Friday, April 18, 2014

Court order halts Brazil match

A Brazilian second division football game is abandoned after 16 minutes, with one team saying they now have a court order to play in the top division.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

VIDEO: Strong quake shakes Mexico City

A powerful earthquake has struck Mexico City, shaking buildings and causing widespread panic.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Magical realist who lit Latin America's imagination - The Australian

Magical realist who lit Latin America's imagination

The Australian

In his speech he described Latin America as a “source of insatiable creativity, full of sorrow and beauty, of which this roving and nostalgic Colombian is but one cipher more, singled out by fortune”. with The Wall Street Journal. Increase Text Size ...

via Latin america - Google News

Eduardo Galeano: Cómo duele la muerte del Gabo

“Hay dolores que se dicen callando. Se dicen callando, pero duelen igual. Cómo nos duele la muerte del ‘Gabo’ García Márquez”, dijo Eduardo Galeano de su amigo Gabriel García Márquez. “Yo estoy en contra de ‘la inflación palabraria’, a mí me gusta decir con poco. Lo que yo tengo que decir sobre él y la amistad que nos unió está dicho en estas pocas palabras”, se excusó.

via Cubadebate

Presidentes de Colombia y México encabezarán este lunes homenaje póstumo a García Márquez

Los presidentes de Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, y de México, Enrique Peña Nieto, encabezarán este lunes el homenaje póstumo que se le rendirá al escritor y novelista Gabriel García Márquez, en el Palacio de Bellas Artes, en Ciudad de México. El homenaje, que se tiene previsto sea a las 4:00 de la tarde (hora de México), contará con la presencia de amigos, familiares, escritores reconocidos y autoridades del Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes y el Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes.

via Cubadebate

Mexico reports no casualties after strong quake - Fox News Latino

International Business Times

Mexico reports no casualties after strong quake

Fox News Latino

Mexico's seismological institute said that up to 90 minutes after the temblor there were at least 15 aftershocks, but "none of a dangerous magnitude." Authorities in Guerrero said they had received no reports of casualties. Scenes of panic among ...

Mexico Shrugs Off 7.2 Earthquake, But Can't Toast To Survival Due To Alcohol ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

UTSA to host first Mexico-U.S. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Council meeting ... - San Antonio Business Journal (blog)

UTSA to host first Mexico-U.S. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Council meeting ...

San Antonio Business Journal (blog)

San Antonio will play a key role in ongoing economic collaboration between the U.S. and Mexico. Later this month, the University of Texas at San Antonio Institute for Economic Development will host the first Mexico-U.S. Entrepreneurship and Innovation ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Cuba's condom shortage raises fears of imminent health crisis - The Guardian

The Guardian

Cuba's condom shortage raises fears of imminent health crisis

The Guardian

Pharmacies in the central province of Villa Clara began running out of condoms in the middle of last month, according to Cuban bloggers reporting on the crisis, with shortages spreading to other towns and villages, and suburbs of the capital Havana in ...

Cuban government makes Good Friday official holiday

via tourism in cuba - Google News

Cuban President, Raúl Castro Ruz, sends condolences to the family of Gabriel García Márquez

via Cuba Journal

On Immigration, Legislative Reform and Administrative Action Are Not at Odds

A year ago this week, senators introduced S. 744, the comprehensive immigration reform bill, to much fanfare. It was a high point for the immigration reform movement, only to be eclipsed by the bipartisan vote to move the bill out of committee and then, in June 2013, final passage in the Senate itself. Thus far, [...]

via Immigration Impact

Chinese FM to start Latin America trip - Xinhua

Chinese FM to start Latin America trip


BEIJING, April 18 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi will pay visits to four Latin American countries from April 19 to 26, said Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying on Friday. Wang will visit Cuba, Venezuela, Argentina and Brazil, Hua ...

via Latin america - Google News

Earth Day 2014: Find Out How Global Warming Is Hurting 20 Latin American ... - Latin Times

Latin Times

Earth Day 2014: Find Out How Global Warming Is Hurting 20 Latin American ...

Latin Times

Many species on the island are threatened by many factors, including: pollution, waste, stress from tourism, overfishing, and illegal hunting. In fact, over 40 species on the Galápagos ... VENEZUELA: Ranked top 10 in the list of the world's most ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

A People's Tsunami Welcomes the New Champions (In Spanish + Photos)

via Cuba Journal

Why We Spend So Much on Drugs

The editors at Bloomberg explain: Here’s how the system works: When a doctor administers a drug in his or her office, Medicare pays 106 percent of its average selling price. The doctor keeps the extra as compensation for administering the injection. What has this got to do with eye doctors? The drug Lucentis, used to […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Mount Everest avalanche already deadliest in history -

Indian Express

Mount Everest avalanche already deadliest in history

Violent earthquake shaking Mexico City. 33 mins ago. A seemingly strong earthquake is shaking Mexico's capital. ... Several more were injured. The Sherpa guides had gone early in the morning to fix ropes for other climbers when the avalanche hit them ...

