Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Argentina better for Tevez absence

Carlos Tevez may be a popular figure in Argentina, but there is no place for him in their World Cup squad, says Tim Vickery

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean http://ift.tt/1t4kYw9

Strike 3: El agua llama dos veces

Nuevamente apareció la lluvia como invitado indeseable y afeó la final beisbolera que sostienen Pinar del Río y Matanzas, por lo que el sexto juego de la serie quedó pospuesto para este miércoles a las 7:15 de la noche.

via Cubadebate http://ift.tt/1hTAsty

Increíbles ilusiones ópticas en fotografías (II)

¿Qué pasa si nuestros sentidos nos engañan? Debido a la atención que estas imágenes generaron en un post anterior de Cubadebate, hemos hecho una selección de efectos ópticos que no son lo que parecen. Las fotos fueron tomadas de diferentes páginas web. Según los especialistas, entender estos fenómenos es útil para comprender las limitaciones del sentido visual del ser humano y la posibilidad de distorsión.

via Cubadebate http://ift.tt/1t7LBQN

Event celebrates upcoming Newport to Ensenada race - Daily Pilot

Event celebrates upcoming Newport to Ensenada race

Daily Pilot

As airline, hotel and tourism representatives used the occasion to pitch travel to Mexico, so too did locals offer a taste of shops a short walk away. Located about halfway down the peninsula, Balboa Village is bordered to the south by sunbathers ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News http://ift.tt/1hHI0EP

Game on: Caribbean casinos are hot - USA TODAY

Game on: Caribbean casinos are hot


Gaming isn't new to the islands: it was the big draw at the Tropicana night club in pre-Castro Cuba. It was the inspiration for the .... It's reportedly the largest tourism development project in the Western Hemisphere underway at this time. Even the ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News http://ift.tt/1inC83c

Recibe Walter Martínez distinción Félix Elmuza

El periodista venezolano Walter Martínez recibió la distinción Félix Elmuza, máximo galardón de la Unión de Periodistas de Cuba a profesionales del sector nacionales y extranjeros con destacada trayectoria. Con la medalla se reconocen sus aportes y contribución al conocimiento e interpretación de la vida de nuestra sociedad.

via Cubadebate http://ift.tt/1h1kTjw

Juicio por atentados del 11/S en Nueva York en suspenso por espionaje

El juicio militar contra cinco presuntos conspiradores de los atentados del 11 de septiembre de 2001 en la ciudad estadounidense de Nueva York, permanece en suspenso tras las acusaciones de espionaje sobre la defensa. Según destacan hoy medios digitales, las denuncias recaen sobre la Oficina Federal de Investigación (FBI, por sus siglas en inglés), la cual supuestamente utilizó a un miembro del equipo legal como informante confidencial.

via Cubadebate http://ift.tt/1kYWAe6

Agua radiactiva de Fukushima llega a la costa oeste de EE.UU.

Los expertos estiman que el agua radiactiva de la central nuclear japonesa de Fukushima vertida al océano Pacífico alcanzará la costa oeste de EE.UU. en los próximos días. El oceanógrafo Ken Buesseler organizó un programa para comprobar el nivel de radiación a lo largo de la costa oeste de EE.UU., puesto que en el mes de abril se detectaron rastros de agua radiactiva de Fukushima en algunos puntos de la costa occidental.

via Cubadebate http://ift.tt/1iW6YfV

La USAID, la NED y el GALI en la subversión contra América Latina

La Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID) y la Fundación Nacional para la Democracia (NED) –ambas vinculadas al Departamento de Estado de ese país- se encuentran bastante activas en su tarea de socavar política y moralmente a los gobiernos de izquierda y progresistas de América Latina.

via Cubadebate http://ift.tt/1evwNY0

Denuncia diario barbadense aplicación extraterritorial del bloqueo

El diario barbadense “TheNation” -el de mayor circulación en Barbados- publicó en su edición dominical un artículo del reconocido columnista caribeño Rickey Singh que aborda el reciente episodio en el que la filial localde la cadena norteamericana de supermercados PriceSmart Inc. informó oficialmente a la Embajada de Cuba en este país la decisión de su casa matriz en Texas de impedir a la misión cubana su acceso a esa entidad.

via Cubadebate http://ift.tt/1kYRUVJ

Has anyone noticed that ...

