org/?p%3D101065

Trend alert: The 5 coolest places to go in 2014 - Columbus Ledger-Enquirer

Trend alert: The 5 coolest places to go in 2014

Columbus Ledger-Enquirer

Why Now: So we all saw the scary headlines in recent years about tourists to Mexico getting killed in drug war violence, and the country's tourism industry has taken a significant hit. But the truth is, the tourist areas are mostly very, very safe, and ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNHnuTTB5LGaGXZTayYvDhOHjPgHXw&url=http://www.ledger-enquirer.com/2014/01/07/2889018/trend-alert-the-5-coolest-places.html

State Lawmakers Push for Reforms to Make College Affordable for Young Immigrants

The movement for in-state tuition for undocumented immigrants got off to a quick start in 2014 when Virginia state Del. Alfonso H. Lopez (D) introduced the Virginia Tuition Equality Act. This is the third time Lopez has attempted to pass the bill, which would permit undocumented residents to pay in- state tuition rates. During the [...]

via Immigration Impact http://immigrationimpact.com/2014/01/07/state-lawmakers-push-for-reforms-to-make-college-affordable-for-young-immigrants/

The Fat Cigar Trend Spreads to Cuba - Cigar Aficionado

The Fat Cigar Trend Spreads to Cuba

Cigar Aficionado

The plump cigar trend that began in the non-Cuban cigar world has arrived in Havana, and some of today's most popular Cuban cigars are among the fattest in history. “Sales of heavy-ring-gauge cigars—50 or higher—account now for more than 50 percent ...

via cuba - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGJbWsceDNlvPD7o_FEjYqsrQtKFw&url=http://www.cigaraficionado.com/webfeatures/show/id/17234

Denuncia FARC-EP involucramiento del gobierno estadounidense en conflicto colombiano

Las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia-Ejército del Pueblo (FARC-EP) apuntaron hoy que las revelaciones del diario Washington Post ponen al descubierto cómo los intereses de los gobiernos estadounidenses son uno de los principales detonantes y animadores del conflicto armado colombiano. Según el informe el programa de acción encubierta ha ayudado al Ejército colombiano a matar al menos a dos docenas de líderes rebeldes.

via Cubadebate http://www.cubadebate.cu/noticias/2014/01/07/denuncia-farc-ep-involucramiento-del-gobierno-estadounidense-en-conflicto-colombiano/

Mayor cantidad de italianos asisten a comedores sociales para subsistir

Ante la recesión económica más larga que ha sufrido Italia desde la Segunda Guerra mundial, miles de ciudadanos desempleados que se han visto obligados a vivir en condiciones de indigencia y a utilizar los servicios de comedores sociales para poder subsistir, informó este martes la prensa internacional. Según cifras oficiales, la situación económica en Italia ha dejado al 12 por ciento de los adultos sin trabajo.

via Cubadebate http://www.cubadebate.cu/noticias/2014/01/07/mayor-cantidad-de-italianos-asisten-a-comedores-sociales-para-subsistir/

Chile court closes Allende probe

The Chilean Supreme Court rejects appeals to reopen an investigation into the death of former president Salvador Allende, who committed suicide during the 1973 military coup.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-25646031#sa-ns_mchannel=rss&ns_source=PublicRSS20-sa

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

Trees cut down to make room for wind farms. When Senator Rand Paul (R-KT) tried to enroll his family in a private health plan, the system enrolled his son in Medicaid instead. Study: Nine million people will alternate between Medicaid and private coverage this year.

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog http://healthblog.ncpa.org/headlines-i-wish-i-hadnt-seen-214/

Cuba Welcomed Nearly 3 Million Tourists in 2013 - Hispanically Speaking News

Cuba Welcomed Nearly 3 Million Tourists in 2013

Hispanically Speaking News

Cuba closed 2013 having welcomed a total of 2.85 million foreign tourists, a new record but short of its goal of 3 million, the Tourism Ministry said Monday. Last year closed with a growth of 0.5 percent over 2012, Communist Party daily Granma said ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNF2FcpIzLrxcs_FzdbShHPeXn9uFg&url=http://www.hispanicallyspeakingnews.com/latino-daily-news/details/cuba-welcomed-nearly-3-million-tourists-in-2013/28630/

Cuban Authorities Optimistic in Development of Local Tourism - Prensa Latina

Havana Times

Cuban Authorities Optimistic in Development of Local Tourism

Prensa Latina

A report by the Cuban Tourism Ministry (MINTUR) said Monday that despite the expected growth statistics regarding arrival of foreign tourists have not been reached in 2013, a new record of arrivals is expected at the closing moment. "Despite the ...

Cuba: A Normal Country

via tourism in cuba - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEhIzPfZEi-B7H4AYZchGFOdKB3hQ&url=http://www.plenglish.com/index.php?option%3Dcom_content%26task%3Dview%26id%3D2238971%26Itemid%3D1

Decapitation video highlights Brazil's jail problems

It is a gruesome scene, even in a country that has seen its share of violence: three men, beheaded, with wounds peppering their bodies on all sides.

via CNN.com - Latin America http://edition.cnn.com/2014/01/07/world/americas/brazil-jail-decapitation-video/index.html

Florida remains the only hub for Cuba flights - Tampa Bay Business Journal (blog)

Florida remains the only hub for Cuba flights

Tampa Bay Business Journal (blog)

The number of cities authorized to schedule flights to Cuba expanded from three to 15 in 2011, yet Florida remains the only place to catch regular charter flights to the country. It was expected that other cities would jump at the opportunity to offer ...

via cuba - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNF4a_nNMMbV-Hr2Mso5RmO-_Ncp9g&url=http://www.bizjournals.com/tampabay/blog/latin/2014/01/florida-remains-the-only-hub-for-cuba.html

The Netherlands has urged the European Union to "modernize" its ties with Cuba

via Cuba Journal http://cubajournal.blogspot.com/2014/01/the-netherlands-has-urged-european.html

Medicare Prices Shape Payment Formulas for the Entire Health Care System

“Our results suggest that Medicare’s decisions are far more influential than you may imagine,” said Joshua Gottlieb, an economist at the University of British Columbia. His research shows that a $1 change in the price that Medicare pays yields a $1.30 change in what private insurers pay. What happens if the government gets those prices […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog http://healthblog.ncpa.org/medicare-prices-shape-payment-formulas-for-the-entire-health-care-system/

Valida Corte Suprema de Chile tesis sobre suicidio de Allende

La Corte Suprema de Chile confirmó hoy el sobreseimiento definitivo de la investigación sobre la muerte del presidente Salvador Allende y estimó que se suicidó durante el golpe de Estado del 11 de septiembre de 1973. Según fuentes judiciales, con la decisión de la Sala Penal se dio por finalizada la investigación comenzada hace tres años por el magistrado Mario Carroza para determinar si había intervención de terceros en el hecho.

via Cubadebate http://www.cubadebate.cu/noticias/2014/01/07/valida-corte-suprema-de-chile-tesis-de-suicidio-de-allende/

Pupy viene Sin límites en 2014

Versátil del merengue al bolero viene este año con el disco Sin límite el pianista y compositor cubano César "Pupy" Pedroso, recién distinguido con el Premio Nacional de Música 2013 junto al cantante Adriano Rodríguez. Por supuesto, en este álbum producido por la EGREM no puede faltar el son, uno de los géneros preferidos de este músico fundador de la mítica orquesta cubana Los Van Van.

via Cubadebate http://www.cubadebate.cu/noticias/2014/01/07/pupy-viene-sin-limites-en-2014/

Conocerán empresarios holandeses oportunidades de negocios en Cuba

Empresarios de Holanda recibirán hoy, en esta capital, una actualización sobre las oportunidades de negocio que ofrece Cuba en varios sectores de su economía, en especial, las relacionadas con la Zona Especial de Desarrollo Mariel (ZEDM). En la sede de la Cámara de Comercio los integrantes del Comité Empresarial cubano-holandés intercambiarán en torno a los incentivos fiscales, legales y laborales del nuevo proyecto que promueve la nación antillana para impulsar un desarrollo sostenible.