PMO defends Manmohan, says GDP has grown three times during UPA rule

Avalanche Sweeps Mount Everest, Several People Believed Buried

via tourism in mexico - Google News

Panic as earthquake hits Mexico City

A powerful magnitude-7.2 earthquake hits Mexico City, shaking buildings and causing panic, but there are no reports of casualties or damage.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Tax Preparers Earned Bounties to Sign People Up For ObamaCare

ObamaCare’s open enrollment was supposed to close on March 31. Then it was extended to April 15 — Tax Day. The Administration chose that date for a deliberate purpose: Tax preparers were paid to enroll people in ObamaCare. The Administration has a number of ways to pay people who are not licensed insurance agents or […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

Grupo Nativista Insta al Partido Republicano a Alejarse Aún Más de la Comunidad de Inmigrantes

Los grupos anti-inmigrantes utilizan periódicamente una táctica común que consiste en hacer circular informes que advierten a los legisladores y al público en general acerca del carácter supuestamente amenazante de los inmigrantes. Estos informes tienden a retratar a los inmigrantes como una carga económica y fiscal, una amenaza para la integración social, o una amenaza [...]

via Immigration Impact

Daily Headlines: April 18, 2014

via The Latin Americanist

Fotos del terremoto en Guerrero

Tras el terremoto de 7,5 grados que sacudió el estado mexicano de Guerrero, llegan a la red social Twitter las primeras imágenes del suceso y las labores que se van adoptando. Hemos seleccionado algunas de las tomas que los mexicanos reproducen en este minuto.

via Cubadebate

Urquiola y Víctor: Palabras antes del último juego

Corrían los minutos previos al sexto y decisivo encuentro del play off final entre Pinar del Río y Matanzas. Desde sus respectivas cuevas, tabaco en mano y mirada aguzada, los managers observaban el trabajo de sus hombres en el calentamiento. “Solo quiero que me des cinco minutos”, le dije a cada uno en su momento. “Quiero unas breves impresiones sobre varios elementos relacionados con la postemporada”.

via Cubadebate

Terremoto de magnitud 7,5 sacudió el estado mexicano de Guerrero

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,5 sacudió el estado mexicano de Guerrero, informó el Servicio Geológico de EE.UU. (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés). El epicentro se ubicó a unos 39 kilómetros al este de la ciudad de Petatlan, a una profundidad de 58 kilómetros. La Cruz Roja de la capital de México reporta que hasta el momento no han atendido situaciones de emergencia mayores.

via Cubadebate

Cuba celebrará aniversario 53 de la victoria en Playa Girón

Cuba celebrará este sábado el aniversario 53 de la victoria en Playa Girón sobre una fuerza invasora integrada por mil 500 hombres, equipada, entrenada y financiada por el gobierno de Estados Unidos. Pobladores de la Ciénaga de Zapata, escenario de aquellos combates en abril de 1961, participarán en el acto político al que asistirán milicianos, oficiales y jefes militares que participaron en las acciones combativas.

via Cubadebate

Impresionantes fotografías de caracoles

El fotógrafo ucraniano Vyacheslav Mishchenko documenta una variedad de criaturas de la naturaleza que a menudo pasan desapercibidas debido a sus pequeñas tallas, como las hormigas, las libélulas y las mariposas. En esta ocasión Cubadebate les ofrece una serie donde los caracoles son protagonistas.

via Cubadebate

La artista británica que transforma cualquier objeto en arte

Jane Perkins, una talentosa artista británica, obtiene su inspiración en todos los objetos que se encuentra. Ella utiliza casi que cualquier objeto reciclado, desde: juguetes, conchas, botones e incluso joyas; como material para re-interpretar el arte contemporáneo. Ha recreado las grandes obras clásicas de la pintura y también a grandes personajes, como la reina de Inglaterra o Nelson Mandela.

via Cubadebate

Llegan las crónicas de una pérdida anunciada

No exagero si digo que mi encuentro con “Cien Años de Soledad”, marcó un viraje en mi latinoamericanidad. Se hizo más auténtica, más experiencial. No solo intelectualizada, sino y sobre todo sentida. Entendí que el amor es solo uno que se expande, que se multiplica (no se divide, se multiplica), que ni se crea ni se destruye, solamente se transforma. No fueron estos los únicos. No hubo ni hay únicos. Fueron todos…. Hasta las desafortunadas putas tristes.

via Cubadebate

Hallan planeta como la Tierra que podría albergar vida (+ Video)

Por primera vez, científicos han hallado un planeta de tamaño similar al de la Tierra que orbita una zona que permitiría las condiciones para el desarrollo de la vida en torno a una estrella distante. El descubrimiento es lo más cerca que los científicos han estado de hallar a un planeta gemelo a la Tierra.

