Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Ecuador knocks at India's door with $15-bn biz plan - Financial Express

Ecuador knocks at India's door with $15-bn biz plan

Financial Express

The country has identified over two dozen projects worth $15 billion that would be offered to Indian investors in areas such as water resources, tourism, telecom, hydrocarbons, petrochemicals and infrastructure. A large delegation, of 250 members, from ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Roberto Diago: Relatos del alma nuestra (+ Fotos y Video)

Las salas del Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Wifredo Lam abrieron sus puertas a la exposición de Roberto Diago: paredes negras, espacios de amasijos que remueven la memoria, trozos de identidad que abdican del olvido… Desandas las salas: piezas de gran formato de metal, de tela, de madera, esas con la que se ha hecho el tiempo, la sobrevivencia y la fe… Acá el latón que nos remonta a lo que falta y lo que tengo, allá las tablas de madera, una a una; que te protegen, te ofrecen abrigo… a pesar de lo que digan…

via Cubadebate

Establishing Cuba as profitable and attractive cruise destination - eTurboNews


Establishing Cuba as profitable and attractive cruise destination


HAVANA, Cuba - The cruise ship LV Louis Cristal set sail from Havana on the first of its round-the-island trips, marking yet another effort to establish Cuba as an attractive and profitable cruise industry destination. Cuba Cruise, based in Calgary ...

via cuba - Google News

US expresses 'deep concern' over Dominican court citizenship ruling -

US expresses 'deep concern' over Dominican court citizenship ruling

Neither the Dominican government nor its tourism marketing company responded to a Miami Herald request for comment about the boycott. But President Danilo Medina recently said he has “always believed ... On Tuesday on the sidelines of a Petrocaribe ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Parlamentarios cubanos debaten importantes temas en comisiones

Desde este miércoles y hasta hoy jueves los diputados cubanos debaten importantes asuntos de interés económico y social, en las comisiones de trabajo del segundo período ordinario de sesiones, de la VIII Legislatura de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular. El examen —para la aprobación— del proyecto de Código de Trabajo, sometido a masiva consulta popular recientemente, la ejecución del presupuesto estatal, el fomento y desarrollo de cooperativas no agropecuarias, la venta de materiales para la construcción, el transporte y otros servicios son solo algunos de los temas tratados en diez comisiones. Luego del término de estas dos jornadas, los parlamentarios se reunirán en sesión plenaria el viernes 20 de diciembre, también en el Palacio de Convenciones, para donde fue convocado el segundo período ordinario de sesiones de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular.

via Cubadebate

Parlamento cubano declara solidaridad con pueblo de Ecuador (+ Declaración)

Una declaración de solidaridad con el pueblo y el gobierno ecuatorianos "ante la injusta agresión de la empresa Chevron" fue aprobada hoy aquí por los diputados que integran la Comisión de Relaciones Internacionales del Parlamento cubano. El texto acusa a esa transnacional de provocar el mayor desastre ecológico de la historia y de causar daños a la salud humana y al medio ambiente en la Amazonia ecuatoriana.

via Cubadebate

Establishing Cuba as profitable and attractive cruise destination - eTurboNews


Establishing Cuba as profitable and attractive cruise destination


Several previous attempts to establish Cuba as a regular cruise destination have failed, in large part because of economic sanctions by the United States, which forbids U.S. tourism in Cuba and bars any ship that docks at Cuban ports from entering the ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Cuba's baseball revolution: Why players are turning pro - BBC News

BBC News

Cuba's baseball revolution: Why players are turning pro

BBC News

Isla de la Juventud is a small, sleepy island with a big passion for baseball, and this year it has been at vanguard of a revolution in the game. For more than five decades, all professional sport has been banned in Cuba, with athletes drilled to ...

via cuba - Google News

Cuba's baseball revolution: Why players are turning pro

Why Cuban baseball players are turning pro

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

UN: Latin American economy decelerated this year, expected to grow for the ... -

Business Recorder

UN: Latin American economy decelerated this year, expected to grow for the ...