via Cuba Journal http://ift.tt/1p8kzJv

Game 6 of the finals has been suspended because of rain

via Cuba Journal http://ift.tt/1p8kBBp

IMF Comments on Risk to Caribbean of Potential Petro Caribe Pullout - WINN FM


IMF Comments on Risk to Caribbean of Potential Petro Caribe Pullout


"Venezuela's supposed assistance to the region, has greatly increased the national debts of the country...let's take Petro Caribe for example, even though it is seen as loan that is extended, the truth is, the increase of the national debt is ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News http://ift.tt/1hHaPky

Latin America the World's Most Violent Region - Washington Free Beacon

Latin America the World's Most Violent Region

Washington Free Beacon

Latin America is now the world's most violent region but is receiving less U.S. military and financial assistance, according to a recent report and other figures. Latin America surpassed Africa as the region with the most murders per 100,000 people ...

Is the Drug War in Latin America Wasting Billions?

via Latin america - Google News http://ift.tt/1eGrHbW

How CVC Has Made $8.2 Billion From Formula One Auto Racing - Forbes

How CVC Has Made $8.2 Billion From Formula One Auto Racing


This year the inaugural race in the Russian resort of Sochi will take place and it is due to be joined in 2015 by Mexico which will bring the calendar to its limit. Another ... Holding an F1 race drives tourism by promoting the host country to a ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News http://ift.tt/1l4K8VY

From Asia To California - Forbes


From Asia To California


Several months ago, Global Hotel Network invited me to share my views of the impact on Orange County, California—and the entire US—that the coming avalanche of tourists from mainland China will have on all of us in the hospitality industry and beyond ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News http://ift.tt/1kYTTcx

Seis meses para el caso de Carlos Muñiz Varela

El Secretario de Justicia de Puerto Rico, César Miranda, ha dado un plazo de seis meses para lograr armar el caso sobre la investigación del asesinato político del exiliado empresario cubano Carlos Muñiz Varela, ocurrido hace 35 años. “Espero tener un cuadro total en seis meses”, dijo ayer el Secretario Miranda, después de reunirse el miércoles con el hijo de Muñiz Varela, Carlos Muñiz Pérez.

via Cubadebate http://ift.tt/1qDUZJO

ARTEX inicia “Fiesta por los Barrios”

Las orquestas “Manolito Simonet y su Trabuco”, “Maykel Blanco y Salsa Mayor” y “Elito Revé y su Charangón”, serán las protagonistas del primer concierto que se realizará el próximo 19 de abril en la Plaza Roja del Municipio 10 de octubre, a las 9 de la noche, que tributa al aniversario 25 de ARTEX, institución dedicada a la promoción y comercialización, del producto cultural cubano.

via Cubadebate http://ift.tt/1kX17Ol

Elegido Yosvani Torres Jugador Más Valioso de la 53 Serie Nacional de Béisbol

Yosvani Torres, el astro derecho de Pinar del Río, fue electo como el Jugador Más Valioso de la 53 serie Nacional de Béisbol, tras la votación de los cronistas deportivos del país, quienes seleccionaron con sus votos los equipos Todos Estrellas ofensivo y defensivo.

via Cubadebate http://ift.tt/1hHIb3R

Avanza proyecto de creación de la Biblioteca Digital Nacional

“La biblioteca cubana hoy tiene que estar a la altura tecnológica, científica y conceptual del siglo XXI. Hay que pensar qué biblioteca queremos, aspiramos y necesitamos”. Así expresó el doctor Eduardo Torres Cuevas, historiador y director de la Biblioteca Nacional José Martí, en su conferencia magistral “Transformación e integración de las bibliotecas”, la cual dejara inaugurado el XIII Congreso Internacional de Información INFO 2014, que sesionará hasta el viernes 18 de abril.

via Cubadebate http://ift.tt/Q9tpr2

Why Latin America Is So Violent - Business Insider

Business Insider

Why Latin America Is So Violent

Business Insider

According to a recent report by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Latin America is the most violent region in the world, with an average 25 murders per 100,000 population, as compared to a global average of 6.2 per 100,000 population in 2012.