via Cubadebate

Mensaje de Raúl a Mercedes, esposa de Gabo: Perdimos a un amigo entrañable

Mensaje enviado por el General de Ejército Raúl Castro Ruz a la esposa de Gabriel García Márquez: “El mundo, y en particular los pueblos de Nuestra América, hemos perdido físicamente a un intelectual y escritor paradigmático. Los cubanos, a un gran amigo, entrañable y solidario. La obra de hombres como él es inmortal. Recibe, junto a la familia, nuestras más sentidas condolencias y sinceros sentimientos de afecto.”

via Cubadebate

La muerte de García Márquez

Todos nos convencimos de algo: un sopor aislado nos trajo el tremendismo. Una muerte es siempre tremendista, cruda,a expensas de la moral. García Márquez ha muerto en México. Sin miedo cierra los ojos. Ha leído a Schopenhauer: entre el sueño y la muerte no hay diferencias radicales, ni el uno ni la otra ponen en peligro la existencia.

via Cubadebate

Cuba's condom shortage raises fears of imminent health crisis - The Guardian

The Guardian

Cuba's condom shortage raises fears of imminent health crisis

The Guardian

Pharmacies in the central province of Villa Clara began running out of condoms in the middle of last month, according to Cuban bloggers reporting on the crisis, with shortages spreading to other towns and villages, and suburbs of the capital Havana in ...

Condom Shortage Complaints on the Rise in Cuba: Report

Condom shortage hits Cuba

Cuba makes Good Friday a national holiday

via cuba - Google News

Twofer: Ryan’s Medicare Plan Saves Taxpayers $20 Billion and Reduces Seniors’ Premiums

Paul Ryan keeps making his Medicare reform proposal more politically palatable, while still saving money all around: Ryan’s plan has gone through several versions, but all of them have been based on the old bipartisan idea of “premium support.” The idea was that instead of paying for senior citizens’ medical services directly, the federal government […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

7.5 magnitude earthquake strikes in southern Mexico

A 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck Friday morning in southern Mexico's Guerrero state, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

via - Latin America

Rio 2016 delays worry anti-doping chief

Conducting effective drug testing on site at the 2016 Olympic Games will be hard to implement if construction delays in Rio de Janeiro continue, the head of the World Anti-Doping Agency has warned.

via - Latin America

Hits and Misses

Is the motivation to exercise in your genes? Does marijuana wreck your brain? Or was the study so much hype? Readmissions: They may not be the hospital’s fault. After years of failed attempts, researchers have finally generated stem cells from adults using the same cloning technique that produced Dolly the sheep in 1996. About 16% […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

At Mariel port, Cuba follows Chinese blueprint revamping operations - VOXXI

At Mariel port, Cuba follows Chinese blueprint revamping operations


In this Nov. 6, 2013 photo, workers build warehouses at the site of a new port under construction in Mariel, Cuba. Behind is a thermoelectric plant on the other side of the Mariel Bay. Plans to overhaul the Port of Mariel began in 2009 when officials ...

via cuba - Google News

Earth Day 2014: Find Out How Global Warming Is Hurting 21 Latin American ... - Latin Times

Latin Times

Earth Day 2014: Find Out How Global Warming Is Hurting 21 Latin American ...

Latin Times

Many species on the island are threatened by many factors, including: pollution, waste, stress from tourism, overfishing, and illegal hunting. In fact, over 40 species on the Galápagos ... VENEZUELA: Ranked top 10 in the list of the world's most ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News

OpenText Expands Latin American Presence with New Offerings and Locations ... - Canada NewsWire (press release)

OpenText Expands Latin American Presence with New Offerings and Locations ...

Canada NewsWire (press release)

WATERLOO, Ontario, April 18, 2014 /CNW/ - OpenText™ (NASDAQ: OTEX, TSX: OTC), the global leader in Enterprise Information Management (EIM), today announced its new office in Sao Paulo, Brazil to support its Latin America business operations.

via Latin america - Google News

Seeking Jewish Future in Small Latin American Towns - Jewish Daily Forward

Jewish Daily Forward

Seeking Jewish Future in Small Latin American Towns

Jewish Daily Forward

Instead, the crowd of social entrepreneurs and activists had come to a resort near the famous Iguazu Falls on the Argentina-Brazil border to brainstorm a future for Jewish life in small communities across Latin America. “The decline of communities in ...

via Latin america - Google News

Politicizing the Census: In 2009, Obama’s Nominee for Commerce Secretary Quit Because of This

WSJ‘s James Taranto has dug into the Washington Post‘s archive to discover that Obama’s 2009 nominee for Commerce Secretary bailed out because of this: Sen. Judd Gregg said today that his decision to withdraw from consideration for commerce secretary was due in part to his concern with the Obama administration’s decision to have the next […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog

VIDEO: Volcano spews ash in Peru

Four thousand people living near Peru's most active volcano Ubinas are being evacuated from their homes.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

Tributes for Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Presidents and fellow writers pay tribute to Nobel prize-winning Colombian author Gabriel Garcia Marquez ,who has died in Mexico aged 87.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean

VIDEO: Marquez tributes in Latin America

The BBC's Will Grant reports from Mexico where readers celebrate the work of author Gabriel Garcia Marquez, who lived in the country for 40 years.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean