Thursday, April 3, 2014

Chamber worries about snapper season - The News Herald

Chamber worries about snapper season

The News Herald

“Red snapper fishing affects the state's tourism industry,” Bay Chamber President Carol Roberts said Thursday. “If they (tourists) can't ... The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council will begin discussions Monday in Baton Rouge , La. Despite ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Starwoods Aggressive Latin American Plan -

Starwoods Aggressive Latin American Plan

With the opening of the 142-room hotel Aloft Guadalajara, in Avenida de las Americas — Mexico's cultural and technology hub — Starwood brought the total number of hotels operational in the country to 26. Further, the hotelier announced that it will ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Hotels and home swaps in Mexico - The Australian

Hotels and home swaps in Mexico

The Australian

Fast forward two decades and I am at the computer planning a trip to Mexico via the myriad websites that have mushroomed to meet our insatiable demand for click-and-book accommodation. Today the world's largest travel company, Expedia, is an online ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

¿Por qué miente la Casa Blanca sobre ZunZuneo?

El portavoz de la Casa Blanca, Jay Carney, intentó controlar daños al comentar las revelaciones de la agencia de prensa AP sobre el hecho de que el gobierno de Estados Unidos creó secretamente una red social en Cuba para promover el "cambio de régimen" utilizando la telefonía móvil y provocar una "Primavera cubana" al estilo de lo sucedido en Egipto, Libia, Siria, o Túnez. "Las sugerencias de que se trataba de un programa encubierto no son correctas", dijo Carney.

via Cubadebate

Septeto Nacional Ignacio Piñeiro distinguido en Nueva York

El Consejo Municipal de Nueva York distinguió al Septeto Nacional Ignacio Piñeiro de Cuba, con motivo de su 86 aniversario de fundado, con la entrega de una Proclama “Por su extraordinaria contribución a la música del mundo”, en la que se declara: “Nosotros, los miembros del Consejo con gratitud rendimos honor al grupo insigne del Son cubano.” El emotivo momento tuvo lugar en el teatro del Centro de Artes de la ciudad.

via Cubadebate

Intelectual norteamericana pide a Obama revisar caso de antiterroristas cubanos

La académica estadounidense Sandra Levinson pidió hoy al presidente Barack Obama indultar a tres antiterroristas cubanos presos en su país desde hace 15 años por prevenir la ejecución en la isla de planes violentos. Levinson, directora ejecutiva del Centro de Estudios Cubanos de Nueva York, dijo en una carta al mandatario que ellos, junto a otros dos compatriotas ya liberados, fueron condenados en 2001 por proteger las vidas de sus conciudadanos y las de muchos estadounidenses.

via Cubadebate

Serie Mundial de Boxeo: Sin subir al ring, Cuba ya ganó un combate

Un día antes de subir al ring para buscar el pase a semifinales de la Serie Mundial de Boxeo (WSB, siglas en inglés), la franquicia USA Knockouts ya perdió un combate ante Domadores de Cuba. En el pesaje efectuado hoy el puertorriqueño Jantony Ortiz, quien los iba a representar en 52 kilogramos, dio un kilo más de lo permitido, y pierde automáticamente ante Gerardo Cervantes.

via Cubadebate

Planos originales del Titanic serán subastados

Los planos originales del Titanic serán subastados a finales de abril por la casa RR Auction. Según esta entidad rematadora, junto a los documentos será vendido el trofeo de plata que recibió Molly Brown, una de las sobrevivientes de la tragedia. Además de los planos y la copa, RR Auction subastará piezas que formaron parte de la vajilla del transatlántico, certificados de descarga, la lista de los sobrevivientes, fotografías e ilustraciones de la mítica embarcación.

via Cubadebate

Dem Sen More Outraged over U.S. Effort to Democratize Cuba than Cuban ... - Mediaite


Dem Sen More Outraged over U.S. Effort to Democratize Cuba than Cuban ...