via Cubadebate http://www.cubadebate.cu/noticias/2014/01/07/conoceran-empresarios-holandeses-oportunidades-de-negocios-en-cuba/

Continúa Estados Unidos castigado por ola de frío (+ Video)

Estados Unidos continuaba preso este martes de una ola de frío que paraliza desde hace una semana el centro, norte y este del país, llevando a varias regiones a decretar medidas excepcionales. Las sensaciones térmicas, que alcanzan los -53 °C, inéditas en 20 años, la caída de nieve y granizo han provocado la muerte de una docena de personas en menos de una semana y los servicios meteorológicos todavía anuncian la llegada de un frente frío en el este.

via Cubadebate http://www.cubadebate.cu/noticias/2014/01/07/continua-estados-unidos-castigado-por-ola-de-frio-video/

Leinier Domínguez enfrentará nuevo reto en torneo Tata Steel

El cubano Leinier Domínguez necesitará completar más de 5,5 puntos de 11 posibles en el torneo ajedrecístico Tata Steel para mantener su actual coeficiente Elo de dos mil 754, que le sitúa en el puesto 14 del orbe. Exactamente es 5,69 la cifra considerada “mágica” por el estadístico Carlos Martínez, quien hizo los cálculos según los rivales a enfrentar desde el día 11 por Domínguez en el colectivo A del llamado primer Grand Slam de la temporada y que siempre acoge Holanda.

via Cubadebate http://www.cubadebate.cu/noticias/2014/01/07/leinier-dominguez-enfrentara-nuevo-reto-en-torneo-tata-steel/

Viaja Evo Morales a Nueva York para asumir presidencia G-77 más China

El presidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales, viaja hoy a la ciudad de Nueva York, Estados Unidos, para asumir el miércoles en la sede central de las Naciones Unidas la presidencia del G-77 más China. Antes de emprender viaje, Morales comentó que la elección de su país al frente de ese infuyente bloque de 133 naciones en vias de desarrollo es algo histórico, inédito y una buena imagen para todos los bolivianos.

via Cubadebate http://www.cubadebate.cu/noticias/2014/01/07/viaja-evo-morales-a-nueva-york-para-asumir-presidencia-g-77-mas-china/

Rusia y Estados Unidos analizan presencia de Irán en Ginebra-II

El ministro ruso del Exterior, Serguei Lavrov, y el secretario norteamericano de Estado, John Kerry, discutirán el 13 de este mes en torno a la presencia de Irán en la conferencia internacional Ginebra-II sobre Siria, destacó hoy el canal Rossia 24. Rusia considera crucial la participación de actores regionales de peso como Irán, en el foro que iniciará sus sesiones, primero en la ciudad suiza de Montreaux, el 22 de enero, y con posterioridad, el 24, en Ginebra.

via Cubadebate http://www.cubadebate.cu/noticias/2014/01/07/rusia-y-estados-unidos-analizan-presencia-de-iran-en-ginebra-ii/

Inicia retirada de armamento químico sirio

La Organización para la Prohibición de las Armas Químicas (OPAQ) anunció el inicio de la retirada de las armas químicas del territorio de Siria. De acuerdo con el plan elaborado por la organización, los productos químicos serán trasladados al puerto sirio de Latakia, desde donde se transportarán a un puerto italiano a bordo de buques daneses y noruegos. En Italia las sustancias tóxicas se transferirán a una nave de la Marina de EE.UU. para ser destruidas en aguas internacionales.

via Cubadebate http://www.cubadebate.cu/noticias/2014/01/07/inicia-retirada-de-armamento-quimico-sirio/

Cuba: A Normal Country - Havana Times

Havana Times

Cuba: A Normal Country

Havana Times

HAVANA TIMES — From time to time, a friend, acquaintance or taxi driver in Mexico will tell me that they want to travel to Cuba and get to know the country. The myths surrounding the revolution, the stories about sizzling sex with local women, tourism ...

via cuba - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNG8ebwKzfRJZZ6Avj3VciRiDOCKbg&url=http://www.havanatimes.org/?p%3D101076

County official's trip to Cuba brings longing for drama to end - Royal Oak Daily Tribune

The Guardian

County official's trip to Cuba brings longing for drama to end

Royal Oak Daily Tribune

Oakland County Commissioner John Scott didn't join a revolution, but he did recently visit Cuba in a person-to-person excursion through the U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control. What he saw, between beautiful, sprawling sugar ...