Honduras, Central America still lead the world in murder rates

Impunity in murder cases is growing in Latin America, UN warns in report

via Latin america - Google News http://ift.tt/1qEtXSD

Prologis Inks Lease Deals in Latin America - Zacks.com

Prologis Inks Lease Deals in Latin America


Ushering in good news for its Latin America platform, industrial real estate investment trust (REIT) – Prologis Inc. (PLD - Analyst Report) – announced the signing of four development lease deals in the first quarter of 2014 in Brazil and Mexico. The ...

via Latin america - Google News http://ift.tt/1m5oBQT

RPT-Fitch: As US Fiscal Standoff Risks Subside, Latin America Remains ... - Reuters

RPT-Fitch: As US Fiscal Standoff Risks Subside, Latin America Remains ...


With risk associated to U.S. fiscal challenges less urgent, Latin America remains tested by slowing growth in China and its effect on commodities demand, according to Fitch Ratings Latin America Risk radar. 'Growth across Latin America, while still ...

via Latin america - Google News http://ift.tt/1m5oBQM

Lessons from Latin America: how to grow the middle class - The Guardian

The Guardian

Lessons from Latin America: how to grow the middle class

The Guardian

Lessons from Latin America: how to grow the middle class. Millions of people have moved out of poverty and into the middle class in Latin America over the last few years. Our panel talked about what it takes to narrow the gap between rich and poor.

AP PHOTOS: Editor Selections From Latin America

Fragile Middle: Latin American aspirations risk being frustrated

via Latin america - Google News http://ift.tt/1qEtVKl

Zig-zag road markings baffle drivers

Strange road markings in Sao Paulo baffle drivers

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean http://ift.tt/1hRDBdo

Will Cuts in Home Health Care Increase Overall Health Care Spinning?

On Jan. 1, Medicare‘s home health care services, formerly serving 3.5 million elderly beneficiaries across the country, were cut under ObamaCare. The cut deleted exactly 14 percent, or an estimated $22 billion, from these lowest-income Americans over four years… Using 2009 as a reference year, Medicare‘s average Part A and Part B payment for a […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog http://ift.tt/1gyCRKP

Six Reasons Why Six Flags' Stock Is a Smart Buy - Motley Fool

Six Reasons Why Six Flags' Stock Is a Smart Buy

Motley Fool

Nancy Krejsa, the senior Vice President of investor relations and corporate communications at Six Flags, realizes the importance of Dubai in the world economy: "Dubai is a vibrant and growing market, where there is high amounts of disposable income, as ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News http://ift.tt/1eErOoe

No kids allowed: Disney's Epcot after hours gives adults a chance to relax - Orlando Business Journal

No kids allowed: Disney's Epcot after hours gives adults a chance to relax

Orlando Business Journal

From 9:20 p.m to 11 p.m., guests will have chance to wine and dine at four of Epcot's restaurants: La Cava del Tequila (Mexico), Spice Road Table (Morocco), Tutto Gusto Wine Cellar (Italy) and Rose & Crown Pub (United Kingdom), reports News 13. This ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News http://ift.tt/1gyCRdU

Baby Chickens 'Cooked Alive' At Hatchery, Animal Rights Group Contends - Huffington Post Canada

Baby Chickens 'Cooked Alive' At Hatchery, Animal Rights Group Contends

Huffington Post Canada

Many are used in the tourism sector at special elephant parks or zoos, where they perform in shows. In some .... In Mexico. Two fishermen in northeastern Mexico claim they netted a dead great white shark estimated to be near 20-feet-long on April 15, 2012.

via tourism in mexico - Google News http://ift.tt/1gyCPCK

Searching for internet access in Communist Cuba - BBC News

BBC News

Searching for internet access in Communist Cuba

BBC News

Cuba's Communist government has always maintained tight control over information. All media on the island are state-controlled and access to the internet is restricted. Only a privileged few are allowed online at home and there is little public wifi ...

via cuba - Google News http://ift.tt/1hFnVPf

7:15 PM tonight. Will the Pativerdes defeat the squad directed by Mr. YO?

via Cuba Journal http://ift.tt/1hFnYdP

Chilean residents survey fire damage

Residents of the Chilean city of Valparaiso return to areas burned by a fast-moving forest fire which engulfed parts of the historic port.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean http://ift.tt/1ilB53K