An Associated Press investigation revealed on Thursday that the United States government was behind a secret plot to establish a microblogging service inside communist Cuba. The effort to create a democratizing online platform not unlike Twitter in ...

via cuba - Google News

The secret Twitter app that has swept communist Cuba... funded by Obama's ... - Daily Mail

Daily Mail

The secret Twitter app that has swept communist Cuba... funded by Obama's ...

Daily Mail

But ZunZuneo's leaders planned to push Cuba 'out of a stalemate through tactical and temporary initiatives, and get the transition process going again toward democratic change,' according to a 1,000-page document obtained by Associated Press.

via cuba - Google News

Julius Baer CEO Seeks Deals to Tap Latin American Millionaires -

Julius Baer CEO Seeks Deals to Tap Latin American Millionaires

Latin America represents for Julius Baer a core market in which we want to expand further,” Boris Collardi, chief executive officer of the Zurich-based firm, said in an e-mailed response to questions late yesterday, after a presentation to reporters ...

via Latin america - Google News

ZunZuneo, USAID and How the US Lost the Confidence of the Cuban People - Huffington Post (blog)

ZunZuneo, USAID and How the US Lost the Confidence of the Cuban People

Huffington Post (blog)

In 2010 Raul Castro introduced new private enterprise laws that have helped to produce a healthy growth rate on small entrepreneurial ventures in Cuba. From tourism to restaurants to cinemas, Cubans have savored the advantages of freer business.

via tourism in cuba - Google News

A year into Cuba migration reform, islanders travelling in record numbers but ... - The Province

The Province

A year into Cuba migration reform, islanders travelling in record numbers but ...

The Province

Reigosa was one of the first Cubans to take advantage of a travel reform that went into effect a year ago this week, when the government scrapped an exit visa requirement that for five decades had made it difficult for most islanders to go abroad.

via Travel Cuba - Google News

Political Unrest in Thailand: The Crisis Explained - Fair Observer

Fair Observer

Political Unrest in Thailand: The Crisis Explained

Fair Observer

While international media has recently focused on violent unrest in Ukraine and Venezuela, the fragile political situation in Thailand since November 2013 has also become increasingly violent. At least 24 people have ... As Southeast Asia's second ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

ZunZuneo, USAID and How the US Lost the Confidence of the Cuban People - Huffington Post (blog)

ZunZuneo, USAID and How the US Lost the Confidence of the Cuban People

Huffington Post (blog)

Although the oil bonanza that Venezuela provides to the Castro government (estimated to be$9.4 billion per year) is still flowing, recent economic measures imposed by Nicolas Maduro, as well as political turmoil in the allied country can make the Cuban ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

The woman who got 'slothified'

The woman who lost a dog and gained 200 sloths

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

VIDEO: The woman who got 'slothified'

Monique Pool is used to rescuing and rehabilitating sloths at her home in Paramaribo, Suriname - but even she was left struggling when 200 arrived at once.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

VIDEO: US 'secretly built Cuban Twitter'

The US created a text-message social network designed to foment dissent in Cuba, according to an investigation by the Associated Press news agency.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Julia Cooke shows us a Cuba where a younger generation navigates through ... - Public Radio International

Public Radio International

Julia Cooke shows us a Cuba where a younger generation navigates through ...

Public Radio International

She's a journalist and writer, and her new book “The Other Side of Paradise,” chronicles her regular visits to Cuba. With a diverse cast of young characters, Cooke shares insights into what life is like for a new generation of Cubans. “Young people are ...

via cuba - Google News

Oleaje en Japón producto del terremoto en Chile

Olas superiores a 60 centímetros de altura ocurrieron hoy en zonas costeras del océano Pacífico como consecuencia de un tsunami producido por un terremoto en el norte de Chile, informó la Agencia de Meteorología de Japón. Las primeras olas derivadas del fenómeno natural, sucedido el martes pasado, impactaron este jueves en el puerto de Kuji, prefectura de Iwate, indicó. El organismo meteorológico ya había emitido en la madrugada de hoy una alerta de tsunami.

via Cubadebate

Dubai completes purchase of 'significant' Kerzner stake - Khaleej Times

Khaleej Times

Dubai completes purchase of 'significant' Kerzner stake

Khaleej Times

KIHL operates globally under the world-renowned One&Only and Atlantis brands, with international presence, significantly in Dubai with three resorts, two resorts in The Bahamas, and more in Mauritius, the Maldives, Mexico, South Africa and soon in ...

Dubai firm buys stake in Kerzner's Atlantis hotels

Dubai buys stake in luxury hotel manager Kerzner

Dubai Sovereign Wealth Fund Takes Effective Control of Kerzner International ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Cuba hummingbird hovers over US psy-ops failure - (blog)

Cuba hummingbird hovers over US psy-ops failure (blog)

The Associated Press has just released a fascinating piece of investigative journalism about US psy-ops in Cuba, the plan being to use a Twitter-like service to foment social unrest and weaken Havana's communist regime. The story is a must-read that ...

via cuba - Google News

An Open Letter to U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders

via Cuba Journal

Healthy cities in Latin America: investing in mobility for all - The Guardian

The Guardian

Healthy cities in Latin America: investing in mobility for all

The Guardian

Transport is a major issue in Latin American cities and seeking improvements is one of civil societies main asks. Public transport networks are, however, only part of what is needed to build a more sustainable city. According to Argentinian professor ...

via Latin america - Google News

Vybz Kartel sentenced to life in prison

A jury found the 38-year-old, whose real name is Adidja Palmer, guilty for the death of an associate in March.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Report: US built secret 'Cuban Twitter' to spark dissent - USA TODAY

Report: US built secret 'Cuban Twitter' to spark dissent


ZunZuneo, Cuban slang for a hummingbird's tweet, is the project that brought a Twitter-like text messaging network to Cuba. During its peak, it attracted tens of thousands of mobile followers. The "Cuban Twitter" was also controlled by the U.S ...

via cuba - Google News

Gabriel Garcia Marquez in hospital

Renowned Colombian author Gabriel Garcia Marquez, 87, winner of the 1982 Nobel Prize for Literature, is admitted to hospital in Mexico.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

This would be an especially good time for a change in America's relations with ... - The Economist

Financial Express

This would be an especially good time for a change in America's relations with ...

The Economist

Younger Cuban-Americans do not feel as bitter about Fidel as their grandparents do. Despite loosening restrictions on travel and remittances to Cuba in his first term, Mr Obama picked up almost 50% of the Cuban-American vote in his 2012 re-election.

US secretly built 'Cuban Twitter' to stir unrest

US government harassed Castro with a fake Twitter service

US government developed 'Cuban Twitter' to create political unrest in Cuba

via Travel Cuba - Google News

As Cuba eases investment rules, many Cuban-Americans turn against the ... - The Economist

As Cuba eases investment rules, many Cuban-Americans turn against the ...

The Economist

Alberto Ibargüen, a former publisher of the Miami Herald, says demographic trends that began decades ago have finally softened the mood towards Cuba (though “absolutely not” towards the Castro regime). If American restrictions on all tourism to the ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Property in Miami - The Economist

Property in Miami

The Economist

My answer was: Maduro, Kirchner and De Blasio,” chuckles Marc Sarnoff, a Miami city commissioner, referring to the leaders of the capitalist-bashing regimes in Venezuela, Argentina and New York. ... the three venues for its shows (“the Super Bowl of ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

US government harassed Castro with a fake Twitter service - The Verge

US government harassed Castro with a fake Twitter service

The Verge

The US government covertly created a Twitter-like text messaging service aimed at fueling political unrest in Cuba and evading the communist nation's strict internet filters, according to an investigative report published today by the Associated Press.

via cuba - Google News

García Márquez es hospitalizado en México, al parecer por una neumonía

El anciano escritor colombiano Gabriel García Márquez, premio Nobel de Literatura, fue hospitalizado en México, dijo el jueves la Secretaría de Salud local. Un portavoz de la Secretaría dijo desconocer la causa por la cual fue internado y sólo confirmó que se encuentra en un centro médico estatal, pero medios locales señalaron que fue por una neumonía. García Márquez tiene 87 años y vive desde hace años en México.

via Cubadebate

Rechazan la candidatura presidencial de Darth Vader en Ucrania

La Comisión Electoral central de Kiev rechazó hoy la candidatura de un aspirante a la presidencia registrado como Darth Vader, el malvado de "La Guera de las Galaxias". La comisión alegó que los documentos de inscripción del candidato están incompletos, informaron medios locales citando a la comisión. Tras el disfraz "Darth Alexeyevich Vader" se esconde un miembro del Partido de Internet Ucraniano (IPU), que desde hace años interpreta ese papel, sin revelar su nombre real.

via Cubadebate

Falleció uno de los involucrados en accidente de tránsito en Artemisa

En la tarde de ayer falleció el ciudadano Marcos Mezquía Pérez, de 65 años de edad, uno de los lesionados en el accidente de tránsito ocurrido el pasado martes en la carretera que une a las localidades de Candelaria y Soroa. El doctor Carlos Enríquez Govea, director del Hospital Comandante Pinares, informó que otros cuatro pacientes se encuentran en estado grave, aunque ya están de alta la mayoría de los 43 involucrados en el accidente del pasado martes en Artemisa.

via Cubadebate

ZunZuneo: El “twitter” del gobierno de EEUU para la subversión en Cuba

En julio de 2010 Joe McSpedon, funcionario del gobierno de Estados Unidos, viajó a Barcelona con el propósito de afinar los últimos detalles de un plan secreto para crear una red social destinada a socavar al gobierno cubano. McSpedon y su equipo de contratistas especializados en alta tecnología habían llegado desde Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Washington y Denver. Su misión, lanzar una red de mensajería que pudiera llegar a cientos de miles de cubanos. Para ocultar la red al gobierno de la isla, crearían un intrincado sistema de empresas fachada con una cuenta bancaria en Islas Caimán y contratarían a ejecutivos que no estaban al tanto de la situación y a quienes no se informaría de los vínculos de la empresa con el gobierno norteamericano.

via Cubadebate

En fotos: las “selfies” de un koala en Australia

Un hermoso y curioso koala en el Wild Life Sidney Zoo, en Australia, juega con una lente dispuesta intencionalmente por la administración del recinto. El objetivo es que parezca que el animalito se está tomando autofotos o “selfies”. Vea acá las imágenes

via Cubadebate

México: ¿Ha cambiado el mes de abril?

“Solo lean mucho”, repetían los artistas con faz pintarrajeada a las puertas de la rectoría de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEM) poco antes de la inauguración de “Abril, mes de lectura”, evento en el que las letras trazan caminos para regenerar la sensibilidad humana. En el Aula Magna de la mencionada casa de altos estudios, el Rector presidió la ceremonia inaugural y en su discurso dio la bienvenida a cuatro representantes del Ballet Nacional de Cuba y a Buena Fe.

via Cubadebate

How Much Does Health Care Matter?

Austin Frakt reviews the literature supporting the idea that health care has a large impact on health. Robin Hanson gives the other side: So I want to say loudly and clearly what has yet to be said loudly and clearly enough: In the aggregate, variations in medical spending usually show no statistically significant medical effect […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

The Challenge of Measuring Immigration Enforcement in the United States

The effectiveness of immigration enforcement policies in the United States cannot simply be reduced to removal numbers. In other words, the system’s functionality and fairness cannot be determined by counting how many individuals a president deports each year. An honest analysis should include an understanding of what belies the numbers, as well as a look [...]

via Immigration Impact

USAID’s adventures in covert action, the latest chapter

via The Cuban Triangle

Carrot Receives US$2m Investment from Venture Partners Mexico

Venture Partners Mexico led successfully the Series B capital round in Carrot of MXN$26m (US$2m).…

via Latin American Private Equity and Venture Capital Association » Latest Industry News

Is ObamaCare More Federalist Than We Thought?