Cuba's classic cars are icons of oppression that deserve scrapping

Cuba: The Time That Flies

via Travel Cuba - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGMJjSy28_ipBPaYnrQ9A21erS6Cw&url=http://www.dailytribune.com/lifestyle/20140107/county-officials-trip-to-cuba-brings-longing-for-drama-to-end

Cuban Authorities Optimistic in Development of Local Tourism - Radio Cadena Agramonet

Cuban Authorities Optimistic in Development of Local Tourism

Radio Cadena Agramonet

In the present winter season, increases in operations from Canada, Germany, Italy, Scandinavian countries, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Spain, Russia, Venezuela and Haiti were achieved, and also the activity of cruisers, with new ships putting in several ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGcSHNDaUQMcNr-734MzC9-x6BzEw&url=http://www.cadenagramonte.cu/english/index.php/show/articles/16688:cuban-authorities-optimistic-in-development-of-local-tourism

Cuban Authorities Optimistic in Development of Local Tourism - Radio Cadena Agramonet

Cuban Authorities Optimistic in Development of Local Tourism

Radio Cadena Agramonet

A report by the Cuban Tourism Ministry (MINTUR) said Monday that despite the expected growth statistics regarding arrival of foreign tourists have not been reached in 2013, a new record of arrivals is expected at the closing moment. "Despite the ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGcSHNDaUQMcNr-734MzC9-x6BzEw&url=http://www.cadenagramonte.cu/english/index.php/show/articles/16688:cuban-authorities-optimistic-in-development-of-local-tourism

Venezuelan ex-beauty queen murdered

Venezuelan actress Monica Spear, who won Miss Venezuela in 2004, has been killed along with her husband during a roadside robbery in Venezuela.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-25642041#sa-ns_mchannel=rss&ns_source=PublicRSS20-sa

Are Doctors Ready for 68,000 Diagnostic Codes?

Know someone who drowned from jumping off burning water skis? Well, there’s a new medical billing code for that. Been injured in a spacecraft? There’s a new code for that, too. Roughed up by an Orca whale? It’s on the list. There are codes for injuries incurred in opera houses and while knitting, and one […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog http://healthblog.ncpa.org/are-doctors-ready-for-68000-diagnostic-codes/

Severe rains trigger landslides, floods in Latin America - RT

Severe rains trigger landslides, floods in Latin America


Severe rains trigger landslides, floods in Latin America. Heavy rains slammed parts of Bolivia and Peru over the weekend, leaving two people dead and thousands of families affected by flooding, authorities said. Local media reports say at least 8,000 ...

via Latin america - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNG4s8z5x5sm14R6lxhRURericC2kg&url=http://rt.com/in-motion/peru-landslides-bolivia-flood-269/

Jaden Laing spreads NRL gospel to South America with Latin Heat - The Daily Telegraph

Jaden Laing spreads NRL gospel to South America with Latin Heat

The Daily Telegraph

"Once they see it they love it - there's a UFC and mixed martial arts culture, and I'm confident if we get some infrastructure in place the game could stand on its feet in South America," he said. Laing said it would be hard choosing between Australia ...

via Latin america - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFebYyC7jq5Kk5yFlPqSMhrioUoDg&url=http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/newslocal/macarthur/jaden-laing-spreads-nrl-gospel-to-south-america-with-latin-heat/story-fngr8ifg-1226796650224

ObamaCare Health Insurance Has “Networks”. But Why Are There Any Networks At All?

Last month, Julie Appleby of Kaiser Health News, reported on a presentation by Paul Mango of McKinsey & Co. to an audience of health-insurance executives. According to Appleby’s report, Mr. Mango’s research found: About two-thirds of hospital networks on the exchanges are “narrow” or “ultra-narrow”; This was defined by surveying 20 urban areas and identifying […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog http://healthblog.ncpa.org/obamacare-health-insurance-has-networks-but-why-are-there-any-networks-at-all/