The Cost of ObamaCare Is Down 8%, but That May Not Be Good News

But so is access to doctors and hospitals in the plans offered on the health insurance exchanges. A Congressional Budget Office report estimates lower federal spending (see the figure). The reason: Health plans in the exchanges look more like Medicaid than like employer-based coverage. Jason Millman reports: The CBO report points out that it previously […]

via John Goodman's Health Policy Blog http://ift.tt/1eKlshL

Gobierno y oposición desarrollarán segunda ronda de diálogo en Venezuela

El Gobierno y la oposición comenzarán hoy el segundo capítulo de las conversaciones acordadas para poner fin a la violencia y lograr la concordia nacional en Venezuela. Desde el pasado día 12 de febrero, el país ha enfrentado 18 mil actos de violencia que han dejado más de 39 personas fallecidas, 15 mil millones de dólares en daños y pérdidas, y una cifra superior a los 590 heridos.

via Cubadebate http://ift.tt/1hHDpTV

Reef business booming, David Walter says - Gulf Coast News Today

Reef business booming, David Walter says

Gulf Coast News Today

His company on the Intracoastal Waterway just west of the Foley Beach Express has oodles of reef business coming from all along Florida's coast, a job in Venezuela and a potful of money looms on the horizon that is earmarked for even more reefs. “There ...

via tourism in Venezuela - Google News http://ift.tt/1iTr2k8

Daily Headlines: April 15, 2014

via The Latin Americanist http://ift.tt/1gACqmz

Skal International India elects Amarjit Lidder as President - TravelBizMonitor

Skal International India elects Amarjit Lidder as President


Skal International is the only global umbrella organisation related to tourism and draws its membership from senior professionals from all fields of tourism may it be tour operators, hotels, resorts, airlines, golf courses, entertainment parks ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News http://ift.tt/1iT4qjG

Reef business booming, David Walter says - Gulf Coast News Today

Reef business booming, David Walter says

Gulf Coast News Today

“Organization for Artificial Reefs is going to buy some, the Mexico Beach Artificial Reef Association is going to buy the rest of them,” Walter said. “We're doing Mexico Beach right now. We've got about $175,000 worth of reefs for them. Then we're ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News http://ift.tt/1etkHyz

Skål UK Focuses on Human Rights in Tourism - eTurboNews


Skål UK Focuses on Human Rights in Tourism


Skål UK, part of the world's largest network of tourism leaders, has pledged its support to the international movement against the commercial exploitation of children and has invited a representative from Barnardo's to speak about this growing problem ...

via tourism in mexico - Google News http://ift.tt/1iT4pw8

Nicaragua on high alert after quakes

Nicaragua is preparing for the possibility of a massive earthquake hitting the nation after a string of smaller tremors rocked the area.

via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean http://ift.tt/1hHg4BQ

Cuba travel staying strong operators say - Travel Weekly

Cuba travel staying strong operators say

Travel Weekly

“The outlook for travel to Cuba is bright," he added. "Regarding this upward trend, I think travel agents could be doing a lot more with Cuba as a destination for their clients. Yes, it's more complicated, but our guests love the experience -- so much ...

Insight Cuba Celebrates Summertime Travel To Cuba: Save Up To $300 Per ...

via Travel Cuba - Google News http://ift.tt/1t428Fu

Exploring Native American culture

Modern American Indian culture is thriving in galleries, powwows, film festivals and restaurants. Here are some of the best places in the United States to experience Native America.

via CNN.com - Latin America http://ift.tt/1hGNnoH

Tourists flock from all over the world - Caymanian Compass

Tourists flock from all over the world

Caymanian Compass

That's more than 10 times higher than the next largest visitor group – the 23,460 tourists who arrived from Canada. The U.K. is next with just over 13,000 visitors, followed by Cayman's closest neighbors, Jamaica and Cuba. No other countries supplied ...

via tourism in cuba - Google News http://ift.tt/1qCJHFE

Fernando González: “Fuimos conscientes de que estábamos pagando por ser revolucionarios”

“Desde el inicio de este proceso fuimos conscientes de que estábamos pagando por ser cubanos revolucionarios. Por estar realizando una labor para el pueblo de Cuba, para la Revolución, y hasta para el pueblo de Estados Unidos, pues evitamos acciones terroristas que le hubieran podido afectar. El castigo no fue contra mí, contra nosotros: fue una necesidad de venganza por el odio que tienen contra un proceso revolucionario, contra una historia. Y así lo asumimos.”

via Cubadebate http://ift.tt/1hPXTUz