UNITED NATIONS -- Economic growth in Latin America and the Caribbean declined this year, but is expected to improve over the next two years, according to a new U.N. report. Growth slowed four-tenths of a percent to a pace of 2.6 percent in 2013.

Latin American jobless rate likely fell slightly in 2013 -ILO

Economic growth in Latin America has not reduced informal jobs

ILO: Peru posts strongest growth in urban labor force in the region

via Latin america - Google News

A 12-Point Checklist for Firms Opening New Offices in Latin America - Nearshore Americas

A 12-Point Checklist for Firms Opening New Offices in Latin America

Nearshore Americas

Even though Latin America is an exciting destination with much to offer companies and individuals, much consideration must be given to the practicality of relocating to the region. Gloria Zuluaga, a manager with Medellin Executive Relocation in ...

via Latin america - Google News

Saab wins $4.5bn Brazil jet contract

Brazil chooses Sweden's Saab over a US-French consortium to supply new fighter jets, in a decision seen as influenced by the recent row over spying.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Obama-Castro handshake: What does it mean? -

Obama-Castro handshake: What does it mean?

A beginning that with courage and trust on both sides could lead to normalization of U.S.-Cuban relations at least by the end of Obama's term. After a half century of enmity, a change in relations will depend on whether President Obama will lead this ...

We've entered the twilight glow of Zuma power

Paul Giorgio: The Handshake Heard Around the World

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

The usual suspects—countries that are outcasts or have long been beset by domestic rifts or held back by dismal policies, such as Pakistan, Iran, Venezuela, and the Central African Republic—are unlikely to experience significant economic growth. And ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

UN adopts anti-spying resolution

The UN General Assembly adopt a resolution proposed by Brazil and Germany urging all countries to guarantee privacy rights to users of the internet.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Cuba's baseball players have ceilings on their salaries lifted and can play abroad - The Guardian

The Guardian

Cuba's baseball players have ceilings on their salaries lifted and can play abroad

The Guardian

In the fraught history of US-Cuban relations, baseball may not feature as prominently in the history books as the missile crisis, the Bay of Pigs incident or Washington's 50-year embargo against the island. But when it comes to the island's recent ...

via cuba - Google News

US man accused of Miami-bound hijacking jetliner to Cuba 30 years ago gears ... -

US man accused of Miami-bound hijacking jetliner to Cuba 30 years ago gears ...

A former New Jersey man who hijacked a Miami-bound commercial jet to Cuba almost 30 years ago and finally surrendered to U.S. authorities last month is gearing up to plead guilty to an air-piracy charge, according to his attorney and court records.

via cuba - Google News

Una de cada 200 mujeres se embaraza sin tener sexo en EE.UU.

En EE.UU. se ha dado a conocer un inusual fenómeno de inmaculada concepción, ya que, al parecer, una de cada 200 mujeres estadounidenses se queda embarazada pese a que dicen no haber mantenido relaciones sexuales. Así lo revela un estudio de larga duración desarollado entre 1995 y el 2009 en Estados Unidos y que se titula 'Como una (madre) virgen' ['Like a virgin (mother)'], publicado por la revista 'British Medical Journal'.

via Cubadebate

New Legal Analysis Shows State Compliance with ICE Detainers May Violate the Constitution

Chicago, New York, and San Francisco now prevent local jails from honoring immigration detainers—requests from federal immigration officials for state and local jails to hold a person so that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents can investigate the person’s immigration status—unless an arrestee has been charged with or convicted of certain criminal offenses. And California’s [...]

via Immigration Impact

Options for Integration in ALBA-Petrocaribe Summit - Radio Cadena Agramonet

Options for Integration in ALBA-Petrocaribe Summit

Radio Cadena Agramonet

The II Extraordinary Summit of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) and the energy mechanism, held in Venezuela, left a toll significant progress towards the establishment of an Exclusive Economic Zone between the two ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Cuba reafirma necesidad de reforma integral de la ONU

