Friday, April 4, 2014

US Secretly Built 'Cuban Twitter' - NewsFactor Network

US Secretly Built 'Cuban Twitter'

NewsFactor Network

An investigation has revealed that an Obama administration project to create a "Cuban Twitter" sought to evade Cuba's stranglehold on the Internet with a primitive social media platform. Yet its users were neither aware it was created by a U.S. agency ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News

Bottom of the seventh inning.

via Cuba Journal

Brazil troops in Rio slum operation

Nearly 3,000 Brazilian soldiers are set to occupy one of Rio de Janeiro's most notorious shanty towns in the biggest such operation yet.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Top of the sixth inning

via Cuba Journal

Países de Petrocaribe se unen para erradicar el Hambre y la Pobreza

Un importante grado de avance registra el Plan de Acción para la Erradicación del Hambre y la Pobreza en la Zona Económica de Petrocaribe. Con el fin de definir las iniciativas concretas de intervención para cada país, representantes de 17 naciones del Caribe y Centroamérica se reunieron en la ciudad de Caracas – Venezuela los días 3 y 4 de abril de 2014.

via Cubadebate

Televisora RPP, una versión peruana de la CNN en español

La Televisora peruana RPP desinforma y manipula a diestra y siniestra, mejor dicho, más con la derecha, al igual que lo hace su similar norteamericana CNN en español, bautizada desde hace ya algún tiempo como la Cadena Mas Mentirosa (CMM), y calificada como la menos objetiva y profesional del mundo. Una muy reciente noticia difundida por RPP señaló que España interrumpirá temporalmente el suministro de “material antidisturbios” a Venezuela por “la ...

via Cubadebate

Mobsters' playground reborn as tourist-friendly hotel in Havana - Calgary Herald

Calgary Herald

Mobsters' playground reborn as tourist-friendly hotel in Havana

Calgary Herald

Its rebirth is part of Cuba's latest bid to trade on its colourful pre-Communist past and attract tourist dollars to fund its socialist present. “It's a feeling of that era (at the Capri). I think in Cuba you feel that in general,” said Roberto ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Cuba's tourist arrivals up 7 pct in first 2 months of 2014 - La prensa

Cuba's tourist arrivals up 7 pct in first 2 months of 2014

La prensa

The Caribbean island earned $1.8 billion last year from tourism, its second-leading source of foreign exchange after services exports. International tourist arrivals to Cuba rose 7 percent annually in January and February to 636,146 travelers ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Bottom of the second inning

via Cuba Journal

home calendar chinese finance in latin america: what happened in 2013? - US-China Institute

home calendar chinese finance in latin america: what happened in 2013?

US-China Institute

This event will coincide with the launch of an updated version of the Dialogue's online China and Latin America Finance Database, which is produced in collaboration with Global Economic Governance Initiative (GEGI) at Boston University. Our session ...

via Latin america - Google News

Latin America Green News: wildfire controlled in Chile, energy saved in Costa ... - Natural Resources Defense Council (blog)

Latin America Green News: wildfire controlled in Chile, energy saved in Costa ...

Natural Resources Defense Council (blog)

Latin America Green News is a selection of weekly news highlights about environmental and energy issues in Latin America. March 31st – April 4th, 2014. Chile. Authorities brought the wildfire that started on March 26th in Chile's Patagonian region of ...

via Latin america - Google News

Social Media in Latin America: Brazil's Campaign Against Violence Toward ... - Huffington Post

Social Media in Latin America: Brazil's Campaign Against Violence Toward ...

Huffington Post

The Internet has given new meaning to the notion that Latin Americans love to connect. The region has the fastest growing Internet population in the world and 97 percent of its users are on social media platforms. By comparison, in the U.S. only 67 ...

via Latin america - Google News

Cuba's official media abuzz over 'secret Twitter' - The Idaho Statesman

The Idaho Statesman

Cuba's official media abuzz over 'secret Twitter'

The Idaho Statesman

The project, dubbed "ZunZuneo," slang for a Cuban hummingbird's tweet, lasted more than two years and drew tens of thousands of subscribers and sought to evade Cuba's stranglehold on the Internet with a primitive social media platform. First, the ...

via cuba - Google News

The Dangerous Absurdity of the Secret “Cuban Twitter” - New Yorker (blog)

New Yorker (blog)

The Dangerous Absurdity of the Secret “Cuban Twitter”

New Yorker (blog)

An eye-catching A.P. story, published Thursday, revealed that, in 2010, the United States Agency for International Development (U.S.A.I.D.) covertly deployed a social-media program in Cuba in the hope of bringing about a Cuban Spring. The network ...

via cuba - Google News

Will we lose our monarchs? - The Recorder

Toronto Star

Will we lose our monarchs?