According to the New York Times‘ Sharon Gay Stoltenberg and Robert Pear: For consumers at least, the state of health care under the national law depends almost entirely on where a person lives. The online insurance marketplace in Oregon is such a technological mess that residents have been signing up for health coverage by hand. […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

The New Wild West Mexico's Escalating Drug War - The REAL TRUTH


The New Wild West Mexico's Escalating Drug War


The New York Times printed a cautionary tale about vigilantism titled “Colombia's Warning for Mexico” by writer Hector Abad, whose father was gunned down in Medellin, Colombia, by a vigilante-turned-criminal gang: “Mexico, like several Latin American ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Manzanilla Chef Benito Molina on Baja and the Evolution of Mexican Gastronomy - Eater National

Manzanilla Chef Benito Molina on Baja and the Evolution of Mexican Gastronomy

Eater National

Eater caught up with Molina at the picnic the next day for the following interview, in which he talks about the security-related drop in tourism to Baja, why a festival like Mesamérica is so important, and how "what's happening in Mexican gastronomy ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Emirates will fly giant A380 to D/FW Airport starting Oct. 1 - Dallas Business Journal

CTV News

Emirates will fly giant A380 to D/FW Airport starting Oct. 1

Dallas Business Journal

“With the A380, we are not only bringing our flagship product to serve our leisure and business customers, but also demonstrating our commitment and confidence in the economic and tourism potential of the region,” said Hubert Frach, Emirates ...

Emirates takes its A380 to Dallas

via tourism in mexico - Google News

US secretly finances social network in Cuba - Local 10

US secretly finances social network in Cuba

Local 10

An Associated Press report reveals that the U.S. secretly financed a social network in Cuba in an effort to stage a revolt in the communist nation. Show Transcript Hide Transcript. THE SHOOTER FIRED SHOTS INTO THE GROUND, AND NO ONE WAS HURT.

via cuba - Google News

Anti-Cuban US Plan Corroborates Raul Castro's Denunciation - Prensa Latina

Ars Technica

Anti-Cuban US Plan Corroborates Raul Castro's Denunciation

Prensa Latina

Havana, Apr 3 (Prensa Latina) President Raul Castro's denunciations of the United States government's attempts to destabilize Cuba were corroborated today through the revelation of a plan to push Cuban youth toward counter-revolution, with ...

US Reportedly Built 'Cuban Twitter' to Undermine Castro Government

US covertly built Twitter-like service to stir anti-Castro dissent

Report: U.S. built secret 'Cuban Twitter' to spark dissent

via 'Raul Castro' - Google News

Giving “Insanity” a Whole New Meaning

This is from The Wall Street Journal: Inside the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services sits an agency whose assignment since its creation in 1992 has been to reduce the impact of mental illness and target services to the “people most in need.” Instead the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, known as […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Street life: humanity's future depends on ability to negotiate and sustain ... - The National

Street life: humanity's future depends on ability to negotiate and sustain ...

The National

... to be systematically occupied by those who have made Madrid the target of their protests,” she explained, calling for political gatherings to be banned from “historical-artistic settings, areas with significant tourism presence and strategic ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

India Movers: Ashok Leyland, Hindustan Motors, TRIL, Venus Remedies, Unitech -

India Movers: Ashok Leyland, Hindustan Motors, TRIL, Venus Remedies, Unitech

Venus Remedies received approval for infection treatment antibiotic in Venezuela. ... Ashok Leyland Limited slid 0.8% to Rs 23.30 after the company bagged a contract worth $50 million from the Ministry of Tourism, Zimbabwe to supply 670 vehicles.

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Scarcities help fuel riots in Venezuela - WSMV Nashville

Scarcities help fuel riots in Venezuela

WSMV Nashville

(RNN) - The severe ongoing toilet paper shortage in Venezuela is the result of people eating too much and using the bathroom too often, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has told his people, according to Brian Fonseca, an expert on the region ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

Cuba Gooding Jr. -- House Buyer Showed Me Tons of Money ... As in $10 Million!!! -

Cuba Gooding Jr. -- House Buyer Showed Me Tons of Money ... As in $10 Million!!!

Cuba Gooding Jr. just made at least SIX figures unloading his Pacific Palisades home -- and the buyer must love hockey because the crib includes a freakin' rink. Gooding bought the contemporary English estate for $3.5 mil back in 2000 ... and sources ...

via cuba - Google News