Cuba aboga por una reforma integral de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas, en particular de su Consejo de Seguridad, afirmó hoy aquí el vicecanciller Abelardo Moreno. Al intervenir ante la Comisión de Relaciones Internacionales de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular, Moreno afirmó que los cambios en el organismo mundial deben contemplar la revitalización de la Asamblea General y la reforma del Consejo Económico y Social (Ecosoc).

via Cubadebate

December 18, 1958: Fomento is the first city liberated in Las Villas province by the rebel column of Ernesto 'Che' Guevara

via Cuba Journal

Paraguay’s new president: Cartes plays his cards

IN OCTOBER claims surfaced that Victor Bogado, a Paraguayan senator, had arranged two lucrative public jobs for his children’s nanny. A few weeks later 23 of his peers—a majority—voted against stripping him of the immunity from criminal proceedings that Paraguayan legislators enjoy. Instead of going unnoticed in a country where political clientelism has long been the norm, the story sparked outrage. Restaurants, petrol stations and beauty salons in the capital, Asunción, put up signs naming the “23 shameless rats”, and barring them as customers. Two weeks later a senate committee overruled the vote for immunity.The case of the “golden nanny” is part of a wider citizen revolt against political corruption. In October the Supreme Court ruled that Daniel Vargas, a radio host, had the right to know the names and salaries of municipal employees. Six years earlier listeners had asked him to investigate; he went to court after being stonewalled. Without public pressure the Supreme Court would never have dared to move against Congress, says his lawyer, Benjamín Fernández. Rather than obliging citizens to seek the information piecemeal, Paraguay’s new president, Horacio...

via The Economist: The Americas|ame

Argentina’s socioeconomic statistics: Still lying after all these years

FOR years the IMF turned a blind eye as Argentina doctored its inflation index and plumped up its numbers for economic growth. Then last February the fund steeled itself and censured the country, warning it to improve its statistics by September or face potential suspension or expulsion. This threat was unprecedented in the fund’s history. Yet it seems it was a largely empty one. On December 9th the IMF board met to review Argentina’s progress on a new inflation index. It declared that, although the country had not adopted the measures the fund wanted, it “recognised” the government’s “ongoing work” and deferred further action until March.Certainly, those who care about the integrity of statistics cheered the recent resignation of Guillermo Moreno, the secretary for interior commerce. Mr Moreno was the man who intervened at INDEC, the statistics institute, in 2007, after which it began to fudge inflation data. Many officials nowadays take less care to pretend that inflation is around 10% rather than the true figure of around double that.Some economists believe the new inflation index will be an improvement. Others doubt that the government has suddenly embraced numerical honesty. INDEC is likely to cherry pick items for which the government has ordered price freezes and leave out those whose prices rise, thinks Juan Luis Bour of FIEL, a think-tank in Buenos Aires.Covering...

via The Economist: The Americas|ame

Chile’s presidential election: Bachelet seals victory

Having fallen just short of outright victory in Chile’s presidential election on November 17th, Michelle Bachelet duly trounced her conservative opponent, Evelyn Matthei, in a run-off vote on December 15th, by 62% to 38%. That was the widest margin of victory since 1990. The only blemish for Ms Bachelet, a socialist who was president in 2006-10, was that just 42% of the electorate bothered to turn out. “We have to persuade them to believe in democracy again,” she said. She hopes to do this by using her majority in Congress to push through free, universal and non-profit education, funded by tax increases, as well as constitutional changes. It is an ambitious programme—especially with the economy slowing.

via The Economist: The Americas|ame

Cuba, a key liberator of Southern Africa - The Voice of Russia

Cuba, a key liberator of Southern Africa

The Voice of Russia

Peterson: On the phone to discuss Cuba's role in supporting South African freedom is Dr. Piero Gleijeses. He is a professor of American Foreign Policy at Johns Hopkins University. His new book, Visions of Freedom , looks at archival sources in the US ...