The Recorder

Every year, hundreds of millions of monarch butterflies — each so light that 50 together weigh barely an ounce — find their way on what may be the world's longest insect migration, traveling the length of North America to pass the winter in central ...

The Butterfly Effect: Do Monarchs' Woes Signal Broader Problems?

via tourism in mexico - Google News

US Secretly Built 'Cuban Twitter' To Stir Unrest - NewsFactor Network

US Secretly Built 'Cuban Twitter' To Stir Unrest

NewsFactor Network

An investigation has revealed that an Obama administration project to create a "Cuban Twitter" sought to evade Cuba's stranglehold on the Internet with a primitive social media platform. Yet its users were neither aware it was created by a U.S. agency ...

via Cuba Obama - Google News

AP News in Brief at 5:58 p.m. EDT -

AP News in Brief at 5:58 p.m. EDT

1 speech in which President Raul Castro warned of "attempts to subtly introduce platforms for neoliberal thought and for the restoration of neocolonial capitalism." "Castro's denunciations of the U.S. government's destabilizing attempts against Cuba ...

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

Raul Meets with the President of the Investigative Committee of the Russian ... - Radio Cadena Agramonet

Raul Meets with the President of the Investigative Committee of the Russian ...

Radio Cadena Agramonet

Havana, Cuba, Apr 4.- The President of the councils of State and Ministers, Army General Raul Castro, met on Thursday afternoon with Alexander Ivanovich Bastrykin, President of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, who is on a visit to ...

Cuban President Meets Top Russian Official

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

Brazil 'rescues' cruise ship workers

Brazilian police say they have picked up 11 crew members working in "slave-like conditions" on an Italian cruise ship.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Hemingway put Cuba on the map - Chatham Daily News

Chatham Daily News

Hemingway put Cuba on the map

Chatham Daily News

Cuba, next to Key West, Fla., was one of Ernest Hemingway's favourite haunts and a place where he did a great deal of deep-sea fishing aboard his boat called Pilar. There are numerous photos of the writer hauling in huge fish while strapped into the ...

via cuba - Google News

Con Humor: Zunzuneo

La revelación de la Agencia noticiosa AP sobre el programa secreto del gobierno de EEUU para la subversión en Cuba a través de un sistema de mensajería para celulares denominado Zunzuneo es visto en el prisma humorístico de Adán, el director del DDT.

via Cubadebate

¡Buena Bola! Hablando de play off y pasiones

El trovador, periodista y fan de la pelota Fidel Díaz Castro se apropia de de la sección ¡Bola Viva! para establecer un diálogo con los lectores que comentaron su anterior incursión en esta peña que conduce la colega Paquita de Armas. Se esperan las colaboraciones de otros intelectuales fanáticos del béisbol.

via Cubadebate

Los Cinco ganan Premio de Derechos Humanos en Estados Unidos

Hoy se dió a conocer en Estados Unidos que Los Cinco luchadores antiterroristas cubanos fueron gandores del Premio Anual por los Derechos Humanos de Global Exchange, en la categoría de Premio Seleccionado por la Gente. Para los 5 Cubanos, un caso que se ha mantenido en la oscuridad en los Estados Unidos, este concurso ofreció una oportunidad a los solidarios que apoyan esta causa para dar a conocer el caso e invitar a las personas que los apoyan a emitir sus votos por ellos. La entrega de los Premios de Derechos Humanos 2014 de Global Exchange tendrá lugar en el Palacio de Bellas Artes de San Francisco, California, el 8 de mayo de 2014, a las 6:00 pm, hora local.

via Cubadebate

US created Twitter-like service in Cuba, denies fomenting unrest - Chicago Tribune

US created Twitter-like service in Cuba, denies fomenting unrest

Chicago Tribune

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government created a service similar to Twitter in Cuba in a "discreet" operation intended to promote democracy on the communist-ruled island, officials said on Thursday, but denied that the $1.2 million effort was aimed ...

via cuba - Google News

Our Girl in Havana: Cuba Reading List - Huffington Post

Cuban Art News

Our Girl in Havana: Cuba Reading List

Huffington Post

Cuba is ripe with stories; it has a history so utterly unique and dramatic that many people both Cuban and otherwise have brought its past to life with stunning and compelling narratives. There is no more immersive way to experience a country without ...

Greek Film Festival for the First Time in Cuba

via cuba - Google News

Social Media in Latin America: Brazil's Campaign Against Violence Toward ... - Huffington Post

Social Media in Latin America: Brazil's Campaign Against Violence Toward ...

Huffington Post

The Internet has given new meaning to the notion that Latin Americans love to connect. The region has the fastest growing Internet population in the world and 97 percent of its users are on social media platforms. By comparison, in the U.S. only 67 ...

via Latin america - Google News

BSUR launches in Latin America with São Paulo office - CampaignLive

BSUR launches in Latin America with São Paulo office


BSUR, the independent agency with offices in Amsterdam and Shanghai, has set up camp in Latin America with the opening of an office in the creative hub of São Paulo in Brazil. Jan Rijkenberg: the chief executive of BSUR. The agency will be headed by ...

via Latin america - Google News

Latin America wants independence from 'selfish policy of US' - political analyst - The Voice of Russia

Latin America wants independence from 'selfish policy of US' - political analyst

The Voice of Russia

The inefficiency of the US betting on the monopolar setup and the global hegemony is best demonstrated on the example of Latin America. As in many other parts of the world, Washington's aggressive policy in that region that did not tolerate any ...

via Latin america - Google News

$1 billion sovereign debt issue could buy Costa Rica time to fix fiscal woes - Tico Times

$1 billion sovereign debt issue could buy Costa Rica time to fix fiscal woes

Tico Times

Ayales deflected criticisms, however, observing that other developing countries such as Chile and Mexico have seen similar rises and that Costa Rica is not the only emerging market paying more money to borrow. Max Soto, director of the University of ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Why Formula One Has Races In Eight Of The Ten Countries With The Highest GDP - Forbes

Why Formula One Has Races In Eight Of The Ten Countries With The Highest GDP


Nevertheless, there are notable omissions such as France, Mexico and South Africa. This is what seems to make it surprising that a small state such as Bahrain has a Grand Prix. In fact there is a very good reason for ... It is therefore perhaps no ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Raúl Castro recibe a titular del Comité de Investigaciones de Rusia - Últimas Noticias

Radio Rebelde

Raúl Castro recibe a titular del Comité de Investigaciones de Rusia

Últimas Noticias

ÚN | EFE.- El presidente cubano, Raúl Castro, recibió este jueves a Alexander I. Bastrykin, titular del Comité de Investigaciones de Rusia, ente encargado de las principales indagaciones criminales en ese país, quien se encuentra de visita en la isla ...

Se reúne Raúl Castro con dirigente ruso

Recibe Raúl Castro a titular del Comité de Investigaciones de Rusia

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

How Could Obama Use More Discretion To Decrease Record Levels of Deportations?

Following President Obama’s announcement that administration officials will review enforcement policies to see how to make them more humane, NBC News reports that the Congressional Hispanic Caucus has compiled a list of recommendations for Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson on what actions could be taken to slow deportations. According to NBC News, the caucus will [...]

via Immigration Impact

Colaboración nuclear con Rusia beneficiará salud pública cubana

Cuba y el Instituto Unificado de Investigaciones Nucleares (IUIN) de Dubná, Rusia, alistan nuevas acciones para ampliar la colaboración en la aplicación de tecnologías de avanzada de beneficio directo para la salud pública de la isla. Recientes conversaciones sostenidas al respecto favorecerán en el campo de la imagenología en diagnósticos médicos y también en proyectos de nanotecnología vinculados a la salud, dijo a Prensa Latina una fuente de la Agencia de Energía Nuclear del Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente de la mayor de las Antillas.

via Cubadebate

No hay paz para Venezuela

En su artículo del pasado 2 de abril en el New York Times, el Presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, señalaba que “el gobierno de los Estados Unidos apoyó el golpe de Estado (en su país) en 2002 y reconoció al gobierno de facto, a pesar de su carácter antidemocrático”. Maduro también condena que la administración Obama esté destinando cinco millones de dólares anuales para dar apoyo a movimientos opositores en Venezuela, además de una petición de quince millones más que está ahora depositada en el Congreso estadounidense, junto con propuestas de imponer sanciones a su nación.

via Cubadebate

Cubanos se incorporan para próxima temporada a la Liga Mexicana de Voleibol

Por lo menos de 12 jugadores cubanos se incorporarán la próxima temporada a equipos de la rama varonil de la Liga Mexicana de Voleibol, que arrancará a finales de este 2014. Jesús Perales Navarro y Ariel Sáenz, presidentes de las la federaciones de Voleibol de México y Cuba, firmaron este viernes un convenio histórico que buscará elevar el nivel de este deporte en ambos países.

via Cubadebate

Incidente de tráfico de expresidenta de Madrid provoca jocosos comentarios

Un incidente de tráfico en el que la expresidenta de la comunidad de Madrid Esperanza Aguirre supuestamente arrolló la moto de un agente de tráfico y se dio a la fuga, causó hoy revuelo en la ciudad y en Twitter, donde en sólo dos horas se convirtió en el tema número uno con jocosos comentarios. Según informaron a EFE fuentes policiales, el incidente ocurrió en la Gran Vía, una red para defenderse y asegurar que ella no ha arrollado a nadie y que no se ha dado a la fuga.

via Cubadebate

Buena Fe y Cubadebate regalan “Acompáñame” a los niños cubanos

El grupo de música cubano Buena Fe regala su nuevo video clip Acompáñame, del disco Dial, a todos los niños y jóvenes cubanos, a propósito del 4 de abril. Cubadebate pone el video a disposición de esos eternos pioneros para celebrar su día.

via Cubadebate

KCKCC Jazz Band raising money for Cuba trip - The Kansas City Kansan

KCKCC Jazz Band raising money for Cuba trip

The Kansas City Kansan

In addition to attending the festival, the jazz band will have the opportunity to take a guided tour of the UNESCO World Heritage Site and the Havana Historical Centre; tour Cuba's National Museum of Fine Arts; visit the Institute Superior de Arte, the ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News

Is the World Becoming More Depressed?

The World Health Organization reports that suicide rates have increased 60 percent over the past 50 years, most strikingly in the developing world, and that by 2020 depression will be the second most prevalent medical condition in the world. The Global Burden of Disease 2010, an extensive study published last December in the British medical […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Wave of suicides at phone company

French telecom company Orange is investigating a rash of staff suicides, a majority of which have been linked to work.

via - Latin America

Stolen paintings found 40 years later

Italian authorities manage to recover two French masterpieces after they were stolen from a London home in 1970.

via - Latin America

Cuba's tourist arrivals up 7 pct in first 2 months of 2014 - Fox News Latino

Cuba's tourist arrivals up 7 pct in first 2 months of 2014

Fox News Latino

International tourist arrivals to Cuba rose 7 percent annually in January and February to 636,146 travelers, accounting for 21 percent of the 3 million visitors the government expects to receive this year. The number of foreign visitors in the year's ...

via cuba - Google News

Cuba's Official Media Abuzz Over 'Secret Twitter' - ABC News


Cuba's Official Media Abuzz Over 'Secret Twitter'

ABC News

Revelations of a secret U.S. government program to set up a cellphone-based social network in Cuba are being trumpeted in the island's official media as proof of Havana's repeated allegations that Washington is waging a "cyber-war" to try to stir up ...

Persistent US Efforts to Destabilize Cuba Denounced

Spanish Company Willing to Report on anti Cuban network

via cuba - Google News

Why The U.S. Government's Fake 'Cuban Twitter' Service Failed - Forbes


Why The U.S. Government's Fake 'Cuban Twitter' Service Failed


A more fundamental failure hit ZunZuneo, a social-change project in Cuba that the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) quietly created in 2009. The so-called “Cuban Twitter” shut down three years later when it failed to survive without ...

via cuba - Google News

Today at 3:15 p.m

via Cuba Journal

Hooray! The Medicare Doc Fix is Fixed Until Next April!

Congress has given up on repealing the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) as a way to pay physicians under Medicare. This blog has previously written about the futility of politicians’ efforts to “fix” the way they pay physicians (especially here, here and here). The one they just passed last week runs for a year. And, just […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Declaración de la Directora General de Estados Unidos del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de la Republica de Cuba (+ Translation)

via Cuba Journal

Cuba's tourist arrivals up 7 pct in first 2 months of 2014 - GlobalPost

Cuba's tourist arrivals up 7 pct in first 2 months of 2014


International tourist arrivals to Cuba rose 7 percent annually in January and February to 636,146 travelers, accounting for 21 percent of the 3 million visitors the government expects to receive this year. The number of foreign visitors in the year's ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

More and More of Your Income is Health Insurance

In 1980, in-kind benefits and employer and government spending on health insurance accounted for just 6% of the after-tax incomes of households in the middle one-fifth of the distribution. By 2010 these in-kind income sources represented 17% of middle class households’ after-tax income (see Chart 4). The income items missed by the Census Bureau are […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Sol Kerzner out as Dubai buys 'significant' stake in Kerzner International - BDlive

Sol Kerzner out as Dubai buys 'significant' stake in Kerzner International


Kerzner International Holdings operates globally under the One&Only and Atlantis brands — significantly in Dubai, with three resorts, along with two in the Bahamas and others in Mauritius, the Maldives, Mexico, South Africa and soon Australia. Debt ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News