via cuba - Google News

Biggs in Brazil: Ambiguous reputation

Ronnie Biggs' life in Brazil

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Why I Don’t Like Deductibles

I am associated with Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). And HSAs are associated with high deductibles. They are more than associated with them. Federal law requires an across-the-board deductible in order for a plan to qualify as eligible to be combined with an HSA. But I am no a fan of deductibles. In fact, more than […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Cuba's Dirty Buses - Havana Times

Havana Times

Cuba's Dirty Buses

Havana Times

HAVANA TIMES — Ever since leaving Cuba I've been able to do something I couldn't do there: read Granma, Cuba's major, official newspaper. I read it every day – and carefully – for Granma, though terribly boring, is part of a reality that is ...

via cuba - Google News

Worst Column I Read Today

Did you know that Wal-Mart and McDonald’s are “welfare queens”? So writes Barry Ritholtz at Bloomberg. And why is that, you might ask? Because their workers get welfare benefits. According to one study, American fast food workers receive more than $7 billion dollars in public assistance… Wal-Mart, the nation’s largest private sector employer, is also […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Best Western's Development Pipeline Growing Quickly in Latin America ... - PR Web (press release)

Best Western's Development Pipeline Growing Quickly in Latin America ...

PR Web (press release)

Hotel demand in the country has been spurred by increased political stability and the growth of the coffee, tourism and oil industries. Gastronomy and foodie travel also is a growing trend in Colombia and ... Best Western opened its first hotel in ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Campeones villaclareños muestran su garra en el Sandino (+ Box Score)

Garra de campeones mostraron los naranjas villaclareños para venir de abajo en el llamado "inning de la suerte", y ayudados por dos pifias de la defensa pinera, emparejaron el cotejo con los Piratas, en un choque comenzado fuera del horario a causa de la lluvia y finalizado antes de la novena entrada por la misma razón. Un sencillo de Andy Sarduy fletó la carrera que resultaría decisiva de los monarcas nacionales, quienes solo han marcado seis carreras o más como anfitriones en seis de 17 salidas.

via Cubadebate

Inician comisiones parlamentarias debates de temas vitales para Cuba

Para hoy a las nueve de la mañana está señalado el comienzo de los debates de los parlamentarios cubanos en las diez comisiones permanentes de trabajo, aprobadas a mediados de año. Durante esta jornada en diferentes salas del Palacio de Convenciones, se cumplirá un extenso programa en cada una de ellas hasta la media tarde. Con posterioridad cerrarán las actividades de este primer día, sendos encuentros de los Grupos Parlamentarios de Amistad por área geográfica.

via Cubadebate

Argentina overturns sex slave ruling

Ten people are found guilty on appeal in Argentina of kidnapping and sexually exploiting Marita Veron, who has been missing since 2002.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Cruise ship leaves Havana for sail around the island - Cuba Headlines

Cruise ship leaves Havana for sail around the island

Cuba Headlines

Several previous attempts to establish Cuba as a regular cruise destination have failed, in large part because of economic sanctions by the United States, which forbids U.S. tourism in Cuba and bars any ship that docks at Cuban ports from entering the ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Comienza a avanzar la TV digital por toda Cuba

Cuba comenzó en este 2013 su entrada al mundo de la televisión digital. En mayo fueron instalados y se encuentran en operación un centro de procesamiento (cabeza de línea) y cinco transmisores de televisión digital (TVD), desde los cuales se transmiten 8 canales de televisión, 6 emisoras de radio y datos que soportan los servicios de valor agregado. En el mes de junio comenzó una primera etapa de prueba en la capital del país. Se ha decidido iniciar la segunda etapa de la prueba técnica, que abarca la instalación de 24 sitios transmisores principales del país y la conducción del flujo digital hasta estos sitios, ubicados en las cabeceras provinciales y algunas otras localidades.

via Cubadebate

Los Búfalos avileños vuelven a reinar en la Liga Superior de Baloncesto

Deliró de alegría la afición que llenó este martes el centro deportivo Giraldo Córdova Cardín, de Ciego de Ávila, cuando sus ídolos aventajaron a los representantes de La Habana, para coronarse campeones de Cuba por octava ocasión. Los Búfalos tuvieron en el gigante Yoan Luis Haití a su mejor exponente al aportar 30 tantos. Yasser Rodríguez sumó 14 unidades en la victoria de 75-54.

via Cubadebate

Bloqueo de EEUU a Cuba recibe nueva condena en Cumbre ALBA-PetroCaribe

La II Cumbre Extraordinaria de la Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América (ALBA)-Petrocaribe, que sesionó en Caracas, rechazó el bloqueo de Estados Unidos contra Cuba. El evento, que reunió a delegaciones de 20 países, ratificó en su declaración final el apoyo y la solidaridad brindada a esa isla por las naciones que integran ambos mecanismos en la 68 Asamblea General de la ONU.

via Cubadebate

Reina María Rodríguez, Premio Nacional de Literatura 2013

El Premio Nacional de Literatura 2013, el lauro más importante de las letras cubanas, le fue otorgado a la poeta Reina María Rodríguez, informó a la prensa el Instituto Cubano del Libro. De 18 propuestas, el jurado –encabezado por Leonardo Padura- seleccionó a la escritora por su trascendente obra, “que ha llenado un espacio imprescindible en el panorama de la poesía cubana contemporánea, con alta calidad estética, ética y conceptual”, según refiere la nota de prensa.

via Cubadebate

Legalising marijuana with robust regulations - Jamaica Observer

Legalising marijuana with robust regulations

Jamaica Observer

Trinidad, Venezuela and the Middle East have oil, Dubai has gold and Brazil has biofuel. Napa and Sonoma flaunt their wine tours, and it is said that tourists flock to Scotland to sample the fine malt whiskies. What do we have in Jamaica? The answer is ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Daily Life In Cuba: A Look At America's Closest Rival (PHOTOS) - Huffington Post

Daily Life In Cuba: A Look At America's Closest Rival (PHOTOS)

Huffington Post

Alexis Magdaleno cools off his horse after working on a highway near Trinidad in Sancti Spiritus province, Cuba, Saturday, Sept.23, 2006. (Javier Galeano/AP). daily life. A lightning illuminates the sky over the Malecon during a lightning storm in ...

via cuba - Google News

Arab world should turn toward Latin America - Al-Monitor

Arab world should turn toward Latin America


Summary⎙ Print As the region experiences political upheavals similar to those seen in 1980s South America, the Arab World stands to benefit from galvanized economic ties with Latin countries. Author Karam Saeed Posted December 17, 2013.

Latin America Update, December 2013

via Latin america - Google News

Mexico Will Be the Hottest Solar Market in Latin America, Despite Chile's Huge ... - Greentech Media

Mexico Will Be the Hottest Solar Market in Latin America, Despite Chile's Huge ...

Greentech Media

With high insolation and a supportive regulatory body, Mexico is the most attractive near-term solar market in Latin America. GTM Research provides a deep dive into the region in a new quarterly subscription service announced today: the Latin America ...

ET Solar announces establishment of Latin American regional office in Santiago ...

via Latin america - Google News

Díaz-Canel: El ALBA avanza hacia una unidad integradora

El ALBA registra hoy una trayectoria ascendente, un avance hasta una unidad integradora, en el ámbito político económico y social, destacó el Primer Vicepresidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, al intervenir en la Cumbre Extraordinaria ALBA-Petrocaribe en la que participan dignatarios que representan a 22 países de América Latina y el Caribe.

via Cubadebate

'Great Train Robber' Ronnie Biggs dies

British criminal Ronnie Biggs, who took part in the 1963 Great Train Robbery and fled to Brazil, has died aged 84, the Press Association reports.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean